温故知新(TOP)(萬葉集 Man'yōshū) (Four-Character) (Yojijukugo) (名言Quotation)

Man'yōshū Best 100   Explanations Page 3

Man'yōshū Page *   Explanations:   [  p.0  p.1  p.2  p.3  p.4  p.5  p.6  p.7  ]

Poem No. 3-303  Poem written by Kakimoto Hitomaro during his voyage down to Tsukushi

名くはしき 印南の海の 沖つ波 千重に隠りぬ 大和島根は
Nakuwashiki Inami no umi no okitsunami chie ni kakurinu Yamatoshimane wa
名くはしき なくわしき = 名が美しい; 名高い = fair-named; renowned

印南の海の いなみのうみの = 伊南の海の = of the Sea of Inami 

沖つ波 おきつなみ = 沖の波に = beyond the offshore waves

千重に隠りぬ ちえにかくりぬ = 幾重(いくえ) ものなかに隠(かく)れた = hidden beyond the layer upon layer (of rolling waves)

大和島根は やまとしまねは = 大和の島は; 大和の山々 (やまやま)は = the outlines of the land/mountains of Yamato


The outlines of the land of Yamato are now hidden beyond the layer upon layer of rolling offshore waves of the fair-named Inami Sea.

* 名くはし: 名細し・名美し(なくわし) = with an exquisitely beautiful name; renowned
* 印南の海・いなみのうみ: The sea between Akashi and the mouth of the River Kako in present-day Hyōgo Prefecture.
* 島根: 「根」は「島」に付く接尾語(せつびご)で、 「島根」と「島」は同じ意味。   「根(ね)」 is an epithetical suffix used with 「島(しま)」.  As such, 「島根」 is synonymous with 「島」.

Poem No. 3-317  A chōka on a distant view of Mount Fuji composed by Yamabe Akahito

天地の 分かれし時ゆ 神さびて 高く貴き 駿河なる 富士の高嶺を 天の原 振り放け見れば 渡る日の 陰も隠らひ 照る月の 光も見えず 白雲も い行きはばかり 時じくぞ 雪は降りける 語り継ぎ 言い継ぎ行かむ 富士の高嶺は

Ametsuchi no wakareshi toki yu kamusabite takaku tōtoki Suruga naru Fuji no takane o amanohara furisakemireba wataru hi no kage mo kakurai teru tsuki no hikari mo miezu shirakumo mo iyukihabakari tokijiku zo yuki wa furikeru kataritsugi iitsugiyukan Fuji no takane wa

天地の あめつちの = 天と地が = the heaven and the earth
分かれし時ゆ わかれしときゆ = 分かれたときから = since the time (they) were parted
神さびて かむさびて = 神々(こうごう)しくて = divine; awe-inspiring
高く貴き たかくとうとき = 高くて貴(とうと)い = lofty and noble
駿河なる するがなる = 駿河にある = (that is located) in (the Province of ) Suruga
富士の高嶺を ふじのたかねを = 富士の高い峰を = the lofty peak of Mt. Fuji
天の原 あまのはら = 広々(ひろびろ)とした空 = the heavens; the heavenly field
振り放け見れば ふりさけみれば = 振り仰(あお)いで見ると = when (I/we) look up at
渡る日の わたるひの =  空を渡る太陽(たいよう)の = of the sun that traverses the sky
陰も隠らひ かげもかくらい = 光(ひかり)も陰(かげ) り = (even) the light is hidden/blocked/shaded
照る月の てるつきの = (夜空(よぞら)に)照る月の = of the shining moon
光も見えず ひかりもみえず = 光もみえず = (even) the light is unseen
白雲も しらくもも = 白い雲も = (even) the white clouds
行きはばかり = 行くことを妨(さまた)げられ; 行くことを躊躇(ちゅうちょ)し; 横切(よこぎ)ることをためらい = are deterred from passing by (the peak); dare not cross (it); hesitate/fear to drift across (its face)
時じくぞ ときじくぞ = いつの時も; 時節(じせつ)かまわず = at all times; in all seasons
雪は降りける ゆきはふりける = 雪は降っているのだ = snow is (forever) falling
語り継ぎ かたりつぎ = 語り継ぎ = hand down (a story) from generation to generation
言い継ぎ行かむ いいつぎゆかん = 言い継いで行こう = Let us pass on by word of mouth from generation to generation
富士の高嶺は ふじのたかねは = 富士の高嶺のことを = (the tale of) the lofty peak of Fuji
天と地が分かれたときから、神々しくて高く貴い駿河にある富士の高嶺を、大空はるかに振り仰いで見ると、 空を渡る太陽の光も陰り、照る月の光も見えず、白雲も横切ることをためらっているが、雪だけは絶えず降り続いている。  いつまでも語り伝え、言い継いで行こう、この富士の高嶺のことを。

