温故知新(TOP)(萬葉集 Man'yōshū) (ManyoshuBest100) (四字熟語) (フラッシュカード) (名言Quotation)

Four-Character Idiomatic Compounds

Yojijukugo   2005-2012   v.4.0... Copy 1

英 訳   四 字 熟 語   辞 典
第4版    (2005-2012)

These pages contain approximately 3,300 Japanese Four-Character Idiomatic Compounds (四字熟語・よじ じゅくご・yojijukugo) along with their English meanings. The words are arranged in the order of the kana syllabary (五十音順・ごじゅうおん じゅん). Romanized spelling of each compound (in waapuro style) has been added in v.4.0 (2012).

For the meaning of the term yojijukugo, see Yojijukugo in WIKIPEDIA, The Free Encylopedia.

Portions or all of the text of this yojijukugo listing may be downloaded and reproduced electronically or in print for educational, non-profit purposes, provided credit is given by reference to the URL of this website or by including the following copyright notice:       Copyright 2005-2012 Kanji Haitani

Comments, corrections, and suggestions are welcome. Please send your email to:

khaitani1#earthlink.net    (Replace # by @ before sending the message.)

  DISCLAIMER: Although I have done my best to present error-free material,
    I shall not be liable for any errors or imperfections that may remain.

For the English meanings of these four-character idioms, I have consulted some of the references listed below. From among the meanings given in these sources, I have selected ones which I believe are the most appropriate, and provided my own defintions wherever deemed necessary or helpful.

Major References:
 ◇ Kenkyusha's New Japanese-English Dictionary, 5th ed. (CD-ROM)
 ◇ Yahoo! Japan Dictionaries (Yahoo! 辞書)    http://dic.yahoo.co.jp/
 ◇ 田部井文雄 編 『大修館 四字熟語辞典』 大修館書店 2004
 ◇ 日本漢字教育振興会 編 『漢検・四字熟語辞典』 1997
 ◇ Jim Breen's WWWJDIC Japanese-EnglishDictionary (Monash University)

Codes    記号一覧

adj        adjective (keiyoushi) 形容詞
adv        adverb (fukushi) 副詞
adj-na   "na" adjective, or adjectival noun (keiyoudoushi)  [~な」形容動詞
                   Uses "-na" to form an adjective.
adj-no   "no" adjective, or nouns which may take "-no" to form an adjective.
adj-t     "taru" adjective. 「ト/タル」形容動詞   「-たる」の形で連体詞    Uses "-taru" to form an adjective.
adv-to   adverb taking the "to" particle. 「ト/タル」形容動詞    「-と」の形で副詞    Uses "-to" to form an adverb. 
exp        expressions  (clauses, sayings, exclamations, etc.)
int        interjection   間投詞 
n           common noun (futsuumeishi) 普通名詞
n-adv    adverbial noun (fukushiteki meishi)  副詞的名詞
n-t        temporal noun (jisoumeishi)  時相名詞
vs          noun which takes the auxiliary verb "suru" さ変形動名詞



合縁奇縁・相縁機縁 (あいえんきえん) [aienkien]
(n) uncanny relationship formed by a quirk of fate; a couple strangely but happily united

相碁井目 (あいごせいもく) [aigoseimoku]
(exp,n) In every game or play, differences in skill between individuals can be substantial.

哀訴嘆願・哀訴歎願 (あいそたんがん) [aisotangan]
(n,vs) plea; entreaty; supplication

相手次第 (あいてしだい) [aiteshidai]
(n) being up to the other party; one's attitude or response being dependent on the character, attitude, or move(s) of the other party

哀悼痛惜 (あいとうつうせき) [aitoutsuuseki]
(n) condolence; mourning; sorrow; lamentation

愛別離苦 (あいべつりく) [aibetsuriku]
(n) the agony of separation from loved ones

合間合間 (あいまあいま) [aimaaima]
(n) (in) one's spare time; (at) intervals; (in) pauses (of conversation, etc.); (in between) periods of doing something

曖昧模糊 (あいまいもこ) [aimaimoko]
(adj-na,adj-t,adv-to) obscure; vague; ambiguous; hazy

青息吐息 (あおいきといき) [aoikitoiki]
(n) deep distress; sigh uttered when one is in great distress

商人気質 (あきんどかたぎ・しょうにんかたぎ) [akindokatagi/shouninkatagi]
(n) mercantile mind-set; mercenary spirit; being intent on making a profit

悪因悪果 (あくいんあっか) [akuin'akka] 
(exp,n) sowing and reaping evil; An evil cause produces an evil effect.

青田売買 (あおたばいばい) [aotabaibai]
(n) dealing in unharvested rice crop

悪逆非道 (あくぎゃくひどう) [akugyakuhidou] 
(adj-na,n) heinous; treacherous; atrocious; diabolic; fiendish; inhuman

悪行三昧 (あくぎょうざんまい) [akugyouzanmai]
(n) committing every evil; being given to evil ways; following the path of evil

悪逆無道 (あくぎゃくむどう・あくぎゃくぶどう) [akugyakumudou/akugyakubudou] 
(adj-na,n) heinous; treacherous; atrocious; diabolic; fiendish; inhuman

悪事千里 (あくじせんり) [akujisenri]
(exp,n) Bad news travel fast.; Ill news spread like wildfire.

悪徳商法 (あくとくしょうほう) [akutokushouhou]
(n) unscrupulous [crooked, fraudulent] business practices; pernicious sales methods

悪戦苦闘 (あくせんくとう) [akusenkutou]
(n,vs) hard [desperate] struggle; fighting against heavy odds

悪人正機 (あくにんしょうき) [akuninshouki]  
(exp,n) The evil persons are the right object of Amida's salvation.; The evil persons have the unique opportunity to go to heaven.

握髪吐哺 (あくはつとほ) [akuhatsutoho]
(n) (a statesman making) extraordinary efforts to find and employ capable persons [persons of great wisdom]

悪木盗泉 (あくぼくとうせん) [akkubokutousen]
(exp,n) A virtuous person does [should] not commit an act that offends his moral principles no matter how hard pressed he may be.

悪魔調伏 (あくまちょうぶく) [akumachoubuku]
(n) exorcism; praying down evil spirits

足軽大将 (あしがるたいしょう) [ashigarutaishou]
(n) samurai in command of a troop of foot soldiers

可惜身命 (あたらしんみょう) [atarashinmyou] 
(n) valuing one's body and life; holding one's life dear

彼方此方 (あちこち・あちらこちら・あっちこっち・かなたこなた)
(adv,n) here and there; everywhere; all over (the place); throughout; sporadically

悪鬼羅刹 (あっきらせつ) [akkirasetsu]  
(n) man-eating fiend

悪口雑言 (あっこうぞうごん) [akkouzougon] 
(n) stream of verbal abuse; cursing and swearing (words)

跡目相続 (あとめそうぞく) [atomesouzoku]
(n) taking over as (the) head of a family; succession to the position of family head; successorship

阿鼻叫喚 (あびきょうかん) [abikyoukan]  
(n) agonizing cries; pandemonium; two of the eight burning hells in Buddhism

阿鼻地獄 (あびじごく) [abijigoku] 
(n) the Avici hell, the eighth and most painful of the eight hells in Buddhism

阿付迎合・阿附迎合 (あふげいごう) [afugeigou]  
(n,vs) ingratiation; sycophancy

雨傘番組 (あまがさばんぐみ) [amagasabangumi]
(n) substitute for a scheduled live broadcast of a sporting event that was rained out

甘辛両党 (あまからりょうとう) [amakararyoutou]
(n) person who likes alcohol and sweets equally well

甘辛両刀 (あまからりょうとう) [amakararyoutou]
(adj-no,n) taste for both wines and sweets; having a liking for both alcoholic beverages and sweet things

蛙鳴蝉噪 (あめいせんそう) [ameisensou]
(n) annoying noise; fruitless argument; useless controversy

阿諛迎合 (あゆげいごう) [ayugeigou]
(n,vs) ingratiation; sycophancy  

阿諛追従 (あゆついしょう) [ayutsuishou]
(n,vs) excessive flattery; adulation

阿諛便佞・阿諛弁佞 (あゆべんねい) [ayubennei] 
(adj-no,n) flattery; adulation; sycophancy

有難迷惑 (ありがためいわく) [arigatameiwaku]
(adj-na,n) misplaced kindness; mixed blessing; an unwelcome favor

暗雲低迷 (あんうんていめい) [an'unteimei]
(n) dark clouds hanging low; dark clouds gathering ominously (over)

安心立命 (あんしんりつめい・あんじんりゅうみょう) [anshinritsumei/anjinryuumyou]
(n,vs) spiritual peace and enlightenment; keeping an unperturbed mind through faith

暗送秋波 (あんそうしゅうは) [ansoushuuha]
(n) giving an amorous sidelong look; casting an amorous glance (at); playing up to someone behind the scenes

暗中飛躍 (あんちゅうひやく) [anchuuhiyaku]
(n,vs) behind-the-scenes maneuvering; secret maneuvers

暗中模索 (あんちゅうもさく) [anchuumosaku]
(n,vs) groping in the dark; exploring new avenues without having any clues

安寧秩序 (あんねいちつじょ)  [anneichitsujo]
(n) peace and order; law and order

安穏無事 (あんのんぶじ) [annonbuji]
(adj-na,n) peace and quiet; safe and peaceful; tranquil and uneventful

安否不明 (あんぴふめい) [anpifumei]
(n) fate [safety] of a person [persons] being unknown

安眠妨害 (あんみんぼうがい) [anminbougai]
(n) disturbance of sleep; a nuisance in the middle of the night

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唯々諾々・唯唯諾諾 (いいだくだく) [iidakudaku]
(adj-t,adv-to) (obeying/following) tamely; readily; submissively; with acquiescence

遺憾千万 (いかんせんばん) [ikansenban]  
(adj-na) highly regrettable; utterly deplorable; deeply chagrined

衣冠束帯 (いかんそくたい) [ikansokutai]
(n) full Japanese court dress of traditional fashion

意気軒昂・意気軒高 (いきけんこう) [ikikenkou] 
(adj-na,adj-t,adv-to) in high spirits; in an ebullient mood; elated

意気消沈 (いきしょうちん) [ikishouchin]
(n,vs) in low spirits; despondent; disheartened; down in the dumps

意気衝天 (いきしょうてん) [ikishouten]
(n) in high spirits; in top form

意気阻喪 (いきそそう) [ikisosou]
(n,vs) in low spirits; despondent; disheartened; down in the dumps

意気投合 (いきとうごう) [ikitougou]
(n,vs) hit it off with (a person); find a kindred spirit in (a person)

意気揚々・意気揚揚 (いきようよう) [ikiyouyou]
(adj-t,adv-to) triumphant; exultant; in high and proud spirits

異曲同工 (いきょくどうこう) [ikyokudoukou]
(n) different in appearance but essentially the same in content; equal in skills or workmanship but different in style or artistic flavor; the same for all practical purposes

異口同音 (いくどうおん) [ikudouon]
(n) in concert; with one voice; unanimously

意見具申 (いけんぐしん) [ikengushin]
(n,vs) offering one's opinion (to someone on something)

意向尊重 (いこうそんちょう) [ikousonchou]
(n) respecting the intention/wishes of someone

意向打診 (いこうだしん) [ikoudashin]
(n) sounding out the intension/wishes of someone

意向無視 (いこうむし) [ikoumushi]
(n) ignoring/overriding the intention/wishes of someone

異国趣味 (いこくしゅみ) [ikokushumi]
(n) taste for the exotic; infatuation with a foreign way of life; exoticism

異国情緒 (いこくじょうちょ) [ikokujoucho] 
(n) exotic mood; exotic atmosphere; exoticism

異国情調 (いこくじょうちょう) [ikokujouchou] 
(n) exotic mood; exotic atmosphere; exoticism

遺恨試合 (いこんしあい) [ikonshiai]
(n) grudge match

遺恨十年 (いこんじゅうねん) [ikonjuunen]
(adv,n) grudge of ten years' standing; harboring a grudge for many years

委細承知 (いさいしょうち) [isaishouchi]
(exp,n,vs) details [particulars, the total situation] being fully understood; Understood.; Agreed.

委細面談 (いさいめんだん) [isaimendan]
(exp) Details when I see you.; Details [particulars] to be discussed [arranged] personally [by interview].

意識過剰 (いしきかじょう) [ishikikajou]
(adj-na,n) hyperconsciousness; too great a sense (of); something being only one's imagination; letting imagination run away with one

意識転換 (いしきてんかん) [ishikitenkan]
(n,vs) change in mentality; changing one's way of thinking; adjusting psychologically to shifting circumstances

意識不明 (いしきふめい) [ishikifumei]
(n) unconscious; senseless; in a coma

意識変革  (いしきへんかく) [ishikihenkaku]
(n,vs) radical change in mentality; radically changing one's way of thinking; radical change in consciousness

意識朦朧 (いしきもうろう) [ishikimourou]
(adj-t,adv-to) being in a hazy state; being only half conscious; feeling dopey

意志堅固 (いしけんご) [ishikengo]
(adj-na,n) strong determination; strong-willed; having strong will power; firmness of purpose

意志疎通 (いしそつう) [ishisotsuu]
(n) mutual understanding; reciprocal communication

異字同訓 (いじどうくん) [ijidoukun]
(n) a (Chinese) character with the same reading [pronunciation] as another but a different written form; characters read the same but written differently

意志薄弱 (いしはくじゃく) [ishihakujaku] 
(adj-na,n) weak-willed; lacking will power to be patient, purposeful, or resolute; infirmness of purpose

意思表示 (いしひょうじ) [ishihyouji]
(n,vs) declaration of intention; manifestation of intent; expressing one's will

石部金吉 (いしべきんきち) [ishibekinkichi]
(n) man of incorruptible character; strait-laced and inflexible man; man who is impervious to women's charms

意趣遺恨 (いしゅいこん) [ishuikon]
(n) grudge; spite; malice; rancor

意匠惨憺 (いしょうさんたん) [ishousantan]
(n) taxing one's ingenuity in devising something; agonizing over designing or creating something; making strenuous efforts to devise good ways and means to do something

衣装道楽 (いしょうどうらく) [ishoudouraku]
(n) love of fine clothing; weakness for fine clothes; being extravagant in clothing

医食同源 (いしょくどうげん) [ishokudougen]  
(exp,n) Medicine and one's daily diet are equally important for a healthy body.; The same principles underlie a normal diet and medical treatment.

以心伝心 (いしんでんしん) [ishindenshin]
(n-adv,n) without any need for words; tacit understanding; communion of mind with mind; through sympathy; telepathy

異体同心 (いたいどうしん) [itaidoushin] 
(n) being two in body, but one in mind; harmony of mind between two persons; two persons acting in one accord

悪戯小僧 (いたずらこぞう) [itazurakozou]
(n) mischievous boy

悪戯坊主 (いたずらぼうず) [itazurabouzu]
(n) mischievous boy  

異端邪説 (いたんじゃせつ) [itanjasetsu]
(n) heretical doctrine [thought, faith]

一意専心 (いちいせんしん) [ichiisenshin]
(n-adv) single-mindedly; wholeheartedly; with one's heart and soul

一衣帯水 (いちいたいすい) [ichiitaisui]
(n) (being separated by) a narrow strip of water; a narrow strait [channel, river]

一行知識 (いちぎょうちしき) [ichigyouchishiki]
(n) one-line fact; one-line information; information [explanation] provided in a few scanty words

一芸一能 (いちげいいちのう) [ichigeiichinou]
(n) (excelling in) one area or skill; (being skilled or gifted in) one certain area

一芸入試 (いちげいにゅうし) [ichigeinyuushi]
(n) entrance exam for a university giving preference to persons who excel in one special field [skill]; one-talent oriented entrance examination

一言一行 (いちげんいっこう) [ichigenikkou]
(n) just a word or an act; every word and act; a casual [inadvertent] word or act

一言居士 (いちげんこじ・いちごんこじ) [ichigenkoji/ichigonkoji]
(n) person who is ready to comment on every subject; ready critic; person who always has to put in his two cents (worth)

一期一会 (いちごいちえ) [ichigoichie]
(n) once-in-a-lifetime experience [opportunity, encounter]; experience that will never come again

一語一語 (いちごいちご) [ichigoichigo]
(n-adv) word for word; verbatim

一伍一什 (いちごいちじゅう) [ichigoichijuu]
(n) full particulars; the whole story; from beginning to end

一語一句 (いちごいっく) [ichigoikku] 
(n) every single word and phrase; each and every word

一期末代 (いちごまつだい) [ichigomatsudai]
(n) this world [life] and the next; eternity

一言一句 (いちごんいっく) [ichigon'ikku]
(n) every single word and phrase; each and every word

一言隻句 (いちごんせっく・いちごんせきく) [ichigonsekku/ichigonsekiku]
(n) every single word and phrase; each and every word

一言半句 (いちごんはんく) [ichigonhanku]
(n) a single word; (not even) a word; (not even) a syllable

一字一字 (いちじいちじ) [ichijiichiji]
(n) letter by letter; character by character

一字一句 (いちじいっく)  [ichijiikku]
(n) word for word; verbatim; a single word and a single phrase

一字千金 (いちじせんきん) [ichijisenkin]
(n) precious [greatly prized] (word/writing)

一日三秋 (いちじつさんしゅう・いちにちさんしゅう)[ichijitsusanshuu/ichinichisanshuu]
(n) (waiting) impatiently; (spending) many a weary day; each moment seeming like an eternity

一日千秋 (いちじつせんしゅう・いちにちせんしゅう) [ichijitsusenshuu/ichinichisenshuu] 
(n) (waiting) impatiently; (spending) many a weary day; each moment seeming like an eternity

一字半句 (いちじはんく) [ichijihanku]
(n) a single word; (not even) a word; (not even) a syllable

一汁一菜  (いちじゅういっさい) [ichijuuissai]
(n) meal consisting of rice, one soup and one other dish; a simple meal

一上一下 (いちじょういちげ) [ichijouichige]
(n,vs) up and down

一新紀元 (いちしんきげん) [ichishinkigen]
(n) marking (the beginning of) a new era [epoch]

一族郎党 (いちぞくろうとう) [ichizokuroutou]
(n) one's family and followers; one's whole clan

一代一度 (いちだいいちど) [ichidaiichido]
(adj-no,n) once in an emperor's reign; event that takes place only once in a sovereign's reign

一大決心 (いちだいけっしん) [ichidaikesshin]
(n,vs) momentous [crucial] decision

一大旋風 (いちだいせんぷう) [ichidaisenpuu]
(n) great sensation; taking something by storm; making a splash

一大鉄槌 (いちだいてっつい) [ichidaitettsui]
(n) dealing a hard [heavy, crushing] blow (to)

一大転機 (いちだいてんき) [ichidaitenki]
(n) significant turning point

一代分限 (いちだいぶんげん・いちだいぶげん) [ichidaibungen/ichidaibugen]
(n) new money; nouveau riche; person who has amassed substantial wealth in his lifetime

一諾千金 (いちだくせんきん) [ichidakusenkin]
(n) one's word is worth a thousand pieces of gold; a promise that is worth its weight in gold

一読三嘆・一読三歎 (いちどくさんたん) [ichidokusantan]
(n,vs) a reading leaves one with ceaseless sighs of admiration

一読呆然 (いちどくぼうぜん) [ichidokubouzen]
(n,vs) a (single) reading [a perusal] leaves one dumbfounded

一日一善 (いちにちいちぜん) [ichinichiichizen]
(n) doing a good deed each day; doing one good turn a day

一日二日 (いちにちふつか) [ichinichifutsuka]
(adv,n) a day or two

一人当千 (いちにんとうせん・いちにんとうぜん) [ichinintousen/ichinintouzen]
(n) being a match for a thousand

一念発起 (いちねんほっき) [ichinenhokki]
(n,vs) (firmly) resolved to (do something)

一年有半 (いちねんゆうはん) [ichinenyuuhan]
(n) one year and a half

一暴十寒 (いちばくじっかん) [ichibakujikkan]
(exp) Bursts of exertion will fail to bear fruit if interrupted by long periods of idleness; Strenuous efforts, unless sustained, are to no avail. [Mencius]

一罰百戒 (いちばつひゃっかい) [ichibatsuhyakkai]
(n) punishing a crime to make an example for others; punishing one while giving a warning to hundreds

一番勝負 (いちばんしょうぶ) [ichibanshoubu]
(n) contest decided by a single round [bout]; contest decided by a single roll of dice; one-shot game [contest]; make-or-break game

一番風呂 (いちばんぶろ) [ichibanburo]
(n) freshly drawn bath; (taking) a bath before anyone else   

一病息災 (いちびょうそくさい) [ichibyousokusai]
(exp,n) One who nurses a (small) chronic ailment lives longer than someone who takes his good health for granted.

一分一厘 (いちぶいちりん) [ichibuichirin]
(n) (not even) a bit of; (not even) a hint of; (not) an iota of; (not) the slightest

一部始終 (いちぶしじゅう) [ichibushijuu]
(n) full particulars; the whole story; from beginning to end

一別以来 (いちべついらい) [ichibetsuirai]
(n-adv, n-t) since our last meeting; since we parted  

一望千里 (いちぼうせんり) [ichibousenri]
(n) sweeping view of the eye; boundless expanse

一木一草 (いちぼくいっそう) [ichibokuissou]
(n) a single tree or blade of grass; every stick and stone (of a place)

一枚上手 (いちまいうわて) [ichimaiuwate]
(adj-na,n) being a cut above somebody

一枚看板 (いちまいかんばん) [ichimaikanban]
(n) the shining star (of a troupe); the central figure; the best item one has to show; the only thing that can be boasted of

一味同心 (いちみどうしん) [ichimidoushin]
(n) (people) working together with one mind

一味徒党  (いちみととう) [ichimitotou]
(n) the whole party to a plot; the whole gang; fellow conspirators

一網打尽 (いちもうだじん) [ichimoudajin]
(n) big haul; wholesale arrest; catching (the whole lot) with one cast of the net

一目十行 (いちもくじゅうぎょう) [ichimokujuugyou]
(n) outstanding reading ability [Literally: one glance, ten lines]

一目瞭然 (いちもくりょうぜん) [ichimokuryouzen]
(adj-na,n) patently obvious; plain to anyone; as clear as day

一問一答 (いちもんいっとう) [ichimon'ittou]
(n,vs) series of questions and answers; question-and-answer session

一文半銭 (いちもんはんせん) [ichimonhansen]
(n) meager sum of money

一文不知 (いちもんふち) [ichimonfuchi]
(adj-no,n) total illiteracy

一文不通 (いちもんふつう) [ichimonfutsuu]
(adj-no,n) total illiteracy

一夜乞食 (いちやこじき) [ichiyakojiki]
(n) person who has become penniless overnight

一夜大尽 (いちやだいじん) [ichiyadaijin]
(n) overnight millionaire

一陽来復 (いちようらいふく) [ichiyouraifuku]
(n) the return of spring (after the cold of winter); brighter prospects after a period of gloom

一利一害 (いちりいちがい) [ichiriichigai]
(n) (something) having its advantages but also not without its disadvantages; advantage and its (accompanying) disadvantage

一粒万倍 (いちりゅうまんばい) [ichiryuumanbai]
(exp,n) A single seed can eventually produce a great harvest.; Even the smallest beginning can generate a greatest profit.; Watch the pennies, and the pounds will look after themselves.

一両日中 (いちりょうじつちゅう) [ichiryoujitsuchuu]
(n) in a day or two; within the next couple of days

一蓮托生 (いちれんたくしょう) [ichirentakushou]
(n) casting one's lot with another; sharing the same fate with others; being in the same boat; sinking or swimming with the company

一六銀行 (いちろくぎんこう) [ichirokuginkou]
(n) pawnshop

一六勝負 (いちろくしょうぶ) [ichirokushoubu] 
(n) dice gambling game; staking all on one throw; all-or-nothing gamble; risky attempt

一路順風 (いちろじゅんぷう) [ichirojunpuu]
(n) sailing before the wind; everything is going well

一路平安 (いちろへいあん)  [ichiroheian] 
(n) (wishing someone) bon voyage; safe [uneventful, smooth] voyage

一回勝負 (いっかいしょうぶ) [ikkaishoubu]
(n) contest decided by a single round [bout]; contest decided by a single roll of dice; one-shot game [contest]; make-or-break game

一攫千金 (いっかくせんきん) [ikkakusenkin]
(n) making a fortune at a stroke; getting rich quick without much effort

一家眷属 (いっかけんぞく) [ikkakenzoku]    
(n) one's family, relatives, and followers

一家団欒 (いっかだんらん) [ikkadanran]
(n,vs) happy family circle; sitting in a family circle and enjoying conversation; harmony in a family

一家離散 (いっかりさん) [ikkarisan]
(n,vs) the breakup [dispersal] of a family

一喜一憂 (いっきいちゆう) [ikkiichiyuu]
(n,vs) now rejoicing, now worrying; swinging from joy to sorrow; alternate hope and fear

一気呵成 (いっきかせい) [ikkikasei]
(n) (finishing/writing) work at a stroke [stretch]; dashing off; knocking off

一騎当千 (いっきとうせん) [ikkitousen]
(n) being a match for a thousand; being a mighty warrior [combatant, player]

一虚一実 (いっきょいちじつ) [ikkyoichijitsu]
(n) constantly changing phase and being highly unpredictable    

一挙一動 (いっきょいちどう) [ikkyoichidou]
(n) one's every action; every single move

一極集中 (いっきょくしゅうちゅう) [ikkyokushuuchuu]
(n,vs) unipolar concentration; extreme centralization; overconcentration

一挙両全 (いっきょりょうぜん) [ikkyoryouzen]
(n) killing two birds with one stone; serving two ends

一挙両得 (いっきょりょうとく) [ikkyoryoutoku]
(n) killing two birds with one stone; serving two ends

一件落着 (いっけんらくちゃく) [ikkenrakuchaku]
(n,vs) the case is closed; the matter is all settled

一高一低 (いっこういってい) [ikkouittei]
(n,vs) a rise and a fall; now rising, now falling; frequent fluctuations

一刻一刻 (いっこくいっこく) [ikkokuikkoku]
(adv,n) hourly; from hour to hour; moment by moment; momently; from one minute to the next; with each passing moment

一国一城 (いっこくいちじょう) [ikkokuichijou]
(n) (the lord of) a feudal domain; (the ruler of) an independent territory; (someone) working independently; (only) one castle (allowed) in one feudal domain [edict issued by the shogunate in 1615]

一刻千金 (いっこくせんきん) [ikkokusenkin]
(exp,n) very valuable time; Every moment is precious.; Time is money.

一切皆空 (いっさいかいくう) [issaikaikuu]
(exp,n) Matter is void; All is vanity.

一切合切・一切合財 (いっさいがっさい) [issaigassai]
(n-adv,n) any and every thing; altogether; lock, stock, and barrel; the whole kit and caboodle; without reserve

一切衆生 (いっさいしゅじょう) [issaishujou]
(n) all living creatures

一昨々月・一昨昨月 (いっさくさくげつ) [issakusakugetsu]
(n-adv,n-t) three months ago

一昨々夜・一昨昨夜 (いっさくさくや) [issakusakuya]
(n-adv,n-t) two nights before last; three nights back [ago] 

一子相伝 (いっしそうでん) [isshisouden]
(n) transmission of the secrets of an art, craft, trade or learning from father to only one child

一視同仁 (いっしどうじん) [isshidoujin] 
(n) loving every human being with impartiality; universal brotherhood; universal benevolence; equality without discrimination

一死報国 (いっしほうこく) [isshihoukoku]
(n) dying for one's country

一瀉千里 (いっしゃせんり) [isshasenri]
(n) one swift effort; rushing through one's work; (with) rushing speed; lucid and fluent way of talking [writing]; without faltering

一宿一飯 (いっしゅくいっぱん) [isshukuippan]
(n) a night's lodging and a meal; (being beholden to someone for the favor of) a night's lodging and a meal

一瞬絶句 (いっしゅんぜっく) [isshunzekku]
(n,vs) breaking off short (in one's speech); rendered speechless for a moment

一生一度 (いっしょういちど) [isshouichido]
(adj-no,n) once in one's life; once in a lifetime

一生懸命 (いっしょうけんめい) [isshoukenmei]
(adj-na,n-adv,n) very hard; with utmost effort; for dear life; frantically

一唱三嘆・一倡三歎  (いっしょうさんたん) [isshousantan]
(n,vs) one reading (of a poem aloud) leaves one with ceaseless sighs of admiration

一笑千金 (いっしょうせんきん) [isshousenkin]
(exp,n) A smile of a beautiful woman is worth a thousand pieces of gold.; enchanting smile of a glamorous woman

一生不犯 (いっしょうふぼん) [isshoufubon] 
(n) (strict) observance of the Buddhist precept of lifelong celibacy

一触即発 (いっしょくそくはつ) [isshokusokuhatsu]
(n) critical [touch and go] situation; explosive [hair-trigger] situation; flash point

一所懸命 (いっしょけんめい) [isshokenmei]
(adj-na,n-adv,n) (1) very hard; with utmost effort; for dear life; frantically; (2) sticking at living in one place; samurai in earlier feudal times staking his livelihood on his fief

一所不住 (いっしょふじゅう) [isshofujuu]
(n) vagrancy; transient lifestyle; itinerant life; being without a fixed abode

一進一退 (いっしんいったい) [isshin'ittai]
(n,vs) now advancing and now retreating; ebb and flow; wax and wane; taking alternately favorable and unfavorable turns

一心同体 (いっしんどうたい) [isshsindoutai]
(n) being one in body and soul; of one flesh; two hearts beating as one   

一心不乱 (いっしんふらん) [isshinfuran]
(adj-na,n) intently; with heart and soul; with undivided attention; with intense concentration

一世一元 (いっせいいちげん) [isseiichigen]
(n) the practice of assigning one era name to one emperor

一斉射撃 (いっせいしゃげき) [isseishageki]
(n,vs) fusillade (of fire, insults, etc.); volley (of bullets, protests, etc.); barrage of (criticism, heckling, questions, etc.)

一世一代 (いっせいちだい・いっせいいちだい) [isseichidai/isseiichidai]
(n) once in a lifetime; the first and last occurrence [event, experience] of one's lifetime

一世風靡 (いっせいふうび) [isseifuubi]
(n) ruling the times; holding sway over the minds of the people

一石二鳥 (いっせきにちょう) [isseki'nichou]
(n) killing two birds with one stone

一殺多生 (いっせつたしょう・いっさつたしょう) [issetsutashou/issatsutashou]
(n) It is justifiable to kill one (harmful) person to save the lives of many

一体全体 (いったいぜんたい) [ittaizentai]
(adv) what [how, where, why, who] on earth?; what [how, where, why, who] in the world?

一旦緩急 (いったんかんきゅう) [ittankankyuu]
(exp,n) (when) danger threatens; should an emergency occur

一致協力 (いっちきょうりょく) [icchikyouryoku]
(n,vs) combined [concerted] efforts; solidarity; joining forces (with)

一致結束 (いっちけっそく) [icchikessoku]
(n,vs) closing ranks; uniting and working together; coming together for fighting

一致団結 (いっちだんけつ) [icchidanketsu]
(n,vs) solidarity; acting together as one for a common cause

一知半解 (いっちはんかい) [icchihankai]
(n) superficial knowledge; half knowledge

一張一弛 (いっちょういっし) [icchouisshi]
(n,vs) tension and relaxation; treating [handling] a matter judiciously [tactfully], being strict at times and lenient at other times

一朝一夕 (いっちょういっせき) [icchouisseki]
(n) in a day; in a brief space of time

一長一短 (いっちょういったん) [icchouittan]
(n) (something having its) merits and demerits; advantages and disadvantages; strong and weak points

一朝有事 (いっちょうゆうじ) [icchouyuuji] 
(exp,n) (when) the time of need arises; should an emergency occur

一定不変 (いっていふへん) [itteifuhen]
(n) invariable; constant; fixed (and unchangeable); permanent; immutable; unwavering

一擲千金 (いってきせんきん) [ittekisenkin]
(n) being lavish with one's money; spending a huge sum of money at once on a treat

一徹短慮 (いってつたんりょ) [ittetsutanryo]
(adj-na,n) stubborn and short-tempered

一点一画 (いってんいっかく) [itten'ikkaku]
(n) the i's and the t's; (not neglecting) the slightest detail

一天四海 (いってんしかい) [ittenshikai]
(n) the whole world; the universe

一天地六 (いってんちろく) [ittenchiroku]
(exp,n) a die; gambling with dice; playing hazard; You can never tell what'll pop up.

一天万乗 (いってんばんじょう) [ittenbanjou]
(n) (the throne or realm of) a sovereign [an emperor]

一刀両断 (いっとうりょうだん) [ittouryoudan]
(n) cutting in two with a single stroke; taking a decisive [drastic] measure; cutting the (Gordian) knot

一得一失 (いっとくいっしつ) [ittokuisshitsu]
(n) gaining some and losing some; (something having its) advantages and disadvantages; merits and demerits

一杯一杯 (いっぱいいっぱい) [ippaiippai]
(adj-na,n-adv,n) 1 one cup after another; cup by cup; 2 to the limit; to the fullest extent; absolutely the limit; the best one can do; be breaking even

一杯機嫌 (いっぱいきげん) [ippaikigen]
(adj-no,n) be a little drunk; be tipsy

一発回答 (いっぱつかいとう) [ippatsukaitou]
(n) first and final offer in labor-management negotiations

一発逆転 (いっぱつぎゃくてん) [ippatsugyakuten]
(n,vs) turning things around with a home run; turning the tables with a single successful attack [move]

一発勝負 (いっぱつしょうぶ) [ippatsushoubu]
(n) contest decided by a single round [bout]; contest decided by a single roll of dice; one-shot game [contest]; make-or-break game

一発必中 (いっぱつひっちゅう) [ippatsuhicchuu]
(n) success on the first try [attempt]

一筆啓上 (いっぴつけいじょう) 
(exp,n) Just a short note to tell you ... ; This will just be a short note. [a set formula of greeting used by a man at the beginning of a brief note]

一顰一笑 (いっぴんいっしょう) [ippin'isshou]
(n) a smile or frown; one's mood [caprice]

一夫一妻 (いっぷいっさい) [ippuissai]
(n) monogamy

一夫一婦 (いっぷいっぷ) [ippuippu]
(n) monogamy

一服休憩 (いっぷくきゅうけい) [ippukukyuukei]
(n,vs) tea [coffee, cigarette] break

一夫多妻 (いっぷたさい) [ipputasai]
(n) polygyny

一歩一歩 (いっぽいっぽ) [ippoippo]
(n-adv,n) step by step; every step

一本調子 (いっぽんぢょうし・いっぽんちょうし) [ipponjoushi/ipponchoushi]
(adj-na,n) monotone; dullness; repetition

逸楽生活 (いつらくせいかつ) [itsurakuseikatsu]
(n) a life given up to pleasure; pleasure-seeking lifestyle

以毒制毒 (いどくせいどく) [idokuseidoku]
(n) using poisonous medication to control poison; fighting evil with evil; fighting fire with fire

田舎気質 (いなかかたぎ) [inakakatagi]
(n) rusticity; provincialism

田舎大尽 (いなかだいじん) [inakadaijin]
(n) provincial [country] millionaire

意馬心猿 (いばしんえん) [ibashin'en] 
(n) the clamorous demands of (uncontrollable) passions; (being unable to control) one's worldly desires and passions

夷蛮戎狄 (いばんじゅうてき) [inanjuuteki]
(n) the barbarians beyond the borders of old China

威風堂々・威風堂堂 (いふうどうどう) [ifuudoudou]
(adj-t,adv-to) awe-inspiring; majestic; commanding; stately; with an imposing air; in a stately [dignified] manner

威風凛々・威風凛凛 (いふうりんりん) [ifuurinrin]
(adj-t,adv-to) awe-inspiring; majestic; commanding; stately; with an imposing air; in a stately [dignified] manner

畏怖嫌厭 (いふけんえん) [ifuken'en]
(n,vs) feelings of dread and aversion

異聞奇譚 (いぶんきたん) [ibunkitan]
(n) strange stories and curious tales

韋編三絶 (いへんさんぜつ) [ihensanzetsu]
(n,vs) repeated reading; close [careful] reading; careful perusal

意味深長 (いみしんちょう) [imishinchou]
(adj-na,n) with profound [often hidden] meaning; being suggestive; pregnant with significance

意欲満々・意欲満満  (いよくまんまん) [iyokumanman]
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) full of zeal; highly motivated; very eager

異類異形 (いるいいぎょう) [iruiigyou]
(n) strange-looking creatures; spirits and goblins

色恋沙汰 (いろこいざた) [irokoizata]
(n) romantic entanglement; love affair

岩戸景気 (いわとけいき) [iwatokeiki]
(n) the economic boom of 1958-1961

陰々滅々・陰陰滅滅 (いんいんめつめつ) [in'inmetsumetsu] 
(adj-t,adv-to) dark and gloomy; depressing; mournful

因果因縁 (いんがいんねん) [ingainnen]
(n) cause and effect; karma; retribution; an evil cause producing an evil effect

因果応報 (いんがおうほう) [ingaouhou]
(n) retributive justice; poetic justice; reward and punishment for one's past behavior

因果関係 (いんがかんけい) [ingakankei]
(n) cause-and-effect relationship; causality

因果覿面 (いんがてきめん) [ingatekimen]
(n) the swiftness of retributive justice

隠居仕事 (いんきょしごと) [inkyoshigoto]
(n) postretirement job; work done by a retired person where earning an income is not a primary concern

慇懃丁重 (いんぎんていちょう) [inginteichou]
(adj-na,n) polite and courteous

慇懃無礼 (いんぎんぶれい) [inginburei]
(adj-na,n) feigned politeness; disguised insult; rude under a veneer of politeness

淫祠邪教 (いんしじゃきょう) [inshijakyou]    
(n) evil heresies

因習道徳 (いんしゅうどうとく) [inshuudoutoku]
(n) conventional morality [morals]

因循姑息 (いんじゅんこそく) [injunkosoku]
(adj-na,n) conservative and temporizing

引責辞任 (いんせきじにん) [insekijinin]
(n,vs) take responsibility by resigning; resign to take the blame; resign after accepting responsibility

隠遁生活 (いんとんせいかつ) [intonseikatsu]
(n) a reclusive life; living secluded from the world; leading a sequestered life

隠忍自重 ( いんにんじちょう) [inninjichou]
(n,vs) (behaving with) patience and prudence

隠蔽工作 (いんぺいこうさく) [inpeikousaku]
(n,vs) (create) a cover-up

陰陽五行 (いんようごぎょう・おんようごぎょう) [in'yougogyou/on'yougogyou]
(n) the cosmic dual forces (yin and yang) and the five elements (metal, wood, water, fire and earth) in Chinese cosmology

陰陽和合 (いんようわごう) [in'youwagou]
(n) the harmony of yin and yang energies

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有為転変 (ういてんぺん) [uitenpen]
(n) mutability (of worldly affairs); perpetual shifts and changes (of human life)

右往左往 (うおうさおう) [uousaou]
(n,vs) moving about in confusion; going every which way; going right and left

迂闊千万 (うかつせんばん) [ukatsusenban]
(adj-na) very careless; quite thoughtless

羽化登仙 (うかとうせん) [ukatousen]
(n) a sense of release (as if one had wings and were riding on air)

浮草稼業 (うきぐさかぎょう) [ukigusakagyou]
(n) precarious trade; unstable occupation; itinerant trade

雨奇晴好 (うきせいこう) [ukiseikou]
(n) scenery being beautiful in both rainy and sunny weather

右顧左眄 (うこさべん) [ukosaben] 
(n,vs) hesitation; wavering; looking right and left and all around, unable to make up one's mind; shilly-shally

有情無情 (うじょうむじょう) [ujoumujou]
(n) sentient and nonsentient beings

有象無象 (うぞうむぞう) [uzoumuzou]
(n) pack of riffraff; the small fry; motley crowd of ordinary or undistinguished persons; mere anybodies; the common ruck

内股膏薬 (うちまたごうやく・うちまたこうやく)  [uchimatagouyaku/uchimatakouyaku] 
(n) double-dealer; timeserver; moving back and forth between two sides in a conflict

宇宙開闢 (うちゅうかいびゃく) [uchuukaibyaku]
(n) (since) the beginning of the universe; (since) the dawn of time

有頂天外 (うちょうてんがい) [uchoutengai]
(n) beside oneself with joy; in raptures; in an ecstasy of delight

内輪喧嘩 (うちわげんか) [uchiwagenka]
(n) family quarrel; internal squabble; fight among ourselves [themselves]

雨天順延 (うてんじゅんえん) [utenjun'en]
(n) rescheduled in case of rain; to be postponed to the first subsequent fine day in case of rain

烏兎匆々・烏兎匆匆 (うとそうそう) [utosousou]
(exp,n) days and nights passing by quickly; months and years flying by; Time flies.

有髪俗体 (うはつぞくたい) [uhatsuzokutai]
(n) (a Buddhist monk or priest or nun) without head shaven and not wearing religious garb

海千山千 (うみせんやません) [umisen'yamasen]
(n) sly old dog of much worldly wisdom; crafty person who's seen it all

有耶無耶 (うやむや) [uyamuya]
(adj-na,n) vague; hazy; noncommittal; indefinite; ambiguous; evasive; inconclusive

紆余曲折 (うよきょくせつ) [uyokyokusetsu]
(n,vs) twists and turns; ups and downs; taking a tortuous course; complications

裏口入学 (うらぐちにゅうがく) [uraguchinyuugaku]
(n,vs) getting into a school by the back door; buy one's way into (a university, etc.); backdoor admission

盂蘭盆会 (うらぼんえ) [urabon'e]
(n) Bon Festival; Feast of Lanterns (around the 15th of July or August depending on local customs)

雲雨巫山 (うんうふざん) [un'ufuzan]
(n) sexual liaison

雲煙過眼 (うんえんかがん) [un'enkagan]
(n) not being obsessed with something for very long (just as clouds and haze pass swiftly before one's eyes)

雲煙万里 (うんえんばんり) [un'enbanri]
(n) limitless expanse of clouds and smoke

雲煙飛動・雲烟飛動 (うんえんひどう) [un'enhidou]
(n) (1) flying clouds and drifting haze; (2) magnificent calligraphy; vivid penmanship 

運気好転 (うんきこうてん) [unkikouten]
(n,vs) turn [stroke] of good fortune; one's fortune turning for the better

雲散霧消 (うんさんむしょう) [unsanmushou]
(n,vs) vanishing like mist; disappearing into thin air; going up in smoke

雲集霧散 (うんしゅうむさん) [unshuumusan]
(n,vs) (many things) gathering like clouds and vanishing like mist; swarming and scattering

雲水行脚 (うんすいあんぎゃ) [unsuiangya]
(n) itinerant monk being on pilgrimages to many lands

運勢隆々・運勢隆隆 (うんせいりゅうりゅう) [unseiryuuryuu]
(adj-t,adv-to) one's prosperity being on the rise; one's fortune reaching its culmination

運勢判断 (うんせいはんだん) [unseihandan]
(n) fortune-tellling

雲泥万里 (うんでいばんり) [undeibanri] 
(n) being poles apart; (there being) all the difference in the world

運動音痴 (うんどうおんち) [undouonchi]
(n) having slow reflexes; being nonathletic; person who is not athletic

運否天賦 (うんぷてんぷ) [unputenpu]
(n) trusting to chance; having a go at something

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営々黙々・営営黙黙 (えいえいもくもく) [eieimokumoku]
(adj-t,adv-to) assiduously and quietly

永久欠番 (えいきゅうけつばん) [eikyuuketsuban]
(n) retired (uniform) number

永久不変  (えいきゅうふへん) [eikyuufuhen]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) permanence; forever unchanging

営業路線 (えいぎょうろせん) [eigyourosen]
(n) (1) railroad [bus] lines [routes] in operation; (2) business plan [policy]

永劫回帰 (えいごうかいき) [eigoukaiki]
(n) eternal recurrence; Nietzsche's "ewige Wiederkunft"

栄枯盛衰 (えいこせいすい) [eikoseisui]
(n) ups and downs of life [of a person, family, nation]; rise and fall; vicissitudes of fortune

英姿颯爽 (えいしさっそう) [eishisassou]
(adj-t,adv-to) cutting a fine [dashing, gallant, noble] figure; majestic appearance

永字八法 (えいじはっぽう) [eijihappou]
(n) the eight basic brush strokes in writing Chinese characters

映像文化 (えいぞうぶんか) [eizoubunka]
(n) visual culture; culture of visual images; (screen) image culture

永代供養 (えいたいくよう) [eitaikuyou]  
(n) services performed in perpetuity by a Buddhist temple for the repose of a departed soul

英雄豪傑 (えいゆうごうけつ) [eiyuugouketsu] 
(n) hero; warrior of matchless valor; heroic character

英雄好色 (えいゆうこうしょく) [eiyuukoushoku]
(exp,n) All great men like women.; Great men enjoy sensual pleasure.

栄耀栄華 (えいようえいが・えようえいが) [eiyoueiga/eyoueiga]
(n) wealth, prosperity, and arrogant splendor; (living sumptuously) intoxicated by wealth and power

栄養満点 (えいようまんてん) [eiyoumanten]
(n) highly nourishing [nutritious]; earning top marks nutrition-wise

笑顔千両 (えがおせんりょう) [egaosenryou]
(n) beautiful smile; there being a great charm about one's smile

益者三友 (えきしゃさんゆう) [ekishasan'yuu]
(exp,n) There are three types of friends worth having--honest, sincere, and well-informed ones. [Confucius]

易姓革命 (えきせいかくめい) [ekiseikakumei] 
(n) revolution [change of dynasty] decreed by Heaven when the incumbent emperor is found lacking in moral virtue [old Chinese political thought]

駅弁大学 (えきべんだいがく) [ekibendaigaku]
(n) minor local college; small-time [two-bit] university; jerkwater college

依怙贔屓 (えこひいき) [ekohiiki]  
(n,vs) favoritism; partiality; nepotism

会者定離 (えしゃじょうり) [eshajouri]
(exp,n) Every meeting must involve a parting.; Those who meet must part. [suggesting the transient nature of this life]

似非学者 (えせがくしゃ) [esegakusha]
(n) pseudo-scholar; fake scholar; would-be expert

似非理屈 (えせりくつ) [eserikutsu]
(n) sophism; sophistry; spurious reasoning [argument]

越境入学 (えっきょうにゅうがく) [ekkyounyuugaku]
(n,vs) gain admission to a school outside one's own school district

越権行為 (えっけんこうい) [ekkenkoui]
(n) exceeding [abusing] one's legal authority; acting beyond the powers or legal authority (of a person, etc.); acting ultra vires

得手勝手 (えてかって) [etekatte]
(adj-na,n) selfish; self-centered; self-willed; (doing or saying things) just to suit oneself

恵比寿顔 (えびすがお) [ebisugao]
(n) smiling [beaming] face

蜿々長蛇・蜿蜿長蛇 (えんえんちょうだ) [en'enchouda]
(n) [a line, queue] being long and serpentine    

宴会政治 (えんかいせいじ) [enkaiseiji]
(n) politicking by wining and dining

円滑洒脱 (えんかつしゃだつ) [enkatsushadatsu]
(adj-na,n) smooth, free and easy; refined and unconventional

婉曲迂遠 (えんきょくうえん) [enkyokuuen]
(adj-na,n) euphemistic and circumlocutory; roundabout and circuitous

遠交近攻 (えんこうきんこう) [enkoukinkou] 
(n) policy of cultivating distant countries while working to conquer ones nearby [Originally, an ancient Chinese military strategy]

縁故採用 (えんこさいよう) [enkosaiyou]
(n,vs) employment of workers through (personal) connections; getting a job through one's personal connection

掩護射撃・援護射撃 (えんごしゃげき) [engoshageki]
(n,vs) (1) (providing) covering fire; (2) supporting [backing up] someone (in a debate [argument])

縁故政治 (えんこせいじ) [enkoseiji]
(n) crony politics; nepotistic government

縁故募集 (えんこぼしゅう) [enkoboshuu]
(n) (1) recruiting [inviting application for] through personal connections; (2) private (stock) offering [subscription]

燕雀鴻鵠 (えんじゃくこうこく) [enjakukoukoku]
(exp,n) How can a small bird [a sparrow, a petty person] understand the aspirations of a great bird [a phoenix, a great person]?; Only a hero can understand a hero.

縁者贔屓 (えんじゃびいき) [enjabiiki]
(n) nepotism

艶笑小話 (えんしょうこばなし) [enshoukobanashi]
(n) amorous anecdote [conte]

艶笑文学 (えんしょうぶんがく) [enshoubungaku]
(n) humorous erotic literature

援助交際 (えんじょこうさい) [enjokousai]
(n,vs) dating with compensation [payments, financial support, etc.] [euphemism for a type of (teen) prostitution]

厭世自殺 (えんせいじさつ) [enseijisatsu]
(n,vs) killing oneself out of despair [disgust with life]

演説口調 (えんぜつくちょう) [enzetsukuchou]
(n) oratorical tone

嫣然一笑 (えんぜんいっしょう) [enzen'isshou]
(n,vs) giving a charming [bewitching] smile

厭戦気分 (えんせんきぶん) [ensenkibun]
(n) feeling of war-weariness

延長線上 (えんちょうせんじょう) [enchousenjou]
(n) the extension of a straight line; (a conclusion) following as an extension of (an argument)

延長保育 (えんちょうほいく) [enchouhoiku]
(n) extended-hours childcare (in day-care centers for parents working into the night)

円転滑脱 (えんてんかつだつ) [entenkatsudatsu] 
(adj-na,n) smooth; suave; tactful; smooth and polished in human relations

縁日商人 (えんにちしょうにん) [ennichishounin]
(n) festival vendor; keeper of a street stall at a temple [shrine] fair

炎熱地獄 (えんねつじごく) [ennetsujigoku]
(n) burning hell; roaring inferno; flames of hell

遠謀深慮 (えんぼうしんりょ) [enboushinryo]
(n) deep design and forethought; farsighted and deeply-laid plan

円満解決 (えんまんかいけつ) [enmankaiketsu]
(n) amicable solution [settlement]; settling the case leaving no parties dissatisfied

円満具足 (えんまんぐそく) [enmangusoku]
(n,vs) contented and peaceable; having nothing to complain about

円満退職 (えんまんたいしょく) [enmantaishoku]
(n,vs) amicable resignation [retirement]; resigning [retiring] from one's job of one's free will

延命息災 (えんめいそくさい) [enmeisokusai]
(n) health and longevity; enjoying a long and healthy life being untouched by disaster

厭離穢土 (えんりえど・おんりえど) [enriedo/onriedo]
(n) abhorrence of (living in) this impure world

遠慮会釈 (えんりょえしゃく) [enryoeshaku]
(n,vs) reserve and consideration (to others)

遠慮気味 (えんりょぎみ) [enryogimi]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) somewhat reserved [diffident]; shyly; timidly; retiringly; in a retiring [reserved] manner

遠慮近憂 (えんりょきんゆう) [enryokin'yuu] 
(n) Failure to think of the long term leads to grief in the short term.

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御家騒動 (おいえそうどう) [oiesoudou]
(n) family trouble [quarrel]; domestic squabble; internal squabble (over headship rights) in a daimyo family in the Edo period

花魁道中 (おいらんどうちゅう) [oirandouchuu]
(n) parade of oiran [licensed high-class prostitutes] in the Yoshikawa pleasure district of Edo

桜花爛漫 (おうからんまん) [oukaranman]
(n) cherry blossoms in full bloom; riot of cherry blossoms

奥義秘伝 (おうぎひでん) [ougihiden]
(n) secretes; mysteries; secret formula; essence; esoterica (of an art, martial arts, etc.)

横行闊歩 (おうこうかっぽ) [oukoukappo]
(n,vs) swaggering walk; stalking about with a haughty air; roaming at will; walking around (the place) as if one owned it

王侯貴族 (おうこうきぞく) [oukoukizoku]
(n) royalty and titled nobility

横行跋扈 (おうこうばっこ) [oukoubakko]
(n,vs) being rampant; (evildoers) roaming at will

黄金時代 (おうごんじだい) [ougonjidai]
(n) the Golden Age; a golden age; heyday

王政復古 (おうせいふっこ) [ouseifukko]
(n) restoration of imperial [royal] rule; the Restoration [in English history]

往事渺茫 (おうじびょうぼう) [oujibyoubou]
(adj-t,adv-to) memories of the past events being [becoming] far and distant

往事茫々・往事茫茫 (おうじぼうぼう) [oujiboubou]
(adj-t,adv-to) memories of the past events being [becoming] far and distant

王手飛車 (おうてびしゃ) [outebisha]
(n) forking the rook while checking the king

黄道吉日 (おうどうきちにち・こうどうきちにち) [oudoukichinichi/koudoukichinichi]
(n) very auspicious day for all types of occasions

王道楽土 (おうどうらくど) [oudourakudo]
(n) realm of peace and prosperity; land of simple pleasure and quiet life ruled by a virtuous king

懊悩煩悶 (おうのうはんもん) [ounouhanmon]
(n,vs) anguish; agony

椀飯振舞  (おうばんぶるまい) [oubanburumai]
(n,vs) sumptuous feast; lavish hospitality; lavishly wining and dining (others)

応変能力 (おうへんのうりょく) [ouhennouryoku]
(n) ability to take proper steps to meet the situation; ability to adapt oneself to (the requirement of) the moment

大馬鹿者 (おおばかもの) [oobakamono]
(n) great [utter] fool; complete idiot; absolute moron

大盤振舞  (おおばんぶるまい) [oobanburumai] 
(n,vs) sumptuous feast; lavish hospitality; lavishly wining and dining (others)

大風呂敷 (おおぶろしき) [ooburoshiki] 
(n) (1) large-sized furoshiki [cloth wrapper]; (2) big talk; vain boasting; hot air; blowing one's own trumpet; rodomontade

大真面目  (おおまじめ)  [oomajime] 
(adj-na) dead(ly) serious; dead(ly) earnest

傍目八目・岡目八目 (おかめはちもく) [okamehachimoku] 
(exp,n) a bystander's vantage point; an outsider's better grasp of the situation; Onlookers see more of the game than the players do.

