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『武士道 Bushido 』-新渡戸稲造(Inazo Nitobé)-
Chapter 03
 (Rectitude or Justice 「義」武士道の光輝く最高の支柱)
Bushido, the Soul of Japan by Inazo Nitobe [Book] [reading]

Chapter TOP 新渡戸稲造(Inazo Nitobé)TOP
Chapter 00(Prefaces 序文)
Chapter 01(Bushido as an Ethical System 武士道とは)
Chapter 02(Sources of Bushido 武士道の源)
Chapter 03(Rectitude or Justice 「義」)
Chapter 04(Courage, the Spirit of Daring and Bearing 「勇」)
Chapter 05(Benevolence, the Feeling of Distress 「仁」)
Chapter 06(Politeness 「礼」)
Chapter 07(Veracity or Truthfulness 「誠」)
Chapter 08(Honor 「名誉」)
Chapter 09(The Duty of Loyalty 「忠義」)
Chapter 10(Education and Training of a Samurai 武士は何を学びどう己を磨いたか)
Chapter 11(Self-Control 人に勝ち己に勝つために)
Chapter 12(The Institutions of Suicide and Redress 「切腹」)
Chapter 13(The Sword, the Soul of the Samurai 「刀」)
Chapter 14(The Training and Position of Woman 武士道が求めた女性の理想像)
Chapter 15(The Influence of Bushido 「大和魂」)
Chapter 16(Is Bushido Still Alive? 武士道は蘇るか)
Chapter 17(The Future of Bushido 武士道から何を学ぶか)
[修養]、 ・[自警録]

RECTITUDE OR JUSTICE  (read 03)   (level5.. 03)  (朗読、Read)

the most cogent precept in the code of the samurai. Nothing is more loathsome to him than underhand dealings and crooked undertakings. The conception of Rectitude may be erroneous—it may be narrow. A well-known bushi defines it as a power of resolution;—"Rectitude is the power of deciding upon a certain course of conduct in accordance with reason, without wavering;—to die when it is right to die, to strike when to strike is right." Another speaks of it in the following terms: "Rectitude is the bone that gives firmness and stature. As without bones the head cannot rest on the top of the spine, nor hands move nor feet stand, so without rectitude neither talent nor learning can make of a human frame a samurai. With it the lack of accomplishments is as nothing." Mencius calls Benevolence man's mind, and Rectitude or Righteousness his path. "How lamentable," he exclaims, "is it to neglect the path and not pursue it, to lose the mind and not know to seek it again! When men's fowls and dogs are lost, they know to seek for them again, but they lose their mind and do not know to seek for it." Have we not here "as in a glass darkly" a parable propounded three hundred years later in another clime and by a greater Teacher, who called Himself the Way of Righteousness, through whom the lost could be found? But I stray from my point. Righteousness, according to Mencius, is a straight and narrow path which a man ought to take to regain the lost paradise.

Even in the latter days of feudalism, when the long continuance of peace brought leisure into the life of the warrior class, and with it dissipations of all kinds and gentle accomplishments, the epithet Gishi (a man of rectitude) was considered superior to any name that signified mastery of learning or art. The Forty-seven Faithfuls—of whom so much is made in our popular education—are known in common parlance as the Forty-seven Gishi.

In times when cunning artifice was liable to pass for military tact and downright falsehood for ruse de guerre, this manly virtue, frank and honest, was a jewel that shone the brightest and was most highly praised. Rectitude is a twin brother to Valor, another martial virtue. But before proceeding to speak of Valor, let me linger a little while on what I may term a derivation from Rectitude, which, at first deviating slightly from its original, became more and more removed from it, until its meaning was perverted in the popular acceptance. I speak of Gi-ri, literally the Right Reason, but which came in time to mean a vague sense of duty which public opinion expected an incumbent to fulfil. In its original and unalloyed sense, it meant duty, pure and simple,—hence, we speak of the Giri we owe to parents, to superiors, to inferiors, to society at large, and so forth. In these instances Giri is duty; for what else is duty than what Right Reason demands and commands us to do. Should not Right Reason be our categorical imperative?