When we gaze afar, across the distant field of heaven, upon the peak of Mt. Fuji in Suruga that has stood -- divine, lofty and noble -- ever since the heaven and earth were parted, we see that even the light of the sun crossing the sky is shaded, the light of the moon shining at night goes unseen, and the white clouds shrink from crossing its face. But the snow, forever it falls! We shall tell the tale, by word of mouth and from generation to generation, of the lofty peak of Fuji.

* 分かれし時: 混沌(こんとん) とした天地が分かれて世界ができたという神話(しんわ)から。 According to Japanese mythology, there was chaos in the beginning.  Heaven and earth gradually came to be separated out of it.
*神さぶ・かむさぶ = 神々(こうごう)しい; おごそかな = divine; heavenly; awe-inspiring
* 振り放け見る・ふりさけみる = はるかに遠くを仰(あおぎ)見る = look up at (something at a distance); gaze afar
* 行きはばかり : 「い」は意味のない接頭語。 「い」 is a prefix that has no specific meaning.   はばかる・憚る: 富士の霊威(れいい)に阻(はば)まれて進めないでいること・行くことを躊躇(ちゅうちょ)すること。 = shrink from going/crossing in deference to the mysterious power of Mt. Fuji

Poem No. 3-318   Envoy to Poem No. 3-317 by the same poet.

田子の浦ゆ うちい出でて見れば 真白にぞ 富士の高嶺に 雪は降りける
Tago no ura yu uchiidete mireba mashironi zo Fuji no takane ni yuki wa furikeru
田子の浦 たごのうらゆ = 田子の浦を通(とお)って = passing through Tago Beach

うちい出でて見れば うちいでてみれば = (広(ひろ)い所に)出て見ると = coming out to an opening, and (I) see

真白にぞ ましろにぞ = 真っ白に = pure white; all white

富士の高嶺に = ふじのたかねに = 富士の高い峰の上に = on the lofty peak of Mt. Fuji

雪は降りける ゆきはふりける = 雪が降っている = snow is falling


Passing through Tago Bay and coming out to an opening, I see snow falling, pure white, on the lofty peak of Mt. Fuji.

* : ~を通っていて = going/passing through 

Poem No. 3-326  A poem composed by Prince Kadobe when he was in Naniwa and saw the fire lit on fishermen's boats

見渡せば 明石の浦に 燭す火の 穂にぞ出でぬる 妹に恋ふらく
Miwataseba Akashi no ura ni tomosu hi no ho ni zo idenuru imo ni kouraku
見渡せば みわたせば = (難波(なにわ) の岸辺(きしべ) から) 遠(とお) く見渡すと = (when I) gaze far out (from the shores of Naniwa)

明石の浦に あかしのうらに = 明石の浦で = in Akashi Bay

燭す火の ともすひの = (漁夫(ぎょふ) たちが)点(とも)している漁り火(いさりび)の(ように) = (like) the fire lit on fishermen's boats (to lure fish)

にぞ出でぬる ほにぞいでぬる = (はっきりと)顔(かお)に出てしまった = has clearly shown on my face

妹に恋ふらく いもにこうらく = (私が)恋人(こいびと) を恋うことは = that I yearn for my love; the yearning for my love

難波の岸辺から遠く見渡すと明石の浦に点している漁り火が見える。 そのようにはっきりと、恋人への思いが私の顔に表れてしまった。

My yearning for my love now shows on my face, as clearly as the flares on the fishermen's boats visible in Akashi Bay when I gaze far out from the shores of Naniwa.