屋上架屋 (おくじょうかおく) [okujoukaoku]
(n) gilding the lily; adding redundant things; (being like) putting a fifth wheel on a carriage

奥山放獣 (おくやまほうじゅう) [okuyamahoujuu]
(n) relocation of wild animals to a remote location

鴛鴦夫婦 (おしどりふうふ) [oshidorifuufu]  
(n) loving couple; happily married couple (who are always together)

御邪魔虫 (おじゃまむし) [ojamamushi]
(n) someone who gets in the way without serving any useful purpose; fly in the ointment; buttinsky; third wheel

落人伝説 (おちゅうどでんせつ) [ochuudodensetsu]
(n) legend concerning a fugitive clan

御調子者 (おちょうしもの) [ochoushimono]
(n) flip; luck-pusher; frivolous person; person who readily chimes in with others; person who gets arried away easily

御涙頂戴 (おなみだちょうだい) [onamidachoudai] 
(n) tearjerker; sob story; maudlin tale

御披露目 (おひろめ) [ohirome]
(n) formal (public) announcement [of a wedding, the succession to a stage name, etc.]; unveiling [of a new singer, etc.]; debut [of a new geisha, etc.]

御御御付・御味御付・御味御汁 (おみおつけ) [omiotsuke]
(n) miso soup

汚名返上 (おめいへんじょう) [omeihenjou] 
(n,vs) clear one's name; redeem oneself; clear [vindicate] one's honor [reputation]

御目見得  (おめみえ) [omemie]
(n) (the privilege to have) an audience [with one's lord, a dignitary, etc.]; an interview [with one's superior]; one's debut [first] appearance; a debut [of a new product, work of art, etc.]; trial service [of a servant]

面白半分 (おもしろはんぶん) [omoshirohanbun]
(adj-na,n) for fun; half in jest; just for the fun of it

御役御免 (おやくごめん) [oyakugomen] 
(n) dismissal; firing; retirement; being relieved from one's post; being relieved of a burden

御礼奉公 (おれいぼうこう) [oreiboukou]
(n,vs) free service after one has finished one's apprenticeship

穏健路線 (おんけんろせん) [onkenrosen]
(n) moderate line; middle-of-the-road line (in politics)

温厚寡黙 (おんこうかもく) [onkoukamoku]  
(adj-na,n) gentle and reticent

温厚篤実 (おんこうとくじつ) [onkoutokujitsu]
(adj-na,n) gentle and sincere

温故知新 (おんこちしん) [onkochishin]
(n) learning from the past; developing new ideas based on study of the past

温情主義 (おんじょうしゅぎ) [onjoushugi] 
(n) paternalism; philosophy of dealing with others benignly

音信不通 (おんしんふつう・いんしんふつう) [onshinfutsuu/inshinfutsuu] 
(n) break in contact; not hearing from; having no communication with

怨敵退散 (おんてきたいさん) [ontekitaisan]
(exp,n) invoking disaster upon one's mortal enemy; Confusion to the enemy!

音吐朗々・音吐朗朗 (おんとろうろう) [ontorourou]
(adj-t,adv-to) in a clear and sonorous voice

乳母日傘 (おんばひがさ・おんばひからかさ) [onbahigasa/onbahikarakasa]
(n) (bringing up a child) with greatest care pampering (him/her) with material comforts of a rich family; (being brought up) in a hothouse atmosphere

隠密行動 (おんみつこうどう) [onmitsukoudou]
(n) covert action [behavior]; espionage activities

厭離穢土 (おんりえど・えんりえど) [onriedo/enriedo]
(n) abhorrence of (living in) this impure world

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開巻第一 (かいかんだいいち) [kaikandaiichi]
(n) at the very beginning of a book; The book opens with ...

開巻劈頭 (かいかんへきとう) [kaikanhekitou]
(n-adv) at the very beginning of a book; The book opens with ...

開眼供養 (かいげんくよう) [kaigenkuyou]
(n) ceremony to consecrate a newly made Buddhist statue or image by inserting the eyes [thereby investing it with soul]

開口一番 (かいこういちばん) [kaikouichiban] 
(n-adv) at the very beginning of one's speech; the first thing out of one's mouth

外交手腕 (がいこうしゅわん) [gaikoushuwan]
(n) diplomatic finesse; skill(s) in diplomacy

外交辞令 (がいこうじれい) [gaikoujirei]
(n) diplomatic language; lip service; empty praise or flattery

外剛内柔 (がいごうないじゅう) [gaigounaijuu]
(n) tough on the outside but soft at heart; faint-hearted person pretending to be brave

戒告処分 (かいこくしょぶん) [kaikokushobun]
(n) punishment by formal warning; punishing someone by a reprimand

懐古趣味 (かいこしゅみ) [kaikoshumi]
(n) nostalgia for the good old days; retro-culture

解釈改憲 (かいしゃくかいけん) [kaishakukaiken]
(n,vs) effecting de facto constitutional changes through creative interpretation of the existing constituion

会社人間 (かいしゃにんげん) [kaishaningen]
(n) company [organization] man [person]; corporate soldier

鎧袖一触 (がいしゅういっしょく) [gaishuuisshoku]
(n) (beating someone) hands down; (beating) with a single blow

懐柔作戦 (かいじゅうさくせん) [kaijuusakusen]
(n) operation to win over someone by using a tactic of gentle persuasion

外柔内剛 (がいじゅうないごう) [gaijuunaigou] 
(n) gentle on the outside but tough on the inside; an iron hand in a velvet glove

下意上達 (かいじょうたつ) [kaijoutatsu]
(n,vs) conveying the opinions of the masses to the powers that be; conveying the will of the governed to those who govern; a situation in which the views of those below reach those at the top

快食快便 (かいしょくかいべん) [kaishokukaiben]
(n) good appetite and good bowel movements; enjoying one's food and having regular stools

快食快眠 (かいしょくかいみん) [kaishokukaimin]
(n) good appetite and pleasant sleep; enjoying one's food and sleeping well

慨世憂国 (がいせいゆうこく) [gaiseiyuukoku]
(n) worrying about the conditions of the country out of sheer patriotism

凱旋公演 (がいせんこうえん) [gaisenkouen]
(n) performance given after a successful tour abroad

海内無双 (かいだいむそう) [kaidaimusou]
(n) unparalleled in the whole country; without peer in the land

街談巷語 (がいだんこうご) [gaidankougo]
(n) street gossips and idle rumors; hearsay

街談巷説 (がいだんこうせつ) [gaidankousetsu]
(n) street gossips and idle rumors; hearsay

海底撈月 (かいていろうげつ) [kaiteirougetsu] 
(n) totally useless [fruitless] effort; wasting time on an impossible task [like trying to scoop up a reflected moon from the bottom of the sea]

外的生活 (がいてきせいかつ) [gaitekiseikatsu]
(n) material life; material aspects of life

該当事項 (がいとうじこう) [gaitoujikou]
(n) relevant [applicable] information [items]

快刀乱麻 (かいとうらんま) [kaitouranma]
(n) solving a knotty problem swiftly and skillfully; cutting the Gordian knot

開闢以来 (かいびゃくいらい) [kaibyakuirai]
(n-t) since the creation (of the world); since the dawn of history

傀儡政権 (かいらいせいけん) [kairaiseiken]
(n) puppet government [regime]

怪力無双 (かいりきむそう) [kairikimusou]
(adj-no,n) (a person of) unrivaled physical strength

怪力乱神 (かいりょくらんしん・かいりきらんしん) [kairyokuranshin/kairikiranshin]
(n) supernatural things; unnatural phenomena; spirits and demons

偕老同穴 (かいろうどうけつ) [kairoudouketsu]
(n) being united as man and wife for life; happy life partnership

下学上達 (かがくじょうたつ・かがくしょうたつ) [kagakujoutatsu/kagakushoutatsu]
(n,vs) beginning one's studies with something familiar and gradually increasing the depth of learning

価格破壊 (かかくはかい) [kakakuhakai]
(n) collapse in prices; market-destructive price-slashing (tactics)

呵々大笑・呵呵大笑 (かかたいしょう) [kakataishou]
(n,vs) laugh a ringing laugh; have a hearty laugh; roar with laughter

鍵穴趣味 (かぎあなしゅみ) [kagianashumi]
(n) voyeurism

餓鬼大将 (がきだいしょう) [gakidaishou]
(n) leader of a group of children; leader of a gang of little rascals (in the neighborhood); the most domineering child in a group of children

蝸牛角上 (かぎゅうかくじょう) [kagyuukakujou]
(n) trifling (fight); storm in a teacup; (conflict) between small countries

画一思考 (かくいつしこう) [kakuitsushikou]
(n) uniformity of thought; uniform thinking

学業不振 (がくぎょうふしん) [gakugyoufushin]
(n) poor academic performance; underachievement

学士入学 (がくしにゅうがく) [gakushinyuugaku]
(n) admission of university graduates to an undergraduate program

各自負担 (かくじふたん) [kakujifutan]
(n) individuals being responsible for the payment of one's share of the purchase price, expense, etc.

学者馬鹿  (がくしゃばか) [gakushabaka]
(n) scholar who knows but little of the ways of the world

学者貧乏 (がくしゃびんぼう) [gakushabinbou]
(n,exp) Good scholars are seldom rich.

各種各様 (かくしゅかくよう) [kakushukakuyou]
(n) individual [different] ways of doing things; being different (varied) for each item [type]

各種学校 (かくしゅがっこう) [kakushugakkou]
(n) vocational school; trade school; school for nonacademic subjects

各人各説 (かくじんかくせつ) [kakujinkakusetsu]
(exp,n) Everyone has his [her] own view; Different people, different opinions.

各人各様 (かくじんかくよう) [kakujinkakuyou] 
(exp,n) So many men, so many ways; Each to his own taste; It takes all sorts to make a world; each in his or her own way.

学生気質 (がくせいかたぎ) [gakuseikatagi]
(n) student temperament; students' way of thinking.

拡大解釈 (かくだいかいしゃく) [kakudaikaishaku]
(n,vs) broad [general] interpretation; stretching one's interpretation (of something) to suit oneself

拡大路線 (かくだいろせん) [kakudairosen]
(n) expansion policy; road to expansion

格調高雅 (かくちょうこうが) [kakuchoukouga] 
(adj-na,n) refined, dignified, elegant; graceful; exquisite

学閥意識 (がくばついしき) [gakubatsuishiki]
(n) strong feelings of loyalty to one's old school; the old school tie

格物致知 (かくぶつちち) [kakubutsuchichi]  
(n) deepening one's wisdom by gaining a thorough knowledge of natural laws

攪乱戦術 (かくらんせんじゅつ) [kakuransenjutsu] 
(n) disturbance tactics

攪乱戦法 (かくらんせんぽう) [kakuransenpou]
(n) disturbance strategy

学歴詐称  (がくれきさしょう) [gakurekisashou]
(n) false statement [misrepresentation] of one's academic career

学歴偏重 (がくれきへんちょう) [gakurekihenchou]
(n) overstressing academic background

家系伝説 (かけいでんせつ) [kakeidensetsu] 
(n) family legend

加減乗除 (かげんじょうじょ) [kagenjoujo] 
(n) the four arithmetical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)

花紅柳緑 (かこうりゅうりょく) [kakouryuuryoku]
(n) red blossoms and green willows; beautiful scenery of spring; natural beauty; beauty of nature

家財一切 (かざいいっさい) [kazaiissai]
(n) complete set of household goods

家事一切 (かじいっさい) [kajiissai]
(n) all the domestic [housekeeping] chores

加持祈祷 (かじきとう) [kajikitou]
(n,vs) Buddhist prayers to protect against misfortunes; chant incantations; recite healing prayers

餓死寸前 (がしすんぜん) [gashisunzen]
(n) be on the verge of starvation; be about to starve

家事見習 (かじみならい) [kajiminarai]
(n) apprenticeship in the running of a household; prospective bride who undertakes an apprenticeship to learn housekeeping

火事見舞 (かじみまい) [kajimimai]
(n) post-fire visit to express sympathy; expressing one's sympathy after a fire

家常茶飯 (かじょうさはん) [kajousahan]
(n) everyday occurrence; commonplace of life; nothing out of the ordinary

過小評価 (かしょうひょうか) [kashouhyouka] 
(n,vs) underestimation; undervaluation; underassessment

過剰防衛 (かじょうぼうえい) [kajoubouei] 
(n) excessive [unjustifiable] self-defense

臥薪嘗胆 (がしんしょうたん) [gashinshoutan]
(n,vs) going through thick and thin to attain one's objective; enduring unspeakable hardships and privations for the sake of vengeance

佳人薄命 (かじんはくめい) [kakjinhakumei]
(exp,n) Beauty and fortune seldom go together; A beautiful woman is destined to die young.

雅俗混交・雅俗混淆 (がぞくこんこう) [gazokukonkou]
(n) mixture of both culture and vulgarism; mixture of both literary and colloquial (language)

雅俗折衷 (がぞくせっちゅう) [gazokusecchuu] 
(n) blending of the classical and colloquial styles

家族団欒 (かぞくだんらん) [kazokudanran] 
(n,vs) happy family circle; sitting in a family circle and enjoying conversation; harmony in a family

過大評価 (かだいひょうか) [kadaihyouka] 
(n,vs) overestimation; overvaluation; overassessment

火宅無常 (かたくむじょう) [katakumujou]
(exp,n) This world is uncertain [cruel] like a burning house

片言英語 (かたことえいご) [katakotoeigo]
(n) halting [broken] English

画蛇添足 (がだてんそく) [gadatensoku] 
(n) making an unnecessary addition (to); gilding the lily

花鳥諷詠 (かちょうふうえい) [kachoufuuei] 
(exp,n) the beauties of nature as the key poetic theme; The central theme in composing poetry [haiku] must be the beauties of nature and the harmony that exist between nature and man. [The slogan of the Hototogisu School of modern Japanese haiku]

花鳥風月 (かちょうふうげつ) [kachoufuugetsu]
(n) the beauties of nature

隔靴掻痒 (かっかそうよう) [kakkasouyou]  
(n)trying to soothe an itchy foot by scratching at one's boot; being somewhat annoyed because something is not quite as one hopes

活気横溢 (かっきおういつ) [kakkiouitsu]
(n) being full of vitality [energy]; in exuberant spirits; effervescent; ebullient

割鶏牛刀 (かっけいぎゅうとう) [kakkeigyuutou]
(n) using a meat ax when a knife would suffice; taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut; using a grand-scale measure [a massive instrument] to deal with an insignificant problem

確固不動 (かっこふどう) [kakkofudou]
(n) being firm and unshakable [unwavering, unswerving, steadfastly resolute]

確乎不抜 (かっこふばつ) [kakkofubatsu]
(n) being firm and unshakable [unwavering, unswerving, steadfastly resolute]

活殺自在 (かっさつじざい) [kassatsujizai]
(adj-na,n) (having) an absolute power over (a person); the power of life or death

活字世論 (かつじせろん) [katsujiseron]
(n) public opinion (sentiment) as reflected in the print media

活字中毒 (かつじちゅうどく) [katsujichuudoku]
(n) addiction to the printed word; reading addict; book [print] junkie

活字文化 (かつじぶんか) [katsujibunka]
(n) (the culture of) the printed word; book culture

合掌礼拝 (がっしょうらいはい) [gasshouraihai]
(n,vs) join one's hands in prayer; pray with (the palms of) one's hands together

合従連衡 (がっしょうれんこう) [gasshourenkou]
(n,vs) changing political or military alignment according to changing circumstances; forming a political or military alliance for expediency

豁然大悟 (かつぜんたいご) [katsuzentaigo]
(n,vs) suddenly seeing the light; suddenly realizing what something is about; achieving full enlightenment all of a sudden

闊達自在 (かったつじざい) [kattatsujizai]
(adj-na,n) broad-minded and free in disposition; large-hearted and not scrupulous about trifles

勝手気儘 (かってきまま) [kattekimama]
(adj-na,n) self-willed; (doing or saying things) to suit one's own convenience; oblivious to the convenience of others

勝手次第 (かってしだい) [katteshidai]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) acting according to one's inclinations

勝手放題 (かってほうだい) [kattehoudai] 
(adj-na,adj-no,n) at one's sweet will; doing whatever one pleases; however one pleases

活発発地・活溌溌地 (かっぱつはっち・かっぱつぱっち) [kappatsuhacchi/kappatsupacchi]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) being full of vitality (energy); vigorous and in high spirits

家庭円満 (かていえんまん) [kateienman]
(n) family happiness; household harmony

我田引水 (がでんいんすい) [gaden'insui]
(n) seeking [promoting] one's own interests; being self-serving; straining (the interpretation or argument) to suit one's own interests

瓜田李下 (かでんりか) [kadenrika]
(exp,n) Be careful not to invite the least suspicion; Leave no room for scandal.

家督相続 (かとくそうぞく) [katokusouzoku]
(n,vs) taking over as (the) head of a family; succession to the position of family head; inheritance

家内一同 (かないいちどう) [kanaiichidou]
(n) all one's family; one's whole family

仮名草子 (かなぞうし) [kanazoushi]
(n) story book written in kana (or in kana mixed with Chinese characters) in the early Edo period [primarily for the enlightenment and entertainment of women and children]

仮名文学 (かなぶんがく) [kanabungaku]
(n) kana literature; works written in kana in the Heian period

可否検討 (かひけんとう) [kahikentou]
(n,vs) considering the pros and cons of; examining the arguments for and against

可否両説 (かひりょうせつ) [kahiryousetsu]
(n) arguments for and against

可否両論 (かひりょうろん) [kahiryouron]
(n) arguments for and against

歌舞音曲 (かぶおんきょく) [kabuonkyoku]
(n) public music and dancing; performance of song and dance entertainment

歌舞伎者 (かぶきもの) [kabukimono]
(n) a dandy; a peacock; the early-17th-century equivalent of present-day yakuza; Edo-period eccentric who attracted public attention with their eye-catching clothes, peculiar hairstyle, and weird behavior

下方修正 (かほうしゅうせい) [kahoushuusei]
(n,vs) downward adjustment; downward revision

紙屑同然 (かみくずどうぜん) [kamikukzudouzen]
(adj-no,n) being no better than a scrap of paper

我武者羅 (がむしゃら) [gamushara]
(adj-na,n) reckless; daredevil; proceeding single-mindedly without regard to consequences

仮面夫婦 (かめんふうふ) [kamenfuufu]
(n) couple who only go through the motions of being husband and wife

仮面浪人 (かめんろうにん) [kamenrounin]
(n) college student who is merely marking time to get into a better college

画竜点睛 (がりょうてんせい・がりゅうてんせい) [garyoutensei/garyuutensei]  
(n) the finishing touch; completing (something) by executing the final, critical step

臥竜鳳雛 (がりょうほうすう) [garyouhousuu]
(n) gifted young person who shows much promise; unrecognized genius; great person whose talent is hidden under a bushel

苛斂誅求 (かれんちゅうきゅう) [karenchuukyuu]
(n) imposing exacting [crushing, oppressive] taxes

夏炉冬扇 (かろとうせん) [karotousen]
(n) useless [untimely] things [Literally: summer fires and winter fans]

川施餓鬼 (かわせがき) [kasasegaki]
(n) Buddhist services in memory of those drowned in a river; offering to suffering spirits at the river

簡易軽便 (かんいけいべん) [kan'ikeiben]
(adj-na,n) simple, easy, and convenient

閑雲野鶴 (かんうんやかく) [kan'un'yakaku]
(n) life in natural setting, free from worldly cares

感慨一入 (かんがいひとしお) [kangaihitoshio]
(adj-na,adj-no,n-adv) one's heart is filled with even deeper emotion; feeling the emotion all the more deeply

感慨無量 (かんがいむりょう) [kangaimuryou]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) be filled with deep emotion; the fullness of the heart

鰥寡孤独 (かんかこどく) [kankakodoku]
(n) the lonely and the helpless; people who have no kith or kin

侃々諤々・侃侃諤諤 (かんかんがくがく) [kankangakugaku]
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) outspoken; arguing heatedly what one believes in; insisting on something without restraint

官々接待・官官接待 (かんかんせったい) [kankansettai]
(n) the wining and dining of public officials by other public officials at public expense

官紀紊乱 (かんきびんらん) [kankibinran]
(n) laxity in official discipline; civil service corruption

緩急自在 (かんきゅうじざい) [kankyuujizai]
(adn-na,n) of skillfully varied pace; well-paced; skillfully varying the speed (rhythm) of; being tactful in dealing with changing circumstances

汗牛充棟 (かんぎゅうじゅうとう) [kangyuujuutou]
(n) (having/there being) a great number of books

寒気凛々・寒気凛凛 (かんきりんりん) [kankirinrin]
(adj-t,adv-to) it [the weather] being piercing [bitterly] cold

関係省庁 (かんけいしょうちょう) [kankeishouchou]
(n) the concerned government agencies; the ministries and agencies that are relevant to the matter at hand; the relevant authorities

関係当局 (かんけいとうきょく) [kankeitoukyoku]
(n) the authorities concerned; the competent authorities

簡潔明瞭 (かんけつめいりょう) [kanketsumeiryou]
(adj-na,n) clear and concise

頑健無比 (がんけんむひ) [ganketsumuhi]
(adj-na,n) being of very robust health

頑固一徹 (がんこいってつ) [gankoittetsu]
(adj-na,n) stubborn; obstinate; adamantly sticking to one's views or decisions

眼光炯々・眼光炯炯 (がんこうけいけい) [gankoukeikei]
(adj-t,adv-to) with piercing eyes; eagle-eyed; having a penetrating insight (into)

眼光紙背 (がんこうしはい) [gankoushihai]
(n) reading between the lines; reading with penetrating insight

眼高手低 (がんこうしゅてい) [gankoushutei]
(n) able to criticize but not to create; high critical but low creative ability

頑固親父 (がんこおやじ) [gankooyaji]
(n) stubborn [obstinate] father; pig-headed old man

換骨奪胎 (かんこつだったい) [kankotsudattai]
(n,vs) adaptation; modification; recasting someone else's work as one's own by appropriating the original idea or form

冠婚葬祭 (かんこんそうさい) [kankonsousai]
(n) important ceremonial occasions in family relationships; the ceremonies of coming-of-age, marriage, funeral, and ancestor worship

閑寂枯淡 (かんじゃくこたん) [kanjakukotan]
(n) an aesthetic sense in Japanese art emphasizing quiet simplicity and subdued refinement

感情移入 (かんじょういにゅう) [kanjouinyuu]
(n,vs) empathy; empathize [identify] with someone

寛仁大度 (かんじんたいど) [kanjintaido]
(n) being generous and magnanimous in disposition

勧進相撲 (かんじんずもう) [kanjinzumou]
(n) fund-raising sumo tournaments of Edo period held in aid of a temple or a shrine

官尊民卑 (かんそんみんぴ) [kansonminpi]
(n) respecting the authorities and denigrating ordinary citizens; putting government officials above the people

勧善懲悪 (かんぜんちょうあく) [kanzenchouaku]
(n) rewarding good and punishing evil; poetic justice; didactic theme in a novel or drama

完全無欠 (かんぜんむけつ) [kanzenmuketsu]
(adj-na,n) flawless; absolute perfection

簡単明瞭 (かんたんめいりょう) [kantanmeiryou]
(adj-na,n) simple and clear

寒中見舞 (かんちゅうみまい) [kanchuumimai]
(n) winter greeting card; inquiring after someone's health in the cold season

干天慈雨・旱天慈雨 (かんてんじう) [kantenjiu]
(n) a welcome [beneficial] rain in a drought; realization of something eagerly looked for; a welcome relief

歓天喜地 (かんてんきち) [kantenkichi]
(adj-no,n) great joy; jubilation; exultation

艱難苦労 (かんなんくろう) [kannankurou]
(n) trials and tribulations; adversities; suffering hardships and troubles

艱難辛苦 (かんなんしんく) [kannanshinku]
(n) trials and tribulations; adversities; suffering hardships and troubles

奸佞邪知・奸佞邪智 (かんねいじゃち) [kanneijachi]
(n) wiles and cunning; craftiness and treachery

官能小説 (かんのうしょうせつ) [kannoushousetsu]
(n) amorous [erotic] novel; pornographic novel

姦夫姦婦 (かんぷかんぷ) [kanpukanpu]
(n) adulterer and adulteress; adulterous couple

玩物喪志 (がんぶつそうし) [ganbutsusoushi]
(n) forgetting one's serious objectives by becoming engrossed in trivial pursuits; being distracted by trivial objects and losing sight of one's original goal

官民格差 (かんみんかくさ) [kanminkakusa]
(n) disparity (of income [pensions, etc.]) between public and private employees

頑迷固陋 (がんめいころう) [ganmeikorou]
(adj-na,n) obstinate; stubborn; hard-headed; being incapable of making sound judgments because of a narrow, inflexible and obstinate mentality

簡明率直 (かんめいそっちょく) [kanmeisocchoku]
(adj-na,n) simple, plain, and artless; clear, concise, and unaffected

簡明直截 (かんめいちょくせつ) [kanmeichokusetsu]
(adj-na,n) simple and plain; frank, direct and unambivalent; straightforward

頑冥不霊 (がんめいふれい) [ganmeifurei]
(adj-na,n) stubborn and ignorant

顔面紅潮 (がんめんこうちょう) [ganmenkouchou]
(n) one's face turning red; with a flush on one's face

顔面蒼白 (がんめんそうはく) [ganmensouhaku]
(n) one's face turning pale [ashen]; the color being drained from one's face

慣用表現 (かんようひょうげん) [kan'youhyougen]
(n) idiomatic expression; idiom

官僚主導 (かんりょうしゅどう) [kanryoushudou]
(n) initiative taken by bureaucrats in the drafting of government policies and bills [rather than by politicians]

貫禄十分 (かんろくじゅうぶん) [kanryokujuubun]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) having great [impressive, commanding] presence; having an air of importance; having enough gravity for (a position)

貫禄不足 (かんろくぶそく) [kanrokubusoku]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) lacking enough gravity for (a position/task); being an insignificant figure for (a position/task)  

閑話休題 (かんわきゅうだい) [kanwakyuudai]
(exp,n) "Digression aside, ..."; "Now let's return to the main subject."; But let's leave that and get back to the point [in a conversation, speech, or story-telling]

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偽悪趣味 (ぎあくしゅみ) [giakushumi]
(n) propensity to put oneself in as bad a light as possible; being prone to act bad

気韻生動 (きいんせいどう) [kiinseidou]
(n) being animated [vivid] with grace [elegance, refinement]

気宇広闊 (きうこうかつ) [kiukoukatsu]
(adj-na,n) magnanimous in one's attitude of mind; grand in one's idea or mind-set

気宇壮大 (きうそうだい) [kiusoudai]
(adj-na,n) magnanimous in one's attitude of mind; grand in one's idea or mind-set

気炎万丈 (きえんばんじょう) [kienbanjou]
(n) in very high spirits; talking big

奇怪千万 (きかいせんばん・きっかいせんばん) [kikaisenban/kikkaisenban]
(adj-na) very strange [mysterious, weird]; bizarre; monstrous; outrageous

機械馬鹿 (きかいばか) [kikaibaka]
(n) skilled engineer [mechanic] who is clumsy in all other matters; person who gets a great kick out of tinkering with anything mechanical

奇貨可居 (きかおくべし) [kikaokubeshi]
(exp) You must seize every golden opportunity; Strike while the iron is hot; When you find a rare good buy, seize upon it for a future sale at a much higher price.

危機一髪 (ききいっぱつ) [kikiippatsu]
(n) coming within a hair's breath of danger; by the skin of one's teeth; in the nick of time; touch and go; a close call

奇々怪々・奇奇怪怪 (ききかいかい) [kikikaikai] 
(adj-na,n) very strange; bizarre; weird; mysterious

危急存亡 (ききゅうそんぼう) [kikyuusonbou]
(n) time of emergency; critical moment [hour, time]; life-or-death situation

起居挙動 (ききょきょどう) [kikyokyodou]
(n) behavior; bearing; deportment; manners; demeanor

起居動作 (ききょどうさ) [kikyodousa]  
(n) behavior; bearing; deportment; manners; demeanor; one's daily life

規矩準縄 (きくじゅんじょう) [kikujunjou] 
(n) rules and standards; norms; criteria

機嫌気褄 (きげんきづま) [kigenkizuma] 
(n) humor; temper; mood

機嫌上戸 (きげんじょうご) [kigenjougo]
(n) merry drinker

貴顕紳士 (きけんしんし) [kikenshinshi] 
(n) gentlemen of (high) eminence; notables; dignitaries

貴顕紳商 (きけんしんしょう) [kikenshinshou]
(n) merchant prince  

機嫌奉伺 (きげんほうし) [kigenhoushi]
(n) inquiring into the health [frame of mind] of someone; paying one's respects to someone

気候風土 (きこうふうど) [kikoufuudo]
(n) climate and natural features (of a region) 

疑獄事件 (ぎごくじけん) [gigokujiken]
(n) bribery scandal [case]

鬼哭啾々・鬼哭啾啾 (きこくしゅうしゅう) [kikokushuushuu]
(adj-t,adv-to) spine-chilling [hair-raising] [like the wailing and weeping of a restless ghost]

擬古主義 (ぎこしゅぎ) [gikoshugi]
(n) archaism; classicism; pseudoarchaism; pseudoclassicism

気骨稜々・気骨稜稜 (きこつりょうりょう) [kikotsuryouryou] 
(adj-t,adv-to) (a person with) strong moral fiber [backbone, determination]

旗鼓堂々・旗鼓堂堂 (きこどうどう) [kikodoudou]
(adj-t,adv-to) with colors flying and band playing; triumphantly; in splendid array

奇策縦横 (きさくじゅうおう) [kisakujuuou]
(adj-no,n) full of uncanny [outlandish] schemes; employing ingenious shifts and devices; resorting to clever schemes at will

起死回生 (きしかいせい) [kishikaisei] 
(n) revival of the dead; recovering from a hopeless situation; pulling something back from the brink of defeat [failure]

旗幟鮮明 (きしせんめい) [kishisenmei]
(n) making one's attitude [position, stand] clear; taking a definite stance [Literally: unfurling and clearly showing one's banner]

希少価値 (きしょうかち) [kishoukachi]
(n) very precious; scarcity value

机上空論 (きじょうくうろん) [kijoukuuron]
(n) impractical desktop theory [proposition]; unworkable idea; an idea that isn't worth the paper it's written on

起承転結 (きしょうてんけつ) [kishoutenketsu]
(n) the literary process of introduction, development, turn and conclusion; the logical order of things

喜色満面 (きしょくまんめん) [kishokumanmen] 
(n) being all smiles with joy; with one's face beaming with joy; smiling from ear to ear

疑似恋愛 (ぎじれんあい) [gijiren'ai]
(n) pseudo-romance; pseudo [mock] love affair

疑心暗鬼 (ぎしんあんき) [gishin'anki]
(exp,n) being beset with doubts and fears; Suspicion will raise bogies; fearful and suspicious frame of mind

気随気儘 (きずいきまま) [kizuikimama]
(adj-na,n) carefree; (doing or saying things) to suit one's own convenience; unfettered; tending to do as one pleases; self-indulgent

既成概念 (きせいがいねん) [kiseigainen]
(n) preconceived idea; old [established] notions; fixed [established] ideas

規制緩和 (きせいかんわ) [kiseikanwa]
(n) easing of restraints [regulations]; relaxation of controls; deregulation

既成事実 (きせいじじつ) [kiseijijitsu]
(n) established fact; accomplished reality; fait accompli

貴賤上下 (きせんじょうげ・きせんしょうか) [kisenjouge/kisenshouka] 
(n) high and low; (people of) all ranks and classes

貴賤貧富 (きせんひんぷ) [kisenhinpu]
(n) high and low, and rich and poor

偽装工作 (ぎそうこうさく) [gisoukousaku]
(n,vs) diversionary tactics [maneuvering]; disguise; hide by camouflage

奇想天外  (きそうてんがい) [kisoutengai]
(adj-na,n) fantastic; bizarre; totally unexpected; the most amazing and imaginative

偽装難民 (ぎそうなんみん) [gisounanmin]
(n) fake [phony] refugee; illegal migrant disguised as a refugee

帰属意識 (きぞくいしき) [kizokuishiki]
(n) sense of belonging; (a feeling of) identification (with)

気息奄々・気息奄奄 (きそくえんえん) [kisokuen'en]
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) gasping for breath; at one's last gasp; breathing feebly; on the brink of death

希代未聞 (きたいみもん) [kitaimimon]
(adj-no,n) unheard-of; unparalleled

機知縦横・機智縦横  (きちじゅうおう) [kichijuuou]
(adj-no,n) being very witty; very ingenious and resourceful

吉凶禍福 (きっきょうかふく) [kikkyoukafuku] 
(n) fortune and misfortune; weal and woe; prosperity and adversity; ups and downs (of life)

吃驚仰天 (きっきょうぎょうてん・びっくりぎょうてん) [kikkyougyouten/bikkurigyouten] 
(n,vs) be astonished; be stunned; be startled out of one's wits; be thunderstruck

既定路線 (きていろせん) [kiteirosen]
(n) established [existing] policy [procedure(s)]

喜怒哀楽 (きどあいらく) [kidoairaku]
(n) human emotions [joy, anger, sorrow, and humor]

軌道修正 (きどうしゅうせい) [kidoushuusei]
(n,vs) orbital adjustment; mid-course correction; modification (of a planned course of action); changing horses midstream

木戸御免 (きどごめん) [kidogomen]
(n) being given free admission to; having free access to

昨日今日 (きのうきょう) [kinoukyou]
(n) 1 yesterday and today; 2 (something that happened) only yesterday [just recently]

気分一新 (きぶんいっしん) [kibun'isshin]
(n) complete change of mood; thoroughly refreshing one's spirits

気分次第 (きぶんしだい) [kibunshidai]
(n) according to [depending on] the mood of the moment; as one's fancy dictates

気分爽快 (きぶんそうかい) [kibunsoukai]
(n) feeling great [refreshed]

気分高揚 (きぶんこうよう) [kibunkouyou]
(n) feeling exhilarated

気分転換 (きぶんてんかん) [kibuntenkan]
(n) change of pace; change of mood; mental diversion; refreshment of the spirit; a break

生真面目 (きまじめ) [kimajime]
(adj-na,n) earnest; deeply sincere, serious-minded; overseriousness, too earnest

気儘勝手 (きままかって) [kimamakatte]
(adj-na,n) self-willed; (doing or saying things) to suit one's own convenience

気儘放題 (きままほうだい) [kimamahoudai]
(adj-na,n) as selfishly [willfully] as one pleases

鬼面仏心 (きめんぶっしん) [kimenbusshin]
(n) having the face of a devil and the heart of Buddha; having a stern face but a tender heart

疑問氷解 (ぎもんひょうかい) [gimonhyoukai]
(n) one's doubts being cleared away [dispelled, resolved]

逆転優勝 (ぎゃくてんゆうしょう) [gyakuten'yuushou]
(n,vs) upset victory; come-from-behind victory

牛飲馬食 (ぎゅういんばしょく) [gyuuinbashoku] 
(n,vs) heavy eating and drinking; eating mountains of food and drinking oceans of liquor

牛鬼蛇神 (ぎゅうきだしん) [gyuukidashin]
(adj-no,n) wicked and perverse; weird and incoherent

九牛一毛 (きゅうぎゅういちもう) [kyuugyuuichimou]
(n) a drop in the bucket [ocean]; a small fraction (of); trifle

救国済民 (きゅうこくさいみん) [kyuukokusaimin]
(n) saving a nation and providing relief to people

旧婚旅行 (きゅうこんりょこう) [kyuukonryokou]
(n) second honeymoon

九死一生 (きゅうしいっしょう) [kyuushiisshou]
(n) narrow escape from the jaws of death

鳩首協議 (きゅうしゅきょうぎ) [kyuushukyougi]
(n,vs) put heads together and confer; convene and discuss; go into a huddle (over)

鳩首凝議 (きゅうしゅぎょうぎ) [kyuushugyougi]
(n,vs) put heads together and confer; convene and discuss; go into a huddle (over)

鳩首謀議 (きゅうしゅぼうぎ) [kyuushubougi]
(n,vs) go into a huddle (over); hold a secret conference (about); put heads together and conspire

鳩首密議 (きゅうしゅみつぎ) [kyuushumitsugi]
(n,vs) going into a huddle (over); holding secret [closed-door] conference (about); laying heads together in secret consultation

窮鼠噛猫 (きゅうそごうびょう) [kyuusogoubyou]
(exp) A cornered rat will bite the cat.; One who is cornered will fight like a devil.

旧態依然 (きゅうたいいぜん) [kyuutaiizen] 
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to,n) remaining unchanged (from the old state of things); none the better for the change (if at all)

急転悪化 (きゅうてんあっか) [kyuuten'akka]
(n) suddenly turning for the worse; sudden deterioration

急転直下 (きゅうてんちょっか) [kyuutenchokka]
(n-adv,vs) suddenly and precipitately; abruptly; taking a sudden turn

旧套墨守 (きゅうとうぼくしゅ) [kyuutoubokushu]
(n,vs) clinging to old customs; adhering to old traditions

旧幕時代 (きゅうばくじだい) [kyuubakujidai]
(n) the shogunate period; the days of the shogunate regime

弓馬槍剣 (きゅうばそうけん) [kyuubasouken]
(n) archery, horsemanship, spearsmanship, and swordsmanship; martial arts in general

弓馬刀槍 (きゅうばとうそう) [kyuubatousou]
(n) archery, horsemanship, spearsmanship, and swordsmanship; martial arts in general

旧弊打破 (きゅうへいだは) [kyuuheidaha]
(n) breaking down antiquated notions; abandoning old-time ways; correcting long- standing abuses

牛歩戦術 (ぎゅうほせんじゅつ) [gyuuhosenjutsu]
(n) snail's-pace tactics; snail's-pace shuffling walk adopted by opposition members of the Diet (parliament) as a tactic for stalling a vote

今日明日 (きょうあす) [kyouasu]
(n) 1 today and tomorrow; today or tomorrow; in a day or two; 2 (something that may happen) very soon [any day now]

強圧手段 (きょうあつしゅだん) [kyouatsushudan]
(n) coercive [high-handed] measure; strong-arm method

恐悦至極 (きょうえつしごく) [kyouetsushigoku] 
(adj-na,n) most humbly pleased [delighted]

矯角殺牛 (きょうかくさつぎゅう) [kyoukakusatsugyuu]
(exp,n) trying to straighten the horns of a bull, and killing it in the process; trying to correct a small defect and ruining the whole thing; The cure is worse than the disease.

鏡花水月 (きょうかすいげつ) [kyoukasuigetsu] 
(n) flowers reflected on a mirror and the moon reflected on the water's surface; something that is visible but having no substance; the subtle and profound beauty of poems that cannot be described in words

行儀作法 (ぎょうぎさほう) [gyougisahou]
(n) good manners; etiquette; decorum; the rules of good behavior

今日昨日 (きようきのう) [kyoukinou]
(n) 1 today and yesterday; 2 (something that happened) only yesterday [just recently]

行儀見習 (ぎょうぎみならい) [gyougiminarai] 
(n) learning good manners through apprenticeship (to an upper-class family)

恐々謹言・恐恐謹言 (きょうきょうきんげん) [kyoukyoukingen]
(exp) Very truly yours [a complimentary close used in a letter written in an old epistolary style]

狂喜乱舞  (きょうきらんぶ) [kyoukiranbu]
(n,vs) boisterous dance; dancing wildly for joy

恐懼感激 (きょうくかんげき) [kyoukukangeki] 
(n,vs) be struck with awe; be deeply moved with awe

挟撃作戦 (きょうげきさくせん) [kyougekisakusen]
(n) pincer operation [tactic]

狂言綺語 (きょうげんきご) [kyougenkigo]
(n) [a derogatory term for] fiction; story; novel [Literally: make-believe and fancy talk]

狂言強盗 (きょうげんごうとう) [kyougengoutou]
(n) fake [staged] robbery

狂言自殺 (きょうげんじさつ) [kyougenjisatsu]
(n) mock [sham, fake] suicide

強権発動 (きょうけんはつどう) [kyoukenhatsudou]
(n) invoking the (coercive) power of the state; calling upon the (strong) power of the state

狂言誘拐 (きょうげんゆうかい) [kyougen'yuukai]
(n) fake [staged] kidnapping

恐惶謹言 (きょうこうきんげん) [kyoukoukingen]
(exp) Very truly yours [a complimentary close used in a letter written in an old epistolary style]

恐惶敬白 (きょうこうけいはく) [kyoukoukeihaku]
(exp) Very truly yours [a complimentary close used in a letter written in an old epistolary style]

強硬手段  (きょうこうしゅだん) [kyoukoushudan]
(n) tough measure; firm step; strong measure

強行突破 (きょうこうとっぱ) [kyoukoutoppa]
(n,vs) force [bulldoze] one's way through

強硬路線 (きょうこうろせん) [kyoukourosen]
(n) firm [strong] stand; hard [tough] line

教唆扇動・教唆煽動 (きょうさせんどう) [kyousasendou]
(n,vs) instigation and abetment

行商稼業 (ぎょうしょうかぎょう) [gyoushoukagyou]
(n) the peddling trade

行住坐臥 (ぎょうじゅうざが) [gyoujuuzaga]
(n-adv,n) daily life; daily routine; while awake or asleep; at all times; day in, day out; constantly [Literally: the four basic movements (walking, standing, sitting and lying down)]

拱手傍観 (きょうしゅぼうかん) [kyoushuboukan]
(n,vs) stand idle by and watch; be a passive onlooker; be an unconcerned spectator of another's distress

協心戮力 (きょうしんりくりょく) [kyoushinrikuryoku]
(n,vs) combined [concerted] efforts; solidarity; joining forces (with)

行政手腕 (ぎょうせいしゅわん) [gyouseishuwan]
(n) skill at administration; one's administrative skills

競争場裡 (きょうそうじょうり) [kyousoujouri]
(n) an [the] arena of competition

共存共栄 (きょうぞんきょうえい) [kyouzonkyouei]  
(n) peaceful coexistence and mutual prosperity

兄弟弟子 (きょうだいでし) [kyoudaideshi]
(n) fellow pupil [apprentice]

驚天動地 (きょうてんどうち) [kyoutendouchi]
(n) astounding; startling; world-shaking; sensational

共同戦線 (きょうどうせんせん) [kyoudousensen] 
(n) common [united] front

共同謀議 (きょうどうぼうぎ) [kyoudoubougi]
(n) conspiracy

強迫観念 (きょうはくかんねん) [kyouhakukannen]
(n) obsession; compulsion

共犯関係 (きょうはんかんけい) [kyouhankankei]
(n) complicity (in a crime); collusion

器用貧乏 (きようびんぼう) [kiyoubinbou]
(adj-na,n) Jack of all trades and master of none; Good workmen are seldom rich.

驕兵必敗 (きょうへいひっぱい) [kyouheihippai]
(exp,n) Defeat is inevitable for an overconfident army.; Being arrogant and overconfident inevitably leads to defeat [failure].; Pride comes before a fall.

興味索然 (きょうみさくぜん) [kyoumisakuzen]
(adj-t,adv-to) uninteresting; pall; tending to spoil the fun [pleasure] (of); throwing a wet blanket (on)

興味津々・興味津津 (きょうみしんしん) [kyoumishinshin] 
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) very interesting; of absorbing interest; having a keen interest (in); being immensely curious (about)

興味本位 (きょうみほんい) [kyoumihon'i]
(adj-na,adj-no,n ) just out of curiosity; merely for amusing; light [entertaining/sensational] treatment (of a topic)

教養小説 (きょうようしょうせつ) [kyouyoushousetsu]
(n) novel of education [formation]; novel which traces the intellectual, spiritual, moral, psychological, or social development and growth of the main character from (usually) childhood to maturity; Bildungsroman [German]

享楽気分 (きょうらくきぶん) [kyourakukibun]
(n) enjoyable [pleasant] feeling [atmosphere]

享楽生活 (きょうらくせいかつ) [kyourakuseikatsu]
(n) leading a life of pleasure; pleasure-seeking lifestyle

狂瀾怒涛 (きょうらんどとう) [kyourandotou]
(n) raging billows [waves]; tumultuous sea; maelstrom; the state of affairs being in great turmoil

協力一致 (きょうりょくいっち) [kyouryokuicchi]
(n,vs) combined [concerted] efforts; solidarity; joining forces (with)

協力態勢 (きょうりょくたいせい) [kyouryokutaisei]
(n) readiness to cooperate; framework for cooperation

強力無比 (きょうりょくむひ) [kyouryokumuhi]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) being the strongest; being powerful [mighty] without equal

虚々実々・虚虚実実 (きょきょじつじつ) [kyokyojitsujitsu]
(n) full of wiles and tricks; a match between persons equal in shrewdness mobilizing all the tricks each can muster; shrewdly avoiding the opponent's strong points and attacking its weaknesses

局外中立 (きょくがいちゅうりつ) [kyokugaichuuritsu]
(n) neutrality; staying above the fray

曲学阿世 (きょくがくあせい) [kyokugakuasei]
(n) prostitution of learning; twisting the truth and truckling to the times

玉砕主義 (ぎょくさいしゅぎ) [gyokusaishugi]
(n) the principle [ideology] of honorable death and no surrender

旭日昇天 (きょくじつしょうてん) [kyokujitsushouten]
(n) full of vigor and vitality [like the rising sun]; being in the ascendant

玉石混交・玉石混淆 (ぎょくせきこんこう) [gyokusekikonkou] 
(n,vs) a mixture of the good and bad; a jumble of wheat and tares

局面一転 (きょくめんいってん) [kyokumen'itten]
(n) sudden reversal in the tide of events; the situation taking a new turn

局面打開 (きょくめんだかい) [kyokumendakai] 
(n) breakthrough in the situation; break in the deadlocked situation

挙国一致 (きょこくいっち) [kyokokuicchi] 
(n,vs) national unity; the whole nation being united for a common cause

虚実混交・虚実混淆 (きょじつこんこう) [kyojitsukonkou] 
(n) mishmash of truth and untruth; mixture of fiction and fact

虚実皮膜 (きょじつひまく) [kyojitsuhimaku]
(exp,n) the difference between truth and fiction in art being very subtle; Art abides in a realm that is neither truth nor fiction.

虚心坦懐 (きょしんたんかい) [kyoshintankai] 
(adj-na,adj-no,n) with an open and calm mind; without reserve; with utmost candor; with no preconceived notions

虚心平気 (きょしんへいき) [kyoshinheiki]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) with an open and calm mind; without reserve; with utmost candor; with no preconceived notions

拒絶反応 (きょぜつはんのう) [kyozetsuhannou]
(n) rejection (symptom); strong reaction (against)

挙措言動 (きょそげんどう) [kyosogendou]
(n) speech and behavior; words and deeds

挙措進退 (きょそしんたい) [kyososhintai]
(n) behavior; bearing; demeanor

虚脱状態 (きょだつじょうたい) [kyodatsujoutai]
(n) state of lethargy; absolute bewilderment; daze; mental numbness

挙動不審 (きょどうふしん) [kyodoufushin]
(n) suspicious behavior; acting suspiciously

許認可権 (きょにんかけん) [kyoninkaken]
(n) ministerial authority to grant permits and approvals

拒否反応 (きょひはんのう) [kyohihannou]
(n) adverse reaction; negative response to; strong reaction (against)

毀誉褒貶 (きよほうへん) [kiyohouhen]
(n) praise and censure; differing views of someone's achievements; one's public reputation, both good and bad

虚無恬淡 (きょむてんたん) [kyomutentan]
(adj-na,adj-t,adv-to,n) rising above the trivia of life and remaining calm and selfless

義理一遍 (ぎりいっぺん) [giriippen]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) perfunctory; going-through-the-motions sort of (invitation, gift, etc.)

義理人情 (ぎりにんじょう) [girininjou]
(n) duty and humanity; (a sense of) moral obligation and humane feelings

機略縦横 (きりゃくじゅうおう) [kiryakujuuou]
(adj-no,n) full of resourceful ideas; full of shifts and devices; very resourcefully using tactics adapting oneself to the requirements of the moment

気力旺盛 (きりょくおうせい) [kiryokuousei]
(adj-na,n) being full of energy [drive, motivation, vitality]

気力横溢 (きりょくおういつ) [kiryokuouitsu]
(n) being full of vitality [energy]; in exuberant spirits; effervescent; ebullient

議論百出 (ぎろんひゃくしゅつ) [giron'hyakushutsu]
(n) endless [fierce] arguments; diverse arguments arising in great numbers

議論沸騰 (ぎろんふっとう) [gironfuttou]
(n,vs) discussion [argument] becoming heated; debate being in a ferment

金甌無欠 (きんおうむけつ・きんのうむけつ) [kin'oumuketsu/kinnoumuketsu] 
(n) flawless; perfect; (a nation) having never been invaded by outside forces

槿花一日 (きんかいちじつ) [kinkaichijitsu] 
(n) evanescent glory; passing prosperity

槿花一朝 (きんかいっちょう) [kinkaicchou] 
(n) evanescent glory; passing prosperity

金科玉条 (きんかぎょくじょう) [kinkagyokujou] 
(n) a golden rule

欣喜雀躍 (きんきじゃくやく) [kinkijakuyaku]
(n,vs) jump [dance] for joy; cannot contain one's joy

緊急事態 (きんきゅうじたい) [kinkyuujitai]
(n) state of emergency; exigency; crisis

緊急動議 (きんきゅうどうぎ) [kinkyuudougi]
(n) urgent motion

謹厳実直 (きんげんじっちょく) [kingenjicchoku] 
(adj-na,n) very discreet, sincere, and honest; sober and upright

勤倹貯蓄 (きんけんちょちく) [kinkenchochiku]
(n) thrift and saving

金言名句 (きんげんめいく) [kingenmeiku]
(n) golden [wise] saying; aphorism; maxim

勤倹力行 (きんけんりっこう) [kinkenrikkou]  
(n,vs) work hard and practice frugality 

近郷近在 (きんごうきんざい) [kingoukinzai] 
(n) surrounding country; neighboring villages

金口木舌 (きんこうぼくぜつ・きんこうもくぜつ) [kinkoubokuzetsu/kinkoumokuzetsu]
(n) (public) opinion leader

筋骨隆々・筋骨隆隆 (きんこつりゅうりゅう) [kinkotsuryuuryuu]
(adj-na,adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) muscular; strong-muscled

緊褌一番 (きんこんいちばん) [kinkon'ichiban] 
(n-adv) gird up one's loins; brace oneself up (for); act with determination and resolve

金枝玉葉 (きんしぎょくよう) [kinshigyokuyou]
(n) (1) member of the Imperial family; royalty; (2) beautiful clouds

琴瑟相和 (きんしつそうわ) [kinshitsusouwa]
(n,vs) marital harmony; living (together) happily as husband and wife

金城鉄壁 (きんじょうてっぺき) [kinjouteppeki]
(n) impregnable castle [walls]; impregnable fortress; impregnable defense

錦上添花 (きんじょうてんか) [kinjoutenka]
(n) adding a crowning touch of beauty (to); giving added luster (to); crowning beauty [honor, grace] with even greater glory

金城湯池 (きんじょうとうち) [kinjoutouchi]
(n) impregnable fortress; impassable moat [bulwark]; unassailable territory

近所合壁 (きんじょがっぺき) [kinjogappeki]
(n) immediate neighborhood

近所迷惑 (きんじょめいわく) [kinjomeiwaku]
(n) nuisance [annoyance, inconvenience] to (people in) the neighborhood

金銭感覚 (きんせんかんかく) [kinsenkankaku]
(n) sense for (how to use) money; money sense

金銭哲学 (きんせんてつがく) [kinsentetsugaku]
(n) one's philosophy of making, saving, and spending money

金銭問題 (きんせんもんだい) [kinsenmondai]
(n) money matter; question of money; money trouble

緊張緩和 (きんちょうかんわ) [kinchoukanwa]
(n) detente; easing [relation] of tension

金殿玉楼 (きんでんぎょくろう) [kindengyokurou]
(n) magnificent palace; palatial residence

勤王攘夷・勤皇攘夷 (きんのうじょうい) [kinnoujoui]
(n) loyalty to the emperor and expulsion of the foreigners

金波銀波 (きんぱぎんぱ) [kinpaginpa]
(n) sparkling waves; waves sparkling in the moonlight or with the light of the rising [setting] sun

禁欲生活 (きんよくせいかつ) [kin'yokuseikatsu]
(n) an ascetic existence; (leading) a continent life; abstinence

金襴緞子 (きんらんどんす) [kinrandonsu] 
(n) gold-brocade satin damask; expensive silk fabrics

近隣公害 (きんりんこうがい) [kinrinkougai]
(n) (noise/smell/air/water) pollution in the neighborhood

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空々寂々・空空寂寂 (くうくうじゃくじゃく) [kuukuujakujaku] 
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) deserted and lonesome; quiet and alone; innocent and nonattached; All is void.