Giri primarily meant no more than duty, and I dare say its etymology was derived from the fact that in our conduct, say to our parents, though love should be the only motive, lacking that, there must be some other authority to enforce filial piety; and they formulated this authority in Giri. Very rightly did they formulate this authority—Giri—since if love does not rush to deeds of virtue, recourse must be had to man's intellect and his reason must be quickened to convince him of the necessity of acting aright. The same is true of any other moral obligation. The instant Duty becomes onerous. Right Reason steps in to prevent our shirking it. Giri thus understood is a severe taskmaster, with a birch-rod in his hand to make sluggards perform their part. It is a secondary power in ethics; as a motive it is infinitely inferior to the Christian doctrine of love, which should be the law. I deem it a product of the conditions of an artificial society—of a society in which accident of birth and unmerited favour instituted class distinctions, in which the family was the social unit, in which seniority of age was of more account than superiority of talents, in which natural affections had often to succumb before arbitrary man-made customs. Because of this very artificiality, Giri in time degenerated into a vague sense of propriety called up to explain this and sanction that,—as, for example, why a mother must, if need be, sacrifice all her other children in order to save the first-born; or why a daughter must sell her chastity to get funds to pay for the father's dissipation, and the like. Starting as Right Reason, Giri has, in my opinion, often stooped to casuistry. It has even degenerated into cowardly fear of censure. I might say of Giri what Scott wrote of patriotism, that "as it is the fairest, so it is often the most suspicious, mask of other feelings." Carried beyond or below Right Reason, Giri became a monstrous misnomer. It harbored under its wings every sort of sophistry and hypocrisy. It might easily—have been turned into a nest of cowardice, if Bushido had not a keen and correct sense of



日本の魂ー日本思想の解明ー 日本的思考の根源を見る。
(第三章 義-あるいは正義について)
サムライにとって、 卑怯な行動や不正な行動ほど恥ずべきものはない。
(第九章 忠義)
(第十章 武士の教育)
(第十一章 克己)
心の奥底の思いや感情—特に宗教的なもの—を雄弁に述べ立てることは、日本人の間では、それは深遠でもなく、 誠実でもないことの疑いないしるしだと受け取られた。
(第十四章 女性の教育と地位)

NHK[100分de名著  動画 
≪AI朗読≫いま、拠って立つべき〝日本の精神〟武士道 ≪新渡戸稲造≫  
新渡戸稲造「武士道」1,矢内原 忠雄訳,朗読 2朗読 3朗読 4朗読
武士道 新渡戸稲造 第一章 第二章 第三章 第四章

・ 新渡戸稲造の至極の名言集
・Bushido: The Soul of Japan by Inazo Nito(1-18)
・Bushido: The Soul of Japan by Inazo Nitobe(1-18)
・武士道「BUSHIDO」Japanese Ver.

Bushido, the Soul of Japan




日本人 新渡戸稲造博士が世界に発信した日本人論。








「宗教がない! だとしたら、いったいどうやって道徳を教えるんですか?」








「おのれの魂という畑が、優しい心で揺れ動くのを感ずるか? まかれた種が芽吹こうとしているのだ。言葉でそれを妨げてはならぬ。静かに、ひそやかに、自ら芽吹くのを見守っているのだ」


「かくすればかくなるものと知りながら やむにやまれぬ大和魂」



第1章 道徳体系としての「武士道」
第2章 武士道の源
第3章 「義」――あるいは正義について
第4章 「勇」――勇敢さと忍耐力
第5章 「仁」――慈愛の心
第6章 「礼」
第7章 「誠」――正直さと誠実さ
第8章 「誉<<ほまれ>>」――あるいは名誉について
第9章 「忠義」
第10章 武士の教育と鍛錬
第11章 自制心
第12章 切腹と敵討ちという制度
第13章 刀――武士の魂
第14章 女性の教育と地位
第15章 武士道から大和魂へ
第16章 武士道は今も生きているか
第17章 武士道のこれから

新渡戸稲造(Inazo Nitobe)

文久2年(1862年)、藩士 新渡戸十次郎の三男として南部藩(今の岩手県)に生まれる。


[温故知新]、、 武士道(新渡戸稲造)茶の本(岡倉天心)代表的日本人(内村鑑三)学問のすすめ(福沢諭吉)自助論(Smiles)NHKテレビ 「100分de名著」 【武士道】新渡戸稲造 を放送、好評 テキスト (日本的思考の根源を見る) ”忠義”は追従ではない。”名誉”は求める心である。  

Copyright(c) 2010: ぷらっとさんぽ(-Prattosampo-)   江守孝三 (Emori Kozo)