* 穂に出づ・ほにいず: 「穂・ほ」とは「物の先端(せんたん)」のこと。 「穂に出ず」とは「外に表れ出る・人目(ひとめ)につくようになる」の意。 「穂・ほ・ho」 means "a tip of something, something conspicuous."  「穂に出ず・ ho ni izu」 means "to be conspicuous, to attract notice, to show on one's face " etc.

Poem No. 3-328  A poem of nostalgia for Nara by Ono Oyu, the Assistant Governor-General of Dazaifu

あをによし 奈良の都は 咲く花の 薫ふがごとく 今盛りなり
Aoniyoshi Nara no miyako wa saku hana no niou ga gotoku ima sakarinari
あをによし あおによし = 「奈良」の枕詞 = makurakotoba for Nara

奈良の都は ならのみやこは = 奈良の都は = The capital at Nara

咲く花の さくはなの = 咲き誇(ほこ)る花が = flowers in bloom; blossoms in full glory

薫ふがごとく におうがごとく = 匂(にお)い輝(かがや)くように; 美しく照(て)り映(は)えるように = as (they) glow in beauty and fragrance

今盛りなり いまさかりなり = 今、真っ盛(まっさか)りである。 = is now at the height of its splendor


As flowers in bloom glow in beauty and fragrance, the capital at Nara is now at the height of its splendor.

* Of all the poems in the Man'yōshū, this piece is arguably the most universally popular -- one that is in everyone's mouth, so to speak.

Poem No. 3-337  A poem by Yamanoe Okura on leaving a banquet

憶良らは 今は罷らむ 子泣くらむ それその母も 吾を待つらむぞ
Okura ra wa ima wa makaran ko nakuran sore sono haha mo a o matsuramu zo
憶良は おくららは = 憶良は = I, Okura;  Okura, yours truly

今は罷らむ いまはまからん = もう退出(たいしゅつ)しましょう = I will take my leave of you now

子泣くらむ こなくらん = 子どもが泣いているでしょう = my child/children may be crying

それその母も それそのははも = それにその子の母親(ははおや) も = besides, their mother;  yes, and their mother, too

吾を待つらむぞ あをまつらむぞ = 私を待っているでしょう = may be waiting for me.

この憶良はもう退出しましょう。 子どもが泣いているでしょう。 それにその子の母親も私を待っているでしょうに。  

I, Okura, must take my leave of you now.  My children may be crying.  And yes, their mother, too, may be waiting for me.

* or is a suffix of self-disparagement.
* 罷らむ・まからむ: 目上(めうえ) の人の前から辞去(じきょ)する意の謙譲語(けんじょうご) = to withdraw from the presence of one's superior 
* Okura must have been in his seventies when he composed this poem. This is a type of poem known as "banquet leaving poem," (罷宴歌・ひえんか) and, as such, need not depict reality. He may have referred to "his children" and their presumably young "mother" all in jest.
* Note the rhythmical repetition of -ramu.

Poem No. 3-344  One of the poems in praise of sake by Ōtomo Tabito

あな醜 賢しらをすと 酒飲まぬ 人をよく見れば 猿にかも似る
Ana miniku sakashira o su to sake nomanu hito o yoku mireba saru ni ka mo niru
あな醜 あなみにく = ああみっともない = Oh, how ugly!

賢しらをすと さかしらをすと = 利口ぶって; 賢そうにふるまおうとして = trying to appear smart; with a knowing air

酒飲まぬ さけのまぬ = 酒を飲もうとしない = would not drink sake 

人をよく見れば ひとをよくみば = 人をよく見ると = (if) we look closely at a person

猿にかも似る さるにかもにる = 猿に似ていることよ = (he) looks like a monkey


Oh, how ugly! Take a good look at a man who puts on airs and would not drink sake, and he looks just like a monkey.

Poem No. 3-351  Poem composed by Sami Manzei

世間を 何に譬へむ 朝開き 漕ぎ去にし船の 跡なきがごと
Yononaka o nani ni tatoen asabiraki kogiinishi fune no atonaki ga goto
世間を よのなかを = この世を; 人の世を = this life 

何に譬へむ なににたとえん = 何に例えようか = to what shall I compare

朝開き あさびらき = 朝、船出(ふなで) をして = setting sail [leaving port] in the morning

漕ぎ去にし船の こぎいにしふねの = 漕ぎ出して行った舟の = a boat that rowed away in the morning

跡なきがごと あとなきがごと = 跡が残(のこ) らないようなものだ = like leaving no wake behind it

この世を何にたとえようか。 朝、漕ぎ出していった舟の跡が残らないようなものだ。

To what shall I compare this life? It is like a boat that rowed away at dawn leaving no wake behind it.