空々漠々・空空漠漠 (くうくうばくばく) [kuukuubakubaku] 
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) vast; boundless; empty; vague and hazy

空前絶後 (くうぜんぜつご) [kuuzenzetsugo]
(n) (so marvelous or horrible that it may be) the first and probably the last; unprecedented; the greatest of all time

空即是色 (くうそくぜしき) [kuusokuzeshiki] 
(exp,n) Voidness is form.; What appears empty is form itself. [A Buddhist teaching]

空中楼閣 (くうちゅうろうかく) [kuuchuuroukaku]
(n) castle in the air; pie in the sky

空転国会 (くうてんこっかい) [kuutenkokkai]
(n) stalled session of the Diet [Japanese Parliament]

空理空論 (くうりくうろん) [kuurikuuron]
(n) an impractical [empty] theory; vain speculation; unrealistic and useless arguments

苦学力行 (くがくりっこう) [kugakurikkou]
(n,vs) strenuous pursuit of learning under difficulties; completing one's education while working hard to support oneself  

愚兄賢弟 (ぐけいけんてい) [gukeikentei]
(n) a foolish older brother and a smart younger

愚者一得 (ぐしゃいっとく) [gushaittoku]
(exp,n) Even a fool may sometimes give good counsel.

九尺二間 (くしゃくにけん) [kushakuniken]
(n) (tiny) house about nine feet wide and 12 feet deep

苦心惨憺 (くしんさんたん) [kushinsantan]
(n,vs) taking great pains; making strenuous efforts; going to all the trouble

愚図愚図 (ぐずぐず) [guzuguzu]
(adj-na,adv,exp) tardily; hesitantly; hesitatingly; dilly-dallying; lingering; complaining

薬九層倍 (くすりくそうばい) [kusurikusoubai]  
(exp,n) Medicines are priced at nine times their cost.; There is a huge markup in medicines.

九寸五分 (くすんごぶ) [kusungobu]
(n) dagger (with a blade approx. 29 cm long)

糞真面目 (くそまじめ) [kusomajime]
(adj-na,n) overly serious; absurdly [ridiculously] serious; serious to a fault

口三味線 (くちじゃみせん) [kuchijamisen]
(n) humming a samisen tune; (con someone with) clever lies [slick talk]

口不調法 (くちぶちょうほう) [kuchibuchouhou]
(adj-na,n) poor talker; inarticulate person; awkward in expressing oneself; clumsy in the use of language

九分九厘 (くぶくりん) [kubukurin]
(n-adv,n) in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred; almost certainly; in all probability

熊公八公 (くまこうはちこう) [kumakouhachikou]
(n) the average Joe; your average nice guy; Joe Blow; Joe Bloggs

雲助根性 (くもすけこんじょう) [kumosukekonjou]
(n) predatory nature; rapacious disposition

愚問愚答 (ぐもんぐとう) [gumongutou]
(n) silly questions and silly answers; silly dialogue

玄人気質 (くろうとかたぎ) [kuroutokatagi]
(n) professionalism; the temperament of a professional

黒田売買 (くろたばいばい) [kurotabaibai]
(n) dealing in rice speculating on the year's harvest before seedlings are set out

黒物家電 (くろものかでん) [kukromonokaden]
(n) black goods; consumer electronics products

桑原桑原 (くわばらくわばら) [kuwabarakuwabara] 
(int) Heaven help me!; Heaven forbid!

軍紀弛緩 (ぐんきちかん) [gunkichikan]
(n) lack of [slackness in] military discipline; demoralization

軍紀漏洩 (ぐんきろうえい) [gunkirouei]
(n) disclosure [leakage, betrayal] of military secrets

君子豹変 (くんしひょうへん) [kunshihyouhen] 
(exp,n) 1 [original meaning] The wise readily adapt themselves to changed circumstances.; The wise are quick to acknowledge their mistakes and correct them.; 2 [in colloquial usage, ironically or as an excuse] The wise make no scruple in suddenly changing their demeanor [attitude, idea, intention].

訓民正音 (くんみんせいおん) [kunminseion]
(n) Hunmin-jongum; the Hankul [Hangul] alphabet (of Korea); the Onmun [Enmun]

群雄割拠  (ぐんゆうかっきょ) [gun'yuukakkyo]
(n,vs) rivalry of local warlords; rival camps vying for supremacy; a number of powerful [talented, influential] persons standing by themselves in a given field

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鯨飲馬食 (げいいんばしょく) [geiinbashoku]
(n,vs) heavy eating and drinking; drinking like a fish and eating like a horse; eating mountains of food and drinking oceans of liquor

形影一如 (けいえいいちにょ) [keieiichinyo] 
(n) being inseparable as a form and its shadow; a person's deed mirrors the good or evil of his mind; husband and wife being never apart

軽挙妄動 (けいきょもうどう) [keikyomoudou] 
(n,vs) rash and blind act; acting on impulse taking no heed of possible consequences

鶏群一鶴 (けいぐんいっかく) [keigun'ikkaku]
(n) a swan among ducklings; a diamond among stones; a great figure among the common run of men

鶏口牛後 (けいこうぎゅうご) [keikougyuugo] 
(exp,n) It is better to be the beak of a rooster than the rump of a bull; It is better to be a big fish in a little pond than a little fish in a big pond.; It is better to be the leader of a small group than a subordinate in a large organization.

経国済民 (けいこくさいみん) [keikokusaimin] 
(n) governing a nation and providing relief to people 

傾国傾城 (けいこくけいせい) [keikokukeisei]
(n) a beauty for whom a king would neglect his realm; glamorous woman who brings ruin to a realm as the king is captivated by her beauty; femme fatale

警察沙汰 (けいさつざた) [keisatsuzata] 
(n) a matter for the police; with the police involved; a brush with the law

芸術家肌 (げいじゅつかはだ) [geijutsukahada]
(n) be something of an artist; have something of the artist in one

形勢逆転 (けいせいぎゃくてん) [keiseigyakuten]
(n,vs) the situation reverses itself; the table is turned; the shoe is on the other foot

傾城傾国 (けいせいけいこく) [keiseikeikoku] 
(n) a beauty for whom a king would neglect his realm; glamorous woman who brings ruin to a realm as the king is captivated by her beauty; femme fatale

経世済民 (けいせいさいみん) [keiseisaimin]
(n) governing a nation and providing relief to people 

形勢不利 (けいせいふり) [keiseifuri] 
(adj-na,n) situation [turn of events] being unfavorable [disadvantageous]

形勢有利 (けいせいゆうり) [keiseiyuuri]
(adj-na,n) situation [turn of events] being favorable [advantageous]

軽佻浮薄 (けいちょうふはく) [keichoufuhaku] 
(adj-na,n) frivolous and thoughtless; fickle and frivolous

敬天愛人 (けいてんあいじん) [keiten'aijin] 
(exp) "Revere heaven, love people."

軽薄才子 (けいはくさいし) [keihakusaishi] 
(n) shallow, glib and obsequious person

軽薄短小 (けいはくたんしょう) [keihakutanshou] 
(adj-na,n) light, thin, short, and small (products); light and compact (products)

軽妙洒脱 (けいみょうしゃだつ) [keimyoushadatsu] 
(adj-na,n) free and easy; witty and refined; smart and polished

鶏鳴狗盗 (けいめいくとう) [keimeikutou]
(n) person who resorts to petty tricks; person of small caliber who is only capable of petty tricks

経歴詐称 (けいれきさしょう) [keirekisashou]
(n) misrepresentation [falsification] of one's past record [personal history]

戯作三昧 (げさくざんまい) [gesakuzanmai]
(n) being absorbed in writing popular novels [cheap fictions]; being absorbed in writing something to amuse oneself

下司野郎 (げすやろう) [gesuyarou]
(n) low [crude/coarse] man; boor

外題学問 (げだいがくもん) [gedaigakumon] 
(n) putting on a knowing air when one only knows the title of the book [play, etc.]; pretending to understand the nature of something when one only knows its name

血縁関係 (けつえんかんけい) [ketsuenkankei]
(n) blood relationship; blood relations; being genetically related

月下推敲 (げっかすいこう) [gekkasuikou]
(n) polish; elaboration; repeatedly working over one's writing; being very scrupulous in the choice of diction

月下氷人 (げっかひょうじん) [gekkahyoujin]
(n) go-between; matchmaker

結跏趺坐 (けっかふざ) [kekkafuza] 
(n) sitting with crossed legs; the lotus position [in Zen meditation]

月下老人 (げっかろうじん) [gekkaroujin]
(n) go-between; matchmaker   

月給泥棒 (げっきゅうどろぼう) [gekkyuudorobou]
(n) freeloader; slacker; lazy worker who does not deserve his salary

月卿雲客 (げっけいうんかく) [gekkeiunkaku]
(n) court nobles and other courtiers allowed into the Imperial Palace

懸念材料 (けねんざいりょう) [kenenzairyou]
(n) cause [grounds] for concern [anxiety]; reason for uneasiness

狷介孤高 (けんかいここう) [kenkaikokou]
(adj-na,n) stubborn and aloof

狷介固陋 (けんかいころう) [kenkaikorou]
(adj-na,n) stubbornly sticking to old ways; narrow-mindedly rejecting other people's views

狷介不羈 (けんかいふき) [kenkaifuki]
(adj-na,n) stubbornly sticking to one's own convictions; being stubbornly independent

衒学趣味 (げんがくしゅみ) [gengakushumi]
(n) pedantry; display of one's learning; being of a pedantic disposition

喧嘩沙汰 (けんかざた) [kenkazata]
(n) beginning [developing into] a quarrel [a fight, an altercation]

元気溌剌 (げんきはつらつ) [genkihatsuratsu] 
(adj-na,n) be full of energy [liveliness]; be full of pep

牽強付会 (けんきょうふかい) [kenkyoufukai]
(n,vs) farfetched (idea/interpretation); twisted (argument), forced (view); strained (logic/interpretation)

懸軍長躯 (けんぐんちょうく) [kengunchouku]
(n,vs) (conduct a) military expedition deep into enemy territory

懸軍万里 (けんぐんばんり) [kengunbanri]
(n) military expedition deep into enemy territory

権限委譲 (けんげんいじょう) [kengen'ijou]
(n) delegation of authority [power]; devolution; empowerment

言々句々・言言句句 (げんげんくく) [gengenkuku]
(n) every single word and phrase; each and every word

喧々囂々・喧喧囂囂 (けんけんごうごう) [kenkengougou] 
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to,n) wild uproar; clamor of voices; tumult; pandemonium of noise; many people clamorously pronouncing diverse opinions

拳々服膺・拳拳服膺 (けんけんふくよう) [kenkenfukuyou]
(n,vs) firmly bear in mind; have something engraved on one's mind [heart]

言行一致 (げんこういっち) [genkouicchi]
(n) consistency of speech and action; acting up to one's words; practicing what one preaches

言行齟齬 (げんこうそご) [genkousogo]
(n) inconsistency of speech and action; failing to act up to one's words; not practicing what one preaches

乾坤一擲 (けんこんいってき) [kenkon'itteki]
(n) staking all (on); playing for all or nothing; risking everything on one throw of the dice

現実認識 (げんじつにんしき) [genjitsuninshiki]
(n) accepting [acknowledging] the reality

現実路線 (げんじつろせん) [genjitsurosen]
(n) (following) a pragmatic (policy) line [approach]

現状維持 (げんじょういじ) [genjouiji]
(n) maintenance [preservation] of the status quo

現状打破 (げんじょうだは) [genjoudaha]
(n) abandonment of the status quo; destroying the status quo; overthrowing the present situation

現状把握 (げんじょうはあく) [genjouhaaku]
(n) grasping the present situation; having an accurate grasp of the situation

現状否定 (げんじょうひてい) [genjouhitei]
(n) refusal to accept the present situation; denial of the existing situation; negation of the status quo

牽制作戦 (けんせいさくせん) [kenseisakusen]
(n) diversionary operations

厳正中立 (げんせいちゅうりつ) [genseichuuritsu]
(adj-na,n) strict neutrality

現世利益 (げんせりやく・げんぜりやく) [genseriyaku/genzeriyaku] 
(n) spiritual [material] benefit gained in this world through observance of the Buddhist teachings

減点主義 (げんてんしゅぎ) [gentenshugi]
(n) demerit [points-off] system

巻土重来・捲土重来 (けんどじゅうらい・けんどちょうらい) [kendojuurari/kendochourai]
(n) recouping one's strength for a renewed attack (on); making another attempt with redoubled efforts

堅忍持久 (けんにんじきゅう) [kenninjikyuu] 
(n) dogged perseverance; untiring patience

堅忍不抜 (けんにんふばつ) [kenninfubatsu] 
(n) indomitable perseverance; invincible fortitude

堅白同異 (けんぱくどうい) [kenpakudoui]   
(n) sophism; sophistry; quibbling

原発銀座 (げんぱつぎんざ) [genpatsuginza]
(n) area where a string of nuclear power plants are located

言文一致 (げんぶんいっち) [genbun'icchi]
(n) unification of the written and spoken forms of a language; written in the spoken, as contrasted to the literary, language; colloquial style of writing

権謀術策 (けんぼうじゅっさく) [kenboujussaku]
(n) trickery; wiles; intriguing strategy cleverly designed to fool others; Machiavellism

権謀術数 (けんぼうじゅっすう) [kenboujussuu]  
(n) trickery; wiles; intriguing strategy cleverly designed to fool others; Machiavellism

見聞覚知 (けんもんかくち) [kenmonkakuchi]
(n) perception through the six senses (of sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, and consciousness)

原野商法 (げんやしょうほう) [gen'yashouhou]
(n) the selling of waste land [worthless property] by unscrupulous real-estate developers

絢爛華麗 (けんらんかれい) [kenrankarei]
(adj-na,n) luxurious and gorgeous; splendid; dazzling; magnificent

絢爛豪華 (けんらんごうか) [kenrangouka] 
(adj-na,n) luxurious and gorgeous; splendid; dazzling; magnificent

堅牢堅固 (けんろうけんご) [kenroukengo]
(adj-na,n) firm and solid; stout and durable

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高位高官 (こういこうかん) [kouikoukan]
(n) (person of) high rank and office [exalted station]; persons in high positions

行雲流水 (こううんりゅうすい) [kouunryuusui]
(n) living naturally unmindful of mundane affairs; taking life as it comes; [metaphorically] floating with the tide

豪快奔放 (ごうかいほんぽう) [goukaihonpou] 
(adj-na,n) big-hearted and free-spirited; daring and uninhibited

豪華絢爛 (ごうかけんらん) [goukakenran]
(adj-na,adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) luxurious and gorgeous; splendid; dazzling; magnificent

狡猾老獪 (こうかつろうかい) [koukatsuroukai]
(adj-na,n) sly and crafty

効果覿面  (こうかてきめん) [koukatekimen]
(adj-na,n) immediately effective; bring an immediate result (on); have an instant effect (on)

高歌放吟 (こうかほうぎん) [koukahougin]  
(n,vs) sing at the top of one's voice; sing one's head off

効果抜群 (こうかばつぐん) [koukabatsugun]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) exceptionally effective; exceptional effectiveness

紅顔可憐 (こうがんかれん) [kougankaren]
(adj-na,n) youthful and endearing; rosy-cheeked and sweet

傲岸不遜 (ごうがんふそん) [gouganfuson]
(adj-na,n) arrogant and presumptuous; haughty arrogance; intolerable insolence

傲岸無礼 (ごうがんぶれい) [gouganburei] 
(adj-na,n) arrogant and rude

厚顔無恥 (こうがんむち) [kouganmuchi]
(adj-na,n) brazen and shameless; unscrupulous

剛毅果断 (ごうきかだん) [goukikadan]
(adj-na,n) dauntless and decisive; with fortitude and resolution

綱紀粛正  (こうきしゅくせい) [koukishukusei] 
(n) enforcing strict official discipline; eliminating corruption among government officials

好機到来 (こうきとうらい) [koukitourai]
(exp,n) an opportunity presenting itself; A good chance has come.

綱紀紊乱 (こうきびんらん) [koukibinran]
(n) laxity in official discipline; public order being in disarray

恒久不変 (こうきゅうふへん) [koukyuufuhen]
(n) permanent and immutable

巧言令色  (こうげんれいしょく) [kougenreishoku]
(n) honeyed words and oiled smiles; (using) sweet words with feigned sincerity

交互作用 (こうごさよう) [kougosayou]
(n) (mutual) interaction; reciprocal action; interplay

恍惚状態 (こうこつじょうたい) [koukotsujoutai]
(n) state of ecstasy [rapture]; trance; senile dementia

甲骨文字 (こうこつもじ) [koukotsumoji]
(n) ancient inscriptions of Chinese characters on oracle bones and carapaces

交際上手 (こうさいじょうず) [kousaijouzu]
(adj-na,n) good at socializing; sociability; being a good mixer

交際場裡 (こうさいじょうり) [kousaijouri]
(n) social circles; the arena of (fashionable) society

交際下手 (こうさいべた) [kousaibeta]
(adj-na,n) bad at socializing; bad in social situation; being a bad mixer

光彩陸離 (こうさいりくり) [kousairikuri]
(adj-t,adv-to) dazzling; brilliant

高山流水 (こうざんりゅうすい) [kouzanryuusui]
(n) 1 high mountains and running water; the beauty of nature; (2) beautifully [skillfully] played music

更始一新 (こうしいっしん) [koushiisshin] 
(n,vs) undergo a complete change; turn over a new leaf

公私混同 (こうしこんどう) [koushikondou]
(n,vs) mix up public and private matters; mix up official business with personal affairs; mix up one's job and one's private life

好事多魔 (こうじたま) [koujitama]
(exp) Happy events are often accompanied by difficulties.; Unsullied joy is rare.

強情我慢 (ごうじょうがまん) [goujougaman]
(adj-no,n) obstinate and self-assertive

強情頑固 (ごうじょうがんこ) [goujouganko] 
(adj-na,n) headstrong; obstinate; bullheaded

公序良俗 (こうじょりょうぞく) [koujoryouzoku] 
(n) public order and morals [decency]; public peace and good order

黄塵万丈 (こうじんばんじょう) [koujinbanjou]
(n) rising cloud of (yellowish) dust; clouds of yellow dust

後生可畏 (こうせいかい) [kouseikai]
(exp) The young should be regarded with respect.

攻勢防御 (こうせいぼうぎょ) [kouseibougyo]
(n) attack as a form of defense; attacking [active] defense

公正無私 (こうせいむし) [kouseimushi]
(adj-na,n) fair and impartial; just and unselfish

広大無辺  (こうだいむへん) [koudaimuhen] 
(adj-na,n) boundless; infinite; vast   

巧遅拙速 (こうちせっそく) [kouchisessoku]
(n) better being rough and ready than slow and elaborate; better being brisk and sharp than slow and prudent

膠着状態 (こうちゃくじょうたい) [kouchakujoutai]
(n) state of deadlock; standstill; stalemate

黄道吉日 (こうどうきちにち・おうどうきちにち) [koudoukichinichi/oudoukichinichi]
(n) very auspicious day for all types of occasions

行動原理 (こうどうげんり) [koudougenri]
(n) behavioral principle; principle [value] governing one's conduct

荒唐無稽  (こうとうむけい) [koutoumukei] 
(adj-na,n) groundless and preposterous; absurdity; sheer nonsense

紅灯緑酒 (こうとうりょくしゅ) [koutouryokushu]
(n) (nights of) fun, food, and drink; bright-light district; nightlife district

狡兎三窟 (こうとさんくつ) [koutosankutsu]
(n) very shrewd in preparing a means of escape; being very good at escaping danger

広範多岐 (こうはんたき) [kouhantaki]
(adj-na,n) extensive and wide-ranging; widespread and divergent

好評嘖々・好評嘖嘖 (こうひょうさくさく) [kouhyousakusaku]
(adj-t,adv-to) enjoying great popularity; receiving widespread high praise; being a great success with the public   

興奮気味 (こうふんぎみ) [koufungimi]
(n) being somewhat excited [agitated]

公平無私 (こうへいむし) [kouheimushi]
(adj-na,n) impartial and disinterested; fair and unprejudiced

興亡盛衰 (こうぼうせいすい) [koubouseisui]
(n) rise and fall; prosperity and decline; vicissitudes

豪放粗野 (ごうほうそや) [gouhousoya]
(adj-na,n) bold and boorish

豪放磊落 (ごうほうらいらく) [gouhourairaku]
(adj-na,n) bold and big-hearted; broad-minded, free, and easy

傲慢不遜 (ごうまんふそん) [goumanfuson]
(adj-na) haughty; arrogant; overbearing; intolerable insolence

傲慢無礼 (ごうまんぶれい) [goumanburei]
(adj-na,n) arrogant and insolent; haughty and contemptuous

公明正大 (こうめいせいだい) [koumeiseidai] 
(adj-na,n) fair and aboveboard; open and honest

紅毛碧眼 (こうもうへきがん) [koumouhekigan]
(n) red-haired and blue-eyed (person); a Westerner

交友関係 (こうゆうかんけい) [kouyuukankei]
(n) one's (friendly) relationships; the people one knows [goes around with]

剛勇無比 (ごうゆうむひ) [gouyuumuhi]
(adj-no,n) unparalleled for valor; unmatched for bravery

強欲非道 (ごうよくひどう) [gouyokuhidou] 
(adj-na,n) abnormally and inhumanly greedy; cruel and rapacious

行楽日和 (こうらくびより) [kourakubiyori]
(n) ideal weather for an outing

荒涼落莫 (こうりょうらくばく) [kouryourakubaku]
(adj-na,adj-t,adv-to) scene looking desolate and forlorn

甲論乙駁 (こうろんおつばく) [kouron'otsubaku]
(n,vs) arguments pro and con; arguing for and against [something] with no resolution in sight

高論卓説 (こうろんたくせつ) [kourontakusetsu]
(n) excellent opinion; brilliant exposition; outstanding argument; insightful view

弧影悄然 (こえいしょうぜん) [koeishouzen]
(adj-na,adj-t,adv-to) lonely and crestfallen; lonely and heavy-hearted figure

呉越同舟 (ごえつどうしゅう) [goetsudoushuu] 
(n) bitter enemies stuck together in the same boat by chance; antagonists joining together for a common purpose

古往今来 (こおうこんらい) [ko'oukonrai] 
(n-adv) through all ages; since remote antiquity; from ancient times to the present

互角勝負 (ごかくしょうぶ) [gokakushoubu]
(n) equal contest; close game; well-matched game; even match

小刀細工 (こがたなざいく) [kogatanazaiku]
(n) (1) carving done with a knife; (2) cheap trick; simple trickery; petty strategem

狐疑逡巡 (こぎしゅんじゅん) [kogishunjun]
(n,vs) be in doubt and unable to decide; hesitation and indecision

極悪非道 (ごくあくひどう) [gokuakuhidou]
(adj-na,n) heinous; treacherous; atrocious; diabolic; fiendish; inhuman

国威発揚 (こくいはつよう) [kokuihatsuyou]
(n) enhancing national prestige; expanding national influence

国際感覚 (こくさいかんかく) [kokusaikankaku]
(n) cosmopolitan [international] way of thinking; feeling for the wider world

国際場裡 (こくさいじょうり) [kokusaijouri]
(n) the international arena

国際力学 (こくさいりきがく) [kokusairikigaku]
(n) dynamics of international [foreign] relations

国士無双 (こくしむそう) [kokushimusou]
(n) person of great caliber unparalleled in the land; person of unsurpassed distinction

国色無双 (こくしょくむそう) [kokushokumusou]
(adj-no,n) (a woman of) unparalleled beauty; (a woman's beauty being) matchless throughout the land

酷薄無情(こくはくむじょう) [kokuhakumujou]
(adj-na,n) cold-hearted; callous; merciless; implacable; ruthless

極楽往生 (ごくらくおうじょう) [gokurakuoujou]
(n,vs) rebirth in Paradise; (die) an easy and peaceful death

極楽極楽 (ごくらくごくらく) [gokurakugokuraku]
(exp) It's absolute heaven.; It's sheer bliss.

極楽蜻蛉 (ごくらくとんぼ) [gokurakutonbo]
(n) happy-go-lucky fellow; an easygoing and indifferent person; a pococurante

孤軍奮闘 (こぐんふんとう) [kogunfuntou]  
(n,vs) fight alone; put up a solitary struggle; carry on a single-handed battle

此処一番 (ここいちばん) [kokoichiban]
(n) the crucial moment; the moment of truth; a do-or-die situation; a crucial juncture [stage]

五公五民 (ごこうごみん) [gokougomin]
(n) land-tax system during the Edo period under which the government took half of the year's crop and the farmers kept the other half

五穀豊穣 (ごこくほうじょう) [gokokuhoujou] 
(n) bumper [abundant] crop; huge harvest (of cereals)

五言絶句 (ごごん ぜっく) [gogonzekku]
(n) poem of four lines, each of five (Chinese) characters

古今東西 (ここんとうざい) [kokontouzai]
(n-adv,n) all times and places; everywhen and everywhere

古今独歩 (ここんどっぽ) [kokondoppo]
(n) unsurpassed in history

古今無双 (ここんむそう) [kokonmusou]
(n) unparalleled in history

古今無類 (ここんむるい) [kokonmurui]
(n) unequaled in history

五言律詩 (ごごんりっし) [gogonrisshi]
(n) poem of eight lines, each of five (Chinese) characters

腰掛仕事 (こしかけしごと) [koshikakeshigoto]
(n) stopgap job; just a temporary job while looking for a better job; work just to kill time

乞食根性 (こじきこんじょう) [kojikikonjou]
(n) mercenary [mean] spirit; greediness; covetous disposition; base [mean] spirit of seeking freeloading [cadging] opportunities wherever possible

乞食坊主 (こじきぼうず・こつじきぼうず) [kojikibouzu/kotsujikibouzu] 
(n) [a derogatory term for] Buddhist monk

故事成語 (こじせいご) [kojiseigo]
(n) idiom derived from historical events or classical literature of China

虎視眈々・虎視眈眈 (こしたんたん) [koshitantan] 
(adj-t,adv-to) watching vigilantly for an opportunity to prey upon

五十音順 (ごじゅうおんじゅん) [gojuuonjun]
(n) the order of the Japanese syllabary; kana order; (in) a-i-u-e-o order

五十知命 (ごじゅうちめい) [gojuuchimei]
(exp) At age fifty, one comes to know the will of Heaven. [Confucius]

後生一生 (ごしょういっしょう) [goshouisshou]
(n) extremely important or once in a lifetime (request); only once in one's lifetime

後生大事 (ごしょうだいじ) [goshoudaiji] 
(n) with religious zeal; treasuring (something); keeping (something) with jealous care

弧城落月 (こじょうらくげつ) [kojourakugetsu] 
(n) feeling apprehensive; feeling [looking] lone and helpless; being down-and-out [ruined]; helplessness of those in reduced circumstances

孤城落日 (こじょうらくじつ) [kojourakujitsu]  
(n) feeling apprehensive; feeling [looking] lone and helpless; being down-and-out [ruined]; helplessness of those in reduced circumstances

古色蒼然  (こしょくそうぜん) [koshokusouzen] 
(adj-t,adv-to) antique-looking; with the patina of age; hoary with age

故事来歴  (こじらいれき) [kojiraireki]
(n) origin and history of things handed down from ancient times; historical particulars

牛頭馬頭 (ごずめず) [gozumezu] 
(n) a type of demons in the Buddhist hell with a human body and the head of a bull or horse

御前試合 (ごぜんじあい) [gozenjiai]
(n) game [contest] held in the presence of a lord [daimyo, shogun] 

五臓六腑 (ごぞうろっぷ) [gozouroppu]
(n) the bowels and other internal organs; the vital organs

五体満足 (ごたいまんぞく) [gotaimanzoku] 
(adj-na,n) with no physical defects; in perfectly good health; sound in wind and limb

誇大妄想 (こだいもうそう) [kodaimousou]
(n) delusions of grandeur; megalomania

固着観念 (こちゃくかんねん) [kochakukannen]
(n) a fixation; fixed idea; obsession

国家存亡 (こっかそんぼう) [kokkasonbou] 
(n) the fate of a nation; life-or-death (situation) for a nation; national crisis

国家多事 (こっかたじ) [kokkataji]
(adj-no,n) eventful times for the nation; the nation being in turmoil; the storm clouds gathering in the land

酷寒猛暑 (こっかんもうしょ) [kokkanmousho]
(n) bitter cold and fierce heat

克己精進 (こっきしょうじん) [kokkishousjin]
(n,vs) self-control and close application; self-denial and diligent devotion

克己復礼 (こっきふくれい) [kokkifukurei]
(n,vs) exercising self-restraint and conforming to the rules of etiquette and formality

刻苦精進 (こっくしょうじん) [kokkushoujin]
(n,vs) be arduous; work diligently enduring hardships; make a strenuous effort

刻苦精励 (こっくせいれい) [kokkuseirei] 
(n,vs) be arduous; work diligently enduring hardships; make a strenuous effort

刻苦勉励 (こっくべんれい) [kokkubenrei] 
(n,vs) be arduous; work diligently enduring hardships; make a strenuous effort

滑稽諧謔 (こっけいかいぎゃく) [kokkeikaigyaku]
(n) smooth-talking and humorous; with jocose and comical airs

滑稽洒脱 (こっけいしゃだつ) [kokkeishadatsu]
(adj-na,n) smooth-talking and polished; witty; free, easy, and urbane

骨肉相食 (こつにくそうしょく) [kotsunikusoushoku]
(n) blood feud; domestic [family] discord

木端微塵  (こっぱみじん) [koppamijin]
(n) fragments and splinters; smithereens [atoms, bits]

木端役人 (こっぱやくにん) [koppayakunin] 
(n) [a derogatory term for] petty [minor] official

固定観念 (こていかんねん) [koteikannen]
(n) stereotype; prejudice; fixed idea

後手後手 (ごてごて) [gotegote]
(n) ending up behind with everything; being always too late [never in time]

後手必敗 (ごてひっぱい) [gotehippai]
(exp,n) Defeat is inevitable for one who goes second.; Being slow to take action inevitably leads to defeat.

五人囃子 (ごにんばやし) [goninbayashi]
(n) five court-musician dolls at the Girls' Festival (March 3)

小春日和 (こはるびより) [koharubiyori] 
(n) balmy autumn weather; warm spring-like weather in early winter

五風十雨 (ごふうじゅうう) [gofuujuu'u] 
(n) seasonable rains and winds; rains and winds suitable for growing; halcyon weather; halcyon times of peace

鼓腹撃壌 (こふくげきじょう) [kofukugekijou] 
(n,vs) (people) sing the praises [enjoy the blessings] of peace

鼓舞激励 (こぶげきれい) [kobugekirei]
(n,vs) inspire and encourage (someone); put (someone) on his mettle

五分五分 (ごぶごぶ) [gobugobu] 
(n) evenly matched; on even [equal] terms; tie; toss-up; on a 50-50 basis

御無沙汰 (ごぶさた) [gobusata]  
(n,vs) not writing or contacting for a while; neglecting [failing] to write [call, visit, etc.]; long silence

古武士然 (こぶしぜん) [kobushizen]
(n) having something of the old-time samurai about one

胡麻塩頭 (ごましおあたま) [gomashioatama]
(n) salt and pepper hair; dark hair streaked with gray

御用学者 (ごようがくしゃ) [goyougakusha]
(n) a scholar beholden to the government; scholar who curries favor with persons in power; self-serving academic

御用組合 (ごようくみあい) [goyoukumiai]
(n) a company union; a sweetheart union; a company-run labor [trade] union

御用商人 (ごようしょうにん) [goyoushounin]
(n) purveyor to the government; merchant who enjoys government patronage

御用新聞 (ごようしんぶん) [goyoushinbun]
(n) newspaper that follows the government line; newspaper that curries favor with the government

御用繁多 (ごようはんた) [goyouhanta]
(adj-na,n) being busy with many things; extreme busyness due to pressure of business [often used humorously]

孤立無援 (こりつむえん) [koritsumuen]
(n) friendless isolation; fighting [struggling] alone and unassisted

五里霧中 (ごりむちゅう) [gorimuchuu]
(n) totally at a loss; losing one's bearings; mystified; clueless and bewildered; groping in the dark; (lost) in a fog

狐狸妖怪 (こりようかい) [koriyoukai]
(n) foxes and badgers [which were believed to bewitch humans] and all sorts of bogies; sly fellow who does evil by stealth; tricksters

固陋頑迷 (ころうがんめい) [korouganmei] 
(adj-na,n) obstinate; stubborn; hard-headed; being incapable of making sound judgments because of a narrow, inflexible and obstinate mentality

強面談判 (こわもてだんぱん) [kowamotedanpan]
(n) aggressive negotiations; hard-line bargaining

根気仕事 (こんきしごと) [konkishigoto] 
(n) laborious task; work that requires a lot of patience

困苦窮乏 (こんくきゅうぼう) [konkukyuubou] 
(n) hardships and privations

困苦欠乏 (こんくけつぼう) [konkuketsubou]
(n) hardships and privations

欣求浄土 (ごんぐじょうど) [gongujoudo] 
(n) seeking rebirth in the Pure Land; the aspiration to be reborn in Paradise

金剛堅固 (こんごうけんご) [kongoukengo]
(n) firm and solid; sturdy and indestructible; unshakable; adamantine

金剛不壊 (こんごうふえ) [kongoufue] 
(n) firm and solid; sturdy and indestructible; unshakable; adamantine

金剛力士 (こんごうりきし) [kongourikishi] 
(n) the guardian gods (at a temple gate)

言語道断  (ごんごどうだん) [gongodoudan] 
(adj-na,adj-no,n) outrageous; preposterous; inexcusable; absurd; unspeakable

混雑具合 (こんざつぐあい) [konzatsuguai]
(n) the state [degree] of congestion; how bad traffic jams are

今是昨非 (こんぜさくひ) [konzesakuhi] 
(exp,n) complete reversal of values or ways of thinking (over time); What appeared wrong in the past now appears right.; realizing and regretting the past errors of one's ways

懇切丁寧 (こんせつていねい) [konsetsuteinei] 
(adj-na,n) [an explanation, advice, etc. being] kind, careful, and thorough; thoughtful and scrupulous

渾然一体 (こんぜんいったい) [konzen'ittai]
(n) individual units blending into a uniform whole; separate units forming a harmonious whole; in complete harmony

蒟蒻問答 (こんにゃくもんどう) [konnyakumondou]
(n) irrelevant and incoherent dialogue; incoherent questions and answers; meaningless [off-the-beam] debate; dialogue at cross purposes

根本原理 (こんぽんげんり) [konpongenri]
(n) fundamental [underlying] principle; ground rules; keystone

昏迷状態・混迷状態 (こんめいじょうたい) [konmeijoutai]
(n) befuddled [bewildered, confused] state; stupor

金輪奈落 (こんりんならく) [konrinnaraku] 
(n-adv,n) utmost limits; to the finish; to the (bitter) end; to the hilt; down to the bedrock

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斎戒沐浴 (さいかいもくよく) [saikaimokuyoku]
(n,vs) washing and purifying one's body before praying or performing religious ceremonies; performing one's ablutions

才気煥発 (さいきかんぱつ) [saikikanpatsu]
(adj-na,n) resourceful and quick-witted; showing a flash of brilliance; have a keen [sparkling] intellect

才気縦横 (さいきじゅうおう) [saikijuuou]
(adj-na,n) resourceful and quick-witted; showing a flash of brilliance; have a keen [sparkling] intellect

才気溌剌 (さいきはつらつ) [saikihatsuratsu]
(adj-t,adv-to) resourceful and quick-witted; showing a flash of brilliance; have a keen [sparkling] intellect

再起不能 (さいきふのう) [saikifunou]
(n) be beyond [have no hope of] recovery

最後通牒 (さいごつうちょう) [saigotsuuchou] 
(n) ultimatum

歳々年々・歳歳年年 (さいさいねんねん) [saisainennen]
(adv,n) annually; every year; year in and year out; from year to year

再三再四 (さいさんさいし) [saisansaishi] 
(adv,n) repeatedly; over and over again; again and again

才子佳人 (さいしかじん) [saishikajin]
(n) a talented man and a beautiful woman; well-matched pair; the quick-witted and the beautiful; wit and beauty

妻子眷属 (さいしけんぞく) [saishikenzoku]
(n) one's wife, children, and other relations; one's whole family

才子多病 (さいしたびょう) [saishitabyou] 
(exp,n) Talented people tend to be of delicate constitution.; Men of genius tend to be of delicate health.; Whom the gods love die young.

罪状糾明 (ざいじょうきゅうめい) [zaijoukyuumei]
(n) closely examining [questioning] the concrete circumstances of a crime

罪状明白 (ざいじょうめいはく) [zaijoumeihaku]
(adj-na,n) be proven guilty of a crime; have one's guilt for a crime made clear; the nature of offense being [becoming] clear

才色兼備 (さいしょくけんび) [saishokukenbi]
(n) (a woman) being gifted with both intelligence [wit] and beauty

祭政一致 (さいせいいっち) [saiseiicchi]
(n) unity of church and state; government of a country by religious leaders; theocracy

祭政分離 (さいせいぶんり) [saiseibunri]
(n) separation of church and state; separation of religious ritual and government administration

才知縦横 (さいちじゅうおう) [saichijuuou]
(adj-na,n) resourceful and quick-witted; showing a flash of brilliance; have a keen [sparkling] intellect

採長補短 (さいちょうほたん) [saichouhotan]
(n,vs) compensating for one's shortcomings by incorporating others' strong points

裁判沙汰 (さいばんざた) [saibanzata]
(n) law suit; litigation; court fight; legal wangle

西方浄土 (さいほうじょうど) [saihoujoudo]
(n) Buddhist paradise; the Western Pure Land

在野精神 (ざいやせいしん) [zaiyaseishin]
(n) spirit of defiance of the opposition party; antiestablishment mindset

一昨々日・一昨昨日 (さきおととい・いっさくさくじつ・さきおとつい) [sakiototoi/issakusakujitsu/sakiototsui]  
(n-adv,n-t) two days before yesterday; three days back [ago]

一昨々年・一昨昨年 (さきおととし・いっさくさくねん) [sakiototoshi/issakusakunen]
(n-adv,n-t) two years before last (year); three years back [ago]

昨非今是 (さくひこんぜ) [sakuhikonze]
(exp,n) complete reversal of values or ways of thinking (over time); What appeared wrong in the past now appears right.; realizing and regretting the past errors of one's ways

錯乱状態 (さくらんじょうたい) [sakuranjoutai] 
(n) state of (mental) confusion [agitation]

左顧右眄 (さこうべん) [sakouben]
(n,vs) hesitation; wavering; looking left and right and all around, unable to make up one's mind; shilly-shally

砂塵濛々・砂塵濛濛・砂塵朦々・砂塵朦朦 (さじんもうもう) [sajinmoumou]
(adj-t,adv-to) big clouds of dust; haze of dust

五月雨式 (さみだれしき) [samidareshiki]
(n) intermittent [off and on] manner; dragging on and on

左右一対 (さゆういっつい) [sayuuittsui]
(n) left-and-right pair; symmetrical pair

左右対称 (さゆうたいしょう) [sayuutaishou]
(adj-no,n) bilateral symmetry

小夜時雨 (さよしぐれ) [sayoshigure]
(n) light shower on a night in late autumn and early winter

三猿主義 (さんえんしゅぎ) [san'enshugi]
(n) the principle [philosophy] of see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil; the policy of "see-not, hear-not, and speak-not"

三界流転 (さんがいるてん) [sangairuten]
(n) endless cycle of rebirth through the three worlds of past, present, and future existences

三角関係 (さんかくかんけい) [sankakukankei]
(n) love triangle; eternal triangle

産学協同 (さんがくきょうどう) [sangakukyoudou]
(n) cooperation between industrial enterprises and universities

山岳重畳 (さんがくちょうじょう) [sangakuchoujou]
(adj-t,adv-to) mountains rising one above another

三寒四温 (さんかんしおん) [sankanshion] 
(n) repeated pattern of a few cold days followed by a few warm ones (marking the coming of spring)

残虐非道 (ざんぎゃくひどう) [zangyakuhidou]
(adj-na,n) inhumanity; atrocity; abominable cruelty

残虐無道 (ざんぎゃくむどう) [zangyakumudou]
(adj-na,n) inhumanity; atrocity; abominable cruelty

三号雑誌 (さんごうざっし) [sangouzasshi]  
(n) short-lived magazine [periodical]

残酷非道 (ざんこくひどう) [zankokuhidou]
(adj-na,n) inhumanity; atrocity; abominable cruelty

三々九度・三三九度 (さんさんくど) [sansankudo] 
(n) (three-times-three) exchange of nuptial cups

三々五々・三三五五 (さんさんごご) [sansangogo] 
(adv) in groups of twos and threes; in small groups

山紫水明 (さんしすいめい) [sanshisuimei] 
(n) scenic beauty of mountains and streams; fresh and clear beauty of nature's splendor

三者三様 (さんしゃさんよう) [sanshasan'you]
(n) each of the three being different from the other two; each of the three having his [her] own way

三者鼎立 (さんしゃていりつ) [sanshateiritsu] 
(n) three parties [forces] opposing one another; three-cornered contest

三十六計 (さんじゅうろっけい) [sanjuurokkei] 
(exp,n) the 36 (ancient Chinese military) strategies [of which beating a retreat was considered the best in certain cases] ; When in trouble, the wisest thing to do is to run away.; He who fights and runs away, may live to fight another day.

斬新奇抜 (ざんしんきばつ) [zanshinkibatsu] 
(adv-na,n) novel, unconventional, and daring

三世因果 (さんぜいんが) [sanzeinga] 
(n) retribution spanning the threes temporal worlds [the present, the past, and the future]

三千世界 (さんぜんせかい) [sanzensekai]
(n) the whole wide world; the great universe (of one billion worlds) that Buddha enlightened

山川草木 (さんせんそうもく) [sansensoumoku]
(n) nature; natural scenery

山川万里 (さんせんばんり) [sansenbanri]
(n) being far away across mountains and rivers

残忍酷薄 (ざんにんこくはく) [zanninkokuhaku]  
(adj-na,n) atrocious and cold-blooded; cruel; brutal; merciless   

残忍非情 (ざんにんひじょう) [zanninhijou]
(adj-na,n) utterly callous; atrociously brutal; cruel and inhuman

残忍非道 (ざんにんひどう) [zanninhidou] 
(adj-na,n) cruel and inhuman; brutal; merciless

残忍冷酷 (ざんにんれいこく) [zanninreikoku] 
(adj-na,n) atrocious and cold-blooded; cruel; brutal; merciless   

三番勝負 (さんばんしょうぶ) [sanbanshoubu]
(n) three-game match; three-bout contest; a rubber (in a card game)

三本勝負 (さんぼんしょうぶ) [sanbonshoubu]
(n) a set of three bouts; three-game match; three-bout contest

残念至極 (ざんねんしごく) [zannenshigoku]     
(adj-na,n) deep regret; bitter disappointment; chagrin; vexation

残念無念 (ざんねんむねん) [zannenmunen] 
(adj-na,exp,n) Darn it!; What a pity!; vexation; deep regret

三拝九拝 (さんぱいきゅうはい) [sanpaikyuuhai] 
(n,vs) kowtowing; bowing repeatedly 

三百代言 (さんびゃくだいげん) [sanbyakudaigen]
(n) pettifogging lawyer; shyster

賛否両論 (さんぴりょうろん) [sanpiryouron]
(n) pros and cons; arguments for and against, mixed reception

散歩日和 (さんぽびより) [sanpobiyori]
(n) ideal weather for a walk

散漫冗長 (さんまんじょうちょう) [sanmanjouchou]
(adj-na,n) diffuse and verbose [writing]

三位一体 (さんみいったい) [sanmiittai]
(n) the Holy Trinity; a unity of three different elements

三無主義 (さんむしゅぎ) [sanmushugi]
(n) the "three no principle" of no drive (indolence), no interest (indifference), and no sense of responsibility (irresponsibility), the term describing the temperament of the Japanese youth of the 1970s

三面記事 (さんめんきじ) [sanmenkiji]
(n) human-interest stories; local news; police news [in a newspaper]

三面六臂 (さんめんろっぴ) [sanmenroppi]
(n) being competent and active in many fields; versatile; one person doing the work of many

三文小説 (さんもんしょうせつ) [sanmonshousetsu]
(n) cheap [dime] novel

三文文士 (さんもんぶんし) [sanmonbunshi]
(n) hack writer; literary hack; scribbler; pulp writer

三文役者 (さんもんやくしゃ) [sanmon'yakusha] 
(n) third-rate actor

山容水態 (さんようすいたい) [san'yousuitai] 
(n) scenic beauty of mountains and streams; fresh and clear beauty of nature's splendor

三割自治 (さんわりじち) [sanwarijichi]
(n) the "thirty-percent autonomy" of local governments

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明々後日・明明後日 (しあさって・みょうみょうごにち) [shiasatte/myoumyougonichi]
(n-adv,n-t) two days after tomorrow; three days from now [hence]

思案投首 (しあんなげくび) [shiannagekubi]
(n) being at one's wit's end; being (quite) at a loss (what to do)

詩歌管弦 (しいかかんげん) [shiikakangen]
(n) Chinese and Japanese poetry and instrumental music; poetry and music; literature and music

私怨私欲 (しえんしよく) [shienshiyoku] 
(n) personal grudges and selfish desires

四海兄弟 (しかいけいてい) [shikaikeitei]
(n) people in the whole world being all brothers; universal brotherhood [fraternity]

四海同胞 (しかいどうほう) [shikaidouhou] 
(n) people in the whole world being all brothers; universal brotherhood [fraternity]

四角四面 (しかくしめん) [shikakushimen]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) square; strait-laced; formal; prim and stiff; punctilious

自画自賛 (じがじさん) [jigajisan] 
(n,vs) sing one's own praises; praise one's own wares; blow one's own horn

死活問題 (しかつもんだい) [shikatsumondai]
(n) matter [question] of life or death; vital question

自家撞着 (じかどうちゃく) [jikadouchaku]
(n,vs) self-contradiction; self-inconsistency

自家本位 (じかほんい) [jikahon'i] 
(n) self-centeredness; selfishness; egoism; egotism; egocentricity

自家薬籠 (じかやくろう) [jikayakurou]
(n) (something that is) available for use at any time; (someone who is) at one's beck and call; (something over which) one has complete mastery

士気旺盛 (しきおうせい) [shikiousei] 
(adj-na,n) morale being very high; heightened fighting spirit

四季折々・四季折折 (しきおりおり) [shikioriori]
(n) from season to season; season by season; of each season; in each season

士気高揚 (しきこうよう) [shikikouyou] 
(n,vs) raise [lift] morale; have an inspiring effect on morale

時期尚早 (じきしょうそう) [jikisoushou] 
(adj-na,n) premature; too early; The time is not ripe

色即是空 (しきそくぜくう) [shikisokuzekuu]
(exp,n) Matter is void; All is vanity.

士気阻喪 (しきそそう) [shikisosou]
(n,vs) demoralization; collapse of morale; one's morale being shaken

時機到来 (じきとうらい) [jikitourai]
(n) a good chance coming along; the time has come (for/to/when...); opportunity knocking

持久作戦 (じきゅうさくせん) [jikyuusakusen]
(n) strategy of engaging in position warfare; strategy of turning a game into an endurance contest; playing a waiting game

自給自足 (じきゅうじそく) [jikyuujisoku] 
(n,vs) self-sufficiency; autarky

至近距離 (しきんきょり) [shikinkyori]
(n) close range; point-blank range

四苦八苦 (しくはっく) [shikuhakku]
(n,vs) be in dire distress; have a real struggle

時雨模様 (しぐれもよう) [shiguremoyou]
(n) showery sky; [it is] looking showery

舳艫千里 (じくろせんり) [jikurosenri] 
(n) a large number of ships sailing in a long chain-like formation

事件記者 (じけんきしゃ) [jikenkisha]
(n) crime reporter; police reporter

試験地獄 (しけんじごく) [shikenjigoku]
(n) examination hell; the ordeal of children preparing for highly competitive entrance examinations

自己暗示 (じこあんじ) [jikoanji]
(n,vs) self suggestion; autosuggestion

試行錯誤 (しこうさくご) [shikousakugo] 
(n,vs) trial and error

自業自得 (じごうじとく) [jigoujitoku] 
(n) suffering the consequences (of one's own actions); reaping as one sows; getting one's just deserts

至公至平 (しこうしへい) [shikoushihei]
(adj-na,n) completely just and fair

四公六民 (しこうろくみん) [shikourokumin]
(n) land-tax system during the Edo period under which the government took 40% of the year's crop and the farmers kept 60%

自己演出 (じこえんしゅつ) [jikoenshutsu]
(n,vs) an author directing [producing] his/her own play [film]; staging oneself for effect; presenting oneself in a favorable light

自己犠牲 (じこぎせい) [jikogisei]
(n) self-sacrifice; self-renunciation

自己欺瞞 (じこぎまん) [jikogiman]
(n,vs) self-deception

地獄絵図 (じこくえず) [jigokuezu]
(n) painting of a scene in Hell; a picture of Hell

至極御尤 (しごくごもっとも) [shigokugomottomo]
(exp) You are quite right.; Quite so.; What you say is sensible enough.

時刻到来 (じこくとうらい) [jikokutourai]
(exp,n) The time has come (for/to/when...); Now is the time.

自己嫌悪 (じこけんお) [jikoken'o]
(n,vs) self-disgust; self-hatred; self-abhorrence

自己啓発 (じこけいはつ) [jikokeihatsu]
(n,vs) self-development; self-enlightenment

自己顕示 (じこけんじ) [jikokenji]
(n,vs) making oneself conspicuous; pressing one's own cause; an ego trip; exhibitionism

自己実現 (じこじつげん) [jikojitsugen]
(n,vs) self-actualization; self-fulfillment; self-realization

自己主張 (じこしゅちょう) [jikoshuchou]
(n,vs) self-assertion; self-assertiveness

事後承諾 (じごしょうだく) [jigoshoudaku]
(n,vs) ex-post-facto approval; ratification

自己疎外 (じこそがい) [jikosogai]
(n) self-alienation; self-estrangement

自己中心 (じこちゅうしん) [jikochuushin] 
(n) self-centeredness; selfishness; egoism; egotism; egocentricity

仕事一途 (しごといちず) [shigotoichizu]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) singlemindedly devoted to work

自己韜晦 (じことうかい) [jikotoukai]
(n, vs) concealing one's talents [position, status, intentions, etc.]; self-effacement

自己陶酔 (じことうすい) [jikotousui]
(n,vs) narcissism; self-absorption; self-intoxication

自己撞着 (じこどうちゃく) [jikodouchaku]
(n,vs) self-contradiction; self-inconsistency

仕事人間 (しごとにんげん) [shigotoningen]
(n) fiend for work; workaholic; career-minded person

仕事一筋 (しごとひとすじ) [shigotohitosuji]
(n) living only for one's work; a life with no other interest than one's work

自己肥大 (じこひだい) [jikohidai]
(n) self-aggrandizement; self-glorification; something becoming large by feeding upon itself

自己負担 (じこふたん) [jikofutan]
(n,vs) payment of one's own expenses; bearing one's own expenses; an individual's share of an expense

自己弁護 (じこべんご) [jikobengo] 
(n,vs) defending oneself; self-justification; self-vindication; an excuse; a rationalization

自己本位 (じこほんい) [jikohon'i] 
(adj-no,n) self-centeredness; selfishness; egoism; egotism; egocentricity

自己保全 (じこほぜん) [jikohozen]
(n) self-protection; self-preservation

自己満悦 (じこまんえつ) [jikoman'etsu]
(n,vs) self-congratulation

自己満足 (じこまんぞく) [jikomanzoku]
(n) self-satisfaction; (self-)complacency

自己矛盾 (じごむじゅん) [jikomujun]
(n,vs) self-contradiction; paradox; antinomy

自己抑制 (じこよくせい) [jikoyokusei]
(n,vs) self-restraint; self-control; self-repression; abstinence; self-inhibition; autogenic inhibition; autogenous suppression

士魂商才 (しこんしょうさい) [shikonshousai]
(n) having a samurai's spirit and a merchant's business sense; gentlemanly spirit combined with business acumen

自作自演 (じさくじえん) [jisakujien] 
(n,vs) performing [acting] a part in one's own play; playacting; a put-up job; a charade

時差出勤 (じさしゅっきん) [jisashukkin]
(n) staggered working hours; flextime; flexitime

屍山血河 (しざんけつが) [shizanketsuga] 
(n) heaps of bodies and streams of blood; fierce battle

孜々営々・孜孜営営 (ししえいえい) [shishieiei]
(adj-t,adv-to) assiduously; with unremitting zeal

支持基盤 (しじきばん) [shijikiban]
(n) one's support [power] base; the base of one's support in an electorate

四肢五体 (ししごたい) [shishigotai]
(n) the [one's] whole body

時々刻々・時時刻刻 (じじこっこく) [jijikokkoku]
(adv,n) hourly; from hour to hour; moment by moment; momently; from one minute to the next; with each passing moment

獅子身中 (しししんちゅう) [shishishinchuu]
(n) treacherous friend; snake in one's bosom; treacherous insider

師資相承 (ししそうしょう) [shishisoushou]
(n) generation-to-generation instruction from master to disciple

子々孫々・子子孫孫 (ししそんそん) [shishisonson]
(n) one's descendants; one's offspring; posterity

資質英明 (ししつえいめい) [shishitsueimei]
(adj-na,n) wise and clear-sighted; intelligent and astute by nature; blessed with talents

事実関係 (じじつかんけい) [jijitsukankei]
(n) all the facts [essentials, circumstances] of a (particular) case

事実無根 (じじつむこん) [jijitsumukon]
(n) groundless; unfounded; entirely contrary to fact

事々物々・事事物物 (じじぶつぶつ) [jijibutsubutsu]
(n) everything; every affair [matter]; all things

獅子奮迅 (ししふんじん) [shishifunjin] 
(n,vs) furiously; with the fury of a lion; with irresistible force; with furious energy

四捨五入 (ししゃごにゅう) [shishagonyuu]
(n,vs) rounding (off)

四十九日 (しじゅうくにち) [shijuukunichi]
(n) a period of morning lasting seven weeks; the forty-ninth day (after someone's death); memorial service held on the forty-ninth day after the death of someone

四十八手 (しじゅうはって) [shijuuhatte]
(n) the 48 basic sumo techniques; every trick in the book

四十不惑 (しじゅうふわく) [shijuufuwaku]
(exp) At forty, one has no doubts. [Confucius]

自主独往 (じしゅどくおう) [jishudokuou]
(n) independent way of life

至純至高 (しじゅんしこう) [shijunshikou]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) utmost purity

至純至精 (しじゅんしせい) [shijunshisei]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) utmost purity

史上空前 (しじょうくうぜん) [shijoukuuzen]
(n) unprecedented in history; unheard-of; epoch-making

自浄作用 (じじょうさよう) [jijousayou]
(n) self-purification; nature's self-cleansing functions

自縄自縛 (じじょうじばく) [jijoujibaku]
(n) being caught in one's own trap; being caught in a web of one's own making

事情聴取 (じじょうちょうしゅ) [jijouchoushu]
(n,vs) police interview; police questioning a witness [suspect] to obtain information (about a crime)

自浄能力 (じじょうのうりょく) [jijounouryoku]
(n) self-cleansing power; being capable of purifying oneself

死生不知 (ししょうふち) [shishoufuchi]
(adj-no,n) daredevil; reckless; thinking nothing of one's death

至上命令 (しじょうめいれい) [shijoumeirei] 
(n) supreme directive; unconditional command; overriding necessity; an absolute must; categorical imperative

史上唯一 (しじょうゆいいつ) [shijouyuiitsu]
(n) the first in history; only once in history

至上要求 (しじょうようきゅう) [shijouyoukyuu]
(n) overriding necessity; absolute requirement; an absolute must

地所観念 (じしょかんねん) [jishokannen]
(n) the orientation of time and place; awareness of the existing situation

四書五経 (ししょごきょう) [shishogokyou]
(n) the Nine Chinese [Confucian] Classics

自助努力 (じじょどりょく) [jijodoryoku]
(n,vs) self-help efforts; self-supporting endeavor

死屍累々・死屍累累 (ししるいるい) [shishiruirui]
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) heaps of corpses all around

自信過剰 (じしんかじょう) [jishinkajou]
(adj-na,n) overconfidence

四神相応 (しじんそうおう) [shijinsouou]
(n) an ideal topography for the four Taoist gods, with a river in the east, a broad avenue in the west, a basin in the south, and a hill in the north

自信喪失 (じしんそうしつ) [jishinsoushitsu]
(n,vs) loss of (self-)confidence; inferiority complex

詩人墨客 (しじんぼっかく・しじんぼっきゃく) [shijinbokkaku/shijinbokkyaku]  
(n) poets and artists; persons who take delight in such refined pursuits as poetry, literature, painting, and calligraphy

自信満々・自信満満 (じしんまんまん) [jishinmanman] 
(adj-na,adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) full of confidence; brimming with (self-)confidence; having great faith in oneself

資性英明 (しせいえいめい) [shiseieimei]
(adj-na,n) wise and clear-sighted; intelligent and astute by nature; blessed with talents

資性穏和 (しせいおんわ) [shiseion'wa]
(adj-na,n) being of a gentle disposition; being of a mild character

時世感覚 (じせいかんかく) [jiseikankaku]
(n) sense of the times; sensitivity to the times

時勢感覚 (じせいかんかく) [jiseikankaku]
(n) sense of the trend of the times; sensitivity to the changing times

資性端正 (しせいたんせい) [shiseitansei]
(adj-na,n) being of an upright character; being of a noble nature

市井無頼 (しせいぶらい) [shiseiburai]
(adj-no,n) urban villain; street hoodlum

時節到来 (じせつとうらい) [jisetsutourai]
(exp,n) The time has come (for/to/when...); The time being ripe (for)

事前工作 (じぜんこうさく) [jizenkousaku]
(n) preparatory operations; measure taken in advance; doing the groundwork

自然淘汰 (しぜんとうた) [shizentouta]
(n,vs) natural selection; survival of the fittest

志操堅固 (しそうけんご) [shisoukengo] 
(adj-na,n) unwaveringly faithful to one's principles; of firm purpose and deep commitment; true blue

思想信条 (しそうしんじょう) [shisoushinjou]
(n) one's thought and beliefs

時代感覚 (じだいかんかく) [jidaikankaku]
(n) sense of the times; sensitivity to the times; trend of the times

時代考証 (じだいこうしょう) [jidaikoushou] 
(n,vs) ascertaining historical evidence; research into the period; research to ensure historical verisimilitude

時代錯誤 (じだいさくご) [jidaisakugo] 
(n) anachronism

時代思潮 (じだいしちょう) [jidaishichou] 
(n) the trends [current(s)] of the times

事大根性 (じだいこんじょう) [jidaikonjou]
(n) slavish submission to power; sycophancy; flunkeyism; toadyism

事大思想 (じだいしそう) [jidaishisou]
(n) sycophancy; toadyism; following the powerful for self-protection

事大主義 (じだいしゅぎ) [jidaishugi]
(n) sycophancy; toadyism; following the powerful for self-protection

時代精神 (じだいせいしん) [jidaiseishin]
(n) spirit of an [the] age; a [the] Zeitgeist [German]

舌先三寸 (したさきさんずん) [shitasakisanzun]  
(n) a glib tongue (with fair words); fluent talk designed to deceive; talk something away

舌先三分 (したさきさんぶ) [shitasakisanbu]
(n) a glib tongue (with fair words); fluent talk designed to deceive; talk something away

下町情緒 (したまちじょうちょ) [shitamachijoucho]
(n) the friendly atmosphere of the traditional commercial and working-class neighborhoods

下町人情 (したまちにんじょう) [shitamachininjou]
(n) the milk of human kindness of the people of the traditional commercial and working-class neighborhoods

七公三民 (しちこうさんみん) [shichikousanmin]
(n) a land-tax rate during the Edo period, in which the government took 70 percent of the year's rice crop and the farmers kept 30 percent

七言絶句 (しちごんぜっく) [shichigonzekku]
(n) poem of four lines, each of seven (Chinese) characters

七言律詩 (しちごんりっし) [shichigonrisshi]
(n) poem of eight lines, each of seven (Chinese) characters

七十古希 (しちじゅうこき) [shichijuukoki]
(exp) Men seldom [Few people] live to be seventy. [Du Fu (c.712-c.770)]

七転八起 (しちてんはっき) [shichitenhakki]
(exp,n,vs) Fall seven times, stand up eight.; always rising after a fall or repeated failures; undaunted perseverance

七転八倒 (しちてんばっとう・しってんばっとう) [shichitenbattou/shittenbattou]
(n,vs) tossing oneself about in great pain; writhing in agony

七堂伽藍 (しちどうがらん) [shichidougaran]
(n) the seven standard buildings of a major Buddhist temple complex

七難八苦 (しちなんはっく) [shichinanhakku]
(n) trials and tribulations; a series of endless misfortunes; the Seven Misfortunes and Eight Pains

七分三分 (しちぶさんぶ) [shichibusanbu]
(n) seven to three (chances); (a proportion of) seven to three; (split) seventy-thirty

死中求活 (しちゅうきゅうかつ) [shichuukyuukatsu]
(n) finding a way out of a potentially fatal situation; seeking a way out of a desperate situation

四柱推命 (しちゅうすいめい) [shichuusuimei]
(n) Four Pillar astrology; originally Chinese method of fortune-telling based on the time, date, month and year of a person's birth

自重自愛 (じちょうじあい) [jichoujiai]
(n,vs) taking cafe of [looking after] oneself

自重自戒 (じちょうじかい) [jichoujikai]
(n,vs) be prudent and cautious; caution oneself against

失意泰然 (しついたいぜん) [shitsuitaizen]
(adj-t,adv-to) keeping calm and collected at times of disappoinment; maintaining a serene state of mind in adversity

四通八達 (しつうはったつ) [shitsuuhattatsu] 
(n,vs) traffic network extending in all directions; accessible from all directions

質疑応答 (しつぎおうとう) [shitsugioutou] 
(n) questions and answers; a Q and A session

失敬千万 (しっけいせんばん) [shikkeisenban] 
(adj-na) extremely rude [impertinent, impolite]   

日月星辰 (じつげつせいしん・にちげつせいしん) [jitsugetsuseishin/nichigetsuseishin] 
(n) the sun, the moon, and the stars; the heavenly bodies

実際問題 (じっさいもんだい) [jissaimondai]
(n-adv,n) practical question (problem); (in) practical terms; (as) a matter of fact; practically speaking; The matter of fact is that...

十死一生 (じっしいっしょう) [jisshiisshou]
(n) (1) narrow escape from the jaws of death; (2) there being barely a chance of escaping death

質実剛健 (しつじつごうけん) [shichijitsugouken]
(adj-na,n) unaffected and sincere, with fortitude and vigor; simplicity and fortitude

嫉視反目 (しっしはんもく) [shisshihanmoku]  
(n,vs) jealousy and enmity; being jealous of and at odds with (each other)

実践躬行 (じっせんきゅうこう) [jissenkyuukou]
(n,vs) acting up to one's principles; practicing what one preaches

実践道徳 (じっせんどうとく) [jissendoutoku]
(n) practical ethics [morality]

実践倫理 (じっせんりんり) [jissenrinri]
(n) practical ethics [morality]

質素倹約 (しっそけんやく) [shissoken'yaku] 
(n,vs) (practice) simplicity and frugality; scrimping and saving

叱咤激励 (しったげきれい) [shittagekirei] 
(n,vs) giving a loud pep talk; encouraging (somebody) strongly in a loud voice; vigorous encouragement

失地回復 (しっちかいふく) [shicchikaifuku] 
(n) the recovery of lost territory; recovering [regaining] lost ground [one' former position]; fence-mending

十中八九 (じっちゅうはっく) [jicchuuhakku]
(n-adv,n) in eight or nine cases out of ten; in all probability

七珍万宝 (しっちんまんぽう) [shicchinmanpou]
(n) the seven treasures and many other precious things; all the treasures in the world

疾風迅雷 (しっぷうじんらい) [shippuujinrai]
(n) with lightning speed; like a whirlwind

疾風怒濤 (しっぷうどとう) [shippuudotou]
(n) Sturm und Drang [German]; storm and stress; violent wind and angry waves

櫛風沐雨 (しっぷうもくう) [shippuumokuu] 
(n) struggling through wind and rain; undergoing hardships

櫛風浴雨 (しっぷうよくう) [shipuuyokuu] 
(n) struggling through wind and rain; undergoing hardships

失望落胆 (しつぼうらくたん) [shitsubourakutan] 
(n,vs) be disappointed and disheartened

執務心得 (しつむこころえ) [shitsumukokoroe]
(n) guide to office routine; guide to the performance of official duties

実力行使 (じつりょくこうし) [jitsuyrokukoushi]
(n,vs) use [employment] of force; recourse to arms; resort to violence

実力伯仲 (じつりょくはくちゅう) [jitsuryokuhakuchuu]
(n) (the two persons/sides) being evenly matched in ability

失礼至極 (しつれいしごく) [shitsureishigoku] 
(adj-na) extremely rude [impertinent, impolite]   

失礼千万 (しつれいせんばん) [shitsureisenban] 
(adj-na) extremely rude [impertinent, impolite]   

実用本位 (じつようほんい) [jitsuyouhon'i]
(adj-no,n) pragmatism; functionalism; practicality; being intended for practical purposes

実力次第 (じつりょくしだい) [jitsuryokushidai]
(n) according to [depending on] one's ability; if one is good [competent, talented] enough

実力本位 (じつりょくほんい) [jitsuryokuhon'i]
(adj-no,n) the precedence of merit; performance orientation; ability- [merit-] based (promotion, pay scale, etc.)

任手相場 (してそうば) [shitesouba]
(n) speculators' [speculative] market

詩的正義 (してきせいぎ) [shitekiseigi]
(n) poetic justice; retributive justice

詩的破格 (してきはかく) [shitekihakaku]
(n) poetic license

紫電一閃 (しでんいっせん) [shiden'issen] 
(n-adv,n) a flash of lightning; the flash of a sword

指導原理  (しどうげんり) [shidougenri]
(n) ruling [guiding] principle

士農工商 (しのうこうしょう) [shinoukoushou]
(n) the hierarchy of samurai, farmers, artisans, and merchants in Edo society

地場産業 (じばさんぎょう) [jibasangyou]
(n) local industry

四半世紀 (しはんせいき) [shihanseiki]
(n) quarter of a century; quarter century

地盤沈下 (じばんちんか) [jibanchinka] 
(n) (1) land subsidence; (2) a decline in influence, popularity, etc.

字引学問 (じびきがくもん) [jibikigakumon] 
(n) merely knowing the meanings of a large number of individual words; superficial learning

四百四病 (しひゃくしびょう) [shiyakushibyou]
(n) every type of disease; every disease under the sun

雌伏雄飛 (しふくゆうひ) [shifukuyuuhi]
(n,vs) biding one's time building up strength till finally grasping an opportunity to launch out and flourish   

自分勝手 (じぶんかって・じぶんがって) [jibunkatte/jibungatte] 
(adj-na,n) (very) selfish; self-centered; egoistic; without consulting anybody (else)

四分五裂 (しぶんごれつ・しぶごれつ) [shibungoretsu/shibugoretsu] 
(n,vs) be torn asunder; be disrupted and disorganized

自分自身 (じぶんじしん) [jibunjishin]
(n) oneself; one's self

士分取立 (しぶんとりたて) [shibuntoritate]
(n) raising someone to the status of samurai

自分本位 (じぶんほんい) [jibunhon'i]
(n) self-centeredness; selfishness; egotism; egocentricity

自暴自棄 (じぼうじき) [jiboujiki]
(adj-na,n) desperation; despair; self-abandonment; disgust with life

四方八方 (しほうはっぽう) [shihouhappou]
(n) in all directions; hither and thither; far and wide; on all sides

揣摩憶測 ・揣摩臆測 (しまおくそく) [shimaokusoku]
(n,vs) conjectures and surmises; speculation; giving one's imagination full play without any ground

島国根性 (しまぐにこんじょう) [shimagunikounjou] 
(n) insularism; insularity; island country mentality

使命意識 (しめいいしき) [shimeiishiki]
(n) sense of (one's) mission; awareness of one's duty [calling]

指名手配 (しめいてはい) [shimeitehai]
(n,vs) search for a named suspect

七五三縄 (しめなわ) [shimenawa]
(n) rope used to cordon off consecrated areas or as a talisman against evil [Shinto]

四面楚歌 (しめんそか) [shimensoka]
(n) being surrounded by enemies on all sides; being betrayed [forsaken] by everybody

自問自答 (じもんじとう) [jimonjitou] 
(n,vs) answering one's own question; wondering to oneself

視野狭窄 (しやきょうさく) [shiyakyousaku]
(n) narrowing of visual field; narrow-mindedness; lack of vision

杓子果報 (しゃくしかほう) [shakushikahou]
(adj-na,n) coming by ample servings of delicious food; being blessed with good fortune

杓子定規 (しゃくしじょうぎ) [shakushijougi]
(adj-na,n) going by a hard-and-fast rule; being a stickler for rules; being rigid and narrow-minded

弱肉強食 (じゃくにくきょうしょく) [jakunikukyoushoku] 
(n) the survival of the fittest; the law of the jungle; dog-eat-dog

寂滅為楽 (じゃくめついらく) [jakumetsuiraku]
(exp) Freedom from one's desires [Entry into Nirvana] is true bliss.

社交辞令 (しゃこうじれい) [shakoujirei]
(n) polite or diplomatic way of putting things; lip service; empty compliment

社交上手 (しゃこうじょうず) [shakoujouzu]
(adj-na,n) social ease [facility, skills]; being a good mixer

洒々落々・洒洒落落 (しゃしゃらくらく) [shasharakuraku]
(adj-na,n) free and easy; frank, easy, and openhearted; sophisticatedly refined 

邪正一如 (じゃしょういちにょ) [jashouichinyo]
(exp,n) Wrong and right are but two faces of the same coin.

蛇心仏口 (じゃしんぶっこう・だしんぶっこう) [jashinbukkou/dashinbukkou]
(n) being cunning and spiteful, yet honey-tongued with feigned kindness

寂光浄土 (じゃっこうじょうど) [jakkoujoudo]
(n) Buddhist paradise [heaven]

社内不倫 (しゃないふりん) [shanaifurin]
(n) adulterous love affair with someone at work

遮二無二 (しゃにむに) [shanimuni]
(adv) recklessly; like mad; frantically and single-mindedly without regard to consequences; forcibly

捨万求一 (しゃばんきゅういつ) [shabankyuuitsu] 
(n,vs) pursuing one overriding objective while forsaking all the others

縦横自在 (じゅうおうじざい) [juuoujizai] 
(adj-na,n) freely; right and left; active without any restraint; with unrestricted energy in all directions

縦横無礙 (じゅうおうむげ) [juuoumuge]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) being as free as the air; active without any restraint

縦横無尽 (じゅうおうむじん) [juuoumujin] 
(adj-na,n) freely; right and left; active without any restraint; with unrestricted energy in all directions

自由闊達・自由豁達 (じゆうかったつ) [jiyuukattatsu]
(adj-na,n) free and easy; open and natural; liberal and broad-minded; not fastidious

衆議一決 (しゅうぎいっけつ) [shuugiikketsu]
(n,vs) reaching a conclusion unanimously or by consensus

羞月閉花 (しゅうげつへいか) [shuugetsuheika]
(n) the charms of a rarely beautiful woman; [Literally: (so beautiful that) the Moon is abashed and flowers wilt]

重厚長大 (じゅうこうちょうだい) [juukouchoudai] 
(adj-na,n) heavy, thick, long, and big (products); massive and heavy (products); heavy (manufacturing)

自由勝手 (じゆうかって) [jiyuukatte]
(adj-na,n) free; unfettered; according to one's own whims; doing as one likes

臭気芬々・臭気芬芬 (しゅうきふんぷん) [shuukifunpun]
(adj-t,adv-to) giving off a foul odor; the air being heavy with an offensive smell

自由気儘 (じゆうきまま) [jiyuukimama]  
(adj-na,n) free; unfettered; according to one's own whims; doing as one likes

自由裁量 (じゆうさいりょう) [jiyuusairyou]
(n) latitude; (at one's) discretion; discretionary powers; a free hand

自由三昧 (じゆうざんまい) [jiyuuzanmai]
(adj-na,n) free; unfettered; according to one's own whims; doing as one likes

終始一貫 (しゅうしいっかん) [shuushiikkan] 
(n-adv,n,vs) consistent; unchanging from beginning to end

自由自在 (じゆうじざい) [jiyuujizai] 
(adj-na,adj-no,n) freely; in complete control of; with complete freedom; at will; as one pleases

十字砲火 (じゅうじほうか) [juujihouka] 
(n) cross fire; (drawing) a barrage of [flak, criticism] (from)

袖手傍観 (しゅうしゅぼうかん) [shuushuboukan]
(n,vs) stand idle by and watch; be a passive onlooker; remain an unconcerned spectator of another's distress

周章狼狽 (しゅうしょうろうばい) [shuushouroubai]
(n,vs) consternation; dismay; being flustered; being disconcerted

衆人環視 (しゅうじんかんし) [shuujinkanshi] 
(n) (in) the presence of the whole company; with all eyes fixed upon (one); under the gaze of the public

秋霜烈日 (しゅうそうれつじつ) [shuusouretsujitsu]
(n) harshness; severity (of punishment, authority, will, etc.)

周知徹底 (しゅうちてってい) [shuuchitettei] 
(n,vs) (something) being known to all; making (a matter) known to everyone

集中砲火 (しゅうちゅうほうか) [shuuchuuhouka] 
(n) concentrated fire; (drawing) intensive fire [flak, criticism] (from)

周到綿密 (しゅうとうめんみつ) [shuutoumenmitsu] 
(adj-na,n) extremely complete [thorough, careful] and detailed

柔軟思考 (じゅうなんしこう) [juunanshikou] 
(n) a flexible way of thinking

柔軟路線 (じゅうなんろせん) [juunanrosen]
(n) (taking) a flexible approach (to)

十人十色 (じゅうにんといろ) [juunintoiro] 
(exp,n) So many people, so many minds; everyone has his own ideas and tastes; It takes all sorts to make a world.; To each his [her] own.

十年一日 (じゅうねんいちじつ・じゅうねんいちにち) [juunen'ichijitsu/juunen'ichinichi] 
(n) without intermission for many years; with constancy of purpose for many years; in the same old rut for years on end

十年一昔 (じゅうねんひとむかし) [juunenhitomukashi] 
(exp,n) Ten years is a long time.; [expression suggesting that] the pace of change makes ten years back seem like ancient history

秋風落莫 (しゅうふうらくばく) [shuufuurakubaku]
(n) forlorn and helpless; lonely and desolate

十分条件 (じゅうぶんじょうけん) [juubunjouken]
(n) a sufficient condition

自由放題 (じゆうほうだい) [jiyuuhoudai]
(n) as freely as one pleases; at will; to one' heart's content

自由放任 (じゆうほうにん) [jiyuuhounin]
(n) noninterference; nonintervention; permissiveness; laissez-faire

自由奔放 (じゆうほんぽう) [jiyuuhonpou] 
(adj-na,n) free and uncontrolled; behaving with abandon; freewheeling

襲名披露 (しゅうめいひろう) [shuumeihirou]
(n,vs) announcing the succession to another's stage name

衆目一致 (しゅうもくいっち) [shuumokuicchi]
(exp,n) The consensus of opinion is that ...; It is widely agreed [admitted] that...

重役出勤 (じゅうやくしゅっきん) [juuyakushukkin]
(n,vs) flexible working hours of the higher-ups; [humorously or sarcastically] go [come] to work late as if one were an executive

重要案件 (じゅうようあんけん) [juuyouanken]
(n) important matter (for discussion [deliberations])

主客転倒・主客顛倒 (しゅかくてんとう・しゅきゃくてんとう) [shukakutentou/shukyakutentou] 
(n,vs) reversing the order of (relative) importance (of); putting the cart before the horse; the tables being turned; mistaking the insignificant for the essential

主義主張 (しゅぎしゅちょう) [shugishuchou]
(n) one's principles and position

熟思黙想 (じゅくしもくそう) [jukushimokusou]
(n,vs) consider (a matter) carefully and silently; be lost in silent contemplation

熟読玩味 (じゅくどくがんみ) [jukudokuganmi]
(n,vs) read carefully with appreciation; give (something) a careful perusal

熟年離婚 (じゅくねんりこん) [jukunenrikon]  
(n,vs) divorce of a couple who have been married for a long time (often brought on by retirement of the husband)

熟慮断行 (じゅくりょだんこう) [jukuryodankou]
(n,vs) be deliberate in council and decisive in action; a careful consideration followed by a decisive action

取捨選択 (しゅしゃせんたく) [shushasentaku] 
(n,vs) make a choice among many; select the good [desirable, necessary, relevant] and discard the rest; decision to adopt or reject

取捨分別 (しゅしゃふんべつ) [shushafunbetsu]
(n,vs) make a choice among many; select the good [desirable, necessary, relevant] and discard the rest; decision to adopt or reject

主従関係 (しゅじゅうかんけい) [shujuukankei]
(n) the relation of master to servant

種々雑多・種種雑多 (しゅじゅざった) [shujuzatta]
(adj-na,n) all sorts or kinds (of); motley

種々様々・種種様様 (しゅじゅさまざま) [shujusamazama]
(adj-na,n) a great variety of; all sorts or kinds of; multifarious

衆生済度 (しゅじょうさいど) [shujousaido]
(n) enlightenment of the masses; leading the masses on the path of enlightenment

朱唇皓歯 (しゅしんこうし) [shushinkoushi]
(n) (exp,n) red lips and pearly white teeth (said of beautiful women)

首鼠両端 (しゅそりょうたん) [shusoryoutan] 
(n) being unable to make up one's mind; sitting on the fence

酒池肉林 (しゅちにくりん) [shuchinikurin]
(n) sumptuous feast [banquet]

出処進退 (しゅっしょしんたい) [shusshoshintai]
(n) one's course of action; deciding what to do with oneself, whether staying in the present position or leaving it

出世街道 (しゅっせかいどう) [shussekaidou]
(n) highway to success

十把一絡 (じっぱひとからげ・じゅっぱひとからげ) [jippahitokarage/juppahitokarage]
(n) lumping together all sorts of things; making sweeping generalizations; dealing with various things under one head

出没自在 (しゅつぼつじざい) [shutsubotsujizai]
(adj-na,n) appearing and disappearing at will; elusive; phantom-like

首尾一貫 (しゅびいっかん) [shubiikkan] 
(n,vs) (logical) consistency; coherence; unchanging from beginning to end

首尾貫徹 (しゅびかんてつ) [shubikantetsu] 
(n,vs) (logical) consistency; coherence; unchanging from beginning to end

守秘義務 (しゅひぎむ) [shuhigimu]
(n) duty of confidentiality; confidentiality [secrecy] obligation

純愛路線 (じゅんあいろせん) [jun'airosen]
(n) (going) the pure love stories route (in movie making)

純一無雑 (じゅんいちむざつ) [jun'ichimuzatsu] 
(adj-na,adj-no,n) pure and unadulterated; pure in heart; simplehearted

春花秋月 (しゅんかしゅうげつ) [shunkashuugetsu]
(n) spring flowers and the autumn moon; beauty of nature as it changes from season to season

春夏秋冬 (しゅんかしゅうとう) [shunkashuutou]
(n-adv,n) the four seasons; all the year round; at all seasons

春日遅々・春日遅遅 (しゅんじつちち) [shunjitsuchichi]
(n) a spring day being long and balmy; serene spring day

春秋戦国 (しゅんじゅうせんごく) [shunjuusengoku]
(n) the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period [Chinese history]

春宵一刻 (しゅんしょういっこく) [shunshouikkoku]
(exp,n) A moment on a spring evening (is worth a thousand pieces of gold). 

純情可憐 (じゅんじょうかれん) [junjoukaren] 
(adj-na,n) pure of heart and beautiful; innocent and beautiful

純真一途 (じゅんしんいちず) [junshin'ichizu] 
(adj-na,n) pure and innocent through and through

純真可憐 (じゅんしんかれん) [junshinkaren] 
(adj-na,n) pure of heart and beautiful; innocent and beautiful

純真無垢 (じゅんしんむく) [junshinmuku]
(adj-na,n) pure and innocent

純粋無垢 (じゅんすいむく) [junsuimuku]
(adj-na,n) pure and innocent; immaculate

準備万端 (じゅんびばんたん) [junbibantan]
(n) every preparation [arrangement]; all sorts of preparations

春風駘蕩 (しゅんぷうたいとう) [shunpuutaitou]
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) balmy spring breeze; warm and genial spring weather; genial and pleasant (personality)

醇風美俗・淳風美俗 (じゅんぷうびぞく) [junpuubizoku]
(n) good morals and manners; genial manners and laudable customs; pristine way of life

順風満帆 (じゅんぷうまんぱん) [junpuumanpan] 
(n) smooth sailing with all sails set; (with) everything going smoothly [like a boat carried by favorable winds]

叙位叙勲 (じょいじょくん) [joijokun]
(n) conferment of Court ranks and decorations

上意下達 (じょういかたつ) [jouikatatsu]
(n,vs) conveying the will [pleasure] of the governing to the governed; getting across the will [pleasure] of a superior to all the subordinates

情意投合 (じょういとうごう) [jouitougou]
(n,vs) sharing the same sentiment with somebody; finding oneself on the same wavelength as somebody; seeing eye to eye

硝煙弾雨 (しょうえんだんう) [shouendan'u]
(n) the smoke of powder and hail of bullets; (in) the thick of the raging battle

情況証拠・状況証拠 (じょうきょうしょうこ) [joukyoushouko]
(n) circumstantial evidence

上下関係 (じょうげかんけい) [jougekankei]
(n) a relationship of higher and lower; (a relationship of) rank; hyponymy

上下左右 (じょうげさゆう) [jougesayuu]
(n) up and down [top and bottom], left and right

状況把握 (じょうきょうはあく) [joukyouhaaku]
(n) one's grasp of the situation; knowing how matters stand

状況判断 (じょうきょうはんだん) [joukyouhandan]
(n) one's assessment of the situation; judging according to the circumstances; circumstantial judgment

上古以来 (じょうこいらい) [joukoirai]
(n-t) from [since] ancient times; from time immemorial

証拠隠滅 (しょうこいんめつ) [shoukoinmetsu]
(n) destruction of evidence

小国寡民 (しょうこくかみん) [shoukokukamin]
(n) a small country with a small population [The Chinese philosopher Lao-tzu's ideal of a state]

正直一途 (しょうじきいちず) [shoujikiichizu]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) steadfastly honest

正直一徹 (しょうじきいってつ) [shoujikiittetsu] 
(adj-na,n) stubbornly honest

正直一遍 (しょうじきいっぺん) [shoujikiippen] 
(adj-na,n) honest to a fault; one's only strength being his [her] honesty; having no redeeming feature except for being honest

常識判断 (じょうしきはんだん) [joushikihandan]  
(n) commonsense judgment

笑止千万 (しょうしせんばん) [shoushisenban] 
(adj-na) 1 highly ridiculous; quite absurd; 2 most regrettable; highly pitiable

情実人事 (じょうじつじんじ) [joujitsujinji]
(n) personnel changes through favoritism

盛者必衰 (じょうしゃひっすい) [joushahissui]
(exp,n) The prosperous must decay; All glories must fade.

生者必滅 (しょうじゃひつめつ) [shoujahitsumetsu]
(exp,n) All living things must die.

常住坐臥 (じょうじゅうざが) [joujuuzaka]
(n-adv) at all times; day in, day out; constantly; always; in one's daily course of life

常住不断 (じょうじゅうふだん) [joujuufudan]
(adj-no,n) ceaseless; constant; uninterruted

常住不滅 (じょうじゅうふめつ) [joujuufumetsu]
(adj-no,n) everlasting; forever unchanging; undying   

上昇気流 (じょうしょうきりゅう) [joushoukiryuu]
(n) (1) ascending air current; updraft; (2) upward trend; rise in popularity, influence, etc.; being on a rise

情状酌量 (じょうじょうしゃくりょう) [joujoushakuryou]
(n,vs) taking the extenuating circumstances into consideration; reducing the sentence where there are extenuating circumstances

生々世々・生生世世 (しょうじょうぜぜ) [shoujouzeze]
(n-adv,n) eternity; forever; through all eternity

生々流転・生生流転 (しょうじょうるてん・せいせいるてん) [shoujouruten/seiseiruten]   
(n,vs) all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth; the circle of transmigration

情緒纏綿・情緒纒綿 (じょうしょてんめん・じょうちょてんめん) [joushotenmen/jouchotenmen]
(adj-na,adj-no,adj-t,adv-to,n) tender sentiments; being overcome with emotions; having a tender feeling (for a person)

生死流転 (しょうじるてん) [shoujiruten]  
(n,vs) all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth; the circle of transmigration

小人閑居 (しょうじんかんきょ) [shoujinkankyo]
(exp,n) A small-minded person being idle (tends to do evil).; Idleness is the root of all evil.

焦心苦慮 (しょうしんくりょ) [shoushinkuryo]
(n,vs) worry [trouble] oneself (about); be anxious (about)

精進潔斎 (しょうじんけっさい) [shoujinkessai]
(n,vs) purifying oneself (religiously) by abstaining from eating meat or fish

小心姑息 (しょうしんこそく) [shoushinkosoku]
(adj-na,n) timid and evasive [person]; timid and makeshift [approach, measure, etc.]

正真正銘 (しょうしんしょうめい) [shoushinshoumei] 
(n-adv,n) genuine; real; true; authentic; veritable

小身微禄 (しょうしんびろく) [shoushinbiroku] 
(adj-no,n) (in) a humble position with a small stipend

小心翼々・小心翼翼 (しょうしんよくよく) [shoushin'yokuyoku]
(adj-na,adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) very timid; very nervous; faint-hearted

少数精鋭 (しょうすうせいえい) [shousuuseiei]
(n) the elect [select] few

上手下手 (じょうずへた) [jouzuheta]
(n) differences in skill

少壮気鋭  (しょうそうきえい) [shousoukiei]
(adj-no,n) young and energetic; up-and-coming; being on a fast track

少壮血気 (しょうそうけっき) [shousoukekki]
(adj-no,n) young and hot-blooded [impetuous]

少壮有為 (しょうそうゆうい) [shousouyuui] 
(adj-na,adj-no,n) young, talented, and promising

消息不明 (しょうそくふめい) [shousokufumei]
(n) untraceable; long lost; one's whereabouts being unknown

正体不明 (しょうたいふめい) [shoutaifumei]
(adj-no,n) unidentifiable; unidentified   

冗談気味 (じょうだんぎみ) [joudangimi]
(n) being somewhat [half] joking; half seriously; half in jest; in a jocular vein

冗談半分 (じょうだんはんぶん) [joudanhanbun]
(n) being somewhat [half] joking; half seriously; half in jest; in a jocular vein

承知之助 (しょうちのすけ) [shouchinosuke]
(exp) O.K.; Sure.; Yessir!; Okeydokey!; Understood.

消長盛衰 (しょうちょうせいすい) [shouchouseisui] 
(n) prosperity and decay; rise and fall; ebb and flow; vicissitudes (of fortune)     

祥月命日 (しょうつきめいにち) [shoutsukimeinichi]  
(n) anniversary of a person's death

常套手段 (じょうとうしゅだん) [joutoushudan] 
(n) one's usual practice; one's old trick; one's usual modus operandi; the same old tactic

常套表現 (じょうとうひょうげん) [joutouhyougen]
(n) conventional [stock] phrase; hackneyed expression; platitude; cliche

商人気質 (しょうにんかたぎ・あきんどかたぎ) [shouninkatagi/akindokatagi] 
(n) mercantile mind-set; mercenary spirit; being intent on making a profit

商人根性 (しょうにんこんじょう) [shouninkonjou]   
(n) mercenary spirit; commercial motives; a nose for profit; moneygrubbing disposition

焦熱地獄 (しょうねつじごく) [shounetsujigoku]
(n) burning hell; inferno

商売往来 (しょうばいおうらい) [shoubaiourai]
(n) business handbook (with glossary) of Edo period

商売気質 (しょうばいかたぎ) [shoubaikatagi] 
(n) mercantile mind-set; mercenary spirit; being intent on making a profit

商売上手 (しょうばいじょうず) [shoubaijouzu]
(adj-na,n) good at business; having a good head for business; businesslike

商売繁盛 (しょうばいはんじょう) [shoubaihanjou]
(n,vs) thriving [prosperous] business; rush of business

上方修正 (じょうほうしゅうせい) [jouhoushuusei]
(n,vs) upward adjustment; upward revision

枝葉末節 (しようまっせつ) [shiyoumassetsu] 
(n) unimportant details; unessentials; piddling matters; inconsequentia

従容自若 (しょうようじじゃく) [shouyoujijaku]
(adj-t,adv-to) having presence of mind; imperturbable; calm and self-possessed; with serenity

常用手段 (じょうようしゅだん) [jouyoushudan]
(n) one's usual practice; one's old trick; one's usual modus operandi; the same old tactic

生老病死 (しょうろうびょうし) [shouroubyoushi]
(n) the four inevitables in human life -- birth, aging, sickness, and death

昭和元禄 (しょうわげんろく) [shouwagenroku]
(n) the flourishing mid-Showa period (1960s and early 1970s) of peace, rapid economic growth, and life of ease

昭和一桁 (しょうわひとけた) [shouwahitoketa]
(n) (member of the generation born in) the first nine years of the Showa period (from 1926 to 1934)

書画骨董 (しょがこっとう) [shogakottou]
(n) objects of art and curios

諸行無常 (しょぎょうむじょう) [shogyoumujou]
(exp,n) the impermanence of worldly things; All worldly things are transitory. All things must pass. 

贖罪意識 (しょくざいいしき) [shokuzaiishiki]
(n) a sense of atonement

職住一体 (しょくじゅういったい) [shokujuuittai]
(n) having one's workplace at home; living and working at the same location [independent farmers, home workers, storekeepers, etc.]

職住近接 (しょくじゅうきんせつ) [shokujuukinsetsu]
(n) having one's workplace near one's home

食傷気味 (しょくしょうぎみ) [shokushougimi]
(adj-na,n) being sick and tired (of); being fed up (with); having one's fill (of)

職人気質 (しょくにんかたぎ・しょくにんきしつ) [shokuninkatagi/shokuninkishitsu]
(n) the spirit of a true artisan; (a craftsman's) pride in one's work

職人根性 (しょくにんこんじょう) [shokuninkonjou]
(n) the spirit of a true artisan; (a craftsman's) pride in one's work

植物人間 (しょくぶつにんげん) [shokubutsuningen]
(n) comatose person; person in a vegetative state

職務質問 (しょくむしつもん) [shokumushitsumon]
(n,vs) ex-officio questioning; police questioning (of a suspicious person); a police checkup

職務尋問 (しょくむじんもん) [shokumujinmon]
(n,vs) ex-officio questioning; police questioning (of a suspicious person); a police checkup

職務怠慢 (しょくむたいまん) [shokumutaiman]
(n) neglect [dereliction] of duty; negligence

女系天皇 (じょけいてんのう) [jokeitennou]
(n) matrilineal emperor (male or female) of Japan; emperor whose mother is [was] a member of the Imperial family but whose father is [was] not

女工哀史 (じょこうあいし) [jokouaishi]
(n) sad [tragic, pathetic] story [history] of factory girls in pre-WWII Japan

徐行戦術 (じょこうせんじゅつ) [jokousenjutsu]
(n) go-slow tactics (of Japanese railway workers)

諸国漫遊 (しょこくまんゆう) [shokokuman'yuu] 
(n,vs) tour round the country [Japan] (visiting from province to province)

処士横議 (しょしおうぎ) [shoshiougi]
(n) wayward [irresponsible] criticisms of political matters by private citizens

初志貫徹 (しょしかんてつ) [shoshikantetsu]
(n,vs) achieving one's original intention; achieving one's desired end(s)

諸事万端 (しょじばんたん) [shojibantan]
(n) everything; all things; all affairs; all matters

諸子百家 (しょしひゃっか) [shoshihyakka] 
(n) the general term for the large number of scholars and controversialists, and their respective schools, that flourished during the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period in Chinese history

所々方々・所所方方・処々方々・処処方方 (しょしょほうぼう) [shoshohoubou]
(n) everywhere; far and near

処世上手 (しょせいじょうず) [shoseijouzu]
(adj-na,n) knowing how to get on in the world; knowing the secret of success in life

処世達者 (しょせいたっしゃ) [shoseitassha]
(adj-na,n) knowing how to get on in the world; knowing the secret of success in life

女性天皇 (じょせいてんのう) [joseitennou]
(n) female emperor of Japan

女性遍歴 (じょせいへんれき) [joseihenreki]
(n) one's history of love affairs with women

諸説紛々・諸説紛紛 (しょせつふんぷん) [shosetsufunpun]
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) divergent opinions abound; opinion is divided; there are many rumors afloat

所属不明 (しょぞくふめい) [shozokufumei]
(n) of unknown affiliation

女尊男卑 (じょそんだんぴ) [josondanpi]   
(n) placing women above men; respect for women at the expense of men

女中奉公 (じょちゅうぼうこう) [jochuuboukou]
(n) domestic service; working as a housemaid

暑中見舞 (しょちゅうみまい) [shochuumimai]
(n) summer greeting card; inquiry after someone's health in the hot season

職権乱用 (しょっけんらんよう) [shokkenran'you]
(n) abuse of (one's) authority; abuse of (one's) public office

庶民感覚 (しょみんかんかく) [shominkankaku]
(n) sensibilities [feelings, way of thinking] of the common people; popular sentiment

諸役御免 (しょやくごめん) [shoyakugomen] 
(n) being excused from various levies and taxes during the age of militarist [shogunate] government

書類送検 (しょるいそうけん) [shoruisouken]
(n,vs) sending papers pertaining to a (criminal) case to the Public Prosecutors Office

白河夜船・白川夜船・白川夜舟 (しらかわよふね・しらかわよぶね) [shirakawayofune/shirakawayobune] 
(exp) (1) being sound asleep (and totally unaware of what is going on around one); (2) know-it-all manner

自力更正 (じりきこうせい) [jirikikousei]
(n,vs) working out one's salvation by own efforts; rehabilitating oneself by one's own efforts; recovery through own resources

自力本願 (じりきほんがん) [jirikihongan]
(n) salvation by one's own efforts; self-reliance

私利私欲 (しりしよく) [shirishiyoku]
(n) desire to act only in one's self-interest; selfish desires; avarice; greed

事理明白 (じりめいはく) [jirimeihaku]
(adj-na,n) the facts being beyond dispute; the logic being indisputable

支離滅裂 (しりめつれつ) [shirimetsuretsu] 
(adj-na,n) incoherent; inconsistent; disconnected pieces making no coherent sense; being split into many small factions; being thrown into utter confusion

思慮分別 (しりょふんべつ) [shiryofunbetsu] 
(n) prudence and discretion; discrete and well-advised judgment; wise and mature judgment

白湯文字 (しろゆもじ) [shiroyumoji]
(n) ordinary woman secretly engaged in prostituion [Edo period]

素人細工 (しろうとざいく) [shiroutozaiku] 
(n) amateurish work

素人判断 (しろうとはんだん) [shiroutohandan]
(n) layperson's judgment [opinion]

素人療法 (しろうとりょうほう) [shiroutoryouhou] 
(n) home remedy; medical treatment by a layperson

四六時中 (しろくじちゅう) [shirokujichuu]
(adv,n) around the clock; at all hours; all day long; day and night; constantly

白田売買 (しろたばいばい) [shirotabaibai]
(n) dealing in rice speculating on the year's harvest while the paddies are still covered with snow

白物家電 (しろものかでん) [shiromonokaden]
(n) white goods; large household appliances

神韻縹渺 (しんいんひょうびょう) [shin'inhyoubyou] 
(adj-t,adv-to) (a work of art being) sublime; transcendent

心猿意馬 (しんえんいば) [shin'en'iba]
(n) (being unable to control) one's worldly desires and passions

人海戦術 (じんかいせんじゅつ) [jinkaisenjutsu]
(n) human-wave tactics; the strategy of throwing large numbers of troops into an attack; throwing (overwhelming) human resources at a problem

心外千万 (しんがいせんばん) [shingaisenban] 
(adj-na) be totally upset (by); be completely nonplused (by); be mortified (at); feel aggrieved (at); find (it) highly regrettable

人外魔境 (じんがいまきょう) [jingaimakyou]
(n) ominous place outside the human world; mysterious place where no human being lives; uninhabited area

陣笠議員 (じんがさぎいん) [jingasagiin] 
(n) backbench member [of Parliament, Congress, the Diet]; backbencher

心願成就 (しんがんじょうじゅ) [shinganjouju] 
(n,vs) earnest prayers being answered; realization of one's earnest wishes

真贋論争 (しんがんろんそう) [shinganronsou]
(n) argument as to [about] the authenticity (of...)

心機一転 (しんきいってん) [shinkiitten]
(n,vs) a sudden and complete change of one's mind; mental revolution; taking a new turn in one's thinking; looking at the world in a new way

心悸亢進 (しんきこうしん) [shinkikoushin]
(n) palpitation(s) (of the heart)

仁義忠孝 (じんぎちゅうこう) [jingichuukou]
(n) humanity, justice, loyalty, and filial piety

仁義道徳 (じんぎどうとく) [jingidoutoku]
(n) humanity and justice; benevolence and righteousness

真偽不明 (しんぎふめい) [shingifumei]
(n) dubious; doubtful; of unknown authenticity

神機妙算 (しんきみょうさん) [shinkimyousan] 
(n) inscrutable stratagem; ingenious scheme

新旧交代 (しんきゅうこうたい) [shinkyuukoutai]
(n,vs) replacing the old with the new; the old giving way to the new; transition between the old and the new

辛苦艱難 (しんくかんなん) [shinkukannan] 
(n) trials and tribulations; adversities; suffering hardships and troubles

神経過敏 (しんけいかびん) [shinkeikabin]
(adj-na,n) oversensitive; high-strung; jumpy; being all nerves

神経衰弱 (しんけいすいじゃく) [shinkeisuijaku]
(n) nervous [emotional] breakdown

人権蹂躙 (じんけんじゅうりん) [jinkenjuurin]
(n) human rights violation; blatant infringement upon a person's rights

真剣勝負 (しんけんしょうぶ) [shinkenshoubu] 
(n) fighting with real swords; game played in deadly earnest

人権擁護 (じんけんようご) [jinken'yougo]
(n) protection of human rights; safeguarding [defending] human rights

信仰箇条 (しんこうかじょう) [shinkoukajou]
(n) article of faith; article of belief

人材登用 (じんざいとうよう) [jinzaitouyou] 
(n) selecting of fit [talented] persons for higher positions

辛酸甘苦 (しんさんかんく) [shinsankanku]
(n) hardships and joys; tasting the sweets and bitters of life; (having seen much of life) being well-versed in the ways of the world

神算鬼謀 (しんさんきぼう) [shinsankibou]
(n) inscrutable stratagem; ingenious scheme

深山幽谷 (しんざんゆうこく) [shinzan'yuukoku] 
(n) remote mountains and deep valleys; deep mountains and dark valleys    

人事考課 (じんじこうか) [jinjikouka]
(n) merit [ability, efficiency] rating; employee performance evaluation

真実一路 (しんじついちろ) [shinjitsuichiro]
(n) the straight path of sincerity and truthfulness; living a life in all sincerity and truthfulness

人事不省 (じんじふせい) [jinjifusei]
(n) unconsciousness; loss of consciousness

神社仏閣 (じんじゃぶっかく) [jinjabukkaku]
(n) (Shinto) shrines and (Buddhist) temples

進取果敢 (しんしゅかかん) [shinshukakan]
(adj-na) enterprising and daring; boldly forward-looking

伸縮自在 (しんしゅくじざい) [shinshukujizai]
(adj-na) elastic; flexible; telescoping; expandable

神出鬼没 (しんしゅつきぼつ) [shinshutsukibotsu]
(n) appearing in unexpected places and at unexpected moments; with phantom-like agility and elusiveness

尋常一様 (じんじょういちよう) [jinjouichiyou] 
(adj-na,adj-no,n) ordinary; common; mediocre

尋常茶飯 (じんじょうさはん) [jinjousahan]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) everyday occurrence; commonplace of life; nothing out of the ordinary

身上調査 (しんじょうちょうさ) [shinjouchousa]
(n,vs) examine [investigate into] a person's history

身上調書 (しんじょうちょうしょ) [shinjouchousho]
(n) personal information form; dossier on an individual

心情吐露 (しんじょうとろ) [shinjoutoro]
(n) expression of one's feelings; pouring out one's heart

信賞必罰 (しんしょうひつばつ) [shinshouhitsubatsu]
(n) sure punishment or reward; a clear-cut system of rewards and punishments

心象風景 (しんしょうふうけい) [shinshoufuukei] 
(n) imagined landscape; scenery in one's mind's eye

針小棒大 (しんしょうぼうだい) [shinshouboudai]
(n) exaggeration; making a mountain out of a molehill   

神色自若 (しんしょくじじゃく) [shinshokujijaku]
(adj-t,adv-to) perfect composure; calm and collected; with imperturbable calm; keeping one's presence of mind

人心安定 (じんしんあんてい) [jinshin'antei]
(n) stabilizing the feelings of the people; inspiring confidence among the people

心身一如 (しんしんいちにょ) [shinshin'ichinyo]
(n) body and mind as one

身心一如 (しんしんいちにょ) [shinshin'ichinyo]
(n) body and mind as one

人心一新 (じんしんいっしん) [jinshin'isshin]
(n) radically change public sentiment; leading the thought of the people to an entirely different channel

新進気鋭 (しんしんきえい) [shinshinkiei]
(adj-no,n) young and energetic; up-and-coming; high-spirited and rising

人心恟々・人心恟恟 (じんしんきょうきょう) [jinshinkyoukyou]
(adj-t,adv-to) The people being panic-stricken [in alarm]

人身攻撃 (じんしんこうげき) [jinshinkougeki] 
(n) personal attack [abuse]; character assassination

人心刷新 (じんしんさっしん) [jinshinsasshin]
(n) radically changing public sentiment; leading the thought of the people to an entirely different channel

人心収攬 (じんしんしゅうらん) [jinshinshuuran]
(n) winning the hearts of the people; capturing public sentiment

心身創痍 (しんしんそうい) [shinshinsoui]
(n) being wounded in mind and body

心身爽快 (しんしんそうかい) [shinshinsoukai]
(n) feeling refreshed in mind and body

心神喪失 (しんしんそうしつ) [shinshinsoushitsu]
(n) of unsound mind; temporary insanity

人生行路 (じんせいこうろ) [jinseikouro]
(n) the journey [path] of life; one's passage through life

人生朝露 (じんせいちょうろ) [jinseichouro]
(exp,n) Man's life vanishes like a dew.; A person's life is as fleeting as a morning dew.

人生模様 (じんせいもよう) [jinseimoyou]  
(n) facets [aspects] of (human) life; the pattern of (one's) life

親戚眷属 (しんせきけんぞく) [shinsekikenzoku] 
(n) one's family and relatives; one's kith and kin

臣籍降下 (しんせきこうか) [shinsekikouka]
(n) [of members of the Imperial family] becoming a commoner; to be reduced from royal status to that of a commoner

親戚故旧 (しんせきこきゅう) [shinsekikokyuu]
(n) relatives and old friends

親戚知己 (しんせきちき) [shinsekichiki]
(n) relatives and acquaintances

人跡未踏 (じんせきみとう) [jinsekimitou]
(n) untrodden; pathless; untraversed; where no human being has ever set foot

真相究明 (しんそうきゅうめい) [shinsoukyuumei] 
(n) probe into the truth (of the matter); dig into the real facts of the case; get at the root of a matter

深層心理 (しんそうしんり) [shinsoushinri]
(n) the deep psyche

迅速果敢 (じんそくかかん) [jinsokukakan] 
(adj-na,n) quick and decisive; fast and daring; swift and resolute

迅速果断 (じんそくかだん) [jinsokukadan]  
(adj-na,n) quick and decisive; fast and daring; swift and resolute

進退去就 (しんたいきょしゅう) [shintaikyoshuu]  
(n) one's course of action; deciding what to do with oneself, whether staying in the present position or leaving it

身体髪膚 (しんたいはっぷ) [shintaihappu]
(n) the entire human body; every inch of one's body

進退問題 (しんたいもんだい) [shintaimondai]
(n) a question of whether or not someone should resign

進退両難 (しんたいりょうなん) [shintairyounan]
(n) be driven to the wall; find oneself between the devil and the deep blue sea; a rock and a hard place

人畜無害 (じんちくむがい) [jinchikumugai]
(adj-na) harmless to humans and animals; completely harmless; perfectly safe

尽忠報国 (じんちゅうほうこく) [jinchuuhoukoku]
(n) loyalty and patriotism

陣中見舞 (じんちゅうみまい) [jinchuumimai]
(n) visiting soldiers at the front to provide comfort; visit to [gift for] persons hard at work as a sign of support

慎重居士 (しんちょうこじ) [shinchoukoji]
(n) very cautious [prudent, discreet] person

慎重吟味 (しんちょうぎんみ) [shinchouginmi]
(n) scrutiny; careful [close] examination [investigation]; careful inquiry; careful selection

新陳代謝 (しんちんたいしゃ)  [shinchintaisha]
(n) the body's metabolism; replacement of the old with the new; regeneration

心的状態 (しんてきじょうたい) [shintekijoutai]
(n) one's mental state; state of mind; mentality

震天動地 (しんてんどうち) [shintendouchi]
(n) earth-shaking; astounding; startling; phenomenal

陣頭指揮 (じんとうしき) [jintoushiki]
(n,vs) taking command of a corps in a battle; actively leading an army [a group]

人道蹂躙 (じんどうじゅうりん) [jindoujuurin]
(n) outrage against humanity

心頭滅却 (しんとうめっきゃく) [shintoumekkyaku]
(n,vs) clearing one's mind of all mundane thoughts

人馬一体 (じんばいったい) [jinbaittai]
(n) unity of rider and horse

心配無用 (しんぱいむよう) [shinpaimuyou] 
(exp,n) Don't worry about it.; There is nothing to fear.; There is no need for anxiety.; Everything is under control.

人馬往来 (じんばおうらい) [jinbaourai]
(n) the passage of people and horses; coming and going of people and horses

親藩大名 (しんぱんだいみょう) [shinpandaimyou]
(n) the daimyo of a feudal domain owned by a Tokugawa family branch

人品骨柄 (じんぴんこつがら) [jinpinkotsugara]
(n) a person's appearance and physique; a person's bearing [presence]

人物月旦 (じんぶつげったん) [jinbutsugettan]
(n) character sketch; comments on personalities

神仏混淆 (しんぶつこんこう) [shinbutsukonkou]
(n) mixture [synthesis] of Buddhism and Shintoism

神仏分離 (しんぶつぶんり) [shinbutsubunri]
(n) separation of Buddhism and Shintoism

人物本位 (じんぶつほんい) [jinbutsuhon'i]
(adj-no,n) chiefly on the basis of someone's personal character

新聞学問 (しんぶんがくもん) [shinbungakumon]
(n) knowledge gained [information acquired] from newspapers

新聞辞令 (しんぶんじれい) [shinbunjirei]
(n) Appointment conjecturally reported in a newspaper; announcement of an appointment which is [turns out to be] mere press speculation

深謀遠慮 (しんぼうえんりょ) [shinbouenryo]  
(n) far sight and deep design; a farsighted and deeply-laid plan

尽未来際 ( じんみらいさい・じんみらいざい) [jinmiraisai/jinmiraizai]
(n-adv,n) to the end of time; to the crack of doom; for ever and ever

神武以来 (じんむいらい・じんむこのかた) [jinmuirai/jinmukonokata] 
(adv-no,n-adv,n-t) since the era of the Emperor Jinmu; (first ever) since the dawn of Japan's history; unprecedented

神武景気 (じんむけいき) [jinmukeiki]
(n) the economic boom of the mid-1950s

人面獣心 (じんめんじゅうしん・にんめんじゅうしん) [jnmenjuushin/ninmenjuushin]
(n) beast with a human face; monster in human form; fair without, foul within

信頼関係 (しんらいかんけい) [shinraikankei]
(n) relationship of mutual trust; trusting each other deeply

森羅万象  (しんらばんしょう) [shinrabanshou] 
(n) all things in nature; the whole creation; everything under the sun; all natural phenomena

深慮遠謀 (しんりょえんぼう) [shinryoenbou]
(n) deep design and forethought; a farsighted and deeply-laid plan

人倫道徳 (じんりんどうとく) [jinrindoutoku]
(n) ethics and morality

人倫退廃・人倫頽廃 (じんりんたいはい) [jinrintaihai]
(n) decline [decay, corruption] of ethical standards

親類縁者 (しんるいえんじゃ) [shinruienja] 
(n) one's family and relations; one's relatives by blood and marriage [in blood and law]

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酔眼朦朧 (すいがんもうろう) [suiganmourou]
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) (with) one's eyes blurred from drinking; with drunken eyes; dazed by wine

随喜渇仰 (ずいきかっこう) [zuikikakkou]
(n,vs) worship with adoration; admire ardently

推進母体 (すいしんぼたい) [suishinbotai]
(n) a nucleus (of a project proposal/of a social movement, etc.)

酔生夢死 (すいせいむし) [suiseimushi]
(n) idling one's life away; dreaming away one's life accomplishing nothing significant

垂涎三尺 (すいぜんさんじゃく) [suizensanjaku] 
(n) avid desire; drooling over (something); watering at the mouth

衰退一途 (すいたいいっと) [suitaiitto]
(n) (falling into a) continuous decline; being on the wane

垂直思考 (すいちょくしこう) [suichokushikou]
(n) rigid [stereotypical] thinking that adheres to preconceived notions

水天彷彿・水天髣髴 (すいてんほうふつ) [suitenhoufutsu]
(n) view in the distant offing where the sea and skyline cannot be distinguished

随伴現象 (ずいはんげんしょう) [zuihangenshou]
(n) a concomitant [an accompanying] phenomenon

水平思考 (すいへいしこう) [suiheishikou]
(n) liberated thinking that is not bound to fixed ideas

酔歩蹣跚 (すいほまんさん) [suihomansan]
(n) tipsy lurch; reeling [staggering] gait

数的優勢 (すうてきゆうせい) [suutekiyuusei]
(n) superiority in number; numerical superiority

頭寒足熱 (ずかんそくねつ) [zukansokunetsu]
(n) keeping the head cool and feet warm

助平根性 (すけべいこんじょう) [sukebeikonjou] 
(n) lewd disposition, lecherous nature; greedy motives

杜撰脱漏 (ずさんだつろう) [zusandatsurou]
(n) careless [slipshod] and with many omissions

頭脳明晰 (ずのうめいせき) [zunoumeiseki] 
(adj-na,n) being clearheaded; having a keen [sharp, brilliant] mind

頭脳流出 (ずのうりゅうしゅつ) [zunouryuushutsu]
(n) brain drain; loss of highly trained or qualified people to other countries

寸借詐欺 (すんしゃくさぎ) [sunshakusagi]
(n) swindling someone [a stranger] by borrowing money with no intention of returning it

寸進尺退 (すんしんしゃくたい) [sunshinshakutai]
(n,vs) one step forward, many steps backward; little to gain and much to lose

寸善尺魔 (すんぜんしゃくま) [sunzenshakuma]
(exp,n) little good and much evil; In evil, there is odds; Evil far outnumbers good in this world.; A good thing tends to be spoiled by many bad things.

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政界工作 (せいかいこうさく) [seikaikousaku]
(n) currying of political favor; buying political influence

政界再編 (せいかいさいへん) [seikaisaihen]
(n) political realignment; a realignment of political parties

政界余聞 (せいかいよぶん) [seikaiyobun]
(n) tidbits of political gossip

性格美人 (せいかくびじん) [seikakubijin]
(n) woman with a wonderful personality

性格描写 (せいかくびょうしゃ) [seikakubyousha]
(n) character portrayal; characterization

正確無比 (せいかくむひ) [seikakumuhi]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) unmatched [unparalleled] accuracy

臍下丹田 (せいかたんでん) [seikatanden]
(n) the center of the abdominal region; point below the navel [thought to be the focal point of human body's energy in Oriental medicine]

生活残業 (せいかつざんぎょう) [seikatsuzangyou]
(n,vs) (working) overtime to make ends meet [to support one's lifestyle]

生活信条 (せいかつしんじょう) [seikatsushinjou]
(n) one's philosophy of life

生活不安 (せいかつふあん) [seikatsufuan]
(n) worry [uncertainty, uneasiness, insecurity] about one's life [future]

生気溌剌 (せいきはつらつ) [seikihatsuratsu]
(adj-t,adv-to) full of vigor [vitality]; energetic; vigorous; vivacious

政教一致 (せいきょういっち) [seikyouicchi]
(n) unity of church and state

政教分離 (せいきょうぶんり) [seikyoubunri] 
(n) separation of church and state

税金泥棒 (ぜいきんどろぼう) [zeikindorobou]
(n) person living off other people's taxes; tax parasite; [a derogatory term for] public servants

整形美人 (せいけいびじん) [seikeibijin]
(n) a plastic-surgery beauty

政権構想 (せいけんこうそう) [seikenkousou]
(n) planning a new government; plan for a new administration

政権交代 (せいけんこうたい) [seikenkoutai]
(n) change of government [administration]

政権亡者 (せいけんもうじゃ) [seikenmouja]
(n) one who is obsessed with [getting into, holding on to] political power; one who is obsessed with the idea of taking over government

晴好雨奇 (せいこううき) [seikou'uki]
(n) the scenery being beautiful in both sunny and rainy weather

晴耕雨読 (せいこううどく) [seikou'udoku] 
(n,vs) working in the field in fine weather and reading at home in rainy weather; living in quiet retirement dividing time between work and intellectual pursuits

西高東低 (せいこうとうてい) [seikoutoutei]
(n) a weather pattern in which the high pressure area lies to the west and the low pressure area to the east

成功報酬 (せいこうほうしゅう) [seikouhoushuu]
(n) fee contingent upon success; contingency fee; completion bonus

政策不況 (せいさくふきょう) [seisakufukyou]
(n) policy-induced slump; stagnation resulting from poor economic policies

生殺与奪 (せいさつよだつ) [seisatsuyodatsu]
(n) wielding absolute power (over); the power to spare or to take the lives and property of the people

生死一如 (せいしいちにょ) [seishi'ichinyo]  
(exp,n) Life and death are the two faces of the same coin.

政治家肌 (せいじかはだ) [seijikahada]
(n) be something of a politician; have something of the politician in one

政治感覚 (せいじかんかく) [seijikankaku]
(n) sense of politics; feeling for politics

政治決着 (せいじけっちゃく) [seijikecchaku]
(n) a political settlement; settling (a dispute) politically (without resorting to force)

政治工作 (せいじこうさく) [seijikousaku]
(n) political maneuvering; politicking; political machinations

政治抗争 (せいじこうそう) [seijikousou]
(n) political strife [antagonism, conflict]

政治姿勢 (せいじしせい) [seijishisei]
(n) one's political career [life]

政治主導 (せいじしゅどう) [seijishudou]
(n) initiative taken by politicians (in the formulation of a policy or bill) [rather than by bureaucrats]

政治生命 (せいじせいめい) [seijiseimei]
(n) one's political life [career]

政治風土 (せいじふうど) [seijifuudo]
(n) political climate

政治不信 (せいじふしん) [seijifushin]
(n) (public) distrust of politics; loss of faith in politics [politicians]; estrangement from politics

正邪曲直 (せいじゃきょくちょく) [seijakyokuchoku]
(n) right and [or] wrong

正邪善悪 (せいじゃぜんあく) [seijazen'aku] 
(n) right and [or] wrong

青春群像 (せいしゅんぐんぞう) [seishungunzou]
(n) youthful crowd; crowd of young people coming into their own

青春時代 (せいしゅんじだい) [seishunjidai]
(n) one's youth; one's youthful days [years]; the flower of one's youth; the springtime of one's life

清浄潔白 (せいじょうけっぱく) [seijoukeppaku] 
(adj-na,adj-no,n) upright and clean-handed; pure in heart and with a clean conscience

政情不安 (せいじょうふあん) [seijoufuan]
(n) the instability of a political situation; political instability

清浄無垢 (せいじょうむく) [seijoumuku]
(adj-na,n) pure and innocent; immaculate

政治力学 (せいじりきがく) [seijirikigaku]
(n) political dynamics; dynamics of political forces; the balance of political power

生死輪廻 (せいしりんね) [seishirinne]
(n,vs) all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth; the circle of transmigration

精神一到 (せいしんいっとう) [seishin'ittou]
(n) concentration of mind; mental concentration (on some task); determined mind 

聖人君子 (せいじんくんし) [seijinkunshi]
(n) person of lofty virtue; man of noble character; perfect person; saint 

聖人賢者 (せいじんけんじゃ) [seijinkenja] 
(n) person of lofty virtue and great wisdom

精神構造 (せいしんこうぞう) [seishinkouzou]
(n) one's mental makeup [structure]; emotional makeup; mentality

精神作用 (せいしんさよう) [seishinsayou]
(n) operation [working] of the mind

成人指定 (せいじんしてい) [seijinshitei]
(n) rated for "adults only"

精神修養 (せいしんしゅうよう) [seishinshuuyou]
(n,vs) moral [spiritual] improvement; practice mental training; cultivate one's mind [soul]

誠心誠意 (せいしんせいい) [seishinseii] 
(adv,n) in all sincerity; with one's whole heart; whole-hearted devotion

精神統一 (せいしんとういつ) [seishintouitsu]
(n,vs) concentration of mind; mental concentration (on some task); determined mind

精神風土 (せいしんふうど) [seishinfuudo]
(n) the spiritual climate

盛衰興亡 (せいすいこうぼう) [seisuikoubou] 
(n) rise and fall; ups and downs; waxing and waning; prosperity and decline; vicissitudes

正々堂々・正正堂堂 (せいせいどうどう) [seiseidoudou] 
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) fair and square; open and aboveboard

成績不振 (せいせきふしん) [seisekifushin]
(n) poor (academic) performance; poor (business) results [showing]

贅沢三昧 (ぜいたくざんまい) [zeitakuzanmai] 
(n) luxury and extravagance; indulging in every possible luxury; living in the lap of luxury

清濁併呑 (せいだくへいどん) [seidakuheidon]
(n) being so broad-minded as to accept all sorts of things, both good and evil; being broad-minded enough to be tolerant of people of all shades

成長小説 (せいちょうしょうせつ) [seichoushousetsu]
(n) novel of character development; novel of formation [education]; novel which traces the intellectual, moral, spiritual or social development and growth of a young person; Bildungsroman [German]

性的逸脱 (せいてきいつだつ) [seitekiitsudatsu]
(n) sexual deviation; sexual anomaly

青天白日 (せいてんはくじつ) [seitenhakujitsu] 
(n) be cleared of all the charges (brought against one); be found completely innocent; be completely aboveboard and with a clean conscience

正当防衛 (せいとうぼうえい) [seitoubouei]
(n) (legitimate) self-defense

青年客気 (せいねんかっき) [seinenkakki]
(adj-no,n) youthful ardor; rash impulse of an inexperienced youth

清風明月 (せいふうめいげつ) [seifuumeigetsu]
(n) refreshing breeze and the bright moon; a beautiful nocturnal scene with a full moon

精妙巧緻 (せいみょうこうち) [seimyoukouchi] 
(adj-na,n) exquisite and elaborate

姓名判断 (せいめいはんだん) [seimeihandan]
(n) fortunetelling based on writing or pronunciation of one's name; onomancy

姓名不詳 (せいめいふしょう) [seimeifushou]
(adj-no,n) unidentified; name unknown

整理整頓 (せいりせいとん) [seiriseiton]
(n,vs) keeping things tidy and in order

整理統合 (せいりとうごう) [seiritougou]
(n,vs) reorganization and unification; reorganize by consolidating [merging] units

整理淘汰 (せいりとうた) [seiritouta]
(n,vs) reorganize an enterprise and weed out redundant workers; reorganize an industry and weed out redundant enterprises

政略結婚 (せいりゃくけっこん) [seiryakukekkon]
(n) (political) marriage of convenience; marriage forced by political expediency

勢力拡大 (せいりょくかくだい) [seiryokukakudai]
(n) expansion of one's sphere of influence; increase in one's power [strength, influence]

勢力関係 (せいりょくかんけい) [seiryokukankei]
(n) power relations; balance of power (between)

勢力拮抗 (せいりょくきっこう) [seiryokukikkou]
(n,vs) struggle for supremacy between evenly-matched forces [parties]

勢力圏内 (せいりょくけんない) [seiryokukennai]
(n) within the sphere of influence (of)

精力絶倫 (せいりょくぜつりん) [seiryokuzetsurin]
(adj-no,n) unbounded [immense] (sexual) energy

勢力伯仲 (せいりょくはくちゅう) [seiryokuhakuchuu] 
(n) (the two sides) being evenly-matched in power [strength, influence]

勢力範囲 (せいりょくはんい) [seiryokuhan'i]
(n) sphere of influence; one's territory

勢力分野 (せいりょくぶんや) [seiryokubun'ya]
(n) the respective [relative] strength of political parties; distribution of the number of parliamentary seats held by each of the political parties  

精励恪勤 (せいれいかっきん) [seireikakkin] 
(n,vs) assiduousness; diligence and industry; attending diligently to one's study or duties

清廉潔白 (せいれんけっぱく) [seirenkeppaku]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) spotless integrity; upright and clean-handed; pure in heart and with a clean conscience

世界思潮 (せかいしちょう) [sekaishichou]
(n) main currents [the trend] of thinking in the world

赤手空拳 (せきしゅくうけん) [sekishukuuken]   
(n) barehanded; having no wealth or position to rely on (aside from one's own resourcefulness) [when embarking on something]

責任回避 (せきにんかいひ) [sekininkaihi]
(n,vs) avoidance of responsibility; shirking (one's) responsibility

責任転嫁  (せきにんてんか) [sekinintenka]
(n,vs) shifting the responsibility (for something) on to (someone); buck-passing

責任問題 (せきにんもんだい) [sekininmondai]
(n) a question [an issue] of where responsibility [liability] lies; a question of who is responsible [to blame]

世間周知 (せけんしゅうち) [sekenshuuchi]
(n) (a matter of) common knowledge; widely known; known to everybody

世事一切 (せじいっさい) [sejiissai]
(n) all the worldly matters

世上万般 (せじょうばんぱん) [sejoubanpan]
(n) all the worldly [mundane] matters; everything in this world

是正措置 (ぜせいそち) [zeseisochi]
(n) corrective action [measure]; rectification

是々非々・是是非非 (ぜぜひひ) [zezehihi]
(n) free and unbiased; fair and just; ruling or judging what's right is right and what's wrong is wrong; calling spade a spade

世代交代 (せだいこうたい) [sedaikoutai]
(n) change of generation; transition of power between generations

世態人情 (せたいにんじょう) [setaininjou]
(n) (contemporary) customs and behavior; the picture of people's life in the contemporary world

舌禍事件 (ぜっかじけん) [zekkajiken]
(n) scandal [trouble] caused by a slip of the tongue

接客業務 (せっきゃくぎょうむ) [sekkyakugyoumu]
(n) customer relations; serving [helping, attending to, waiting on] customers

接客態度 (せっきゃくたいど) [sekkyakutaido]
(n) the way one waits on customers; one's behavior toward [attitude to] customers [visitors]

説教調子 (せっきょうぢょうし) [sekkyoujoushi] 
(n) (in a) preaching tone

説教泥棒 (せっきょうどろぼう) [sekkyoudorobou]  
(n) preaching burglar; burglar who preaches at the victim about the methods of preventing similar crimes

説教坊主 (せっきょうぼうず) [sekkyoubouzu]
(n) tub-thumping preacher; preacher [priest] who is good at delivering a sermon; pulpiteer [usually with contemptuous implication]

積極果敢 (せっきょくかかん) [sekkyokukakan]
(adj-na,n) aggressive; active and bold [daring]; resolute determination

積極財政 (せっきょくざいせい) [sekkyokuzaisei]
(n) expansionary fiscal policy

切磋琢磨 (せっさたくま) [sessatakuma]
(n,vs) cultivate one's mind [character] by studying hard; indefatigable assiduity; improve together through friendly rivalry

切歯扼腕 (せっしやくわん) [sesshiyakuwan]
(n,vs) grind one's teeth and clenching one's fists in anger [regret, disappointment]; feel [be] deeply chagrined (at)

殺生禁断 (せっしょうきんだん) [sesshoukindan]
(n) prohibition against hunting and fishing

絶対安静 (ぜったいあんせい) [zettaiansei]
(n) complete bed rest; complete rest and quiet

絶体絶命 (ぜったいぜつめい) [zettaizetsumei]
(n) desperate situation; the last extremity; being driven into a corner; having one's back against the wall

絶対服従 (ぜったいふくじゅう) [zettaifukujuu] 
(n) absolute obedience; complete submission

雪隠大工 (せっちんだいく) [secchindaiku]
(n) lousy carpenter

窃盗行為 (せっとうこうい) [settoukoui]
(n) theft; act of larceny

説得上手 (せっとくじょうず) [settokujouzu]
(adj-na,n) persuasiveness; skilled in the art of persuasion

刹那主義 (せつなしゅぎ) [setsunashugi]
(n) (the principle of) living only for the present [moment]; settling for momentary pleasures

絶滅寸前 (ぜつめつすんぜん) [zetsumetsusunzen]
(n) the point [edge, verge, brink] of extinction

説話文学 (せつわぶんがく) [setsuwabungaku]
(n) legendary literature; narrative literature

世道人心 (せどうじんしん) [sedoujinshin]
(n) (public) morals and sentiments

是非曲直  (ぜひきょくちょく)  [zehikyokuchoku]  
(n) rights and wrongs; the relative merits (of a case); propriety

是非判断 (ぜひはんだん) [zehihandan]
(n) discrimination of right and wrong; distinguishing between right and wrong

是非善悪 (ぜひぜんあく) [zehizen'aku] 
(n) rights and wrongs; the relative merits (of a case); propriety

世話女房 (せわにょうぼう) [sewanyoubou]
(n) devoted and caring wife

善悪不二 (ぜんあくふに) [zen'akufuni]
(exp,n) Good and evil are but two faces of the same coin.

善意銀行 (ぜんいぎんこう) [zen'iginkou]
(n) center for collecting charitable contributions [money, goods, and/or services] and distributing them to people in need

戦意高揚 (せんいこうよう) [sen'ikouyou]
(n) raising one's [the soldiers'] fighting spirit

戦意喪失 (せんいそうしつ) [sen'isoushitsu]
(n,vs) lose one's fighting spirit; lose the will to fight; lose heart

善意通訳 (ぜんいつうやく) [zen'itsuuyaku] 
(n) goodwill guide; volunteer guide and interpreter for foreign residents and tourists

全員一致 (ぜんいんいっち) [zen'in'icchi]
(n) unanimity

善因善果 (ぜんいんぜんか) [zen'inzenka]
(exp,n) good action leading to good rewards; As you sow, so shall you reap.

全員無事 (ぜんいんぶじ) [zen'inbuji] 
(exp,n) Everyone is safe [all right].

前衛芸術 (ぜんえいげいじゅつ) [zen'eigeijutsu]
(n) avant-garde art

浅学寡聞 (せんがくかぶん) [sengakukabun] 
(n) shallow learning and limited information; ignorant and badly informed

浅学非才・浅学菲才 (せんがくひさい) [sengakuhisai] 
(n) one's lack of learning or ability; shallow learning and limited ability

前官礼遇 (ぜんかんれいぐう) [zenkanreiguu]
(n) (being granted) the privileges of one's former (official) post

千客万来  (せんきゃくばんらい) [senkyakubanrai]
(n) flood of customers; (doing) a roaring business; having a constant stream of visitors [customers]

専業主婦 (せんぎょうしゅふ) [sengyoushufu]
(n) full-time housewife

専業主夫 (せんぎょうしゅふ) [sengyoushufu]
(n) full-time house-husband; stay-at-home dad

千軍万馬 (せんぐんばんば) [sengunbanba]
(n) vast and powerful army; veteran of many battles; (a person who is) rich in life's experience, having overcome much adversity

先決問題 (せんけつもんだい) [senketsumondai] 
(n) question to be settled first; matter calling for prior settlement; the first consideration

鮮血淋漓 (せんけつりんり) [senketsurinri]
(adj-t,adv-to) dripping with fresh blood

前言往行 (ぜんげんおうこう) [zengen'oukou]
(n) words and deeds of the people of yore

千言万語 (せんげんばんご) [sengenbango] 
(n) a great number of words; long and tedious (explanation, description, etc.)

線香花火 (せんこうはなび) [senkouhanabi]
(n) small sparklers which resemble incense sticks; something that flickers and fizzles out; flash in the pan

前後関係 (ぜんごかんけい) [zengokankei]
(n) the context (of a passage)

前虎後狼 (ぜんここうろう) [zenkokourou]
(exp,n) One calamity followed close on the heels of another.; Out of the frying pan into the fire. [Literally: Keeping at bay a tiger at the front gate, while a wolf appears at the back.]

先刻承知 (せんこくしょうち) [senkokushouchi]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) being already [well] aware

戦国大名 (せんごくだいみょう) [sengokudaimyou]
(n) daimyo [provincial lord] in the Warring States period

戦国乱世 (せんごくらんせい) [sengokuransei]
(n) turbulent [troubled] times; turbulent warlike age

善後処置 (ぜんごしょち) [zengoshochi]
(n) remedial measure; preventive measure; the best way to cope with [meet] the situation

善後措置 (ぜんごそち) [zengosochi]
(n) remedial measure; preventive measure; the best way to cope with [meet] the situation

善後対策 (ぜんごたいさく) [zengotaisaku] 
(n) remedial measure; preventive measure; the best way to cope with [meet] the situation

前後左右 (ぜんごさゆう) [zengosayuu]
(n) forward(s) and backward(s) and left and right; in all directions

前後撞着 (ぜんごどうちゃく) [zengodouchaku] 
(n,vs) self-contradiction; self-inconsistency

千古万古 (せんこばんこ) [senkobanko] 
(n) remote antiquity; ancient times; the remote past

千古不易 (せんこふえき) [senkofueki]  
(adj-no,n) everlasting; eternal; immortal; unchangeable; immortal

前後不覚  (ぜんごふかく) [zengofukaku] 
(n) unconsciousness; having no awareness of one's actions; having no recollection of one's actions

千古不磨 (せんこふま) [senkofuma]
(n) permanence; immortality; eternity

千古不滅 (せんこふめつ) [senkofumetsu]
(adj-no,n) everlasting; eternal; immortal; unchangeable

前後矛盾 (ぜんごむじゅん) [zengomujun]  
(n,vs) self-contradiction; self-inconsistency

潜在意識 (せんざいいしき) [senzaiishiki]
(n) the subconscious; subconscious awareness

千載一遇 (せんざいいちぐう) [senzaiichiguu] 
(n) (the chance) of a lifetime; (a golden opportunity that) may happen only once in a thousand years

善哉善哉 (ぜんざいぜんざい) [zenzaizenzai]
(exp) Well done!; Great!; Bravo!

潜在能力 (せんざいのうりょく) [senzainouryoku]
(n) potential; latent faculty; potential capacity

千載不磨 (せんざいふま) [senzaifuma]
(adj-no,n) still remaining after a thousand years; immortal

千差万別 (せんさばんべつ・せんさまんべつ) [sensabanbetsu/sensamanbetsu] 
(adj-na,adj-no,n) an infinite variety; multifarious; being extremely varied and wide-ranging

千山万水 (せんざんばんすい・せんさんばんすい) [senzanbansui/sensanbansui]
(n) many mountains and rivers; a great distance to travel 

前時代的 (ぜんじだいてき) [zenjitaiteki]
(adj-na) premodern; old-fashioned; outmoded; antiquated

千思万考 (せんしばんこう) [senshibankou]
(n,vs) deep meditation; careful deliberation; pondering over this and that

千紫万紅 (せんしばんこう) [senshibankou]
(n) an exuberance [a dazzling variety] of beautiful flowers

千姿万態 (せんしばんたい) [senshibantai]
(n) an endless variety of forms; multifariousness

選手生命 (せんしゅせいめい) [senshuseimei]
(n) player's career; one's career in sport; one's career as an athlete

先取特権 (せんしゅとっけん) [senshutokken] 
(n) preferential [priority] right; prior claim; priority of claim; prior lien

千種万様 (せんしゅばんよう) [senshuban'you]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) an infinite variety; multifarious; being extremely varied and wide-ranging

専守防衛 (せんしゅぼうえい) [senshubouei]
(n,vs) strictly defensive (national) defenses; defense policy that does not take into consideration offensive measures as an option

僭上越権 (せんじょうえっけん) [senjouekken]
(n) exceeding [overstepping] one's powers [competence, authority]; abuse of one's legal authority; acting ultra vires

扇情小説 (せんじょうしょうせつ) [senjoushousetsu]
(n) sultry novel; suggestive story

千状万態 (せんじょうばんたい) [senjoubantai]
(n) an endless variety of forms; multifariousness

全勝優勝 (ぜんしょうゆうしょう) [zenshouyuushou]
(n,vs) winning a championship without losing a single match; undefeated championship

千緒万端 (せんしょばんたん) [senshobantan]
(n) all sorts of things; all manner of affairs

専心一意 (せんしんいちい) [senshin'ichii]
(n-adv) single-mindedly; wholeheartedly; with one's heart and soul

漸進主義 (ぜんしんしゅぎ) [zenshinshugi]
(n) gradualism; incrementalism; the "slow and steady" approach [principle]

全身全霊 (ぜんしんぜんれい) [zenshinzenrei] 
(n) complete devotion; body and soul; one's level best

千辛万苦 (せんしんばんく) [senshinbanku] 
(n,vs) all kinds of hardships; indescribable hardships

前人未到・前人未踏 (ぜんじんみとう) [zenjinmitou] 
(n) untrodden (region, field of study, etc.); unprecedented (discovery, achievement, etc.)

前人未発 (ぜんじんみはつ) [zenjinmihatsu]
(n) unprecedented; unheard-of; never propounded [discovered, invented] by anyone before

先制攻撃 (せんせいこうげき) [senseikougeki]
(n) preemptive attack [strike]

戦々恐々・戦戦恐恐・戦々兢々・戦戦兢兢 (せんせんきょうきょう) [sensenkyoukyou] 
(adj-na,adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) trembling with fear; filled with trepidation

善戦苦闘 (ぜんせんくとう) [zensenkutou]
(n,vs) putting up a good fight against some odds

戦々慄々・戦戦慄慄 (せんせんりつりつ) [sensenritsuritsu] 
(adj-t,adv-to) trembling with fear; filled with trepidation

先祖代々・先祖代代 (せんぞだいだい) [senzodaidai]  
(adj-no,n-adv) ancestral; hereditary; generation after generation

先祖伝承 (せんぞでんしょう) [senzodenshou]
(adj-no,n) what has been (orally) handed down from generation to generation; legend; folk tale

先祖伝来 (せんぞでんらい) [senzodenrai]
(adj-no,n) inherited from the ancestors; handed down from generation to generation

千態万状 (せんたいばんじょう) [sentaibanjou] 
(n) an endless variety of forms; multifariousness

千態万様 (せんたいばんよう) [sentaiban'you] 
(n) an endless variety of forms; multifariousness

前代未聞 (ぜんだいみもん) [zendaimimon]
(n,adj-no) unheard-of; unprecedented; unparalleled in history; record-breaking

専断横行 (せんだんおうこう) [sendan'oukou] 
(n) prevalence of arbitrariness; rife with arbitrary decisions (acting on one's own authority)

先端技術 (せんたんぎじゅつ) [sentangijutsu]
(n) cutting-edge technology; state-of-the-art technology

全知全能 (ぜんちぜんのう) [zenchizennou] 
(n) omniscience and omnipotence

前兆現象 (ぜんちょうげんしょう) [zenchougenshou]
(n) precursor; premonitory phenomena; telltale signs; advance warnings

前提条件 (ぜんていじょうけん) [zenteijouken]
(n) precondition; prerequisite; premise

前程万里 (ぜんていばんり) [zenteibanri] 
(n) a bright [rosy] future awaiting one; having the world before one

先手必勝 (せんてひっしょう) [sentehisshou] 
(exp,n) Victory goes to one who makes the first move; Being quick to take action leads to victory.; The first strike decides the battle.

宣伝工作 (せんでんこうさく) [sendenkousaku]
(n) propaganda work; propaganda efforts [maneuvers]

宣伝攻勢 (せんでんこうせい) [sendenkousei]
(n) propaganda campaign [offensive]; advertising [promotional] offensive

宣伝路線 (せんでんろせん) [sendenrosen]
(n) (adopting) a publicity [an advertising] policy; a propaganda line

前途多難 (ぜんとたなん) [zentotanan] 
(adj-na,n) having many difficulties in store; having a long, hard fight ahead of one; outlook being rocky

前途多望 (ぜんとたぼう) [zentotabou] 
(adj-na,n) promising [rosy, bright] future; offering promising prospects

前途有為 (ぜんとゆうい) [zentoyuui] 
(adj-na,adj-no,n) having a very promising future; offering promising prospects

前途有望 (ぜんとゆうぼう) [zentoyuubou] 
(adj-na,n) promising [rosy, bright] future; offering promising prospects

前途洋々・前途洋洋 (ぜんとようよう) [zentoyouyou]
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) promising [rosy, bright] future; offering promising prospects      

前途遼遠 (ぜんとりょうえん) [zentoryouen]  
(adj-na,n) having a far way to go; being a long way off

善男善女 (ぜんなんぜんにょ) [zennanzennyo]
(n) pious men and women; men and women who are good Buddhists; men and women who offer prayers at temples and shrines

千人千色 (せんにんせんしょく) [senninsenshoku]
(exp,n) So many people, so many minds; Everyone has his own ideas and tastes.; It takes all sorts to make a world.; To each his [her] own.

千年一日 (せんねんいちじつ) [sennen'ichijitsu]  
(n) without intermission for many years; with constancy of purpose for many years; in the same old rut for years on end

煎餅布団 (せんべいぶとん) [senbeibuton]
(n) futon worn flat and hard by long use; futon as flat as a pancake

千編一律 ・千篇一律 (せんぺんいちりつ) [senpen'ichiritsu]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) humdrum; lack of variety; monotony; stereotypical

千変万化 (せんぺんばんか) [senpenbanka]  
(n,vs) innumerable changes; infinite variety; kaleidoscopic variations

宣撫工作 (せんぶこうさく) [senbukousaku]
(n) pacification work [activity]

千万無量 (せんまんむりょう) [senmanmuryou] 
(adj-no,n) innumerable; unfathomable; myriad

選民意識 (せんみんいしき) [senmin'ishiki]
(n) sense of being the chosen people

全面対決 (ぜんめんたいけつ) [zenmentaiketsu]
(n,vs) all-out [frontal, total] confrontation

全面撤退 (ぜんめんてったい) [zenmentettai]
(n,vs) total [full-scale] withdrawal; complete pullout [pullback] 

全面否定 (ぜんめんひてい) [zenmenhitei]
(n,vs) complete [total] denial; denying totally [flatly, outright]

専門馬鹿 (せんもんばか) [senmonbaka]
(n) person who is ignorant outside his field

先憂後楽 (せんゆうこうらく) [sen'yuukouraku]  
(n) hardship now, pleasure later; seeking pleasure only after dealing with difficulties; seeking pleasure only after the happiness of the people is assured [a precept to be observed by a ruler]

漸落市況 (ぜんらくしきょう) [zenrakushikyou]
(n) sagging market

千里同風 (せんりどうふう) [senridoufuu] 
(n) a country being in a state of universal peace; the world being peaceful and uneventful

千慮一失 (せんりょいっしつ) [senryoisshitsu]
(n) mere slip by someone who is usually very careful; simple mistake by a wise person; point overlooked by a cautious person

千慮一得 (せんりょいっとく) [senryoittoku]
(exp,n) Even a fool may sometimes come up with a good idea.

千両役者 (せんりょうやくしゃ) [senryouyakusha] 
(n) great actor; eminent star; prima donna; leading [popular] figure

戦力拮抗 (せんりょくきっこう) [senryokukikkou] 
(n,vs) struggle for supremacy between evenly-matched armies [teams]

全力投球 (ぜんりょくとうきゅう) [zenryokutoukyuu] 
(n,vs) throw a ball as hard as one can; use all of one's strength (to); give (it) everything one has got; go full-out

善隣外交 (ぜんりんがいこう) [zenringaikou]
(n) good-neighbor diplomacy; a good-neighbor policy

戦列復帰 (せんれつふっき) [senretsufukki]
(n,vs) return to the battle line; come back to the game [on to the field]; a comeback

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粗衣粗食 (そいそしょく) [soisoshoku]
(n) shabby clothes and humble meals; frugal [simple] life

創意工夫 (そういくふう) [souikufuu] 
(n) being imaginative and creative; creative originality; originality and ingenuity

滄海一滴 (そうかいいってき) [soukaiitteki]
(n) a drop in the ocean [bucket]

滄海桑田 (そうかいそうでん) [soukaisouden]
(exp,n) The word is a scene of constant changes (as the blue sea changing into a mulberry field).

早期解決 (そうきかいけつ) [soukikaiketsu]
(n) early [prompt] settlement; swift resolution; speedy solution

創業守成 (そうぎょうしゅせい) [sougyoushusei]
(n) starting an enterprise and [or] carrying it to final success

造形教育 (ぞうけいきょういく) [zoukeikyouiku]
(n) education in art and design; education in drawing and manual arts

壮言大語 (そうげんたいご) [sougentaigo]
(n,vs) heroic words; big talk; boasting; bragging; grandiloquence; rodomontade

造言飛語 (ぞうげんひご) [zougenhigo] 
(n) false rumors; wild rumors; groundless rumors

相互依存 (そうごいぞん) [sougoizon]
(n,vs) mutual dependence; interdependence

相互理解 (そうごりかい) [sougorikai]
(n,vs) mutual understanding

壮行試合 (そうこうじあい) [soukoujiai]
(n) send-off game [match]

相互作用 (そうごさよう) [sougosayou]
(n) (mutual) interaction; reciprocal action; interplay

相互扶助 (そうごふじょ) [sougofujo]
(n) mutual aid [assistance, help]

荘厳華麗 (そうごんかれい) [sougonkarei] 
(adj-na,n) majestic and splendid

草根木皮 (そうこんぼくひ・そうこんもくひ) [soukonbokuhi/soukonmokuhi]  
(n) roots of herbs and barks of trees used in Chinese medicine

創作意欲 (そうさくいよく) [sousaku'iyoku]
(n) will [urge] to create; creative urge; appetite for writing

創氏改名 (そうしかいめい) [soushikaimei]
(n) the order forced on Koreans to change their names to Japanese ones

葬式仏教 (そうしきぶっきょう) [soushikibukkyou]
(n) funeral Buddhism; (reliance on) Buddhism only for funerals

相思相愛 (そうしそうあい) [soushisouai] 
(n) deeply in love with each other; strongly attached to each other; mutual infatuation

相乗効果 (そうじょうこうか) [soujoukouka]
(n) synergy; combined effect

漱石枕流 (そうせきちんりゅう) [sousekichinryuu]
(n) a sore loser stubbornly refusing to admit being wrong and adhering to the far-fetched argument

相即不離  (そうそくふり) [sousokufuri]
(n) strongly attached to each other; inseparable      

壮大華麗 (そうだいかれい) [soudaikarei] 
(adj-na,n) grandiose and splendid

相談相手 (そうだんあいて) [soudan'aite]
(n) adviser; someone to consult with; someone to turn to about one's concerns

増長天狗 (ぞうちょうてんぐ) [zouchoutengu]
(n) braggart; boaster; self-conceited person

桑田滄海 (そうでんそうかい) [soudensoukai]
(exp,n) The word is a scene of constant changes (as a mulberry field changing into a blue sea).

桑田碧海 (そうでんへきかい) [soudenhekikai]
(exp,n) The word is a scene of constant changes (as a mulberry field changing into a blue sea).

掃討作戦 (そうとうさくせん) [soutousakusen]
(n) mopping-up operation; search-and-destroy operation

相場動向 (そうばどうこう) [soubadoukou]
(n) market trend; stock movements

相場操縦 (そうばそうじゅう) [soubasoujuu]
(n) market manipulation; market rigging

総花主義 (そうばなしゅぎ) [soubanashugi]
(n) the principle of pleasing everyone; make-everybody-happy policy

総花政策 (そうばなせいさく) [soubanaseisaku]
(n) all-around policy; please-everyone policy

総帆展帆 (そうはんてんぱん) [souhantenpan]
(n,vs) in full sail; decked out in full sail

造反有理 (ぞうはんゆうり) [zouhanyuuri]
(exp,n) There are no rebels without reasons.; To rebel is justified. [Mao Zedong]

訴求効果 (そきゅうこうか) [sokyuukouka]
(n) customer appeal; the power to appeal to customers

俗気芬々・俗気芬芬 (ぞくけふんぷん) [zokukefunpun]
(adj-t,adv-to) of low [vulgar] taste; lacking class

息災延命 (そくさいえんめい) [sokusaienmei]
(n) health and longevity; enjoying a long and healthy life being untouched by disaster

俗臭芬々・俗臭芬芬 (ぞくしゅうふんぷん) [zokushuufunpun]
(adj-t,adv-to) of low [vulgar] taste; lacking class

即身成仏 (そくしんじょうぶつ) [sokushinjoubutsu]
(n,vs) attaining Buddhahood while still alive

速戦即決 (そくせんそっけつ) [sokusensokketsu]
(n) quick battle for a quick victory; all-out surprise attack; a blitzkrieg

即断即決 (そくだんそっけつ) [sokudansokketsu]   
(n,vs) prompt decision and prompt execution; make swift decisions and take quick actions

俗談平話 (ぞくだんへいわ) [zokudanheiwa] 
(n) conversation on worldly affairs; chat about everyday life [business]

則天去私 (そくてんきょし) [sokutenkyoshi]
(n) following heaven and abandoning self; becoming one with heaven, liberated from the self; selfless devotion to justice

俗物根性 (ぞくぶつこんじょう) [zokubutsukonjou]
(n) snobbery; snobbishness; philistinism; vulgar and ostentatious nature [disposition]

素行調査 (そこうちょうさ) [sokouchousa]
(n) probity check; background investigation; investigation into someone's conduct

組織人間 (そしきにんげん) [soshikiningen]
(n) organization [corporate] man [woman]

粗酒粗肴 (そしゅそこう) [soshusokou]
(n) cheap wines and unpalatable dishes [a modest (self-deprecating) way of offering a meal to a guest]

粗製濫造・粗製乱造 (そせいらんぞう) [soseiranzou]
(n) mass production of inferior goods

祖先伝来 (そせんでんらい) [sosendenrai] 
(adj-no,n) inherited from the ancestors; handed down from generation to generation

措置入院 (そちにゅういん) [sochinyuuin]
(n,vs) involuntary admission [commitment] (to a mental hospital)

側近政治 (そっきんせいじ) [sokkinseiji]
(n) administration by close advisers; kitchen cabinet

即金取引 (そっきんとりひき) [sokkintorihiki]
(n,vs) cash [spot] transaction

即決即断 (そっけつそくだん) [sokketsusokudan]  
(n,vs) prompt decision and prompt execution; make swift decisions and take quick actions

率先躬行 (そっせんきゅうこう) [sossenkyuukou]
(n) take a lead in (doing); set an example of (doing); be the first in putting something in practice

率先垂範 (そっせんすいはん) [sossensuihan] 
(n,vs) set an example worth following; take the initiative and set a good example for others

算盤勘定 (そろばんかんじょう) [sorobankanjou]
(n) counting on the abacus; cost-benefit [profitability] calculation

存在意義 (そんざいいぎ) [sonzai'igi]
(n) meaning of life; meaning of one's existence

存在理由 (そんざいりゆう) [sonzairiyuu]
(n) reason for being; justification for existence; a raison d'etre

樽俎折衝 (そんそせっしょう) [sonsosesshou]
(n) diplomatic negotiations at the dinner table; diplomatic bargaining

尊大不遜 (そんだいふそん) [sondaifuson] 
(adj-na,n) arrogant and presumptuous; haughty arrogance; intolerable insolence

損得勘定 (そんとくかんじょう) [sontokukanjou]
(n) profit-and-loss arithmetic; calculating profit and loss; mercenary point of view

尊王攘夷・尊皇攘夷 (そんのうじょうい) [sonnoujoui]  
(n) loyalty to the emperor and expulsion of the foreigners

存廃問題 (そんぱいもんだい) [sonpaimondai]
(n) question of maintenance or abolition (of an institution, organization, etc.)

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大安吉日 (たいあんきちじつ・たいあんきちにち) [taiankichijitsu/taiankichinichi]
(n) very auspicious day for all types of occasions [one of the six special days in the Japanese lunisolar calendar]

第一印象 (だいいちいんしょう) [daiichiinshou]
(n) first impression; initial impression

第一義的 (だいいちぎてき) [daiichigiteki]
(adj-na,n) basic; primary; fundamental

太陰崇拝 (たいいんすうはい) [taiinsuuhai]
(n) moon worship

退嬰主義 (たいえいしゅぎ) [taieishsugi]
(n) backward-looking philosophy [ideology]; conservatism

退嬰政策 (たいえいせいさく) [taieiseisaku]
(n) conservative [regressive] policy

大海一滴 (たいかいいってき) [taikaiitteki]
(n) a drop in the ocean [bucket]

対外関係 (たいがいかんけい) [taigaikankei]
(n) foreign [international] relations; diplomacy; external affairs

体外離脱 (たいがいりだつ) [taigairidatsu]
(n) out-of-body experience

退学処分 (たいがくしょぶん) [taigakushobun]
(n) expulsion [dismissal] from school

大廈高楼 (たいかこうろう) [taikakourou]
(n) large building and lofty tower; splendid [magnificent, palatial] structure

大喝一声 (だいかついっせい) [daikatsuissei]
(n,vs) shout in a thunderous voice; bluster out

大願成就 (たいがんじょうじゅ) [taiganjouju]
(n,vs) realization of a great ambition; attainment of one's most cherished desire; one's earnest prayer being answered

大器晩成 (たいきばんせい) [taikibansei]
(exp,n) Great talents mature late; being a late bloomer

大義名分 (たいぎめいぶん) [taigimeibun]
(n) higher principle; just cause; legitimate reason; clear justification (for an action)

大逆非道 (たいぎゃくひどう) [taigyakuhidou]
(adj-na,n) heinous; treacherous; atrocious; diabolic; fiendish; inhuman

大逆無道 (たいぎゃくむどう) [taigyakumudou]
(adj-na,n) heinous; treacherous; atrocious; diabolic; fiendish; inhuman

怠業戦術 (たいぎょうせんじゅつ) [taigyousenjutsu]
(n) slowdown strategy; go-slow tactics (of workers in a labor dispute)

待遇改善 (たいぐうかいぜん) [taiguukaizen]
(n) improvement of labor [working] conditions; a salary increase

大慶至極 (たいけいしごく) [taikeishigoku]
(adj-na,n) great happiness; great joy [pleasure]

対決姿勢 (たいけつしせい) [taiketsushisei]
(n) confrontational attitude [stance, posture]

大権干犯 (たいけんかんぱん) [taikenkanpan]
(n) infringing on the power of the sovereign

大言壮語 (たいげんそうご) [taigensougo]
(n,vs) heroic words; big talk; boasting; bragging; grandiloquence; rodomontade

対抗意識 (たいこういしき) [taikouishiki]
(n) (a sense of) rivalry; competitive spirit

大国主義 (たいこくしゅぎ) [taikokushugi]
(n) policy favoring major powers; policy of the Great Powers that is favorable to themselves

大悟徹底 (たいごてってい) [taigotettei]
(n,vs) attain divine enlightenment; perceive absolute truth; experience spiritual awakening

大根役者 (だいこんやくしゃ) [daikon'yakusha]
(n) bad [poor] actor; ham actor

泰山北斗  (たいざんほくと) [taizanhokuto]
(n) a great authority; a leading authority in a field; a luminary

大山鳴動 (たいざんめいどう) [taizanmeidou]
(n) a big fuss over nothing; much cry and little wool; much ado about nothing

泰山鳴動 (たいざんめいどう) [taizanmeidou]
(n) a big fuss over nothing; much cry and little wool; much ado about nothing

大死一番 (だいしいちばん・たいしいちばん) [daishi'ichiban/taishi'ichiban]
(n-adv,n,vs) exerting oneself to the utmost, prepared to die if necessary

大慈大悲 (だいじだいひ) [daijidaihi]
(n) great mercy and compassion

体質改善 (たいしつかいぜん) [taishitsukaizen]
(n) improvement of one's physical constitution; internal reform; revamping

大衆団交 (たいしゅうだんこう) [taishuudankou]
(n) mass [labor] negotiation; mass bargaining session; public negotiation

大衆文化 (たいしゅうぶんか) [taishuubunka]
(n) mass culture; popular culture; pop culture

大衆路線 (たいしゅうろせん) [taishuurosen]
(n) (adopting) a popular line; (taking) a populist line

帯出禁止 (たいしゅつきんし) [taishutsukinshi]
(exp,n) Not to be taken out.; Reference Only.

大詔渙発 (たいしょうかんぱつ) [taishoukanpatsu]
(n,vs) promulgation of an Imperial rescript

大所高所 (たいしょこうしょ) [taishokousho]
(n) broad perspective; broad point of view; taking the whole situation [a larger picture] into account

対人感覚 (たいじんかんかく) [taijinkankaku]
(n) feelings toward other people; sensitivity to other people's feelings; feelings one gives to other people through interpersonal relationships

対人関係 (たいじんかんけい) [taijinkankei]
(n) personal relations [relationships]; relation(ship)s with (other) people; interpersonal relation(ship)s; interhuman relations

大尽振舞 (だいじんぶるまい) [daijinburumai]
(n,vs) royal treatment; entertain someone extravagantly

大声疾呼 (たいせいしっこ) [taiseishikko]
(n,vs) shout with a loud voice; fulminate; vociferate

大勢順応 (たいせいじゅんのう) [taiseijunnou]
(n) conformism; following the crowd; swimming with the tide; me-tooism

退勢挽回 (たいせいばんかい) [taiseibankai]
(n) restoring the declining fortunes; recovering from the discouraging situation; reversing the downward trend

大政奉還 (たいせいほうかん) [taiseihoukan]
(n) the restoration of the imperial rule [in Meiji Japan]

対戦相手 (たいせんあいて) [taisen'aite]
(n) opponent; adversary; the competition; the other side; an [the] enemy

泰然自若 (たいぜんじじゃく) [taizenjijaku]
(adj-t,adv-to) presence of mind; imperturbability; calm and self-possessed; with serenity

大胆巧妙 (だいたんこうみょう) [daitankoumyou]
(adj-na,n) bold and clever; daring and ingenious; audacious and masterly

大胆至極 (だいたんしごく) [daitanshigoku]
(adj-na,n) the height of daring; very courageous [reckless], extremely audacious

大胆不敵 (だいたんふてき) [daitanfuteki]
(adj-na,n) fearless; audacious; daring; resolute

大胆奔放 (だいたんほんぽう) [daitanhonpou]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) bold and unrestrained; daring and unfettered

大道演説 (だいどうえんぜつ) [daidouenzetsu]
(n) street [soapbox] oratory; stump oratory

帯刀御免 (たいとうごめん) [taitougomen]
(n) a non-samurai being granted the privilege of wearing a sword [during the Edo period]

大同小異 (だいどうしょうい) [daidoushoui]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) substantial identify with insignificant differences; nearly alike

大同団結 (だいどうだんけつ) [daidoudanketsu]
(n,vs) uniting for a common cause ignoring minor differences

態度物腰 (たいどものごし) [taidomonogoshi]
(n) attitude and demeanor

大兵肥満 (だいひょうひまん・たいひょうひまん) [daihyouhiman/taihyouhiman]
(n) big portly man

台風一過 (たいふういっか) [taifuuikka]
(n) after the passage of a typhoon; (just) after a typhoon has blown over

台風銀座 (たいふうぎんざ) [taifuuginza]
(n) the typhoon Ginza; the area (of Japan) where typhoons frequently pass

太平無事・泰平無事 (たいへいぶじ) [taiheibuji]
(adj-na,n) peace and quiet; safe and peaceful; tranquil and uneventful

対等関係 (たいとうかんけい) [taitoukankei]
(n) relationship of equality; (being) on an equal footing

耐乏生活 (たいぼうせいかつ) [taibouseikatsu]
(n) life of austerity; living hand-to-mouth; belt tightening

耐乏予算 (たいぼうよさん) [taibouyosan]
(n) austerity [belt-tightening] budget

大名旅行 (だいみょうりょこう) [daimyouryokou]
(n) traveling in grand style; traveling luxuriously; going on a junket

大陸浪人 (たいりくろうにん) [tairikurounin]
(n) prewar Japanese adventurer [political activist] in mainland China

対立意見 (たいりついけん) [tairitsu'iken]
(n) conflicting [opposite, contrasting] opinion; antagonistic view

対立概念 (たいりつがいねん) [tairitsugainen]
(n) the exact opposite concept [idea]; the antithesis

対立関係 (たいりつかんけい) [tairitsukankei]
(n) confrontational relationship; (being) at loggerheads (with); antagonism

対立感情 (たいりつかんじょう) [tairitsukanjou]
(n) feeling of antipathy [rivalry]; antagonistic sentiment

大漁貧乏 (たいりょうびんぼう) [tairyoubinbou]
(n) impoverishment of fishermen because of a bumper catch; decline in fishermen's income caused by the sharply lower fish prices as a result of an overabundant catch

体力勝負 (たいりょくしょうぶ) [tairyokushoubu]
(n) trial of strength; test of one's strength [stamina]

対話路線 (たいわろせん) [taiwarosen]
(n) policy of using dialogue instead of confrontation

台湾坊主 (たいわんぼうず) [taiwanbouzu]
(n) atmospheric depression originating in Taiwan; atmospheric depression in the East China Sea

高手小手 (たかてこて) [takatekote]
(n) being tightly bound; having arms bound behind one's back

多岐多様 (たきたよう) [takitayou]
(adj-na,n) wide-ranging and diverse; multifarious

多岐亡羊 (たきぼうよう) [takibouyou]
(exp,n) too many options making selection difficult; Truth is hard to find as paths to it proliferate; Truth is as hard to find as a sheep lost in a vast plain.

択一問題 (たくいつもんだい) [takuitsumondai]
(n) multiple-choice question

卓上演説 (たくじょうえんぜつ) [takujouenzetsu]
(n) after-dinner speech; speech made at a dinner [luncheon]

多芸多才 (たげいたさい) [tageitasai]
(adj-na,n) versatile; multi-talented

竹槍戦術 (たけやりせんじゅつ) [takeyarisenjutsu]
(n) tactics of fighting a technologically advanced adversary with primitive weapons; sole reliance on simple determination [naive spiritualism] in fighting an overwhelming foe

他言無用 (たごんむよう) [tagonmuyou]
(exp,n) Not a word to anyone.; Mum's the word.

多士済々・多士済済 (たしせいせい・たしさいさい) [tashiseisei/tashisaisai]
(adj-na,adj-no,adj-t,adv-to,n) galaxy of able persons; collection of talented persons

多事多端 (たじたたん) [tajitatan]
(adj-na,n) eventful; very busy; pressure of business

多事多難 (たじたなん) [tajitanan]
(adj-na,n) troubled; turbulent; having a lot going on in ones' life; suffering one hardship after another

多種多面 (たしゅためん) [tashutamen]
(adj-na,n) wide-ranging and diverse; multifarious

多種多様 (たしゅたよう) [tashutayou]
(adj-na,n) a great variety of; all sorts or kinds of; diverse; multifarious

多情多感 (たじょうたかん) [tajoutakan]
(adj-na,n) sentimental; being full of emotions; having tender sensibilities; emotionally susceptible

多情多恨 (たじょうたこん) [tajoutakon]
(adj-na,n) being full of tears and regrets; highly emotional and filled with regrets and resentments

多情仏心 (たじょうぶっしん) [tajoubusshin]
(n) being sensitive and kind-hearted; tenderheartedness; loving-kindness

立会演説 (たちあいえんぜつ) [tachiaienzetsu]
(n) (public) debate (between candidates)

立居振舞・起居振舞 (たちいふるまい) [tachiifurumai]
(n) behavior; bearing; deportment; manners; demeanor

達成可能 (たっせいかのう) [tasseikanou]
(adj-na,n) achievable; attainable

脱線行為 (だっせんこうい) [dassenkoui]
(n) aberration; aberrant behavior; eccentric [erratic] behavior; indulging in an escapade

建前主義 (たてまえしゅぎ) [tatemaeshugi]
(n) tokenism; appearance for appearance's sake

伊達眼鏡 (だてめがね) [datemegane]
(n) glasses for show; fashionable eyeglasses worn for appearance's sake

縦割行政 (たてわりぎょうせい) [tatewarigyousei]
(n) vertically segmented administrative system; overcompartmentalized bureaucracy; a system in which interministerial rivalry diminishes overall efficiency

他人行儀 (たにんぎょうぎ) [taningyougi]
(adj-na,n) reserved manner; standing on ceremony [formality]; keeping one's distance; behaving as if someone were a stranger

他人迷惑 (たにんめいわく) [taninmeiwaku]
(n) nuisance [annoyance, inconvenience] to people around one; social nuisance

堕落腐敗 (だらくふはい) [darakufuhai]
(n) debasement; corruption; degradation

他力本願 (たりきほんがん) [tarikihongan]
(n) relying upon others for attaining one's own objective; salvation by faith in Amida Buddha

他流試合 (たりゅうじあい) [taryuujiai]
(n) contest between different schools (of swordsmanship, etc.); trying one's skill with a follower of another school (of fencing, etc.)

暖衣飽食 (だんいほうしょく) [dan'ihoushoku]
(n) well-fed and warmly-clothed [comfortably-dressed]; being blessed materially

団塊世代 (だんかいせだい) [dankaisedai]
(n) the babyboomers; the baby boom generation

貪官汚吏 (たんかんおり・どんかんおり) [tankan'ori/donkan'ori]
(n) corrupt government official

弾丸飛雨 (だんがんひう) [danganhiu]
(n) hail of bullets; heavy bombardment

短期決戦 (たんきけっせん) [tankikessen]
(n) decisive battle of brief duration; quick [short] operation [campaign] for a decisive win

団子状態 (だんごじょうたい) [dangojoutai]
(n) being bunched up together; being crowded together

単純素朴 (たんじゅんそぼく) [tanjunsoboku]
(adj-na,n) plain and simple; naive

単純明快 (たんじゅんめいかい) [tanjunmeikai]
(adj-na,n) simple and clear-cut; plain and simple; open-and-shut; straightforward

男女平等 (だんじょびょうどう) [danjobyoudou]
(n) equality of [between] the sexes

断章取義 (だんしょうしゅぎ) [danshoushugi]
(n) interpreting (and using) a passage without regard to its context

単身赴任 (たんしんふにん) [tanshinfunin]
(n,vs) relocating to a new post without taking one's family

男性本位 (だんせいほんい) [danseihon'i]
(n) male orientation; male-oriented

男尊女卑 (だんそんじょひ) [dansonjohi]
(n) male domination of women; male chauvinism; placing men above women; belief in the superiority of men over women

胆大心小 (たんだいしんしょう) [tandaishinshou]
(n) both bold and careful; both audacious and meticulous

耽溺生活 (たんできせいかつ) [tandekiseikatsu]
(n) a fast [dissolute] life; a life of follies; a life given to dissolute pleasures

暖冬異変 (だんとういへん) [dantouihen]
(n) abnormally warm [mild] winter

単刀直入 (たんとうちょくにゅう) [tantouchokunyuu]
(adj-na,n) going right to the point; point-blank; without beating about the bush

短慮軽率 (たんりょけいそつ) [tanryokeisotsu]
(adj-na,n) impulsive and imprudent; rash and unthinking

短慮性急 (たんりょせいきゅう) [tanryoseikyuu]
(adj-na,n) short-tempered and impatient

談論風発 (だんろんふうはつ) [danronfuuhatsu]
(n,vs) spirited discussion; carrying on an animated conversation

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知育偏重 (ちいくへんちょう) [chiikuhenchou]
(n) too much intellectual training; overemphasis on intellectual education 

知恵才覚・智恵才覚 (ちえさいかく) [chiesaikaku] 
(n) having wisdom and resources; being clever and talented

知恵分別・智恵分別 (ちえふんべつ) [chiefunbetsu]
(n) wisdom and good [common sense] judgment

治外法権 (ちがいほうけん) [chigaihouken]
(n) extraterritoriality; exterritoriality; extraterritorial rights

地下工作 (ちかこうさく) [chikakousaku]
(n) underground activities; secret maneuvering

遅疑逡巡 (ちぎしゅんじゅん) [chigishunjun] 
(n,vs) shilly-shally; hesitation; indecision; vacillation

知己朋友 (ちきほうゆう) [chikihouyuu]
(n) one's close friends; one's intimate friends and acquaintances

知行一致 (ちこういっち) [chikouicchi] 
(n) unity [consistency] of knowledge and action

知行合一 (ちこうごういつ) [chikougouitsu] 
(exp,n) the doctrine of the unity of knowledge and action; Knowledge must be accompanied by action, and action must be based on knowledge. [Chinese philosopher Wang Yang-ming (1472-1529)]

知者不惑・智者不惑 (ちしゃふわく) [chishafuwaku]
(exp,n) A wise person always follows the right course.; A wise man never wavers.

蟄居閉門 (ちっきょへいもん) [chikkyoheimon] 
(n) house arrest; being placed in confinement at home

秩序整然 (ちつじょせいぜん) [chitsujoseizen]
(adj-t,adv-to) in good [perfect] order; in apple-pie order

知徳円満 (ちとくえんまん) [chitokuenman]
(adj-na,n) having both (wide) knowledge and (high) virtue

知徳兼備 (ちとくけんび) [chitokukenbi] 
(n,vs) having both (wide) knowledge and (high) virtue

知徳合一 (ちとくごういつ) [chitokugouitsu]
(n) the unity of knowledge and virtue

魑魅魍魎 (ちみもうりょう) [chimimouryou] 
(n) evil spirits of mountains and rivers; monsters, goblins, and ghosts; all sorts of weird creatures

着眼大局 (ちゃくがんたいきょく) [chakugantaikyoku] 
(n) having an eye to the big picture; taking a broad view of things; concentrating on the main issue; seeing in perspective

茶番狂言 (ちゃばんきょうげん) [chabankyougen] 
(n) a type of farce [burlesque, skit] popular in the Edo period

注意人物 (ちゅういじんぶつ) [chuuijinbutsu]
(n) marked person; blacklisted person; dangerous [suspicious] character

忠義一途 (ちゅうぎいちず) [chuugiichizu]
(adj-na,n) staunch [steadfast, singlehearted] in one's devotion to his master [lord]

忠義一徹 (ちゅうぎいってつ) [chuugiittetsu]
(adj-na,n) staunch [steadfast, singlehearted] in one's devotion to his master [lord]

忠君愛国 (ちゅうくんあいこく) [chuukun'aikoku] 
(n) loyalty to one's lord and patriotism for one's country; loyalty to the Emperor and patriotism for Japan

忠孝仁義 (ちゅうこうじんぎ) [chuukoujingi]
(n) loyalty, filial piety, humanity, and justice 

忠言逆耳 (ちゅうげんぎゃくじ) [chuugengyakuji]
(exp,n) Good advice is harsh to the ear; Honest advice is often unpleasant to the ears.

知勇兼備・智勇兼備 (ちゆうけんび) [chiyuukenbi]
(n,vs) having both wisdom and courage [valor]

躊躇逡巡 (ちゅうちょしゅんじゅん) [chuuchoshunjun] 
(n,vs) shilly-shally; hesitation; indecision; vacillation

中道右派 (ちゅうどううは) [chuudou'uha]
(n) right-of-center faction [group]

中道左派 (ちゅうどうさは) [chuudousaha]
(n) left-of-center faction [group]

中道路線 (ちゅうどうろせん) [chuudourosen]
(n) moderate line; middle-of-the-road policy line

中途半端 (ちゅうとはんぱ) [chuutohanpa]
(adj-na,n) halfway; half measures; half-hearted; half-baked; betwixt and between

中肉中背 (ちゅうにくちゅうぜい) [chuunikuchuuzei]
(n) medium build; of average height and weight [build]

注文相撲 (ちゅうもんずもう) [chuumonzumou]
(n) a sumo bout that goes according to a wrestler's strategy; a match that goes according to one's plan

昼夜逆転 (ちゅうやぎゃくてん) [chuuyagyakuten]
(n,vs) one's days and nights being reversed

昼夜兼行 (ちゅうやけんこう) [chuuyakenkou]
(n) around-the-clock; (working) day and night

忠勇無双 (ちゅうゆうむそう) [chuuyuumusou] 
(adj-no,n) of peerless loyalty and bravery

寵愛一身 (ちょうあいいっしん) [chouaiisshin]
(n) standing highest in one's master's favor; monopolizing the affection [favor] of the lord; being the lord's favorite lady

朝雲暮雨 (ちょううんぼう) [chouunbou] 
(n) a sexual liaison

懲戒免職 (ちょうかいめんしょく) [choukaimenshoku]
(n) bad conduct [dishonorable] discharge; disciplinary dismissal [discharge]

長講一席 (ちょうこういっせき) [choukouisseki]
(n) (make) a long talk [discourse, lecture]

朝三暮四 (ちょうさんぼし) [chousanboshi]
(n) being preoccupied with immediate [superficial] differences without realizing that there are no differences in substance; swindle (someone) with trickery

張三李四 (ちょうさんりし) [chousanrishi]
(n) the comman run of men; the average Joe; good-for-nothing (person)

長尺映画 (ちょうじゃくえいが) [choujakueiga]
(n) long film [movie]

長者番付 (ちょうじゃばんづけ) [choujabanzuke] 
(n) list of the richest people; list of the very highest income earners; billionaire's list

重畳至極 (ちょうじょうしごく) [choujoushigoku]
(adj-na,n) very pleasant; extremely delightful; exquisite; superb

長身痩躯 (ちょうしんそうく) [choushinsouku] 
(n) a tall and lean figure

彫心鏤骨 (ちょうしんるこつ・ちょうしんろうこつ) [choushinrukotsu/choushinroukotsu]
(n,vs) laborious work; lucubration(s); painstakingly polishing a piece of literary work

超世俗的 (ちょうせぞくてき) [chousezokuteki] 
(adj-na) unworldly; supermundane; free from worldly cares [concerns]

喋々喃々・喋喋喃喃 (ちょうちょうなんなん) [chouchounannan] 
(adj-t,adv-to,n,vs) bill and coo; indulge in billing and cooing; holding an intimate, long-winded conversation in whispers

丁々発止・丁丁発止 (ちょうちょうはっし) [chouchouhasshi] 
(adv,n) (sound) of clashing swords in fierce combat; (arguing) as fiercely as clashing and blocking swords

朝々暮々・朝朝暮暮 (ちょうちょうぼぼ) [chouchoubobo] 
(adv) every morning and evening

長汀曲浦 (ちょうていきょくほ) [chouteikyokuho] 
(n) long stretch of winding beach

町人気質 (ちょうにんかたぎ) [chouninkatagi]
(n) a townsman's (independent) spirit; mercantile spirit

町人根性 (ちょうにんこんじょう) [chouninkonjou]
(n) a townsman's (independent) spirit; mercantile spirit

町人風情 (ちょうにんふぜい) [chouninfuzei]
(n) (the likes of) a mere tradesman

跳梁跋扈 (ちょうりょうばっこ) [chouryoubakko]
(n,vs) evildoers being rampant and roaming at will

朝令暮改 (ちょうれいぼかい) [choureibokai]
(n) a frequent change of regulations; (orders or laws) being revised often with no guiding principles; unsettled course of action

直往邁進 (ちょくおうまいしん) [chokuoumaishin]
(n,vs) push boldly forward; dash forward without flinching

直言直筆 (ちょくげんちょくひつ) [chokugenchokuhitsu]
(n,vs) speak and write plainly [frankly]; speak and write without reserve

直情径行 (ちょくじょうけいこう) [chokujoukeikou] 
(adj-na,adj-no,n) spontaneous and straightforward; frank, guileless, and straightforward

直截簡明 (ちょくせつかんめい) [chokusetsukanmei] 
(adj-na,n) plain and simple; frank, direct and unambivalent; straightforward

直立不動 (ちょくりつふどう) [chokuritsufudou]
(n) standing at attention; standing stiffly to attention

猪突猛進 (ちょとつもうしん) [chototsumoushin]
(n,vs) make a headlong rush (at); rush forward recklessly

千代万代 (ちよよろずよ) [chiyoyorozuyo]
(n) for ever and ever; (through) eternity; countless ages; till the end of time

治乱興亡 (ちらんこうぼう) [chirankoubou]
(n) a nation's times of peace and war; a nation in its rise and fall  

痴話喧嘩 (ちわげんか) [chiwagenka]
(n) lovers' quarrel

沈魚落雁 (ちんぎょらくがん) [chingyorakugan] 
(n) the charms of a rarely beautiful woman; [Literally: (so beautiful that), in shame, fish stay on the bottom of water and flying wild geese fall from the sky]

沈思黙考 (ちんしもっこう) [chinshimokkou]
(n,vs) be lost in deep thought; be sunk deep in contemplation

陳情合戦 (ちんじょうかっせん) [chinjoukassen]
(n) competitive lobbying; rivalry in campaigning (for and against)

沈着冷静 (ちんちゃくれいせい) [chinchakureisei]
(adj-na,n) calm, cool, and collected; level and calm

珍味佳肴 (ちんみかこう) [chinmikakou] 
(n) rare delicacies; rare treat

沈黙寡言 (ちんもくかげん) [chinmokukagen] 
(adj-na,n) taciturn; reticent

枕流漱石 (ちんりゅうそうせき) [chinryuusouseki]
(n) a sore loser stubbornly refusing to admit being wrong and adhering to the far-fetched argument

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追従外交 (ついしょうがいこう) [tsuishougaikou]
(n) sycophantic diplomacy; servile diplomacy

追跡調査 (ついせきちょうさ) [tsuisekichousa]
(n) follow-up study [survey]

追善供養 (ついぜんくよう) [tsuizenkuyou] 
(n) Buddhist memorial service; Buddhist requiem mass for the dead

追善興行 (ついぜんこうぎょう) [tsuizenkougyou]
(n) memorial performance; performance in memory of someone

痛快無比 (つうかいむひ) [tsuukaimuhi]  
(adj-na,adj-no,n) very thrilling; extremely delightful; awfully pleasant; intensely satisfying

痛快淋漓 (つうかいりんり) [tsuukairinri]
(adj-t,adv-to) very thrilling; extremely delightful; awfully pleasant; intensely satisfying

通過儀礼 (つうかぎれい) [tsuukagirei]
(n) rite of passage

通勤地獄 (つうきんじごく) [tsuukinjigoku]
(n) the hellish stress of commuting; the daily hell of overcrowded commuter trains

九十九髪 (つくもがみ) [tsukumogami]
(n) an old woman's gray hair

都合次第 (つごうしだい) [tsugoushidai] 
(n) depending on the [one's] situation [circumstances]; at one's pleasure

津々浦々・津津浦浦 (つつうらうら・つづうらうら) [tsutsuuraura/tsuzuuraura]
(n-adv,n) all over the country; throughout the land; every nook and cranny of the land

九十九折 (つづらおり) [tsuzuraori]    
(n) winding; meandering; zigzag; sinuous

強気相場 (つよきそうば) [tsuysokisouba]
(n) strong [bull(ish)] market

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低徊趣味・低回趣味 (ていかいしゅみ) [teikaishumi]
(n) disposition toward rejecting mundane affairs and enjoying nature and art

呈示次第 (ていじしだい) [teijishidai]
(n-adv) at [upon] presentation; when presented

亭主関白 (ていしゅかんぱく) [teishukanpaku]
(n) the hectoring of the husband; husband who rules the roost; domineering husband

貞操観念 (ていそうかんねん) [teisoukannen] 
(n) sense [idea] of chastity; sexual morality

貞操堅固 (ていそうけんご) [teisoukengo]   
(adj-na,n) [usually, to one's husband] chaste; faithful

低頭平身 (ていとうへいしん) [teitouheishin] 
(n,vs) throwing oneself at a person's feet; going down to one's knees; kowtowing

程度問題 (ていどもんだい) [teidomondai]
(n) a matter [question] of degree

停頓状態 (ていとんじょうたい) [teitonjoutai]
(n) standstill; deadlock; stalemate; doldrums; stagnant conditions

丁寧懇切 (ていねいこんせつ) [teineikonsetsu]
(adj-na,n) [an explanation, advice, etc. being] kind, careful, and thorough; thoughtful and scrupulous

手枷足枷 (てかせあしかせ) [tekaseashikase] 
(n) manacles; shackles; fetters

出来具合 (できぐあい) [dekiguai]
(n) the [result] outcome; performance; workmanship; doneness

適材適所 (てきざいてきしょ) [tekizaitekisho]
(n) the right person in the right place; assigning the right person to the right position

出来次第 (できしだい) [dekishidai] 
(n-adv,n-t) as soon as something is ready [done, available]; depending on the result [performance, workmanship] of something

適者生存 (てきしゃせいぞん) [tekishaseizon]
(n) survival of the fittest

敵対関係 (てきたいかんけい) [tekitaikankei]
(n) antagonism; a hostile relationship

敵本主義 (てきほんしゅぎ) [tekihonshugi]
(n) diversionary tactics; a feint; concealing one's true motives until the last moment

鉄拳制裁 (てっけんせいさい) [tekkenseisai]
(n) punishment with a blow of the fist

鉄心石腸 (てっしんせきちょう) [tesshinsekichou]
(n) will of iron

鉄石心腸 (てっせき しんちょう)
(n) will of iron

丁稚奉公 (でっちぼうこう) [decchiboukou]
(n) apprenticeship; bound apprenticeship

徹底究明 (てっていきゅうめい) [tetteikyuumei]
(n) thorough investigation; complete inquiry

徹底抗戦  (てっていこうせん) [tetteikousen]
(n) do-or-die [all-out] resistance; resistance to the bitter end

徹頭徹尾 (てっとうてつび) [tettoutetsubi]
(adv) thoroughly; through and through; from beginning to finish; right down the line

手前勝手 (てまえがって) [temaegatte] 
(adj-na,n) (very) selfish; self-centered; self-willed; self-seeking

出前講師 (でまえこうし) [demaekoushi]
(n) lecturer on demand; guest speaker on demand

手前定規 (てまえじょうぎ) [temaejougi]
(n) self-serving logic

手前味噌 (てまえみそ) [temaemiso] 
(n) self-flattery; singing one's own praises; tooting one's own horn

手間仕事 (てましごと) [temashigoto] 
(n) work that requires a lot of time and effort; tedious work; piecework; odd job

照々坊主・照照坊主 (てるてるぼうず) [teruterubouzu] 
(n) paper doll to which children pray for fine weather

手練手管 (てれんてくだ) [terentekuda]
(n) arts and wiles; art and technique of coaxing; finesse of love

天衣無縫 (てんいむほう) [ten'imuhou]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) perfect beauty with no trace of artifice; guileless; artless; unaffected; [prose and poetry being] naturally composed with no labored expressions

天涯孤独 (てんがいこどく) [tengaikodoku]
(adj-na,n) being all alone in the world; having no family or relatives

天涯地角 (てんがいちかく) [tengaichikaku]
(n) two places being very far apart; far-off (remote) land

天下一品 (てんかいっぴん) [tenkaippin]
(adj-no,n) best article under heaven; peerless; a nonesuch

天涯万里 (てんがいばんり) [tengaibanri] 
(adj-no,n) very far away; the heavenly shores

天涯比隣 (てんがいひりん) [tengaihirin]
(n) a great distance does not detract from the feeling [relationship] of endearment; feeling as though a dear one faraway were living in one's close neighborhood

天下国家 (てんかこっか) [tenkakokka]
(n) the world and the nation; the state of the world; high affairs of state

天下御免  (てんかごめん) [tenkagomen]
(adj-no,n) licensed; chartered; officially allowed

天下周知 (てんかしゅうち) [tenkashuuchi]
(adj-no,n) common knowledge; widely known; known to everybody

天下第一 (てんかだいいち) [tenkadaiichi] 
(adj-no,n) the best in the land; the best of its kind in the country; par excellence in the whole country

天下太平・天下泰平 (てんかたいへい) [tenkataihei]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) peaceful and tranquil [uneventful]; peace reigns over the land; halcyon times of peace

天下多事 (てんかたじ) [tenkataji]
(adj-no,n) eventful times for the nation [world]; the nation [world] being in turmoil; the storm clouds gathering in the land

天下統一 (てんかとういつ) [tenkatouitsu]
(n,vs) unification of the whole country

天下万民 (てんかばんみん) [tenkabanmin] 
(n) the whole nation; all the people in the land

天下無双 (てんかむそう) [tenkamusou] 
(adj-no,n) peerless [unparalleled, matchless, unequaled] in the country

天下無敵 (てんかむてき) [tenkamuteki] 
(adj-no,n) peerless [unparalleled, matchless, unequaled] in the country

天下無比 (てんかむひ) [tenkamuhi] 
(adj-no,n) peerless [unparalleled, matchless, unequaled] in the country

天下無類 (てんかむるい) [tenkamurui] 
(adj-no,n) peerless [unparalleled, matchless, unequaled] in the country

天気具合 (てんきぐあい) [tenkiguai]
(n) the signs of the weather; weather conditions; the look of the sky

天気次第 (てんきしだい) [tenkishidai]
(n) being dependent on what the weather is like

天気模様 (てんきもよう) [tenkimoyou]
(n) the signs of the weather; weather conditions; the look of the sky

天空海闊・天空海濶 (てんくうかいかつ) [tenkuukaikatsu]
(adj-no,n) the open sky and the serene sea; as open as the sky and serene as the sea; magnanimous

電撃作戦 (でんげきさくせん) [dengekisakusen]
(n) blitzkrieg tactics

点検商法 (てんけんしょうほう) [tenkenshouhou]
(n) an unscrupulous business practice of making sales by posing as an inspector and declaring the need for replacing items

電光一閃 (でんこういっせん) [denkouissen]
(n) flash of lightning

電光石火 (でんこうせっか) [denkousekka]
(n) with lightning speed; like a flash of lightning; in a blink of an eye

電光朝露 (でんこうちょうろ) [denkouchouro]
(n) fleetingness; evanescence

天候不順 (てんこうふじゅん) [tenkoufujun]
(n) unseasonable weather; fickle weather; bad weather

天災地変 (てんさいちへん) [tensaichihen] 
(n) natural disaster [calamity, catastrophe] 

店主敬白 (てんしゅけいはく) [tenshukeihaku]
(exp) Store owner, at your service.; Yours truly, the Store Owner.

天井桟敷 (てんじょうさじき) [tenjousajiki]
(n) upper gallery (of a theater); being utterly ignored [as if being placed in the upper gallery]

天上天下 (てんじょうてんげ) [tenjoutenge]
(n-adv, n) the whole world; throughout heaven and earth    

天壌無窮 (てんじょうむきゅう) [tenjoumukyuu]
(n) being as eternal as heaven and earth; being coeval with the universe

転生輪廻 (てんしょうりんね) [tenshourinne] 
(n,vs) all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth; the circle of transmigration

天神地祗 (てんじんちぎ) [tenjinchigi]
(n) the gods of heaven and earth

天真爛漫 (てんしんらんまん) [tenshinranman] 
(adj-na,adj-t,adv-to,n) simple and innocent; naive and unsophisticated; artless; unaffected; spontaneous

天真流露 (てんしんりゅうろ) [tenshinryuuro]
(n) manifestation [revelation] of one's natural sincerity [naivete]

天孫降臨 (てんそんこうりん) [tensonkourin]
(n) the descent to earth of the grandson of the sun goddess

恬淡虚無 (てんたんきょむ) [tentankyomu]
(adj-na,adj-t,n) rising above the trivia of life and remaining calm and selfless

天地有情 (てんちうじょう) [tenchiujou]
(n) the sentient world; all sentiment beings

天地開闢 (てんちかいびゃく) [tenchikaibyaku]
(n) the creation of heaven and earth; the beginning of the world; the dawn of history

天地晦冥 (てんちかいめい) [tenchikaimei]
(exp,n) The world is covered in darkness.; All is plunged into darkness.

天地玄黄 (てんちげんこう) [tenchigenkou] 
(exp,n) Heaven is black and earth is yellow.; heaven and earth

天地神明 (てんちしんめい) [tenchishinmei] 
(n) the gods of heaven and earth; all that is sacred

天地長久 (てんちちょうきゅう) [tenchichoukyuu]
(exp,n) Heaven and earth are eternal.

天地万物 (てんちばんぶつ) [tenchibanbutsu] 
(n) all things in heaven and earth; the whole of creation

天地無用 (てんちむよう) [tenchimuyou] 
(exp,n) Do not turn over; This side up.

天地鳴動 (てんちめいどう) [tenchimeidou]
(n,vs) rumbling and shaking of the earth

天長地久 (てんちょうちきゅう) [tenchouchikyuu] 
(exp,n) Heaven and earth are eternal.

天敵関係 (てんてきかんけい) [tentekikankei]
(n) relationship of being natural enemies

点滴穿石 (てんてきせんせき) [tentekisenseki] 
(exp,n) Constant dripping wears away the stone; Limited strength, when persistently applied, can accomplish great feats.

天手古舞 (てんてこまい) [tentekomai]
(n,vs) whirl of busyness; flurry of activity

輾転反側 (てんてんはんそく) [tentenhansoku]
(n,vs) toss and turn in one's sleep; lie from side to side in bed worried about something

天罰覿面 (てんばつてきめん) [tenbatsutekimen]
(exp,n) the certainty of divine punishment; Swift is Heaven's vengeance.

天賦人権 (てんぷじんけん) [tenpujinken]
(n) natural (innate) human rights

田夫野人 (でんぷやじん) [denpuyajin]
(n) a rustic; a boor; a hick; a yokel; an uneducated and crude person

天変地異 (てんぺんちい) [tenpenchii] 
(n) natural disaster; extraordinary natural phenomenon; convulsion of nature; a great upheaval

展望絶佳 (てんぼうぜっか) [tenbouzekka]
(adj-na,n) scenic beauty; magnificent [spectacular] view

天網恢々・天網恢恢 (てんもうかいかい) [tenmoukaikai]
(exp,n) Heaven's vengeance is slow but sure; Heaven's net is wide and coarse, yet nothing slips through.

天佑神助 (てんゆうしんじょ) [ten'yuushinjo]
(n) divine grace; God's help

天理人道 (てんりじんどう) [tenrijindou]
(n) the laws of nature and humanity

天理人情 (てんりにんじょう) [tenrininjou] 
(n) the laws of nature and humanity

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東夷西戎 (とういせいじゅう) [touiseijuu]
(n) barbarians to the east and to the west [from the perspective of old China]

当意即妙 (とういそくみょう) [touisokumyou]
(adj-na, adj-no,n) readiness of wit; giving a quick and witty response; repartee

統一見解 (とういつけんかい) [touitsukenkai]
(n) collective view (opinion)

同一人物 (どういつじんぶつ) [douitsujinbutsu]
(n) the (very) same person; one and the same (person)

韜晦趣味 (とうかいしゅみ) [toukaishumi]
(n) propensity to efface oneself; being prone to conceal one's talent

当該人物 (とうがいじんぶつ) [tougaijinbutsu]
(n) the said person

党議拘束 (とうぎこうそく) [tougikousoku]
(n) compulsory adherence to a party decision; restrictions on party debate

道具一式 (どうぐいっしき) [douguisshiki]
(n) set of tools [implements]; kit; outfit

道化芝居 (どうけしばい) [dougeshibai]
(n) farce; low comedy

道化役者 (どうけやくしゃ) [dougeyakusha]
(n) clown; jester; actor who plays a comic role

同工異曲 (どうこういきょく) [doukouikyoku]
(n) different in appearance but essentially the same in content; equal in skills or workmanship but different in style or artistic flavor; the same for all practical purposes

登校拒否 (とうこうきょひ) [toukoukyohi]
(n,vs) refusal to go to school; school rejection syndrome; schoolphobia

動向把握 (どうこうはあく) [doukouhaaku]
(n) grasping the trend; firmly understanding how the situation is developing; getting a good sense of how things are changing

桃紅柳緑 (とうこうりゅうりょく) [toukouryuuryoku] 
(n) beautiful scenery of spring

東西古今 (とうざいここん) [touzaikokon]
(n-adv,n) all times and places; everywhen and everywhere

東西南北 (とうざいなんぼく) [touzainanboku]
(n) north, south, east and west [Literally: east, west, south and north]; the four cardinal points of the compass; all directions

闘志満々・闘志満満 (とうしまんまん) [toushimanman]
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) brimming with fighting spirit; being strong in the will to fight; burning with combativeness

同床異夢 (どうしょういむ) [doushou'imu]
(n) acting together but having different views or objectives; making strange bedfellows

道心堅固 (どうしんけんご) [doushinkengo]
(adj-na,n) being of firm [unshakable] faith and strict practice

当世気質 (とうせいかたぎ) [touseikatagi]
(n) the way of the world in our time; the frame of mind of the people nowadays

同姓同名 (どうせいどうめい) [douseidoumei]
(n) (having) the same family and personal name (as somebody)

当選圏内 (とうせんけんない) [tousenkennai]
(n) (having a) good chance of being elected [winning] (in an election)

当代随一 (とうだいずいいち) [toudaizuiichi]  
(adj-no,n) the greatest of the day

当代第一 (とうだいだいいち) [toudaidaiichi]
(adj-no,n) the greatest of the day

当代無双 (とうだいむそう) [toudaimusou]
(adj-no,n) being unsurpassed [unparalleled] at present

当代無比 (とうだいむひ) [toudaimuhi]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) being unsurpassed [unparalleled] at present

到着次第 (とうちゃくしだい) [touchakushidai]
(n-adv) upon arrival of an item [items]; as soon as one arrives    

撞着矛盾 (どうちゃくむじゅん) [douchakumujun]
(n,vs) self-contradiction

道中安泰 (どうちゅうあんたい) [douchuu'antai]
(n) safe journey

道中無事 (どうちゅうぶじ) [douchuubuji]
(n) safe journey

道聴塗説 (どうちょうとせつ) [douchoutosetsu]
(n) shallow-minded mouthing of secondhand information

道徳堅固 (どうとくけんご) [doutokukengo]
(adj-na,n) of strict morals [moral principles]; highly moral

道徳退廃 (どうとくたいはい) [doutokutaihai]
(n) moral decadence [decline, corruption]

唐突千万 (とうとつせんばん) [toutotsusenban]  
(adj-na) very sudden; very abrupt

胴長短足 (どうながたんそく) [dounagatansoku]
(n) having a long torso and short legs; long-bodied and short-legged

党派根性 (とうはこんじょう) [touhakonjou]
(n) partisan spirit [prejudice]; partisanship; factionalism

同伴出勤 (どうはんしゅっきん) [douhanshukkin]
(n,vs) [a bar hostess] coming to work accompanied by a customer

同文同種 (どうぶんどうしゅ) [doubundoushu]
(n) the same script and the same race; [a mistaken view that the Chinese and the Japanese are of the same stock merely because they use the same script]

逃亡生活 (とうぼうせいかつ) [toubouseikatsu]
(n) life on the run

当方負担 (とうほうふたん) [touhoufutan]
(n) (at) our expense; (on) our risk

東奔西走 (とうほんせいそう) [touhonseisou] 
(n,vs) rush around all over for some purpose; be constantly busy running all over; be frantically busy (doing something)

道楽仕事 (どうらくしごと) [dourakushigoto]
(n) work done for enjoyment [as a diversion]; dilettante work

道楽仲間 (どうらくなかま) [dourakunakama]
(n) companion in one's pleasures; companion in hobby activities

道楽息子 (どうらくむすこ) [dourakumusuko] 
(n) prodigal son; profligate son

道理至極 (どうりしごく) [dourishigoku] 
(adj-na,n) very reasonable; being perfectly consistent with reason; standing to reason

党利党略 (とうりとうりゃく) [touritouryaku]
(n) (political) party interests; playing party politics; partisan politics

当惑気味 (とうわくぎみ) [touwakugimi]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) being somewhat puzzled; looking somewhat baffled

度胸千両 (どきょうせんりょう) [dokyousenryou]
(n) being bold/daring/plucky; having a lot of guts; being quite nerveless

時世時節 (ときよじせつ) [tokiyojisetsu]  
(n) times and situations; the course of events of the times; a turn of Fortune's wheel

得意淡然 (とくいたんぜん) [tokuitanzen]
(adj-t,adv-to) not letting oneself puffed up by one's success; maintaining a serene state of mind when one has achieved a great success

得意分野 (とくいぶんや) [tokuibun'ya]
(n) one's field of expertise

得意満面 (とくいまんめん) [tokuimanmen]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) being puffed up with pride; as proud as a peacock; with a triumphant air

読書三到 (どくしょさんとう) [dokushosantou]
(n) using mind, mouth and eyes to understand a book fully

読書三昧 (どくしょざんまい) [dokushozanmai]
(n) obsession with reading; being buried in a book

読書三余 (どくしょさんよ) [dokushosan'yo]
(n) winter, night, and rainy weather; the ideal conditions for reading

読書百遍 (どくしょひゃっぺん) [dokushohyappen] 
(exp,n) Repeated reading (makes the meaning clear).; Reading something again and again (will lead one to realize its meaning).

独身貴族 (どくしんきぞく) [dokushinkizoku]
(n) unmarried persons living affluently; well-off single young man [woman]; swinging bachelor

徳政一揆 (とくせいいっき) [tokuseiikki]
(n) uprising (during the Muromachi period) demanding debt cancellation orders

特種記者 (とくだねきしゃ) [tokudanekisha]
(n) scoop reporter; scoop artist

独断専行 (どくだんせんこう) [dokudansenkou] 
(n,vs) acting arbitrarily on one's own authority; arbitrary decision and execution

特筆大書 (とくひつたいしょ) [tokuhitsutaisho]
(n,vs) write in large [golden] letters; headline something; single something out for special mention

独立自存 (どくりつじそん) [dokuritsujison] 
(n) independence and self-reliance

独立自尊 (どくりつじそん) [dokuritsujison] 
(n) independence and self-respect; living independently, taking pride in oneself

独立独行 (どくりつどっこう) [dokuritsudokkou] 
(n) self-reliance; acting according to one's own ideas and beliefs

独立独歩 (どくりつどっぽ) [dokuritsudoppo]  
(n) self-reliance; acting according to one's own ideas and beliefs

独立不羈 (どくりつふき) [dokuritsufuki]
(n) acting according to one's own beliefs, being undisturbed by others

床屋談義 (とこやだんぎ) [tokoyadangi]
(n) barbershop talk

土左衛門 (どざえもん) [dozaemon]
(n) drowned person [body]

外様大名 (とざまだいみょう) [tozamadaimyou] 
(n) non-Tokugawa daimyo; daimyo who was not a hereditary vassal of the Tokugawa family

年増美人 (としまびじん) [toshimabijin]
(n) woman of mature beauty

徒手空拳  (としゅくうけん) [toshukuuken] 
(n) barehanded; having no wealth or position to rely on (aside from one's own resourcefulness) [when embarking on something]

屠蘇機嫌 (とそきげん) [tosokigen]
(adj-no,n) feeling a little drunk with the New Year's sake

屠蘇気分 (とそきぶん) [tosokibun]
(n) festive New Year's mood

突貫工事 (とっかんこうじ) [tokkankouji]
(n) rush work; crash job; construction at top speed

突貫作業 (とっかんさぎょう) [tokkansagyou]
(n) rush work; crash program; working on a crash basis; working at top speed

突如異変 (とつじょいへん) [totsujoihen] 
(n) sudden and dramatic event [incident]; sudden and strange phenomenon

突然変異 (とつぜんへんい) [totsuzenhen'i] 
(n) mutation

殿様仕事 (とのさましごと) [tonosamashigoto] 
(n) work done in carefree mood without regard to time or expenses

殿様商売 (とのさましょうばい) [tonosamashoubai] 
(n) amateurish [dilettantish] business

殿様商法 (とのさましょうほう) [tonosamashouhou]
(n) amateurish [dilettantish] way of doing business

怒髪衝天 (どはつしょうてん) [dohatsushouten]  
(n) being in a towering rage; boiling [seething] with rage

飛石連休 (とびいしれんきゅう) [tobiishirenkyuu]
(n) a series of holidays with one or two workdays in between

土崩瓦解 (どほうがかい) [dohougakai] 
(n,vs) complete collapse; (something) going to pieces [breaking up beyond repair]

友達感覚 (ともだちかんかく) [tomodachikankaku]
(n) relationship that is like that of friends

努力奮励 (どりょくふんれい) [doryokufunrei]
(n,vs) making strenuous efforts; exerting oneself

奴隷根性 (どれいこんじょう) [doreikonjou]
(n) servile character [disposition]

泥棒稼業 (どろぼうかぎょう) [doroboukagyou]
(n) professional thievery

泥棒根性 (どろぼうこんじょう) [doroboukonjou]  
(n) thievish nature [character]; thieving heart; cunning and greedy character

泥水稼業 (どろみずかぎょう) [doromizukagyou]
(n) working in the sex trade; making a living in the red-light district

遁世生活 (とんせいせいかつ) [tonseiseikatsu]
(n) (living) retired [in seclusion] (from the world)

緞帳芝居 (どんちょうしばい) [donchoushibai]
(n) low-class (Kabuki) theater [play]

緞帳役者 (どんちょうやくしゃ) [donchouyakusha]
(n) low-class (Kabuki) actor; actor who plays in low-class [cheap] theater

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内縁関係 (ないえんかんけい) [naienkankei]
(n) common-law [de facto] marriage; living together as common-law husband and wife

内外多事 (ないがいたじ) [naigaitaji]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) things being very eventful at home and abroad

内剛外柔 (ないごうがいじゅう) [naigougaijuu] 
(n) being gentle on the outside but tough on the inside; an iron hand in a velvet glove

内柔外剛 (ないじゅうがいごう) [naijuugaigou] 
(n) being tough on the outside but soft at heart; a faint-hearted person pretending to be brave

内職商法 (ないしょくしょうほう) [naishokushouhou]
(n) homeworking scheme [scam]

内心忸怩 (ないしんじくじ) [naishinjikuji]
(adj-t,adv-to) ashamed deep in one's heart; blushing with shame when one remembers something

内心閉口 (ないしんへいこう) [naishinheikou]
(n,vs) being fed up with (something) deep down in one's heart; being secretly nonplussed over (something)

内政干渉 (ないせいかんしょう) [naiseikanshou]
(n) interference in the internal affairs of another country

内部工作 (ないぶこうさく) [naibukousaku]
(n) internal maneuvering; secret maneuvering (within an organization); reconciling the various views within an organization before airing something in public

内部対立 (ないぶたいりつ) [naibutairitsu]
(n) internal strife; internal struggle

内部犯行 (ないぶはんこう) [naibuhankou]
(n) an inside job

内面世界 (ないめんせかい) [naimensekai]
(n) one's world within; one's inner world

内憂外患 (ないゆうがいかん) [naiyuugaikan]
(n) troubles both at home and abroad; troubles at home, dangers from abroad; beset with both internal and external problems

長居無用 (ながいむよう) [nagaimuyou] 
(exp,n) There's no point in staying (here) any longer.; There's no point in prolonging a [the] visit.; There's no point in extending one's stay.

仲間意識 (なかまいしき) [nakamaishiki]
(n) feeling of fellowship; sense of camaraderie; peer consciousness

仲間喧嘩 (なかまげんか) [nakamagenka]
(n) quarrel among friends; quarrel among ourselves [themselves]

仲間同士 (なかまどうし) [nakamadoushi]
(n) comrades; friends; associates

名題役者 (なだいやくしゃ) [nadaiyakusha] 
(n) chief [star] actor in a Kabuki play; leading actors of a troupe

菜種梅雨 (なたねづゆ) [natanezuyu]
(n) brief rainy season at rape-plant blossoming time [in early spring]

夏山冬里 (なつやまふゆさと) [natsuyamafuyusato]
(n) pasturing cattle in summer and feeding them indoors during winter

七不思議 (ななふしぎ) [nanafushigi]
(n) the seven wonders

浪花節的 (なにわぶしてき) [naniwabushiteki]
(adj-na) of the old feeling of naniwa-bushi; marked by the dual themes of obligation and compassion that distinguish the naniwa-bushi ballads

鍋底景気 (なべそこけいき) [nabesokokeiki]
(n) lingering recession; an economy that lingers in the doldrums after bottoming out

生臭坊主 (なまぐさぼうず) [namagusabouzu]
(n) corrupt [depraved] priest [monk]; worldly-minded [worldly-wise] priest

南無三宝 (なむさんぼう) [namusanpou]
(exp,int) I believe in the Three Treasures of Buddhism.; Oh my Great Buddha!; Good heavens!

南無八幡 (なむはちまん) [namuhachiman]
(exp,int>) O Great God of Arms, I beseech your aid against my enemy! [short for「南無八幡大菩薩」(なむはちまんだいぼさつ)]

成金趣味 (なりきんしゅみ) [narikinshumi]
(n) the ostentation [bad taste] of the nouveau riche; air of vulgar prosperity

成田離婚 (なりたりこん) [naritarikon]
(n) Narita divorce; divorce case of a newlywed couple breaking up upon their return to Narita Airport from their honeymoon abroad

難関突破 (なんかんとっぱ) [nankantoppa]
(n,vs) overcoming a difficulty; breaking through a barrier; clearing a hurdle

難行苦行 (なんぎょうくぎょう) [nangyoukugyou]
(n,vs) ascetic practices; ordeal; trials and tribulations; living through extreme hardships

難攻不落 (なんこうふらく) [nankoufuraku]
(adj-no,n) impregnable; invulnerable

軟弱外交 (なんじゃくがいこう) [nanjakugaikou]
(n) weak foreign policy; weak-kneed diplomacy

軟弱路線 (なんじゃくろせん) [nanjakurosen]
(n) weak-hearted approach; soft line; easier way [route]

南船北馬 (なんせんほくば) [nansenhokuba]
(n) constant traveling; being constantly busy traveling all over

南蛮渡来 (なんばんとらい) [nanbantorai]
(n) (articles) imported to Japan by early European traders

難問山積 (なんもんさんせき) [nanmonsanseki]
(n) mountain [pile] of difficult problems

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苦手意識 (にがていしき) [nigateishiki]
(n) awareness that somebody [something] is [will be] hard to deal with; awareness that one is not good at something

肉食妻帯 (にくじきさいたい) [nikujikisaitai]
(n,vs) meat-eating and marriage; Buddhist priest eating meat dishes and being married  

肉体関係 (にくたいかんけい) [nikutaikankei]
(n) sexual [intimate] relations; sexual [physical] relationship; (having) intimate relations

二者選一 (にしゃせんいつ) [nishasen'itsu]
(n) choice of one or the other; choice between (only) two things; choice of two alternatives

二者択一 (にしゃたくいつ) [nishatakuitsu] 
(n) choice of one or the other; choice between (only) two things; choice of two alternatives

二重三重 (にじゅうさんじゅう) [nijuusanjuu]
(n) twofold and threefold; doubled and redoubled 

二十四気 (にじゅうしき) [nijuushiki]
(n) the 24 seasonal divisions of a year in the old lunar calendar

二進一退 (にしんいったい) [nishin'ittai]
(n,vs) two steps forward, one step back

二束三文・二足三文 (にそくさんもん) [nisokusanmon] 
(n) dirt cheap; dime a dozen; give-away prices; el cheapo

日常茶飯 (にちじょうさはん) [nichijousahan]
(n) everyday occurrence; commonplace of life; nothing out of the ordinary

日曜大工 (にちようだいく) [nichiyoudaiku]
(n) do-it-yourself carpenter; weekend carpenter; do-it-yourselfer

日進月歩 (にっしんげっぽ) [nisshingeppo]
(n) steady progress; ever-progressing; steady and rapid advance

日中勤務 (にっちゅうきんむ) [nicchuukinmu]
(n) daytime work; day shift

二転三転 (にてんさんてん) [nitensanten]
(n,vs) change again and again; seesaw back and forth; be in a state of flux; backtrack repeatedly

二度三度 (にどさんど) [nidosando]
(adv,n) again and again; over and over again; repeatedly

二度手間 (にどでま) [nidodema]
(n) double effort; waste of time; botched job (that has to be done all over again)

二人三脚 (ににんさんきゃく) [nininsankyaku]
(n) three-legged race; cooperation between the two with singleness of purpose

二百十日 (にひゃくとおか) [nihyakutooka]
(n) the 210th day (from the first day of spring according to the lunar calendar); the "storm day"

二枚看板 (にまいかんばん) [nimaikanban]
(n) the two leading actors (in a play); the two star players; the two distinctive features; the two main items [attractions]

二枚目半 (にまいめはん) [nimaimehan]
(n) comedian who plays a lover's part

如意自在 (にょいじざい) [nyoijizai]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) freely; in complete control of; with complete freedom; at will; as one pleases

女房孝行 (にょうぼうこうこう) [nyouboukoukou]
(adj-no,n) being devoted to one's wife; uxorious

女房天下 (にょうぼうてんか) [nyouboutenka] 
(n) husband being henpecked; a house where the wife is the boss; petticoat government

如実知見 (にょじつちけん) [nyojitsuchiken]
(n) perceiving reality as it is; true awareness of reality

如是我聞 (にょぜがもん) [nyozegamon]  
(exp,n) Thus I hear; These ears have heard [quote from the sutras]

女人結界 (にょにんけっかい) [nyoninkekkai]
(n) prohibition against women entering a sacred area

女人禁制 (にょにんきんぜい・にょにんきんせい) [nyoninkinzei/nyoninkinsei]
(n) No women admitted; not admitting women to hallowed ground

如法暗夜 (にょほうあんや) [nyohouan'ya]
(n) total [utter] darkness

如露如電 (にょろにょでん) [nyoronyoden]
(n,exp) existence (as we percieve it) is as mutable and incorporeal as is the morning dew or a flash of lightning

二律背反 (にりつはいはん) [niritsuhaihan] 
(n) antinomy; opposition between two laws [principles, rules]; self-contradiction; all or nothing; either-or

二六時中 (にろくじちゅう) [nirokujichuu] 
(adv,n) around the clock; at all hours; all day long; day and night

任意同行 (にんいどうこう) [nin'idoukou]
(n) going along voluntarily to be questioned by law officers

人気稼業 (にんきかぎょう) [ninkikagyou]
(n) popular occupation; occupation largely dependent on public favor

人気失墜 (にんきしっつい) [ninkishittsui]
(n) decline in public favor; fall in popularity

人気商売 (にんきしょうばい) [ninkishoubai] 
(n) popular business; entertainment business; occupation [business] largely dependent on public favor

人気絶頂 (にんきぜっちょう) [ninkizecchou]
(n) at the height [peak] of one's popularity

人気抜群 (にんきばつぐん) [ninkibatsugun]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) outstandingly popular; overwhelming popularity

人気沸騰 (にんきふっとう) [ninkifuttou]
(n,vs) (enjoy) tumultuous [tremendous, overwhelming] popularity

人間関係 (にんげんかんけい) [ningenkankei]
(n) human [personal] relations [relationships]

人間疎外 (にんげんそがい) [ningensogai]
(n) dehumanization; alienation of man [human beings]

人間不在 (にんげんふざい) [ningenfuzai]
(n) being devoid of consideration for human beings

人間不信 (にんげんふしん) [ningenfushin]
(n) distrust of (other) human beings

人間模様 (にんげんもよう) [ningenmoyou]
(n) fabric [pattern] of human relationships

認識不足 (にんしきぶそく) [ninshikibusoku]
(n) lack of (adequate) knowledge or understanding; being ignorant of; being ill-informed about

刃傷沙汰 (にんじょうざた) [ninjouzata]
(n) incident of bloodshed

人情風俗 (にんじょうふうぞく) [ninjoufuuzoku] 
(n) manners, customs and popular sentiments

人相風体 (にんそうふうてい・にんそうふうたい) [ninsoufuutei/ninsoufuutai] 
(n) someone's looks and personal appearance

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盗人根性 (ぬすっとこんじょう・ぬすびとこんじょう) [nusuttokonjou/nusubitokonjou]  
(n) thievish nature [character]; thieving heart; cunning and greedy character

盗人上戸 (ぬすびとじょうご・ぬすっとじょうご) [nusubitojougo/nusuttojougo]
(n) (1) person who likes alcohol and sweets equally well; (2) person who can drink much alcohol without becoming tipsy 

抜足差足 (ぬきあしさしあし) [nukiashisashiashi]
(n) stealthy footsteps; walking on tiptoe


熱血教師 (ねっけつきょうし) [nekketsukyoushi]
(n) enthusiastic schoolteacher

捏造記事 (ねつぞうきじ) [netsuzoukiji]
(n) fabricated story; cooked up (news) report

念願成就 (ねんがんじょうじゅ) [nenganjouju]
(n,vs) attainment of one's most cherished desire; one's earnest prayer being answered

年季奉公 (ねんきぼうこう) [nenkiboukou]
(n) apprenticeship; service under indentures

拈華微笑 (ねんげみしょう) [nengemishou]
(n) heart-to-heart communication; thought transference [Literally: "holding a flower and subtly smiling."]

年功序列 (ねんこうじょれつ) [nenkoujoretsu]
(n) seniority system; seniority by length of service; promotion by age or seniority

年少客気 (ねんしょうかっき) [nenshoukakki]
(adj-no,n) youthful ardor; rash impulse of an inexperienced youth

年少気鋭 (ねんしょうきえい) [nenshoukiei]
(adj-no,n) being young and spirited; being young and full of go

年中無休 (ねんじゅうむきゅう) [nenjuumukyuu]
(n) open every day of the year; open all year long

年中行事 (ねんちゅうぎょうじ) [nenchuugyouji]
(n) (regular) annual event [function]; chief events of the year; annual festival

年々歳々・年年歳歳 (ねんねんさいさい) [nennensaisai]
(adv,n) annually; every year; year in and year out; from year to year

年百年中 (ねんびゃくねんじゅう) [nenbyakunenjuu]
(adv) throughout the year; all (the) year round; always

念仏往生 (ねんぶつおうじょう) [nenbutsuoujou]
(n) passing away peacefully to be reborn in Paradise through invocation of Amitabha

念仏三昧 (ねんぶつざんまい) [nenbutsuzanmai] 
(n) being deep in (Buddhist) prayer; praying devoutly to Amida Buddha

年末年始 (ねんまつねんし) [nenmatsunenshi]
(n) the New Year's holiday; the period encompassing the close of the old year and the start of the new year

年齢相応 (ねんれいそうおう) [nenreisouou]
(adj-no,n) (appropriate for) one's age


農民一揆 (のうみんいっき) [noumin'ikki]
(n) peasants' uprising

喉元思案 (のどもとじあん) [nodomotojian]
(n) superficial (shortsighted) way of thinking; half-baked (foolish, ill-advised) idea

野良仕事 (のらしごと) [norashigoto]
(n) farm work [labor]; work(ing) in the fields

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灰色高官 (はいいろこうかん) [haiirokoukan]
(n) high official suspected of corruption

拝金主義 (はいきんしゅぎ) [haikinshugi]
(n) money worship; mammonism

廃合整理 (はいごうせいり) [haigouseiri]
(n) reorganization; restructuring

背後関係 (はいごかんけい) [haigokankei]
(n) background (of an episode/to a case); circumstances leading up to (an incident)

買収工作 (ばいしゅうこうさく) [baishuukousaku]
(n) bribery scheme; acquisition maneuver

廃藩置県 (はいはんちけん) [haihanchiken]
(n) abolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures [1871]

背反行為 (はいはんこうい) [haihankoui]
(n) act of disobedience [betrayal]; violation; breach; infraction; infringement

杯盤狼藉 (はいばんろうぜき) [haibanrouzeki] 
(adj-t,adv-to) glasses and plates being scattered about after a party or banquet; articles lying about in a jumble

廃仏毀釈 (はいぶつきしゃく) [haibutsukishaku]
(n) anti-Buddhist movement at the beginning of the Meiji era; movement to reject Buddhism and destroy Buddhist temples, statues, sutra scrolls, etc. in conjunction with the Decree to Abolish Buddhism issued by the new Meiji government

売名行為 (ばいめいこうい) [baimeikoui]
(n) act of self-advertisement; publicity stunt

破壊工作 (はかいこうさく) [hakaikousaku]
(n) subversive activities

場外市場 (ばがいしじょう) [bagaishijou]
(n) over-the-counter market; OTC market

場外取引 (ばがいとりひき) [bagaitorihiki]
(n) over-the-counter trading [transactions]; OTC trading

破壊分子 (はかいぶんし) [hakaibunshi]
(n) subversive; subversive element

馬鹿慇懃 (ばかいんぎん) [bakaingin]
(adj-na,n) overdone politeness; polite to a fault; feigned politeness 

馬鹿正直 (ばかしょうじき) [bakashoujiki]
(adj-na,n) honest to a fault; foolishly honest; simple and honest

馬鹿高値 (ばかたかね) [bakatakane]
(n) ridiculously high price

馬鹿丁寧 (ばかていねい) [bakateinei]
(adj-na,n) overly polite; polite to a fault 

馬鹿安値 (ばかやすね) [bakayasune]
(n) ridiculously low price

馬鹿野郎 (ばかやろう) [bakayarou] 
(int,n) (You) idiot! [stupid!]; idiot; fool; moron; stupid

馬鹿律儀 (ばかりちぎ) [bakarichigi]
(adj-na,n) honest and straightforward to a fault

破顔一笑 (はがんいっしょう) [hagan'isshou] 
(n,vs) break into a broad smile; flash a grin

破顔大笑 (はがんたいしょう) [hagantaishou]
(n,vs) break into a hearty laugh

波及効果  (はきゅうこうか) [hakyuukouka]
(n) ripple effect; spillover effect; propagation effect

博引旁証  (はくいんぼうしょう) [hakuinboushou] 
(n,vs) cite copious references; refer to diverse sources of information; refer to various authorities

博学多才  (はくがくたさい) [hakugakutasai] 
(adj-na,n) wide knowledge and versatile talents; profound learning and varied attainments

博学多識 (はくがくたしき) [hakugakutashiki]
(n) erudition and extensive knowledge

白紙委任 (はくしいにん) [hakushiinin]
(n) carte blanche; blank check; unconditional authority

白紙還元 (はくしかんげん) [hakushikangen]
(n,vs) be returned [sent back] to the drawing board

博識多才 (はくしきたさい) [hakushikitasai] 
(adj-na,n) wide knowledge and versatile talents; profound learning and varied attainments

薄志弱行 (はくしじゃっこう) [hakushijakkou]
(n) infirmity of purpose and lack of decision; being weak-willed and inept in getting things done

白紙撤回 (はくしてっかい) [hakushitekkai] 
(n,vs) complete revocation; total retraction

白砂青松 (はくしゃせいしょう・はくさせいしょう) [hakushaseishou/hakusaseishou] 
(n) white sands and green pine grove; a beautiful stretch of sandy beach dotted with pine trees

拍手喝采 (はくしゅかっさい) [hakushukassai]
(n,vs) clapping and cheering; hearty round of applause

白刃一閃 (はくじんいっせん) [hakujin'issen]
(n-adv,n) (with) a flash of a drawn sword

爆弾宣言 (ばくだんせんげん) [bakudansengen]
(n)bombshell announcement [declaration]

爆弾発言 (ばくだんはつげん) [bakudanhatsugen]
(n) bombshell announcement [statement]

爆弾発表 (ばくだんはっぴょう) [bakudanhappyou]
(n) bombshell announcement [statement]

白昼公然 (はくちゅうこうぜん) [hakuchuukouzen] 
(adj-t,adv-to) openly and in broad daylight

白昼堂々・白昼堂堂 (はくちゅうどうどう) [hakuchuudoudou]
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) openly [unashamedly] in broad daylight

白馬非馬 (はくばひば) [hakubahiba]
(n) sophistry; sophism; false syllogism

博聞強記 (はくぶんきょうき) [hakubunkyouki]
(adj-no,n) erudition and remarkably retentive memory; widely-read with a remarkable memory

博覧強記 (はくらんきょうき) [hakurankyouki]
(adj-no,n) erudition and remarkably retentive memory; widely-read with a remarkable memory

博覧多識 (はくらんたしき) [hakurantashiki] 
(adj-no,n) erudition and extensive knowledge; widely-read and well-informed

薄利多売 (はくりたばい) [hakuritabai]
(n,vs) high-volume sales with small profits; small profits and quick returns; low margin and high turnover

迫力満点 (はくりょくまんてん) [hakuryokumanten]
(n) full impact; packing a punch

暴露戦術 (ばくろせんじゅつ) [bakurosenjutsu]
(n) exposure tactics; muckraking tactics

白話小説 (はくわしょうせつ) [hakuwashousetsu]
(n) novel written in colloquial Chinese

箱物行政 (はこものぎょうせい) [hakomonogyousei]
(n) government [public policy] focusing on the construction of public [community] buildings

馬耳東風 (ばじとうふう) [bajitoufuu]
(n) turning a deaf ear (to); not paying attention to someone's opinions or criticism; in one ear and out the other; praying to deaf ears

八十八夜 (はちじゅうはちや) [hachijuuhachiya]
(n) eighty-eighth day from the beginning of spring [about which time farmers become busy with their field work]

八大地獄 (はちだいじごく) [hachidaijigoku] 
(n) The Eight Greater (Buddhist) Hells

八面玲瓏 (はちめんれいろう) [hachimenreirou] 
(adj-na,adj-no,adj-t,adv-to,n) serene; equable; affable; graceful in all aspects; looking clear and bright when viewed from any angle

八面六臂 (はちめんろっぴ) [hachimenroppi]
(n) competent and active in many fields; versatile; one person doing the work of many

八紘一宇 (はっこういちう) [hakkouichiu] 
(n) (the spirit of) universal brotherhood; all eight corners of the world under one roof

跋扈跳梁 (ばっこちょうりょう) [bakkochouryou] 
(n,vs) evildoers being rampant and roaming at will

抜山蓋世 (ばつざんがいせい) [batsuzangaisei]
(n) great strength and energy [of a mighty hero]; Herculean strength and vitality

八百八町 (はっぴゃくやちょう) [happyakuyachou]
(n) the whole enormous extent of Edo; from one side of Edo to the other

八百八寺 (はっぴゃくやでら) [happyakuyadera]
(n) the large number of temples in Kyoto

八百八橋 (はっぴゃくやばし) [happyakuyabashi]
(n) the large number of bridges over canals and rivers in Naniwa [present-day Osaka]

八方円満 (はっぽうえんまん) [happouenman]
(adj-na,n) to the satisfaction of all parties; all sides being happy and satisfied

八方美人 (はっぽうびじん) [happoubijin]
(n) woman who looks beautiful from all angles; one who tries to be all things to all people; one who tries to please everybody

発菩提心 (はつぼだいしん) [hatsubodaishin] 
(n) deciding to embrace Buddhism; deciding to seek enlightenment; seeking to have religious awakening

抜本塞源 (ばっぽんそくげん) [bapponsokugen] 
(n) eradication of (sources of) evil; laying the ax to the root of evil

波濤万里 (はとうばんり) [hatoubanri]
(n) afar over the sea; crossing the oceans; (voyage to) faraway lands

再従兄弟・再従姉妹 (はとこ・ふたいとこ) [hatoko/futaitoko]
(n) second cousin

花形役者 (はながたやくしゃ) [hanagatayakusha]
(n) leading actor; star actress; top-billed performer

鼻先思案 (はなさきじあん・はなさきしあん) [hanazakijian/hanasakishian]
(n) superficial (shortsighted) way of thinking; half-baked (foolish, ill-advised) idea

鼻先分別 (はなさきふんべつ) [hanazakifunbetsu]
(n) superficial (shortsighted) way of thinking; half-baked (foolish, ill-advised) idea

鼻元思案 (はなもとじあん・はなもとしあん) [hanamotojian/hanamotoshian] 
(n) superficial (shortsighted) way of thinking; half-baked (foolish, ill-advised) idea

花嫁学校 (はなよめがっこう) [hanayomegakkou]
(n) school for training bachelor girls in homemaking arts; (a type of) finishing school

花嫁御寮 (はなよめごりょう) [hanayomegoryou]
(n) a bride

花嫁修業 (はなよめしゅうぎょう) [hanayomeshuugyou]
(n) training for homemaking; training in homemaking arts

派閥均衡 (はばつきんこう) [habatsukinkou]
(n) balance of power among factions (within a political party); factional balance

派閥抗争 (はばつこうそう) [habatsukousou]
(n) factional infighting [conflict]; antagonism between factions

派閥人事 (はばつじんじ) [habatsujinji]
(n) faction-based personnel appointment

派閥力学 (はばつりきがく) [habatsurikigaku]
(n) factional dynamics; power relationships among factions; factional power politics

刃物三昧 (はものざんまい) [hamonozanmai]
(n,vs) engaging in a knife fight; creating a ruckus using an edged tool

端役女優 (はやくじょゆう) [hayakujoyuu] 
(n) bit-part actress; actress with a minor part

早口言葉 (はやくちことば) [hayakuchikotoba]
(n) tongue twister; speaking rapidly

腹八分目 (はらはちぶんめ) [harahachibunme]
(n) being moderate in eating; stopping short of stuffing oneself

波瀾曲折・波乱曲折 (はらんきょくせつ) [harankyokusetsu]
(n) very involved and troublesome situation; complicated twists and turns

波瀾万丈・波乱万丈 (はらんばんじょう)  [haranbanjou]
(n) stormy and full of drama; many drastic events in the course of events; full of ups and downs

罵詈讒謗 (ばりざんぼう) [barizanbou]
(n,vs) slander and abuse; speaking abusively of someone; reviling; vilification

罵詈雑言 (ばりぞうごん) [barizougon]
(n) verbal abuse; vilification; making strident verbal attacks on someone

破廉恥漢 (はれんちかん) [harenchikan]
(n) shameless man; knave

破廉恥罪 (はれんちざい) [harenchizai]
(n) infamous crime; disgraceful offense

半永久的 (はんえいきゅうてき) [han'eikyuuteki]
(adj-na) semipermanent

半跏趺坐 (はんかふざ) [hankafuza]
(n) (sitting in) the half lotus position [in Zen meditation]

反間苦肉 (はんかんくにく) [hankankuniku]
(n) stratagem for causing a rift and confusion in the enemy camp by using a seditious plot [using a sacrificial tactic]

半官半民 (はんかんはんみん) [hankanhanmin]
(n) semi-official; semi-public; semi-private; joint government-private

判官贔屓  (はんがんびいき・ほうがんびいき) [hanganbiiki/houganbiiki]
(n) sympathy for a tragic hero; rooting for the underdog

万国共通 (ばんこくきょうつう) [bankokukyoutsuu]
(adj-no,n) worldwide; common to the whole world; universal

反骨精神 (はんこつせいしん) [hankotsuseishin]
(n) rebellious [unyielding] spirit; spirit of defiance; antiestablishment mindset

万古不易 (ばんこふえき) [bankofueki]
(n) eternally unchanging

盤根錯節 (ばんこんさくせつ) [bankonsakusetsu]  
(n) complicated and hard-to-solve event or situation; tangled affair; hard nut to crack

万死一生 (ばんしいっしょう・ばんしいっせい) [banshiisshou/banshiissei]
(n) advancing in the face of death; having a narrow escape from the jaws of death

万事解決 (ばんじかいけつ) [banjikaiketsu]
(n,vs) everything turning out fine; the whole thing [mess] being settled

万事承知 (ばんじしょうち) [banjishouchi] 
(n,vs) being well aware of; knowing something full well; knowing exactly what one is doing; going into something with one's eyes open

半死半生 (はんしはんしょう) [hanshihanshou] 
(n) all but dead; half dead; moribundity

万事万端 (ばんじばんたん) [banjibantan]
(n) everything; all things; all affairs; all matters

半鐘泥棒 (はんしょうどろぼう) [hanshoudorobou]
(n) very tall person

伴食宰相 (ばんしょくさいしょう) [banshokusaishou]
(n) incompetent cabinet minister; figurehead minister

伴食大臣 (ばんしょくだいじん) [banshokudaijin]
(n) incompetent cabinet minister; figurehead minister

半信半疑 (はんしんはんぎ) [hanshinhangi] 
(n,vs) half in doubt; dubious; incredulous; wavering between doubt and belief

半身不随 (はんしんふずい) [hanshinfuzui] 
(n) paralyzed on one side; partial paralysis; hemiplegia

半睡半醒 (はんすいはんせい) [hansuihansei] 
(n) half asleep and half awake

万世一系 (ばんせいいっけい) [banseiikkei]
(n) unbroken imperial line; unbroken line of sovereigns

反省材料 (はんせいざいりょう) [hanseizairyou]
(n) matters [issues] that need be reconsidered [reflected on]

半醒半睡 (はんせいはんすい) [hanseihansui]
(n) half awake and half asleep

万世不易 (ばんせいふえき) [banseifueki] 
(n) eternally unchanging

版籍奉還 (はんせきほうかん) [hansekihoukan]
(n,vs) return of the lands and people from the feudal lords to the Emperor [1869]

反俗精神 (はんぞくせいしん) [hanzokuseishin]
(n) anticonventional spirit; spirit of resisting convention

反対給付 (はんたいきゅうふ) [hantaikyuufu]
(n) benefit in return (for); a consideration; compensation (for); quid pro quo

反対勢力 (はんたいせいりょく) [hantaiseiryoku]
(n) forces of opposition; opposing forces; counterforce

万代不易 (ばんだいふえき) [bandaifueki] 
(n) eternally unchanging

半知半解 (はんちはんかい) [hanchihankai]
(n) superficial knowledge; half knowledge; smattering

半端仕事 (はんぱしごと) [hanpashigoto]
(n) odd job

万物流転 (ばんぶつるてん) [banbutsuruten]
(exp,n) All things are in a state of flux; Everything is constantly changing.

万夫不当 (ばんぷふとう) [banpufutou]
(n) being a match for thousands; being a mighty warrior [combatant]

繁文縟礼 (はんぶんじょくれい) [hanbunjokurei] 
(n) red tape; red-tapism; official rules and procedures being needlessly complex and cumbersome

反面教師 (はんめんきょうし) [hanmenkyoushi]
(n) person who serves as an example of how not to behave; bad example from which one can learn

反目嫉視 (はんもくしっし) [hanmokushisshi]
(n,vs) jealousy and enmity; being jealous of and at odds with (each other)

煩悶懊悩 (はんもんおうのう) [hanmon'ounou] 
(n,vs) anguish; agony

万緑一紅 (ばんりょくいっこう) [banryokuikkou]
(n) one red flower standing out in a sea of green vegetation; one item of quality standing out among many; one woman among many men

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贔屓贔屓 (ひいきびいき) [hiikibiiki]
(n) each person supporting (patronizing) his [her] own favorite

被害妄想 (ひがいもうそう) [higaimousou]
(n) paranoia; persecution complex; victim complex

悲歌慷慨 (ひかこうがい) [hikakougai]
(n,vs) sing a dirge pouring out lamentation over something

飛花落葉 (ひからくよう) [hikarakuyou] 
(exp,n) Blossoms fall and leaves scatter.; the evanescence [impermanence] of worldly things

媚眼秋波 (びがんしゅうは) [biganshuuha]
(n) casting a coquettish [an amorous] glance (at a man)

悲喜交々・悲喜交交 (ひきこもごも) [hikikomogomo] 
(n) having mingled feelings of joy and sorrow; joy and sorrow alternating in one's heart; bitter-sweet

卑怯千万 (ひきょうせんばん) [hikyousenban]
(adj-na) very mean [sneaky]; extremely unsportsmanlike

日毎夜毎 (ひごとよごと) [higotoyogoto]
(n-adv,n-t) every day and every night; day after day; daily

飛耳長目 (ひじちょうもく) [hijichoumoku]
(n) sharp eyes and ears used for collecting information far and wide; having the acumen and shrewd discernment gained by widely-collected information with sharp eyes and ears; being well-versed on a subject; books which broaden our knowledge

美酒佳肴 (びしゅかこう) [bishukakou] 
(n) fine wines and prized delicacies

美辞麗句 (びじれいく) [bijireiku] 
(n) flowery words; rhetorical flourishes

美人薄命 (びじんはくめい) [bijinhakumei] 
(exp,n) Beauty and fortune seldom go together; A beautiful woman is destined to die young.

飛雪紛々・飛雪紛紛 (ひせつふんぷん) [hisetsufunpun]
(adj-t,adv-to) snowflakes dancing in the air

皮相浅薄 (ひそうせんぱく) [hisousenpaku]
(adj-na,n) shallow and unwise; superficial and thoughtless

筆禍事件 (ひっかじけん) [hikkajiken]
(n) troubles brought on by what one has written; incident occasioned by a serious slip of the pen

吃驚仰天 (びっくりぎょうてん・きっきょうぎょうてん) [bikkurigyouten/kikkyougyouten]
(n,vs) be astonished; be stunned; be startled out of one's wits; be thunderstruck

引込思案 (ひっこみじあん) [hikkomijian]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) reserved; withdrawn; introvert; reticent

必勝不敗 (ひっしょうふはい) [hisshoufuhai]
(n) certain victory; sure victory; invincibility

必須条件 (ひっすじょうけん) [hissujouken]
(n) necessary [essential] condition; sine qua non; indispensable requirement

匹夫匹婦 (ひっぷひっぷ) [hippuhippu]
(n) men and women of humble position; common people

必要次第 (ひつようしだい) [hitsuyoushidai]
(adv,n) as necessary [needed]; if necessary [needed]

必要条件 (ひつようじょうけん) [hitsuyoujouken]
(n) necessary condition; sine qua non; necessary requirement

一齣一齣 (ひとこまひとこま) [hitokomahitokoma]
(n-adv,n) frame by frame; every frame

一坪運動 (ひとつぼうんどう) [hitotsuboundou]
(n) campaign to prevent a public construction work by acquiring a minuscule tract of land

人手不足 (ひとでぶそく) [hitodebusoku]
(n) labor shortage

一幕見席 (ひとまくみせき) [hitomakumiseki]
(n) special seats and standing-only space in the galley for people who only intend to see one act of a Kabuki play

人身御供 (ひとみごくう) [hitomigokuu]
(n) human sacrifice; sacrificial victim

一人相撲 (ひとりずもう) [hitorizumou]
(n) fighting [tilting at] windmills; working oneself up even though there really isn't anything to fight at

一人天下 (ひとりてんか・ひとりでんか) [hitoritenka/hitoridenka]
(n) being the sole master of the situation; reigning supreme; standing unchallenged

一人天狗 (ひとりてんぐ) [hitoritengu]
(n) self-conceited person; ego tripper; swelled head

一人二役 (ひとりふたやく) [hitorifutayaku]
(n) double role; one person playing two roles; wearing two hats

一人一人 (ひとりひとり・ひとりびとり) [hitorihitori/hitoribitori]
(n-adv,n-t) one by one; one at a time; one after another; from person to person; depending on the individual; each and every person

一人舞台 (ひとりぶたい) [hitoributai]
(n) performing solo [by oneself]; having the stage to oneself; being in sole command; eclipsing [outshining] the others; field of activity in which one is unrivaled

非難合戦 (ひなんかっせん) [hinankassen]
(n,vs) (engage in a round of) mutual criticism; repeatedly attack each other

非難囂々・非難囂囂 (ひなんごうごう) [hinangougou] 
(adj-t,adv-to) enraged outcry; loud protest; being bitterly criticized by others; being loudly denounced by others

批判材料 (ひはんざいりょう) [hihanzairyou]
(n) elements deserving criticism; material used to criticize someone [something]

悲憤慷慨 (ひふんこうがい) [hifunkougai] 
(n,vs) indignant lamentation over something; indignantly deplore something

誹謗中傷 (ひぼうちゅうしょう) [hibouchuushou] 
(n,vs) slander; calumny

美味佳肴 (びみかこう) [bimikakou]  
(n) delicacies; epicurean dishes

秘密結社 (ひみつけっしゃ) [himitsukessha]
(n) secret society; underground organization

眉目秀麗 (びもくしゅうれい) [bimokushuurei]
(adj-na,n) (a man) having a handsome face; having fine-featured face

百姓一揆 (ひゃくしょういっき) [hyakushouikki]
(n) peasants' uprising

百尺竿頭 (ひゃくせきかんとう・ひゃくしゃくかんとう) [hyakusekikantou/hyakushakukantou]
(n) the highest state of one's enlightenment; the highest level one can attain

百折不撓 (ひゃくせつふとう) [hyakusetsufutou] 
(n) indefatigability; indomitableness

百戦百勝 (ひゃくせんひゃくしょう) [hyakusenhyakushou]
(n) being ever-victorious; winning battle after battle; invincibility

百戦練磨・百戦錬磨 (ひゃくせんれんま) [hyakusenrenma] 
(n) being schooled by adversity in many battles; being rich in life's experience gained through much adversity; veteran

百点満点 (ひゃくてんまんてん) [hyakutenmanten]
(n) (getting a) perfect score; scoring 100; grading students on a scale of one hundred; doing perfectly (in a test); leaving nothing to be desired

百日天下 (ひゃくにちてんか) [hyakunichitenka] 
(n) The Hundred Days (of Napoleon I); very short-lived regime

百人一首 (ひゃくにんいっしゅ) [hyakunin'isshu]
(n) One Hundred Tanka Poems by One Hundred Celebrated Poets; (playing) cards of one hundred famous poems

百人百様 (ひゃくにんひゃくよう) [hyakunin'hyakuyou] 
(exp,n) So many men, so many ways; to each one's own; It takes all sorts to make a world.

百年河清 (ひゃくねんかせい) [hyakunenkasei]
(exp) waiting for one hundred years for the waters of the Yellow River to clear; waiting in vain for an unlikely event; waiting for pigs to fly; When the sky falls, we shall catch larks.

百慮一得 (ひゃくりょいっとく) [hyakuryoittoku]
(exp,n) Even a fool may sometimes give good counsel.

百花斉放 (ひゃっかせいほう) [hyakkaseihou]
(exp,n) flowering of the sciences and the arts; Let a hundred flowers blossom; "Hundred Flowers" campaign

百家争鳴 (ひゃっかそうめい) [hyakkasoumei]
(exp,n) lively and uninhibited discussion (by scholars and controversialists); Let a hundred schools of thought contend.

百花繚乱・百花撩乱 (ひゃっかりょうらん) [hyakkaryouran]   
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to,n,vs) many flowers blooming in profusion; simultaneous emergence of many talents and achievements; gathering of many beautiful women [talented people]

百鬼夜行 (ひゃっきやこう・ひゃっきやぎょう) [hyakkiyakou/hyakkiyagyou]
(n) veritable pandemonium; a large number of people plotting and doing evil; creepy characters roaming about presenting a most scandalous sight

百発百中 (ひゃっぱつひゃくちゅう) [hyappatsuhyakuchuu]
(n) always hitting the bull's-eye; never missing one's aim; (predictions or plans) always turning out as expected; be on target every time

費用一切 (ひよういっさい) [hiyouissai]
(n) all expenses

剽悍無比 (ひょうかんむひ) [hyoukanmuhi]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) as fierce and nimble as any; daring and agile without equal

病気見舞 (びようきみまい) [byoukimimai]
(n) get-well card [gift, letter]; visit to [inquiry after] a sick person

表敬訪問 (ひょうけいほうもん) [hyoukeihoumon] 
(n,vs) courtesy call [visit]

表裏一体 (ひょうりいったい) [hyouriittai]
(n) (being inseparable like) the two sides of the same coin; two things that appear different being in fact inextricably linked; being one and indivisible

比翼連理 (ひよくれんり) [hiyokurenri] 
(n) perfect conjugal harmony between husband and wife; a man and a woman being affectionately intimate

悲恋物語 (ひれんものがたり) [hirenmonogatari]
(n) tragic love story; tale of tragic love

疲労困憊 (ひろうこんぱい) [hiroukonpai]
(n,vs) total exhaustion; being completely worn out

貧血気味 (ひんけつぎみ) [hinketsugimi]
(n) tending to anemia; being somewhat anemic

品行方正 (ひんこうほうせい) [hinkouhousei] 
(adj-na,n) of strict morality; irreproachable

便乗商法 (びんじょうしょうほう) [binjoushouhou]
(n) piggybacking marketing; the method of making sales by jumping on a bandwagon [like that of a boom, popularity, disaster, etc.]

品性下劣 (ひんせいげれつ) [hinseigeretsu] 
(adj-na,n) of low [mean, inferior] character

品性高潔 (ひんせいこうけつ) [hinseikouketsu]
(adj-na,n) of lofty [noble, virtuous] character

貧富貴賤 (ひんぷきせん) [hinpukisen]
(n) rich and poor, high and low; people of all ranks

貧乏所帯 (びんぼうじょたい) [binboujotai]
(n) needy household; small housekeeping; establishment experiencing rough going financially

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不安材料 (ふあんざいりょう) [fuanzairyou]
(n) cause [grounds] for concern [anxiety]; reasons for uneasiness

富貴栄華 (ふうきえいが) [fuukieiga]
(n) wealth, rank, and arrogant splendor

風紀退廃・風紀頽廃 (ふうきたいはい) [fuukitaihai]
(n) decay [decline, corruption] of public morals; moral decadence

風紀紊乱 (ふうきびんらん) [fuukibinran]
(n) corruption of public morals

富貴浮雲 (ふうきふうん) [fuukifuun]
(exp,n) Riches and honors are as fleeting as floating clouds.; Fortune and fame are here today, gone tomorrow.

風光絶佳 (ふうこうぜっか) [fuukouzekka]
(adj-na,n) scenic beauty; scenery being beautiful beyond description

風光明媚 (ふうこうめいび) [fuukoumeibi]
(adj-na,n) beautiful natural scenery; scenic or natural beauty

風声鶴唳 (ふうせいかくれい) [fuuseikakurei] 
(n) getting frightened even by a slight noise; hearing the enemy in every leaf that rustles; being afraid of one's own shadow

風俗営業 (ふうぞくえいぎょう) [fuuzokueigyou]
(n) (1) business offering food and entertainment; cabaret, club and restaurant business; (2) sex-related business

風俗壊乱 (ふうぞくかいらん) [fuuzokukairan] 
(n) corruption of public morals; offense against public morality

風俗画風 (ふうぞくがふう) [fuuzokugafuu]
(n) (of the) genre painting style; (of the) style of painting that depicts people's customs and manners; (of the) type of painting that denotes the life of ordinary people

風俗習慣 (ふうぞくしゅうかん) [fuuzokushuukan]
(n) manners and customs; customs and habits

風俗小説 (ふうぞくしょうせつ) [fuuzokushousetsu]
(n) light novel depicting social customs and manners of the day

風俗犯罪 (ふうぞくはんざい) [fuuzokuhanzai]
(n) offense against public morals; morals offense; vice crime

風土気候 (ふうどきこう) [fuudokikou] 
(n) climate and natural features (of a region)

夫婦円満 (ふうふえんまん) [fuufuenman] 
(n) good marital relations; harmonious marriage

夫婦養子 (ふうふようし) [fuufuyoushi]
(n) adopting a married couple; a married couple adopted into the family

風味絶佳 (ふうみぜっか) [fuumizekka]   
(adj-na,n) delicious flavor; superb taste

風流韻事 (ふうりゅういんじ) [fuuryuuinji] 
(n) elegant appreciation of nature through artistic pursuits such as poetry, painting and calligraphy

風流三昧 (ふうりゅうざんまい) [fuuryuuzanmai]  
(n) taking delight in elegant artistic pursuits; being absorbed in such elegant cultural pursuits as poetry, painting and calligraphy

風林火山 (ふうりんかざん) [fuurinkazan]
(exp,n) "Swift as wind, quiet as forest, fierce as fire, and immovable as a mountain." [the motto of the feudal lord Takeda Shingen, quoted from Sun-tzu]

武運長久 (ぶうんちょうきゅう) [buunchoukyuu]  
(n) continued luck in the fortunes of war

不易流行 (ふえきりゅうこう) [fuekiryuukou] 
(exp,n) the principle of fluidity and immutability in haiku; Haiku is both "fluid and transitory" and "eternal and immutable."; An interchange between the transient and the immutable is central to the soul of haiku. [Basho]

不穏分子 (ふおんぶんし) [fuonbunshi]
(n) disruptive element; troublemaker; dissident

不可抗力 (ふかこうりょく) [fukakouryoku]
(n) act of God; inevitable accident; irresistible force; force majeure

不可思議 (ふかしぎ) [fukashigi] 
(adj-na,n) mystery; wonder; miracle; riddle; strange; enigmatic; incomprehensible

不可能事 (ふかのうじ) [fukanouji]
(n) an impossibility

不羈独立 (ふきどくりつ) [fukidokuritsu] 
(n) free and independent

不羈奔放 (ふきほんぽう) [fukihonpou]
(adj-na,n) unfettered; unrestrained; free-spirited and uninhibited

不義密通 (ふぎみっつう) [fugimittsuu]
(n) adultery; infidelity 

不器用者 (ぶきようもの) [bukiyoumono]
(n) clumsy person; bungler; botcher; person with no particular talents

不朽不滅 (ふきゅうふめつ) [fukyuufumetsu]
(adj-no,n) everlasting; eternal; immortal; imperishable; undying   

俯仰天地 (ふぎょうてんち) [fugyoutenchi] 
(n) looking up and down, from heaven to earth (having nothing to be ashamed of); swearing by Heaven and Earth (having done nothing to be ashamed of)

不許複製 (ふきょふくせい) [fukyofukusei]
(exp) All rights reserved.; Duplication [Copying] prohibited.

不遇時代 (ふぐうじだい) [fuguujidai]
(n) one's dark days; the period during which one suffered misfortune and obscurity

複雑怪奇 (ふくざつかいき) [fukuzatsukaiki]
(adj-na,n) complex and mysterious [bizarre]; complicated and inscrutable

複雑奇怪 (ふくざつきかい) [fukuzatsukikai]  
(adj-na,n) complex and mysterious [bizarre]; complicated and inscrutable

複雑多岐 (ふくざつたき) [fukuzatsutaki] 
(adj-na,n) complex and wide-ranging; labyrinthine

複雑多様 (ふくざつたよう) [fukuzatsutayou] 
(adj-na,n) complex and multifarious

複雑微妙 (ふくざつびみょう) [fukuzatsubimyou]
(adj-na,n) complex and subtle [delicate]

福祉商法 (ふくししょうほう) [fukushishouhou]
(n) (unscrupulous) business practices based on an appeal to one's social conscience; (unscrupulous) sales methods used by someone falsely claiming to represent a charitable [social welfare] organization

不倶戴天 (ふぐたいてん) [fugutaiten]
(n) cherishing an implacable hostility (toward); sworn enemies being unable to breathe the same air

不屈不撓 (ふくつふとう) [fukutsufutou] 
(n) indefatigability; indomitableness; with unremitting tenacity

福徳円満 (ふくとくえんまん) [fukutokuenman] 
(n) being perfectly happy and prosperous; wealth and happiness

伏竜鳳雛 (ふくりょうほうすう) [fukuryuuhousuu] 
(n) gifted young person who shows much promise; unrecognized genius; great person whose talent is hidden under a bushel

武芸百般 (ぶげいひゃっぱん) [bugeihyappan] 
(n) every martial art; all the martial arts

武家伝奏 (ぶけでんそう) [bukedensou]
(n) Imperial official in charge of communication between the shogunate and the court [during the Muromachi and Edo periods]

武家奉公 (ぶけぼうこう) [bukeboukou]
(n) service with a samurai family; serving in a samurai household (as a valet/chambermaid)

不言実行 (ふげんじっこう) [fugenjikkou] 
(n) action before words; no talk and all deeds; Action speaks louder than words.

不言不語 (ふげんふご) [fugenfugo]
(n) without putting [needing to put] anything into words

富国強兵 (ふこくきょうへい) [fukokukyouhei]
(n) wealth and military power of a nation; (a plan for) building "a rich country with a strong army"

不心得者 (ふこころえもの) [fukokoroemono]
(n) imprudent fellow; misguided person; wrongheaded people

無骨一徹・武骨一徹 (ぶこついってつ) [bukotsuittetsu]
(adj-na,n) rustic; boorish; uncouth; adamantly sticking to being boorish

巫山雲雨 (ふざんうんう) [fuzan'un'u] 
(n) sexual liaison

武士気質 (ぶしかたぎ) [bushikatagi] 
(n) samurai spirit; the common ethos of the samurai; the straitlaced temperament of a samurai

無事終了 (ぶじしゅうりょう) [bujishuuryou]
(n,vs) ending without incident; being successfully brought to completion; finishing something without a hitch

父子相伝 (ふしそうでん) [fushisouden] 
(n) transmission of the secrets of an art, craft, trade or learning from father to son

無事息災 (ぶじそくさい) [bujisokusai]
(n) safe and healthy; (living a) peaceful and healthy life

無事太平 (ぶじたいへい) [bujitaihei] 
(adj-na,n) peace and quiet; safe and peaceful; tranquil and uneventful

無事平穏 (ぶじへいおん) [bujiheion] 
(adj-na,n) peace and quiet; safe and peaceful; tranquil and uneventful

節目節目 (ふしめふしめ) [fushimefushime] 
(n) critical juncture; turnning point; new phase (of one's life)

不惜身命 (ふしゃくしんみょう) [fushakushinmyou] 
(n) not sparing one's life for the sake of Buddhism; not sparing oneself for a worthy cause

不純分子 (ふじゅんぶんし) [fujunbunshi]
(n) dissident [discontented] element

不正直者 (ふしょうじきもの) [fushoujikimono]
(n) dishonest person

不祥事件 (ふしょうじけん) [fushoujiken]
(n) disgraceful incident; scandalous affair; untoward [deplorable] event

不承不承 (ふしょうぶしょう) [fushoubushou]
(adv,n) reluctantly; grudgingly; unwillingly

夫唱婦随 (ふしょうふずい) [fushoufuzui]
(n) way of life in which the wife follows the husband's lead

武人気質 (ぶじんかたぎ) [bujinkatagi]
(n) martial [military] spirit; the spirit of true warriors

不審人物 (ふしんじんぶつ) [fushinjinbutsu]
(n) a suspicious character [person, figure]

不審尋問・不審訊問 (ふしんじんもん) [fushinjinmon]
(n,vs) police questioning (of a suspicious person)

不正流用 (ふせいりゅうよう) [fuseiryuuyou]
(n,vs) misappropriation [of funds, goods, etc.]

不即不離 (ふそくふり) [fusokufuri]
(n) relationship neither too close to nor too remote from; two things being neither too closely attached nor totally detached; relationship that is neither too familiar nor too distant; remaining neutral

父祖伝来 (ふそでんらい) [fusodenrai] 
(adj-no,n) hereditary; patrimonial; handed down from generation to generation

譜代相伝 (ふだいそうでん) [fudaisouden]
(n) hereditary succession

譜代大名 (ふだいだいみょう) [fudaidaimyou] 
(n) daimyo in hereditary vassalage to the Tokugawas; hereditary daimyo (whose ancestors supported Tokugawa Ieyasu prior to the battle of Sekigahara)

舞台度胸 (ぶたいどきょう) [butaidokyou]
(n) on-stage composure; confidence on stage

二従兄弟・二従姉妹 (ふたいとこ) [futaitoko]
(n) second cousin

二言三言 (ふたことみこと) [futakotomikoto]
(n) a few words

二股膏薬 (ふたまたごうやく・ ふたまたこうやく) [futamatagouyaku/futamatakouyaku]  
(n) double-dealer; timeserver; moving back and forth between two sides in a conflict

不調法者 (ぶちょうほうもの) [buchouhoumono]
(n) clumsy person; bungler; person with no particular talents (in performing arts); nondrinker; nonsmoker

物議騒然 (ぶつぎそうぜん) [butsugisouzen]
(adj-t,adv-to) tumultuous public discussion; noisy public criticism

物情騒然 (ぶつじょうそうぜん) [butsujousouzen]
(adj-t,adv-to) public feeling and attitudes being in turmoil; seething with social unrest

物心一如 (ぶっしんいちにょ) [busshin'ichinyo] 
(exp,n) Matter and mind are one.; body and mind as one

物心両面 (ぶっしんりょうめん) [busshinryoumen] 
(n) both material and moral; both physically and psychologically [spiritually]

不定愁訴 (ふていしゅうそ) [futeishuuso]
(n) general malaise; unidentified complaint

不適任者 (ふてきにんしゃ) [futekininsha]
(n) unqualified [incompetent] person; square peg in a round hole

不撓不屈 (ふとうふくつ) [futoufukutsu] 
(n) indefatigability; indomitableness; with unremitting tenacity

不得要領  (ふとくようりょう) [futokuyouryou] 
(adj-na,n) vague; ambiguous; noncommittal; missing the essential point; (things that are) beside the point

不届千万 (ふとどきせんばん) [futodokisenban]
(adj-na) very rude [insolent]; extremely reprehensible; outrageous

腐敗堕落 (ふはいだらく) [fuhaidaraku] 
(n) debasement; corruption; degradation

不平不満 (ふへいふまん) [fuheifuman] 
(n) discontent and grumbling; complaints; gripes; dissatisfaction

不平分子 (ふへいぶんし) [fuheibunshi]
(n) discontented element; discontented [grumbling] member

普遍妥当 (ふへんだとう) [fuhendatou] 
(n) universal validity; fitting into any situation

不偏不党 (ふへんふとう) [fuhenfutou]
(n) impartial and unbiased; neutral and impartial; nonpartisan

不法侵入 (ふほうしんにゅう) [fuhoushinnyuu]
(n,vs) intrusion; forcible entry; trespassing

不真面目 (ふまじめ) [fumajime]
(adj-na,n) lack of sincerity [seriousness]; insincere; flippant

不眠不休 (ふみんふきゅう) [fuminfukyuu] 
(n) without sleep or rest; day and night

武勇絶倫 (ぶゆうぜつりん) [buyuuzetsurin]
(adj-no,n) peerless bravery; matchless valor (in arms)

不要不急 (ふようふきゅう) [fuyoufukyuu]
(adj-na,n) nonessential and nonurgent

不埒千万 (ふらちせんばん) [furachisenban] 
(adj-na) very insolent; extremely audacious; reprehensible

振替休日 (ふりかえきゅうじつ) [furikaekyuujitsu]
(n) compensatory holiday; substitute (transferred) national holiday 

不立文字 (ふりゅうもんじ・ふりつもんじ) [furyuumonji/furitsumonji] 
(exp,n) Buddhist revelation through intuitive discernment; Spiritual awakening cannot be experienced with words and letters.; Spiritual enlightenment can be attained only by means of communion of mind with mind [Zen Buddhism]

武陵桃源 (ぶりょうとうげん) [buryoutougen]   
(n) Arcadia; Elysium; lotus land; Shangri-la; Utopia; Xanadu

不良交友 (ふりょうこうゆう) [furyoukouyuu]
(n) getting mixed up with the wrong people; getting into bad company

不良債権 (ふりょうさいけん) [furyousaiken]
(n) nonperforming loan; bad loan

不良仲間 (ふりょうなかま) [furyounakama]
(n) gang of hoodlums [hooligans]; bad company; companion in gang activities

不良老年 (ふりょうろうねん) [furyourounen]
(n) old sinner; elderly man-about-town; older person who enjoys free and easy lifestyle unfettered by social taboos

不倫相手 (ふりんあいて) [furin'aite]
(n) person with whom one is having an illicit love affair

無礼千万 (ぶれいせんばん) [bureisenban]
(adj-na) extremely rude [impertinent, impolite]

不老長寿 (ふろうちょうじゅ) [furouchouju]
(n) perpetual youth and longevity

不老不死 (ふろうふし) [furoufushi]
(n) eternal youth and immortality

付和随行・附和随行 (ふわずいこう) [fuwazuikou]
(n,vs) participating in something by merely following the leaders

不和反目 (ふわはんもく) [fuwahanmoku]
(n) discord and hostility; feud

付和雷同 (ふわらいどう) [fuwaraidou]
(n,vs) assentation; following blindly; following suit without reflection; go along with someone having no definite views or convictions of one's own

奮起一番 (ふんきいちばん) [funkiichiban]
(n) bracing oneself up to action, being inspired by something; getting down to work, putting heart and soul into it; tackling (a job) with gusto

粉骨砕身 (ふんこつさいしん) [funkotsusaishin] 
(n,vs) exert oneself to the utmost; work oneself to the bone

分散恋愛 (ぶんさんれんあい) [bunsanren'ai]
(n,vs) [generally of a woman] loving two or more partners without favor or reliance on a particular one

文章作法 (ぶんしょうさほう) [bunshousahou]
(n) methods of writing; rules of good writing; writing style guide

粉飾決算 (ふんしょくけっさん) [funshokukessan]
(n) window-dressing account settlements; fudging financial statements by window dressing

焚書坑儒 (ふんしょこうじゅ) [funshokouju]
(n) burning books on the Chinese classics and burying Confucian scholars alive

文人墨客 (ぶんじんぼっかく・ぶんじんぼっきゃく) [bunjinbokkaku/bunjinbokkyaku]     
(n) writers and artists; persons who take delight in such refined pursuits as poetry, literature, painting, and calligraphy

奮闘努力 (ふんとうどりょく) [funtoudoryoku] 
(n,vs) try one's best; all-out effort; strenuous efforts

文武兼備 (ぶんぶけんび) [bunbukenbi] 
(n) well up in both literary and military [martial] arts; well skilled in wielding both the sword and the pen

文武百官 (ぶんぶひゃっかん) [bunbuhyakkan]
(n) all the officials, both military and civil

文武両道 (ぶんぶりょうどう) [bunburyoudou]  
(n) well up in both literary and military [martial] arts; well skilled in wielding both the sword and the pen

分不相応 (ぶんふそうおう) [bunfusouou]
(adj-na,n) inappropriate to one's lot in life; beyond one's means or position; above one's station [circumstances]

文房四宝 (ぶんぼうしほう) [bunboushihou]
(n) the four important writing materials used in calligraphy (brush, ink stick, inkstone, and paper)

文明開化 (ぶんめいかいか) [bunmeikaika]
(n) civilization and enlightenment; (slogan of) Japan's Westernization movement during the Meiji era

奮励努力 (ふんれいどりょく) [funreidoryoku]  
(n,vs) strenuous exertions; making strenuous efforts; exerting oneself

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平安無事 (へいあんぶじ) [heianbuji] 
(adj-na,n) peace and quiet; safe and peaceful; tranquil and uneventful

弊衣破帽 (へいいはぼう) [heiihabou]  
(n) shapeless cap and shabby clothes; having a neglected appearance with shabby clothes

弊衣蓬髪 (へいいほうはつ) [heiihouhatsu] 
(n) unkempt hair and shabby clothes

平易明快 (へいいめいかい) [heiimeikai]
(adj-na,n) simple and clear; plain and lucid

平穏無事 (へいおんぶじ) [heionbuji]  
(adj-na,n) peace and quiet; safe and peaceful; tranquil and uneventful

閉月羞花 (へいげつしゅうか) [heigetsushuuka] 
(n) the charms of a rarely beautiful woman; [Literally: (so beautiful that) the Moon is abashed and flowers wilt]

閉口頓首 (へいこうとんしゅ) [heikoutonshu]
(adj-no,n,vs) being at a complete loss as to what to do; being at one's wit's end; being at a loss for an answer

平沙万里 (へいさばんり) [heisabanri] 
(n) vast stretch of desert; vast expanse of sandy plain

平身低頭 (へいしんていとう) [henshinteitou] 
(n,vs) throw oneself at a person's feet; go down on one's knees; prostrate oneself

兵隊勘定 (へいたいかんじょう) [heitaikanjou]
(n) Dutch treat; going Dutch

平々凡々・平平凡凡 (へいへいぼんぼん) [heiheibonbon]  
(adj-na,adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) very ordinary; mediocre; all-too-common; quite commonplace

兵法指南 (へいほうしなん) [heihoushinan]
(n) instruction in martial arts

平凡陳腐 (へいぼんちんぷ) [heibonchinpu] 
(adj-na,n) commonplace and stale; humdrum and hackneyed

平明達意 (へいめいたつい) [heimeitatsui]
(n) plain and lucid; articulate

閉門蟄居 (へいもんちっきょ) [heimonchikkyo] 
(n) house arrest; being placed in confinement at home

碧眼紅毛 (へきがんこうもう) [hekigankoumou]
(n) blue eyes and red hair; a Westerner

劈頭第一 (へきとうだいいち) [hekitoudaiichi]
(n) at the outset; at the very beginning; in the first place; to begin [start] with; first and foremost

別居結婚 (べっきょけっこん) [bekkyokekkon]
(n) commuter marriage

屁理屈屋 (へりくつや) [herikutsuya]
(n) quibbler; sophist  

便宜主義 (べんぎしゅぎ) [bengishugi]
(n) opportunism; expediency; timeserving

変幻自在 (へんげんじざい) [hengenjizai] 
(adj-na,n) protean; pantomorphic; capable of assuming ever-changing appearance; appearing and disappearing like a phantom

変幻出没 (へんげんしゅつぼつ) [hengenshutsubotsu]
(n,vs) being protean and elusive; appear and disappear like a phantom

片言隻語 (へんげんせきご) [hengensekigo]
(n) a few words; a single phrase

片言隻句 (へんげんせっく・へんげんせきく) [hengensekku/hengensekiku]
(n) a few words; a single phrase

変身願望 (へんしんがんぼう) [henshinganbou]
(n) obsession with changing one's appearance; desire to change

変通自在 (へんつうじざい) [hentsuujizai]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) freely adaptable, very flexible, nimble in adaptation

弁当持参 (べんとうじさん) [bentoujisan]
(n) bringing one's own lunch

返答次第 (へんとうしだい) [hentoushidai]
(n) depending on the answer; hinging on the reply 

偏旁冠脚 (へんぼうかんきゃく) [henboukankyaku] 
(n) the four major types of radicals of Chinese characters [left-side, right-side, top, and bottom]

弁明口調 (べんめいくちょう) [benmeikuchou]
(n) apologetic [defensive] tone of voice

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暴悪無類 (ぼうあくむるい) [bouakumurui]
(adj-no,n) incomparably ruthless; diabolical

防遏手段 (ぼうあつしゅだん) [bouatsushudan]
(n) preventive measure

暴飲暴食 (ぼういんぼうしょく) [bouinboushoku]
(n,vs) eating and drinking to excess; intemperance in eating and drinking

砲煙弾雨 (ほうえんだんう) [houendan'u]
(n) the smoke of cannon and a hail of bullets; (in) the thick of battle

忘恩行為 (ぼうおんこうい) [bouonkoui] 
(n) act of ingratitude

崩壊寸前 (ほうかいすんぜん) [houkaisunzen]
(n) on the brink of collapse; in a state of near-collapse

妨害工作 (ぼうがいこうさく) [bougaikousaku]
(n) obstructive tactics; harassing operation; sabotage

妨害戦術 (ぼうがいせんじゅつ) [bougaisenjutsu]
(n) obstructive tactics; harassing tactics

法界悋気 (ほうかいりんき) [houkairinki] 
(n) being jealous of things that have nothing to do with one; being jealous of others who are in love with each other

放歌高吟 (ほうかこうぎん) [houkakougin] 
(n,vs) singing at the top of one's voice; singing boisterously

判官贔屓 (ほうがんびいき・はんがんびいき) [houganbiiki/hanganbiiki]
(n) sympathy for a tragic hero; rooting for the underdog

暴虐非道 (ぼうぎゃくひどう) [bougyakuhidou] 
(adj-na,n) violent and cruel; tyrannical and atrocious

冒険野郎 (ぼうけんやろう) [boukenyarou]
(n) adventure lover

方向転換 (ほうこうてんかん) [houkoutenkan] 
(n,vs) change of course; change of direction; turnabout; about-face

暴虎馮河 (ぼうこひょうが) [boukohyouga]
(n) foolhardy courage; perilous adventure; daredevil attempt 

豊作飢饉 (ほうさくききん) [housakukikin] 
(n) impoverishment of farmers because of a bumper harvest; decline in farmers' income caused by the sharply lower farm prices as a result of bumper harvests

豊作貧乏 (ほうさくびんぼう) [housakubinbou] 
(n) impoverishment of farmers because of a bumper harvest; decline in farmers' income caused by the sharply lower farm prices as a result of bumper harvests

傍若無人 (ぼうじゃくぶじん) [boujakubujin] 
(adj-na,n) insolent; outrageous; audacious; arrogant; impudent; overbearing; following one's way in defiance of others

飽食時代 (ほうしょくじだい) [houshokujidai]
(n) age of plentiful food; current era of excessive eating

飽食暖衣 (ほうしょくだんい) [houshokudan'i] 
(n) being well fed and warmly clothed

放心状態 (ほうしんじょうたい) [houshinjoutai] 
(n) being in abstraction; being dazed; being absentminded; stargazing

茫然自失 (ぼうぜんじしつ) [bouzenjishitsu]
(n,vs) becoming stupefied [stunned, petrified]; being dumbfounded; trance; stupor; standing aghast

呆然自失 (ぼうぜんじしつ)
(n,vs) becoming stupefied [stunned, petrified]; being dumbfounded; trance; stupor; standing aghast

忙中有閑 (ぼうちゅうゆうかん) [bouchuuyuukan] 
(n) having free time to spare in the midst of busyness; finding an interval of leisure in the midst of a busy life

鵬程万里 (ほうていばんり) [houteibanri]
(n) (over) a great distance; (a long journey [flight, voyage]) to [from] a faraway place

傍点訳者 (ぼうてんやくしゃ) [bouten'yakusha]
(exp) Reading(s) added by translator.

蓬頭垢面 (ほうとうこうめん) [houtoukoumen]
(n) (with) unkempt hair and dirty face; being indifferent to one's personal appearance

放蕩三昧 (ほうとうざんまい) [houtouzanmai]  
(n) being absorbed in self-indulgent pleasures; giving oneself up to debauchery and dissipation; living a thoroughly dissipated life; abandon oneself to wild ways

放蕩生活 (ほうとうせいかつ) [houtouseikatsu]
(n) fast living; a dissipated life; a riotous life

放蕩無頼 (ほうとうぶらい) [houtouburai]
(adj-no,n) being dissolute and unruly; ruining oneself by leading a fast life

放蕩息子 (ほうとうむすこ) [houtoumusuko]
(n) profligate [dissolute] son

豊年満作 (ほうねんまんさく) [hounenmansaku]
(n) bumper crops of rice (and other grains); year of a full rice harvest

奉納相撲 (ほうのうずもう) [hounouzumou]
(n) sumo exhibition match held in the precincts of a Shinto shrine

抱腹絶倒 (ほうふくぜっとう) [houfukuzettou]
(n,vs) sidesplitting [gut-wrenching] laughter; laugh oneself to convulsions; roll about with laughter

棒腹絶倒 (ほうふくぜっとう) [houfukuzettou]
(n,vs) sidesplitting [gut-wrenching] laughter; laugh oneself to convulsions; roll about with laughter

泡沫景気 (ほうまつけいき) [houmatsukeiki]
(n) bubble boom; ephemeral boom

泡沫候補 (ほうまつこうほ) [houmatsukouho]
(n) no-hope candidate; frivolous candidate; candidate unworthy of serious consideration

泡沫夢幻 (ほうまつむげん) [houmatsumugen]
(n) transient; ephemeral; fleeting; evanescent

放浪生活 (ほうろうせいかつ) [hourouseikatsu]
(n) (leading) a vagabond life; (leading) a wandering existence

暴力沙汰 (ぼうりょくざた) [bouryokuzata]
(n) (committing/resorting to) an act of violence

暴力手段 (ぼうりょくしゅだん) [bouryokushudan]
(n) violent means

保革伯仲 (ほかくはくちゅう) [hokakuhakuchuu]  
(n,vs) conservatives and reformists being neck and neck; balanced conservative and progressive strengths

撲滅運動 (ぼくめつうんどう) [bokukmetsuundou]
(n) exterminatory measure; eradication campaign

暮色蒼然 (ぼしょくそうぜん) [boshokusouzen] 
(adj-t,adv-to) somber light of a gathering dusk; dusky gray of evening twilight; deepening gloom of the evening

墨痕淋漓 (ぼっこんりんり) [bokkonrinri]  
(adj-t,adv-to) dripping ink marks; (a work of calligraphy being) written in bold and vivid strokes

没風流漢 (ぼつふうりゅうかん) [botsufuuryuukan]  
(n) prosaic person; person of an unromantic turn of mind; philistine

翻雲覆雨 (ほんうんふくう) [hon'unfukuu] 
(n) fickle friendship

本懐成就 (ほんかいじょうじゅ) [honkaijouju]
(n,vs) realization of a great ambition; attainment of one's most cherished desire; one's earnest prayer being answered

本家本元 (ほんけほんもと) [honkehonmoto]
(n) original home; birthplace; originator; the original maker

翻然悔悟 (ほんぜんかいご) [honzenkaigo]
(n,vs) feeling sudden remorse

翻然大悟 (ほんぜんたいご) [honzentaigo]
(n,vs) suddenly seeing the light; it suddenly dawning upon one

本人次第 (ほんにんしだい) [honninshidai]
(n) being up to the person himself

本人負担 (ほんにんふたん) [honninfutan]
(n) paying for the purchase/expense out of one's own pocket; being responsible for the payment of one's share of the purchase price, expense, etc.

煩悩具足 (ぼんのうぐそく) [bonnougusoku] 
(n) possessing worldly desires and passions

奔放自在 (ほんぽうじざい) [honpoujizai] 
(adj-na,n) free and uncontrolled; behaving with abandon; freewheeling; totally uninhibited

奔放不羈 (ほんぽうふき) [honpoufuki]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) free-spirited and uninhibited; unfettered; freewheeling

本末転倒 ・本末顛倒 (ほんまつてんとう) [honmatsutentou] 
(n,vs) mistaking the insignificant for the essential; getting one's priorities backwards; putting the cart before the horse; mistaking the cause for the end

凡庸愚昧 (ぼんようぐまい) [bon'yougumai]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) ordinary and ignorant; mediocre and stupid

本領安堵 (ほんりょうあんど) [honryouando]
(n) recognition and guarantee, by the shogunate, of ownership of the inherited estate of a samurai who pledged allegiance to it [in the Kamakura and early Muromachi periods] 

本領発揮 (ほんりょうはっき) [honryouhakki]
(n,vs) show [display] one's real ability; illustrate the distinctive character of (something)

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真一文字 (まいちもんじ) [maichimonji]
(adj-no,n) straight; strait line; in [forming] a straight line; as the crow flies

麻姑掻痒 (まこそうよう) [makosouyou]
(n) things happening exactly as one pleases [wishes]; someone being very attentive to one's wishes

又従兄弟・又従姉妹 (またいとこ) [mataitoko]
(n) second cousin

股座膏薬 (またぐらごうやく・ またぐらこうやく) [mataguragouyaku/matagurakouyaku]
(n) a double-dealer; a timeserver; moving back and forth between two sides in a conflict

待合政治 (まちあいせいじ) [machiaiseiji]
(n) teahouse politics; back-room political dealings

末期養子 (まつごようし) [matsugoyoushi]
(n) deathbed adoption of a successor (to prevent extinction of the family line); person adopted by someone on his deathbed

満悦至極 (まんえつしごく) [man'etsushigoku]
(adj-na,n) highly delighted; very pleased; deeply satisfied; brimming over with satisfaction

満員御礼 (まんいんおんれい) [man'in'onrei]
(exp,n) All Seats [Tickets] Sold, Thank you.

満願成就 (まんがんじょうじゅ) [manganjouju]
(n,vs) fulfillment of a vow; one's earnest prayer being answered

満空情報 (まんくうじょうほう) [mankuujouhou]
(n) information on space availability in a parking lot

漫言放語 (まんげんほうご) [mangenhougo]
(n,vs) saying whatever one feels; speaking at random; making careless remarks; rambling talk

万劫末代 (まんごうまつだい) [mangoumatsudai]
(n-t) eternity; through all eternity; for evermore; for many generations to come

満場一致 (まんじょういっち) [manjouicchi] 
(n) the whole house [assembly, audience] being unanimous; with one voice; nemine contradicente

満場騒然 (まんじょうそうぜん) [manjousouzen]
(adj-t,adv-to) the whole house [assembly, audience] being in uproar

満身創痍 (まんしんそうい) [manshinsoui]
(n) having wounds all over one's body; being covered with cuts and bruises

瞞着手段 (まんちゃくしゅだん) [manchakushudan]
(n) ruse; trick; deception tactics

万年青年 (まんねんせいねん) [mannenseinen]
(n) man of perennial youth; man who never loses his youthful vigor

満面笑顔 (まんめんえがお) [manmen'egao]
(n) with one's face beaming with joy; smiling from ear to ear

満目荒涼 (まんもくこうりょう) [manmokukouryou] 
(adj-t,adv-to) all nature being bleak and desolate; scene looking desolate and forlorn as far as the eye can see

満目蕭条 (まんもくしょうじょう) [manmokushoujou]
(adj-t,adv-to) all nature being bleak and desolate; scene looking desolate and forlorn as far as the eye can see

万葉仮名 (まんようがな) [man'yougana]
(n) early Japanese syllabary composed of Chinese characters used phonetically

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未開野蛮 (みかいやばん) [mikaiyaban]
(adj-na,n) primitive and barbarous; uncivilized and barbaric

味覚音痴 (みかくおんち) [mikakuonchi] 
(n) having no sense of taste; person who has no sense of taste

三日月眉 (みかづきまゆ) [mikazukimayu]
(n) arched eyebrows

身柄送検 (みがらそうけん) [migarasouken]
(n,vs) turning a suspect over to the public prosecutor's office; committing a suspect to trial

身柄拘束 (みがらこうそく) [migarakousoku]
(n,vs) taking someone into custody; detaining someone; physical restraint

三日天下 (みっかてんか・みっかでんか) [mikkatenka/mikkadenka]
(n) short-lived rule; being in power only for a brief period; brief championship

三日坊主 (みっかぼうず) [mikkabouzu] 
(n) one who can stick to nothing; one who has no perseverance; an unsteady worker

身分意識 (みぶんいしき) [mibun'ishiki]
(n) status consciousness; perception of one's social status

身分詐称 (みぶんさしょう) [mibunsashou]
(n) false personation; misrepresentation of one's social position

身分相応 (みぶんそうおう) [mibunsouou]
(adj-na,n) appropriate to one's lot in life; within one's means; fitting to one's position; suitable to one's social status

身元不明 (みもとふめい) [mimotofumei]
(adj-no,n) [a person or body being] unidentifiable [unidentified]

名字帯刀 (みょうじたいとう) [myoujitaitou]    
(n) right to bear a surname and to wear a sword [during the Edo period]

苗字帯刀 (みょうじたいとう) [myoujitaitou]
(n) the right to bear a surname and to wear a sword [during the Edo period]

明々後日・明明後日 (みょうみょうごにち・しあさって) [myoumyougonichi/shiasatte]
(n-adv,n-t) two days after tomorrow; three days from now [hence]

未来永劫 (みらいえいごう) [miraieigou]
(n-t) eternity; through all eternity; for evermore

未練未酌 (みれんみしゃく) [mirenmishaku]
(n) regret and sympathy; having lingering attachment and sympathy toward someone

民間伝承 (みんかんでんしょう) [minkandenshou]
(n) folklore; folk tale; legend

民族自決 (みんぞくじけつ) [minzokujiketsu]
(n) self-determination of peoples; national self-determination

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無為自然 (むいしぜん) [muishizen]  
(n) doing nothing and taking things as they come; abandoning artifice and just being oneself [Lao-tzu]

無為徒食 (むいとしょく) [muitoshoku]
(n,vs) idling one's time away; eating the bread of idleness; spending a useless life

無為無聊 (むいぶりょう・むいむりょう) [muiburyou/muimuryou]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) boredom; ennui; tedium; wearisomeness

無位無官 (むいむかん) [muimukan] 
(n) (a plain citizen) having no special rank or title; being a common citizen

無位無冠 (むいむかん) [muimukan] 
(n) (a plain citizen) having no special rank or title; being a common citizen

無為無策 (むいむさく) [muimusaku] 
(n) donothingism; do-nothing, plan-nothing (government, etc.); being an idle onlooker taking no steps to meet the situation

無為無能 (むいむのう) [muimunou] 
(adj-na,n) idle and incompetent; accomplishing nothing significant nor being capable of doing so; lacking the talent to do anything but idle away one's time

無益有害 (むえきゆうがい) [muekiyuugai] 
(adj-na,n) useless and harmful

無縁墓地 (むえんぼち) [muenbochi]  
(n) cemetery for those who died leaving no relatives to tend the graves; potter's field

無学無識 (むがくむしき) [mugakumushiki]
(n) illiterate and ignorant; uneducated and lacking in wisdom and discernment

無学無知 (むがくむち) [mugakumuchi]
(adj-na,n) illiterate and ignorant

無学文盲 (むがくもんもう) [mugakumonmou] 
(adj-na,n) ignorant and illiterate; uneducated and illiterate

無我夢中 (むがむちゅう) [mugamuchuu]
(n) being completely absorbed in; losing oneself in; being delirious with; self-absorption

無期延期 (むきえんき) [mukienki]
(n,vs) indefinite postponement; adjournment sine die

無垢清浄 (むくせいじょう) [mukuseijou]
(adj-na,n) pure and innocent; immaculate

無芸大食 (むげいたいしょく) [mugeitaishoku]
(n) lacking the talent to do anything but eat a lot; having no other merit than a sound appetite

無芸無能 (むげいむのう) [mugeimunou]
(adj-na,n) talentless and incompetent; incompetent and unaccomplished

無間地獄 (むげんじごく・むけんじごく) [mugenjigoku/mukenjigoku]
(n) the Avici hell, the eighth and most painful of the eight hells in Buddhism

無間奈落 (むげんならく・むけんならく) [mugennaraku/mukennaraku]
(n) the Avici hell, the eighth and most painful of the eight hells in Buddhism

夢幻泡沫 (むげんほうまつ) [mugenhoumatsu] 
(n) transient; ephemeral; fleeting; evanescent

無罪放免 (むざいほうめん) [muzaihoumen]
(n) acquittal; being found innocent and acquitted

無策無為 (むさくむい) [musakumui] 
(n) donothingism; do-nothing, plan-nothing (government, etc.); being an idle onlooker taking no steps to meet the situation

無始無終 (むしむしゅう) [mushimushuu]
(n) everlastingness; eternity

武者修行 (むしゃしゅぎょう) [mushashugyou]
(n) knight-errantry; traveling about to train oneself (in the martial arts)

矛盾撞着 (むじゅんどうちゃく) [mujundouchaku]
(n,vs) self-contradiction 

無常迅速 (むじょうじんそく) [mujoujinsoku]
(exp,n) promptitude of the changes of the times; Time and tide wait for no man.; Death strikes suddenly and mercilessly.

無色透明 (むしょくとうめい) [mushokutoumei]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) colorless and transparent

無銭飲食 (むせんいんしょく) [musen'inshoku]
(n,vs) leave a restaurant without paying one's bill; skip out on a restaurant bill

無銭旅行 (むせんりょこう) [musenryokou]
(n) traveling without money; going on a penniless journey

無双仕立 (むそうじたて) [musoujitate]
(n) making a piece of clothing with the same cloth inside and out; making a kimono with lining of the same fabric

無想無念 (むそうむねん) [musoumunen]
(adj-no,n) being free from all distracting thoughts; keeping one's mind clear of all worldly thoughts; being free from all ideas and thoughts

無断外泊 (むだんがいはく) [mudangaihaku]
(n,vs) staying out overnight without giving notice; spending night(s) away from home without permission [leave]

無知愚昧 (むちぐまい) [muchigumai]
(adj-na,n) unenlightened; in the darkest ignorance; not knowing from A to B

無知蒙昧 (むちもうまい) [muchimoumai]  
(adj-na,n) unenlightened; in the darkest ignorance; not knowing from A to B

無知文盲 (むちもんもう) [muchimonmou]
(adj-na,n) ignorant and illiterate

無茶苦茶 (むちゃくちゃ) [muchakucha]
(adj-na,n) (1) absurd; unreasonable; nonsensical; preposterous; incoherent; (2) extreme; senseless; reckless; wanton; (3) disorder; confusion; mess; wreck

無手勝流 (むてかつりゅう) [mutekatsuryuu] 
(n) aiming at winning without fighting

無党派層 (むとうはそう) [mutouhasou]
(n) independent voters; voters with no party affiliation

胸先三寸 (むなさきさんずん) [munasakisanzun]
(n) one's mind; one's inner feelings; (a decision hinging on) how someone feels about it

無二無三 (むにむさん・むにむざん) [munimusan/munimuzan]
(adj-no,n) (1) in earnest; single-mindedly; with intense concentration; rushing headlong into; (2) one and only; unique

無念千万 (むねんせんばん) [munensenban]
(adj-na) being really disappointed; feeling utterly mortified; being deeply vexed

無念無想 (むねんむそう) [munenmusou]  
(adj-no,n) being free from all distracting thoughts; keeping one's mind clear of all worldly thoughts; being free from all ideas and thoughts

無能無策 (むのうむさく) [munoumusaku]
(n) ineptitude and inaction; being incapable of devising any appropriate measures to cope with the situation

無病息災 (むびょうそくさい) [mubyousokusai]
(n) sound health; perfect state of health being untouched by accidents

無味乾燥 (むみかんそう) [mumikansou] 
(adj-na,n) dull and uninteresting; dry-as-dust; flat and insipid; humdrum

無明長夜 (むみょうじょうや) [mumyoujouya]
(n) the long night of spiritual darkness

無欲恬淡 (むよくてんたん) [muyokutentan]
(adj-na,adj-no,adj-t,adv-to,n) being indifferent to worldly gain; being unattached and free from desires

無欲無私 (むよくむし) [muyokumushi] 
(n) unselfish and impartial [disinterested]

無理往生・無理圧状 (むりおうじょう) [murioujou] 
(n) forcing compliance; forcing someone to agree to something

無理算段 (むりさんだん) [murisandan]
(n,vs) scraping together (a sum of money); raising (a sum of money) by straining one's credit

無理心中 (むりしんじゅう) [murishinjuu]
(n,vs) forced double suicide; murder-suicide

無理難題 (むりなんだい) [murinandai]
(n) unreasonable [impossible] demand; asking the impossible; tall order

無理非道 (むりひどう) [murihidou] 
(adj-na,n) unreasonable and unjust; unconscionable

無理無体 (むりむたい) [murimutai] 
(adj-na,n) by force; forcibly; using strong-arm methods

無理矢理 (むりやり) [muriyari]
(adv,n) forcibly; against one's will; under compulsion

無量無辺 (むりょうむへん) [muryoumuhen]
(adj-no,n) immense and limitless

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明暗両面 (めいあんりょうめん) [meianryoumen]
(n) (both) the bright and dark sides

明鏡止水 (めいきょうしすい) [meikyoushisui]  
(n) clear and serene; clear and serene mental state; mind uncluttered by evil thoughts

名所旧跡 (めいしょきゅうせき) [meishokyuuseki] 
(n) scenic sites and historic places; places of natural beauty and historic interest

名所古跡 (めいしょこせき) [meishokoseki] 
(n) scenic sites and historic places; places of natural beauty and historic interest

名人気質 (めいじんかたぎ・めいじんきしつ) [meijinkatagi/meijinkishitsu] 
(n) character [spirit, temperament] typical of a master artist

名声赫々・名声赫赫 (めいせいかっかく・めいせいかくかく) [meiseikakkaku/meiseikakukaku]  
(adj-t,adv-to) of great renown; highly illustrious; at the zenith of one's fame

名声嘖々・名声嘖嘖 (めいせいさくさく) [meiseisakusaku]  
(adj-t,adv-to) highly renowned; on everybody's lips; enjoying a high reputation

明窓浄机 (めいそうじょうき) [meisoujouki]
(n) dustless desk by a well-lit window; well-lit and clean study conducive to learning

瞑想生活 (めいそうせいかつ) [meisouseikatsu]
(n) contemplative life; life of meditation

名僧知識 (めいそうちしき) [meisouchishiki]
(n) great [learned] priest; celebrated priest who has attained spiritual enlightenment

酩酊歩行 (めいていほこう) [meiteihokou]
(n) drunken [staggering, tottering] gait; wide-based gait

明哲保身 (めいてつほしん) [meitetsuhoshin]
(n) wisdom and self-protection; wise and skilled in the art of self-protection

明眸皓歯 (めいぼうこうし) [meiboukoushi]
(n) starry eyes and beautiful white teeth [said of beautiful women]; a beautiful woman with bright eyes and pearly teeth

明々白々・明明白白 (めいめいはくはく) [meimeihakuhaku]
(adj-na,adj-t,adv-to,n) clearly evident; quite obvious; as clear as day; beyond any doubt

瞑目合掌 (めいもくがっしょう) [meimokugasshou]
(n,vs) closing one's eyes and joining one's hands together in prayer

名目主義 (めいもくしゅぎ) [meimokushugi]
(n) tokenism

名誉回復 (めいよかいふく) [meiyokaifuku]
(n) restoring one's impaired reputation; regaining one's honor; redeeming oneself

名誉毀損 (めいよきそん) [meiyokison]
(n) defamation of character; libel; slander; character assassination

名誉挽回 (めいよばんかい) [meiyobankai]
(n,vs) restoring one's impaired reputation; regaining one's honor; redeeming oneself

命令一下 (めいれいいっか) [meireiikka]
(adv) once the order is given; as soon as the order is given

命令口調 (めいれいくちょう) [meireikuchou]
(n) tone of command; authoritative tone; commanding tone

明朗会計 (めいろうかいけい) [meiroukaikei]
(n) clear accounting; honest accounting [billing]; transparent billing practices (in restaurant and bar charges, etc.)

明朗快活 (めいろうかいかつ) [meiroukaitatsu]
(adj-na,n) cheerful and openhearted

明朗闊達 (めいろうかったつ) [meiroukattatsu]  
(adj-na,n) upbeat and freehearted; cheerful and broadminded

名論卓説 (めいろんたくせつ) [meirontakusetsu]
(n) sound and well-argued thesis; excellent opinions and theories; original opinion worth listening to

迷惑至極 (めいわくしごく) [meiwakushigoku] 
(adj-na,n) great nuisance; extremely annoying; quite embarrassing

迷惑千万 (めいわくせんばん) [meiwakusenban]
(adj-na) great nuisance; extremely annoying; quite embarrassing

目先相場 (めさきそうば) [mesakisouba]
(n) the market trend in the near future

目玉商品 (めだましょうひん) [medamashouhin]
(n) loss leader; price leader; eye-catcher; come-on

滅茶苦茶・目茶苦茶 (めちゃくちゃ) [mechakucha]
(adj-na,n) (1) absurd; unreasonable; nonsensical; preposterous; incoherent; (2) extreme; senseless; reckless; wanton; (3) disorder; confusion; mess; wreck

滅茶滅茶 (めちゃめちゃ) [mechamecha]
(adj-na,n) (1) absurd; unreasonable; nonsensical; preposterous; incoherent; (2) extreme; senseless; reckless; wanton; (3) disorder; confusion; mess; wreck

滅私奉公 (めっしほうこう) [messhihoukou]
(n) selfless devotion to one's country; sacrificing one's personal interest to public good

滅多矢鱈 (めったやたら) [mettayatara]
(adj-na,adv) reckless; indiscriminate; haphazard; frantic; excessive; undue; absurd; needless

目許千両 (めもとせんりょう) [memotosenryou]
(n) beautiful eyes; bright-eyed; there being a sublime charm about one's eyes

免許皆伝 (めんきょかいでん) [menkyokaiden]
(n) initiation into the secrets (of an art); full proficiency (in an art)

面向不背 (めんこうふはい) [menkoufuhai]
(n) beautiful from any angle; attractive when seen from either front or back; flawless

面従後言 (めんじゅうこうげん) [menjuukougen]
(n) pretending to obey someone to his face but badmouthing him behind his back

面従腹背 (めんじゅうふくはい) [menjuufukuhai] 
(n) pretense of loyalty; feigned obedience; pretending to obey but secretly betraying (someone)

免責特権 (めんせきとっけん) [mensekitokken]
(n) privilege of immunity from prosecution; privilege of exemption from liability; diplomatic immunity

面目次第 (めんぼくしだい) [menbokushidai]
(n) face; honor; reputation

綿密周到 (めんみつしゅうとう) [menmitsushuutou] 
(adj-na,n) detailed and careful; scrupulous; meticulous; elaborate

面目一新 (めんもくいっしん・めんぼくいっしん) [menmokuisshin/menbokuisshin]
(n,vs) undergoing a complete change in appearance; changing something out of all recognition; a rise in one's reputation

面目躍如 (めんもくやくじょ) [menmokuyakujo]
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) true to someone's reputation [talent]; characteristic of someone as; with evident joy of having lived up to one's reputation; having an effect of bolstering one's reputation

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妄言多謝 (もうげんたしゃ・ぼうげんたしゃ) [mougentasha/bougentasha]
(exp) Kindly excuse my reckless remarks.; Please excuse my thoughtless words. [used deferentially, in a letter, etc.]

孟母三遷 (もうぼさんせん) [moubosansen]   
(exp,n) the importance of creating an environment conducive to a child's learning [From the legend that Mencius' mother moved house three times before finding the ideal environment for him]

猛烈社員 (もうれつしゃいん) [mouretsushain]
(n) gung-ho organization [corporate] man [woman]; go-getter worker; hard-driving worker

百舌勘定 (もずかんじょう) [mozukanjou]
(n) splitting the bill so that the others end up paying the whole amount; wheedling the others into paying the whole bill

喪中欠礼 (もちゅうけつれい) [mochuuketsurei]
(exp,n) refraining from offering the (New Year's) greetings during the period of mourning

物見遊山 (ものみゆさん) [monomiyusan] 
(n) going on a pleasure jaunt; going sightseeing; sightseeing excursion

模様次第 (もようしだい) [moyoushidai]
(n) according to circumstances; dependent on the state of things

門外不出 (もんがいふしゅつ) [mongaifushutsu] 
(n) never allowing something to be taken off the premises; (a treasure or secret) never seeing the light of day

門戸開放 (もんこかいほう) [monkokaihou] 
(n) open door policy

門前雀羅 (もんぜんじゃくら) [monzenjakura] 
(n) (a house) looking deserted with few visitors

門前成市 (もんぜんせいし) [monzenseishi]
(n) having a constant stream of visitors; being thronged with callers

問題商法 (もんだいしょうほう) [mondaishouhou]
(n) unscrupulous [crooked, fraudulent] business practices; pernicious sales methods

問題発言 (もんだいはつげん) [mondaihatsugen]
(n) problematical statement; controversial statement

問答無益 (もんどうむえき) [mondoumueki]
(n) there being no use in arguing (about it); being stone-deaf to someone's appeals

問答無用 (もんどうむよう) [mondoumuyou]
(n) there being no use in arguing (about it); being stone-deaf to someone's appeals

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八重八重 (やえやえ) [yaeyae]
(adj-no,n) multilayered

役者稼業 (やくしゃかぎょう) [yakushakagyou]
(n) stage career; acting career

役者気質 (やくしゃかたぎ) [yakushakatagi]
(n) characteristic temperament [spirit] of an actor

役者子供 (やくしゃこども) [yakushakodomo]
(n) skilled actor who is like a child offstage; good actor who knows but little of the ways of the world

役者生命 (やくしゃせいめい) [yakushaseimei]
(n) acting career; career as an actress

役者馬鹿 (やくしゃばか) [yakushabaka]
(n) good actor who is inept in all other matters; demon for acting who is utterly indifferent to all other concerns and knows but little of the ways of the world; person who excels in one occupation [profession] but lacks simple common sense

役者風情 (やくしゃふぜい) [yakushafuzei]
(n) (the likes of) a mere actor

役者冥利 (やくしゃみょうり) [yakushamyouri] 
(n) the happiness [good fortune] of being an actor; feeling blessed for being an actor

役所仕事 (やくしょしごと) [yakushoshigoto]
(n) red tape; red-tapism; officialism; bureaucratic bungling

薬石無効 (やくせきむこう) [yakusekimukou]
(n) neither medicines nor medical care having little effect on a patient

役人根性 (やくにんこんじょう) [yakuninkonjou]
(n) bureaucratism; officialism; typical mentality of a (petty) bureaucrat

役割演技 (やくわりえんぎ) [yakuwariengi]
(n) role-playing

役割分担 (やくわりぶんたん) [yakuwaribuntan]
(n,vs) division [distribution] of roles; role-sharing

自棄気味 (やけぎみ) [yakegimi]
(n) partially out of despair; partly in desperation; somewhat out of frustration

野合政権 (やごうせいけん) [yagouseiken]
(n) administration established through an unprincipled political coalition; a government of convenience; cabinet created through an unholy alliance

弥次喜多 (やじきた) [yajikita]
(n) comical pair; pair of buffoons

野心満々・野心満満 (やしんまんまん) [yashinmanman]
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) burning with ambition; highly ambitious

大和島根 (やまとしまね) [yamatoshimane]
(n) the island country of Japan; the Japanese Isles; (the land of) Yamato

大和撫子 (やまとなでしこ) [yamatonadeshiko]
(n) Japanese woman (with all the traditional graces); ideal Japanese woman

山猫戦術 (やまねこせんじゅつ) [yamanekosenjutsu]
(n) wildcat tactics

揶揄嘲笑 (やゆちょうしょう) [yayuchoushou]
(n,vs) ridicule and sneer; (cast) ridicule and scorn (upon)

夜郎自大 (やろうじだい) [yaroujidai]
(adj-na,n) throwing one's weight around in a small group without knowing one's real worth in a larger world outside; acting arrogantly with no realization of one's own limitations

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有益無害 (ゆうえきむがい) [yuuekimugai]
(adj-na,n) beneficial and harmless

唯一不二 (ゆいいつふじ) [yuiitsufuji] 
(adj-no,n) one and only; unique

唯一無比 (ゆいいつむひ) [yuiitsumuhi]
(adj-no,n) one and only; unique

唯一無二 (ゆいいつむに) [yuiitsumuni]   
(adj-no,n) one and only; unique

唯我独尊 (ゆいがどくそん) [yuigadokuson]
(exp,n) (1) "I am my own Lord (throughout heaven and earth)." [Buddha]; (2) self-righteousness; self-conceit; holier-than-thou attitude

勇往邁進 (ゆうおうまいしん) [yuuoumaishin]
(n,vs) dash forward without flinching; push forward in full fling

有害無益 (ゆうがいむえき) [yuugaimueki]
(adj-na,n) doing more harm than good; being harmful and useless

勇敢無比 (ゆうかんむひ) [yuukanmuhi]
(n) being unmatched [unparalleled] for bravery

雄気堂々・雄気堂堂 (ゆうきどうどう) [yuukidoudou] 
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) with heroic drive and boundless energy

勇気百倍 (ゆうきひゃくばい) [yuukihyakubai]
(n,vs) inspire someone with fresh courage; with redoubled courage

勇気凛々・勇気凛凛 (ゆうきりんりん) [yuukirinrin] 
(adj-t,adv-to) full of spirit; brimming with courage; high-spirited; mettlesome

有形無形 (ゆうけいむけい) [yuukeimukei]
(n) tangible and intangible; material and spiritual; moral and material

有言実行 (ゆうげんじっこう) [yuugenjikkou] 
(n,vs) carry out one's words; be as good as one's word; make good on one's promise

憂国慨世 (ゆうこくがいせい) [yuukokugaisei] 
(n) worrying about the conditions of the country out of sheer patriotism

雄材大略 (ゆうざいたいりゃく・ゆうさいたいりゃく) [yuuzaitairyaku/yuusaitairyaku]
(n) superior talent and strategic wisdom; outstanding abilities and abundant strategic resourcefulness; outstanding abilities and a talent for developing and implementing grand strategies

有志一同 (ゆうしいちどう) [yuushiichidou]
(exp,n) all those interested (in the matter); all those willing; (from) all of us; (from) everyone concerned

有史以来 (ゆうしいらい) [yuushiirai] 
(n-t) since the dawn of history; within recorded history

優柔不断 (ゆうじゅうふだん) [yuujuufudan]
(adj-na,n) shilly-shally; indecisiveness; wishy-washy; being weak and vacillating

勇将弱卒 (ゆうしょうじゃくそつ) [yuushoujakusotsu]
(exp,n) there are no cowardly soldiers under a brave general

優勝劣敗 (ゆうしょうれっぱい) [yuushoureppai]
(exp,n) The strong will win and the weak will lose; survival of the fittest

融通無碍 (ゆうずうむげ) [yuuzuumuge]
(adj-na,n) free from restraints, unfettered and flexible; versatile; adaptable

融通無礙 (ゆうずうむげ) [yuuzuumuge]
(adj-na,n) free from restraints, unfettered and flexible; versatile; adaptable

遊説旅行 (ゆうぜいりょこう) [yuuzeiryokou]
(n) stumping [electioneering] tour

有職故実 (ゆうそくこじつ) [yuusokukojitsu]
(n) time-honored usages and practices of the court or in exalted military families; studies in ancient court and military protocol

雄大無比 (ゆうだいむひ) [yuudaimuhi]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) unparalleled grandeur; the grandest; the most spectacular

幽体離脱 (ゆうたいりだつ) [yuutairidatsu]
(n) out-of-body experience

誘致合戦 (ゆうちかっせん) [yuuchikassen]
(n) rivalry over winning the right to host an event; competition to lure [attract, invite] (institutions, manufacturing facilities, foreign tourists, etc.) to a locality

遊蕩三昧 (ゆうとうざんまい) [yuutouzanmai]
(n) being absorbed in self-indulgent pleasures; giving oneself up to debauchery and dissipation

勇猛精進 (ゆうもうしょうじん) [yuumoushoujin] 
(n,vs) engage in ascetic practices with dauntless spirit

有名無実 (ゆうめいむじつ) [yuumeimujitsu] 
(adj-na,adj-no,n) in name but not in reality; only in name and not in substance; titular; nominal

有名無名 (ゆうめいむめい) [yuumeimumei]
(adj-no,n) well-known and unknown; somebodies and nobodies; both famous and humble

勇猛果敢 (ゆうもうかかん) [yuumoukakan]  
(adj-na,n) daring and resolute; having dauntless courage   

勇猛無比 (ゆうもうむひ) [yuumoumuhi]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) most brave; as brave as any; unmatched for valor

悠々閑々・悠悠閑閑 (ゆうゆうかんかん) [yuuyuukankan]  
(adj-t,adv-to) composed and unhurried; easygoing and leisurely; in indolence

悠々緩々・悠悠緩緩 (ゆうゆうかんかん) [yuuyuukankan] 
(adj-t,adv-to) composed and unhurried; easygoing and leisurely; in indolence

優々閑々・優優閑閑 (ゆうゆうかんかん) [yuuyuukankan]
(adj-t,adv-to) composed and unhurried; easygoing and leisurely; in indolence

悠々自適・悠悠自適 (ゆうゆうじてき) [yuuyuujiteki]
(n,vs) living a life of leisure with dignity; living quietly and comfortably free from worldly cares; otium cum dignitate

有力候補 (ゆうりょくこうほ) [yuuryokukouho]
(n) major contender; strong [leading] candidate; front runner

幽霊会社 (ゆうれいがいしゃ) [yuureigaisha]
(n) bogus [dummy] company [corporation, firm]

幽霊社員 (ゆうれいしゃいん) [yuureishain]
(n) bogus [phantom] employee

幽霊人口 (ゆうれいじんこう) [yuureijinkou]
(n) ghost [bogus] population; fraudulently registered population

融和路線 (ゆうわろせん) [yuuwarosen]
(n) policy of reconciliation

行方不明 (ゆくえふめい) [yukuefumei] 
(adj-no,n) missing; lost; unaccounted for; one's whereabouts being unknown

油断大敵 (ゆだんたいてき) [yudantaiteki] 
(exp,n) Unpreparedness is one's greatest enemy; He that is too secure is not safe; Overconfidence can be dangerous.

癒着体質 (ゆちゃくたいしつ) [yuchakutaishitsu]
(n) tendency to form collusive ties; predisposition to generate cozy [collusive] relationships

弓矢八幡 (ゆみやはちまん) [yumiyahachiman]
(n) the God of War; the God of Arms; the Japanese Mars

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余韻嫋々・余韻嫋嫋 (よいんじょうじょう) [yoinjoujou]
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) (sound) lingering in the air; trailing notes [of a bell, etc.]

用意周到 (よういしゅうとう) [youishuutou]
(adj-na,adj-no,n) meticulous in everything; painstaking preparedness; exhaustively careful in one's preparation

用意万端 (よういばんたん) [youibantan]
(n) every preparation possible; all aspects of the preparation; everything being fully prepared

要害堅固 (ようがいけんご) [yougaikengo]
(n) (a fortress being) impregnable; unassailable; (taking to an) impregnable fastness

妖怪変化 (ようかいへんげ) [youkaihenge] 
(n) apparition (in animal form); goblins and monsters

容顔美麗 (ようがんびれい) [youganbirei] 
(adj-na,n) beautiful face; attractive features

養子縁組 (ようしえんぐみ) [youshiengumi]
(n) adoption

容姿端麗 (ようしたんれい) [youshitanrei] 
(adj-na,n) attractive face and figure; having a graceful figure; lovely to look-at; beautiful in appearance; fare of face and figure

羊質虎皮 (ようしつこひ) [youshitsukohi]
(n) a sheep in a tiger's skin; gimcrack; showy without real worth; all show and no substance

用心堅固 (ようじんけんご) [youjinkengo] 
(adj-na,n) very cautious [watchful, vigilant]; taking every possible precaution

容赦会釈 (ようしゃえしゃく) [youshaeshaku] 
(n) pardon; forgiveness; mercy; making allowances

要所要所 (ようしょようしょ) [youshoyousho]
(n) every important point; points of strategic importance; all the right places

様子次第 (ようすしだい) [yousushidai]
(n) according to circumstances; depending on the state of things; according to how the situation develops

要点把握 (ようてんはあく) [youtenhaaku]
(n) grasping the (main) point; seizing the essence (of a matter)

羊頭狗肉 (ようとうくにく) [youtoukuniku]
(n) using a better name to sell inferior goods; crying wine and selling vinegar

陽動作戦 (ようどうさくせん) [youdousakusen]
(n) feint operation; diversionary tactic [operation, activities]

容貌魁偉 (ようぼうかいい) [youboukaii]
(adj-na,n) (a man) having a commanding face and a powerful physique; (a man of) formidable appearance

容貌端正 (ようぼうたんせい) [youboutansei]
(adj-na,n) having handsome and clean-cut features

沃野千里 (よくやせんり) [yokuyasenri]
(n) vast expansion of fertile land; vast stretch of rich plain

欲求不満 (よっきゅうふまん) [yokkyuufuman]
(n) frustration; unsatisfied desires

嫁入道中 (よめいりどうちゅう) [yomeiridouchuu]
(n) nuptial procession

夜目遠目 (よめとおめ) [yometoome]
(n) seen in the dark or at a distance; (a woman) looking prettier when seen in the dark of night or at a distance

四方山話 (よもやまばなし) [yomoyamabanashi]
(n) talk about various topics; chatting about all sorts of things

余裕綽々・余裕綽綽 (よゆうしゃくしゃく) [yoyuushakushaku] 
(adj-na,adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) calm and composed; having enough and to spare

寄合所帯 (よりあいじょたい) [yoriaijotai]
(n) congeries of many households; scratch [combined] team; hodgepodge of parties

世論操作 (よろんそうさ) [yoronsousa]
(n) manipulation of public opinion

弱気相場 (よわきそうば) [yowakisouba]
(n) weak [bear(ish)] market

弱腰外交 (よわごしがいこう) [yowagoshigaikou]
(n) weak foreign policy; weak-kneed diplomacy

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来世信仰 (らいせしんこう) [raiseshinkou]
(n) belief in the next world; belief in the hereafter

磊々落々・磊磊落落 (らいらいらくらく) [rairairakuraku]
(adj-na,n) openhearted; unaffected; free and easy

洛中洛外 (らくちゅうらくがい) [rakuchuurakugai]
(n) in and around the city of Kyoto

楽天主義 (らくてんしゅぎ) [rakutenshugi]
(n) optimism

落涙滂沱 (らくるいぼうだ) [rakuruibouda]
(adj-t,adv-to) tears streaming down one's cheeks; shedding copious tears

拉致監禁 (らちかんきん) [rachikankin]
(n,vs) abduction and (unlawful) confinement

落花紛々・落花紛紛 (らっかふんぷん) [rakkafunpun]
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) (the sight of) blossoms falling in confusion

落花流水 (らっかりゅうすい) [rakkaryuusui]   
(n) (1) mutual love; the love one shows to another person being returned; (2) falling on hard times; coming down in the world; being ruined

落花狼藉 (らっかろうぜき) [rakkarouzeki]
(n) running amuck; utter disorder; things being in a shambles; committing violence on (a woman)

乱離骨灰 (らりこっぱい) [rarikoppai] 
(n) being scattered in all directions; being broken up and dispersed

藍衣社員 (らんいしゃいん) [ran'ishain]
(n) blue-collar; blue-collar worker [employee]

乱臣賊子 (らんしんぞくし) [ranshinzokushi]
(n) rebels against one's lord and one's parents; rebellious [treacherous] subject; traitor

乱診乱療 (らんしんらんりょう) [ranshinranryou]
(n) unnecessary medical tests and treatments; overprescription of drugs

乱売合戦 (らんばいかっせん) [ranbaikassen]
(n) price war; cutthroat competition

乱筆乱文 (らんぴつらんぶん) [ranpitsuranbun]
(n) (my) poor writing; scribbling; hasty writing

乱暴狼藉 (らんぼうろうぜき) [ranbourouzeki]  
(n) riotous [rampageous] behavior; violence and lawlessness; committing an outrage

乱脈経営 (らんみゃくけいえい) [ranmyakukeiei]
(n) chaotic [irresponsible] management of a company

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利害関係 (りがいかんけい) [rigaikankei]
(n) an interest (in); a vested interest; a stake (in); concern

利害得失 (りがいとくしつ) [rigaitokushitsu]
(n) advantages and disadvantages; gains and losses; pros and cons

李下瓜田 (りかかでん) [rikakaden]
(exp,n) Be careful not to invite the least suspicion; Leave no room for scandal.

力戦奮闘 (りきせんふんとう) [rikisenfuntou]
(n,vs) fighting with all one's might; fighting up against; making strenuous efforts

六韜三略 (りくとうさんりゃく) [rikutousanryaku]
(n) two books on the art of war in ancient China; the secrets [essence] of the art of war; secrets of successful life; precepts for living

戮力協心 (りくりょくきょうしん) [rikuryokukyoushin] 
(n,vs) combined [concerted] efforts; solidarity; joining forces (with)

利権団体 (りけんだんたい) [rikendantai]
(n) special-interest group

離合集散 (りごうしゅうさん) [rigoushuusan] 
(n,vs) meeting and parting; gathering and scattering; alignment and realignment; alternating alliance and rupture; alternating cooperation and defection

離散集合 (りさんしゅうごう) [risanshuugou]
(n,vs) meeting and parting; gathering and scattering; alignment and realignment; alternating alliance and rupture; alternating cooperation and defection

離村傾向 (りそんけいこう) [risonkeikou]
(n) trend to move away from rural areas; rural depopulation

立身栄達 (りっしんえいたつ) [risshin'eitatsu] 
(n,vs) success in life; advancement in life; rising in the world

立身出世 (りっしんしゅっせ) [risshinshusse]  
(n,vs) success in life; advancement in life; rising in the world

理非曲直 (りひきょくちょく) [rihikyokuchoku]
(n) sense of right and wrong; rights and wrongs (of a case); relative merits (of a case)

裏面工作 (りめんこうさく) [rimenkousaku]
(n) behind-the-scenes maneuvering; backstairs deal; clandestine work; string-pulling

柳暗花明 (りゅうあんかめい) [ryuuankamei] 
(n) (1) beautiful scenery of spring; (2) red-light district

留意事項 (りゅういじこう) [ryuuijikou]
(n) points to note; points of concern; matters to keep in mind; matters that require attention

流汗淋漓 (りゅうかんりんり) [ryuukanrinri] 
(adj-t,adv-to) profuse perspiration; heavy sweating; dripping with sweat

流血沙汰 (りゅうけつざた) [ryuuketsuzata]
(n) bloodshed; bloody event

流血淋漓 (りゅうけつりんり) [ryuuketsurinri]
(adj-t,adv-to) dripping with fresh blood

流言飛語・流言蜚語 (りゅうげんひご) [ryuugenhigo]
(n) false [wild, groundless] rumor; canard

柳巷花街 (りゅうこうかがい) [ryuukoukagai] 
(n) red-light district; pleasure quarter

竜頭蛇尾 (りゅうとうだび) [ryuutoudabi]
(n) a strong beginning and a weak ending; starting out with a bang but fizzling toward the end; an anticlimax

粒々辛苦・粒粒辛苦 (りゅうりゅうしんく) [ryuuryuushinku]
(n,vs) toil and moil; working assiduously for; tireless hard work; painstaking labor

柳緑花紅 (りゅうりょくかこう) [ryuuryokukakou] 
(n) red blossoms and green willows; beautiful scenery of spring; natural beauty; beauty of nature

流連荒亡 (りゅうれんこうぼう) [ryuurenkoubou] 
(n) spending all one's time in idle amusement away from home; being absorbed in self-indulgent pleasures

良妻賢母 (りょうさいけんぼ) [ryousaikenbo]
(n) (being) a good wife and wise mother

了解事項 (りょうかいじこう) [ryoukaijikou]
(n) something that is understood between the parties; an understood item

猟奇小説 (りょうきしょうせつ) [ryoukishousetsu]
(n) bizarre story [novel]

猟奇文学 (りょうきぶんがく) [ryoukibungaku]
(n) bizarre literature; the literature of the bizarre

良知良能 (りょうちりょうのう) [ryouchiryounou] 
(n) one's innate intelligence and ability

良風美俗 (りょうふうびぞく) [ryoufuubizoku]
(n) fine customs and manners; good morals and manners; good and beautiful custom

両面価値 (りょうめんかち) [ryoumenkachi]
(n) ambivalence

両面作戦 (りょうめんさくせん) [ryoumensakusen]
(n) operations [a strategy] on two fronts; two-pronged strategy

理路整然 (りろせいぜん) [riroseizen]
(adj-t,adv-to) well-reasoned; logical (manner); articulate; coherent

理論武装 (りろんぶそう) [rironbusou]
(n,vs) be prepared for a theoretical [ideological] argument; be armed with theoretical backing

臨機応変 (りんきおうへん) [rinkiouhen] 
(adj-na,n) adaptation to circumstances; adapting oneself to the requirements of the moment; playing it by ear; as the occasion may demand

稟議制度 (りんぎせいど) [ringiseido]
(n) the system in government offices and business corporations in which draft proposals are prepared by someone in charge of the matter and circulated for collective deliberation and final approval by particular [designated] officials or executives

臨戦態勢 (りんせんたいせい) [rinsentaisei] 
(n) state of war readiness [preparedness]; preparation for action

輪廻転生 (りんねてんしょう) [rinnetenshou] 
(n,vs) all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth; the circle of transmigration

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類縁関係 (るいえんかんけい) [ruienkankei]
(n) (having) a close relationship (with)

類推推理 (るいすいすいり) [ruisuisuiri]
(n,vs) reasoning by analogy; analogical inference; analogism

留守家族 (るすかぞく) [rusukazoku]
(n) family members left at home

流転生死 (るてんしょうじ) [rutenshouji]
(n,vs) all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth; the circle of transmigration

流転輪廻 (るてんりんね) [rutenrinne]  
(n,vs) all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth; the circle of transmigration

縷々綿々・縷縷綿綿 (るるめんめん) [rurumenmen]
(adj-t,adv-to) going on and on in tedious detail


冷汗三斗 (れいかんさんと) [reikansanto] 
(n) breaking into cold sweat when one is very embarrassed or scared; feeling extremely abashed

霊感商法 (れいかんしょうほう) [reikanshouhou]
(n) fraudulent sale of goods or services claimed to bring good luck to the purchaser

礼儀感覚 (れいぎかんかく) [reigikankaku]
(n) sense of decorum; attention to the common civilities of life

礼儀作法 (れいぎさほう) [reigisahou]
(n) good manners; civility and rules of etiquette; decorum; arts of gracious etiquette

冷却期間 (れいきゃくきかん) [reikyakukikan] 
(n) cooling-off period

冷酷無惨・冷酷無残・冷酷無慚・冷酷無慙 (れいこくむざん) [reikokumuzan]
(adj-na,n) cruel and heartless; merciless; implacable; cold-blooded

冷酷無情 (れいこくむじょう) [reikokumujou]  
(adj-na,n) cold-hearted; callous; merciless; implacable; ruthless

霊魂不滅 (れいこんふめつ) [reikonfumetsu]
(n) immortality of the soul

霊視商法 (れいししょうほう) [reishishouhou]
(n) fraudulent sale of exorcism services (to people led to believe that they are possessed by evil spirits)

励声一番 (れいせいいちばん) [reiseiichiban] 
(n) giving cries of encouragement at a critical moment

励声叱咤 (れいせいしった) [reiseishitta]
(n,vs) cries of encouragement; shouting encouragement

冷静沈着 (れいせいちんちゃく) [reiseichinchaku]
(adj-na,n) calm, cool, and collected; level and calm

冷淡無情 (れいたんむじょう) [reitanmujou] 
(adj-na,n) cold-hearted; callous; pitiless; unsympathetic

霊的交感 (れいてきこうかん) [reitekikoukan]
(n) spiritual sympathy; spiritual communion

霊的交流 (れいてきこうりゅう) [reitekikouryuu]
(n) spiritual sympathy; spiritual communion

霊肉一致 (れいにくいっち) [reinikuicchi]
(n) unity [oneness] of body and soul; harmony of body and soul

怜悧狡猾 (れいりこうかつ) [reirikoukatsu] 
(adj-na,n) cunning; crafty; shrewd; guileful

劣弱意識 (れつじゃくいしき) [retsujakuishiki]
(n) inferiority complex; a sense of inferiority

恋愛指南 (れんあいしなん) [ren'aishinan]
(n) instruction in the ways of love

恋愛遍歴 (れんあいへんれき) [ren'aihenreki]
(n) history of one's love affairs

恋愛遊戯 (れんあいゆうぎ) [ren'aiyuugi]
(n) playing at love relationships; trifling with a person's affections

連日連夜 (れんじつれんや) [renjitsuren'ya]
(n-t) every day and every night; day(s) and night(s)

連戦連勝 (れんせんれんしょう) [rensenrenshou] 
(n,vs) succession [series] of victories; winning battle after battle; winning every game

連戦連敗 (れんせんれんぱい) [rensenrenpai] 
(n,vs) succession [series] of defeats; losing battle after battle; losing every game

連帯責任 (れんたいせきにん) [rentaisekinin]
(n) collective responsibility; joint liability

連綿不断 (れんめんふだん) [renmenfudan]
(adj-no,n) long and uninterrupted [unbroken]

連立政権 (れんりつせいけん) [renritsuseiken]
(n) coalition government [cabinet]

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露悪趣味 (ろあくしゅみ) [roakushumi]
(n) being apt to make a show of one' faults; penchant for boasting of one's faults; pretending to be worse than one really is

労使交渉 (ろうしこうしょう) [roushikoushou]
(n) labor-management negotiation

労使双方 (ろうしそうほう) [roushisouhou]
(n) both labor and management; both the workers and the employers

労使紛争 (ろうしふんそう) [roushifunsou]
(n) labor-management dispute; industrial strife

籠城作戦 (ろうじょうさくせん) [roujousakusen]
(n) strategy of holing oneself up in a castle [house, building]

老少不定 (ろうしょうふじょう) [roushoufujou]
(exp,n) Death comes to old and young alike.; uncertainty of life  

老若男女 (ろうにゃくなんにょ) [rounyakunannyo]
(n) men and women of all ages; young and old, men and women alike

狼狽気味 (ろうばいぎみ) [roubaigimi]
(adj-na,n) being rather confused; looking somewhat dismayed [perturbed]

老婆親切・老婆心切 (ろうばしんせつ) [roubashinsetsu] 
(n) grandmotherly solicitude for another's welfare; excessive solicitude

籠絡手段 (ろうらくしゅだん) [rourakushudan]
(n) means of cajolement [trickery]

六号記事 (ろくごうきじ) [rokugoukiji]
(n) (space) filler; fill-in [in magazines, newspapers, etc.]

六公四民 (ろくこうよんみん) [rokukouyonmin]
(n) a land-tax rate during the Edo period, in which the government took 60 percent of the year's rice crop and the farmers kept 40 percent

六親眷属 (ろくしんけんぞく) [rokushinkenzoku]
(n) all of one's relatives by blood and by marriage; one's kith and kin

六道輪廻 (ろくどうりんね) [rokudourinne] 
(n) endless circle of transmigration in the six posthumous worlds

六波羅蜜 (ろくはらみつ・ろっぱらみつ) [rokuharamitsu/ropparamitsu]
(n) the six virtues [perfections] a Buddha Elect practices to attain supreme enlightenment

露地栽培 (ろじさいばい) [rojisaibai]
(n,vs) raising flowers and vegetables outdoors without using a greenhouse or a cold frame; garden farming; open-field culture

路上強盗 (ろじょうごうとう) [rojougoutou]
(n) mugging; mugger

路上生活 (ろじょうせいかつ) [rojouseikatsu]
(n,vs) living on the street; life on the streets; homelessness

路線転換 (ろせんてんかん) [rosentenkan]
(n,vs) policy change [reversal]

路線変更 (ろせんへんこう) [rosenhenkou]
(n,vs) (1) change in a bus route; (2) change in policy; policy change [reversal]

六根清浄 (ろっこんしょうじょう) [rokkonshoujou]  
(n) purification of the six roots of perception; purification of one's mind and body through emancipation from all worldly desires and worries

六百六号 (ろっぴゃくろくごう) [roppyakurokugou]
(n) Salvarsan 606

露天風呂 (ろてんぶろ) [rotenburo]
(n) open-air bath; hot spring bath set in the open

炉辺談話 (ろへんだんわ) [rohendanwa]
(n) fireside chat  

論功行賞 (ろんこうこうしょう) [ronkoukoushou]
(n) granting rewards according to achievements; conferring honors according to merit

論旨不明 (ろんしふめい) [ronshifumei]
(adj-na,n) the point of an argument being unclear; the tenor of an argument being poorly reasoned

論旨明快 (ろんしめいかい) [ronshimeikai] 
(adj-na,n) the point of an argument being clearly stated; the tenor of an argument being well-reasoned

論難攻撃 (ろんなんこうげき) [ronnankougeki]
(n,vs) attacking by argument; denunciation; condemnation; heated controversy

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和気藹々・和気藹藹・和気靄々・和気靄靄  (わきあいあい) [wakiaiai] 
(adj-na,adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) harmonious; peaceful; congenial

脇見運転 (わきみうんてん) [wakimiunten]
(n,vs) looking aside while driving; taking one's eyes off the road ahead while driving

枠外採用 (わくがいさいよう) [wakugaisaiyou]
(n) hiring someone beyond the limits of the employment quota

和敬清寂 (わけいせいじゃく) [wakeiseijaku]
(n) harmony, respect, purity and tranquility; the four most important elements of the tea ceremony

和光同塵 (わこうどうじん) [wakoudoujin]
(n) (wise men) softening the light of their wisdom and virtue and mingling with the mundane world [Lao-tzu]; mingling with the world by hiding one's true talent or knowledge; living a quiet life by effacing oneself

和魂漢才 (わこんかんさい) [wakonkansai]
(n) the Japanese spirit imbued with Chinese learning

和魂洋才 (わこんようさい) [wakon'yousai] 
(n) the Japanese spirit imbued with Western learning

和食回帰 (わしょくかいき) [washokukaiki]
(n) revival of Japanese food

話題沸騰 (わだいふっとう) [wadaifuttou]
(n) being much talked about; creating a stir; being the talk of town

和衷協同 (わちゅうきょうどう) [wachuukyoudou]
(n,vs) harmonious cooperation; in close cooperation

和平工作 (わへいこうさく) [waheikousaku]
(n) peace [overtures, initiative, moves]; maneuvering for peace; putting out peace feelers

和洋折衷 (わようせっちゅう) [wayousecchuu] 
(n) a blending of Japanese and Western styles

割前勘定 (わりまえかんじょう) [warimaekanjou]
(n) each paying for his own account; sharing the expenses; Dutch treat

吾唯足知 (われただたるをしる) [waretadataruoshiru]
(exp) I am content with what I am [have].; Rich is the person who is content with what he is.

腕白小僧 (わんぱくこぞう) [wanpakukozou]  
(n) naughty [mischievous] boy, little rascal [devil]; brat

腕白仲間 (わんぱくなかま) [wanpakunakama] 
(n) group [gang] of naughty [mischievous] boys

腕白坊主 (わんぱくぼうず) [wanpakubouzu]
(n) naughty [mischievous] boy, little rascal [devil]; brat

腕力沙汰 (わんりょくざた) [wanryokuzata]    
(n) resorting [coming] to fisticuffs; coming to blows

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