* This poem was immortalized in later ages as one that epitomized the Buddhist view of life as something transient and void.

Poem No. 3-415   A poem composed by Prince Shōtoku when he found a man lying dead on Mount Tatsuya during his trip to the Well of Takahara.

家にあらば 妹が手まかむ 草枕 旅に臥せる この旅人あわれ
Ie ni araba imo ga te makan kusamakura tabi ni koyaseru kono tabito aware
家にあらば いえにあらば = 家にいたならば = if he were at home

が手まかむ いもがてまかん = 妻の手を枕にしていたであろうに = he would be pillowed on his wife's arm 

草枕 くさまくら = 「旅」の枕詞(まくらことば) (草を枕とする) =  makurakotoba for 旅(たび)   (grass for pillow)

旅に臥せる たびにこやせる = 旅路(たびじ)に倒(たお) れている = lying dead on a journey 

この旅人あわれ このたびとあわれ = この旅人(たびびと) はあわれだ; あわれなこの旅人よ = this traveler invites my pity;  this traveler, alas!;  poor traveler! 


If he were home, he would be pillowed on his wife's arm, but here he lies dead on a journey, grass for pillow. Poor traveler!

* ・いも = (a man's) sweetheart, wife, sister
* 臥やす・こやす = 臥ゆ・こゆ(横になる)の尊敬語(そんけいご)  死者(ししゃ)が横(よこ) たわっていることにも用いる。 The honorific form of the verb 臥(こ)ゆ (lie down), also used to refer to a person lying dead.

Poem No. 3-416   The death poem written in tears by Prince Ōtsu when he was about to be executed on the bank of Iware Pond in October 686

百伝ふ 盤余の池に 鳴く鴨を 今日のみ見てや 雲隠りなむ
Momozutau Iware no ike ni naku kamo o kyō nomi mite ya kumogakurinan
百伝ふ ももづたう = 「磐余」の枕詞(まくらことば) = makurakotoba for 磐余(いわれ)

磐余の池に いわれのいけに = 磐余の池で = on the pond of Iware

鳴く鴨を なくかもを = 鳴いている鴨を = the mallards that are crying

今日のみ見てや きょうのみみて = 今日を限(かぎ)りに見て?; 見るのも今日限(きょうかぎ)りで? = Is today the last time I see?; Seeing for the last time today?

雲隠りなむ くもがくりなん = 私は雲の中に隠(かく)れることだろう; 私はきっと死(し)んでしまうことだろう = I shall (without fail) vanish into the clouds; I shall (surely) die


Seeing the mallards crying on the pond of Iware for the last time today, shall I surely vanish into the clouds?

* 雲隠る・くもがくる:  貴人(きじん) が死去(しきょ)することの婉曲表現(えんきょくひょうげん) = a euphemism for "die," used for the death of a member of nobility
* : 「ヤ」は問いの意を表す。  Here, the particle "ya" is a question marker.
* なむ: 「ナム」は事態(じたい) の実現(じつげん)を強(つよ) く推量(すいりょう)する意を表す。  Here, the particle "namu/nan" expresses strong conjecture about the realization of an outcome.

Poem No. 3-450   Composed by Ōtomo Tabito remembering his deceased wife, passing the cape of Minume during his journey from Dazaifu back to the capital in 730

行くさには 二人わが見し この崎を ひとり過ぐれば こころ悲しも
Yukusa ni wa futari wa ga mishi kono saki o hitori sugureba kokoro kanashi mo
行くさには ゆくさには = 行きがけには; (太宰府へ)下って(くだって)ゆくときには = on the way down (to Dazaifu)

二人わが見し ふたりわがみし = (妻と)二人で見た = that I saw together with my wife

この崎を このさきを = この(敏馬(みぬめ)の)岬(みさき)を = this cape (of Minume)

ひとり過ぐれば ひとりすぐれば = 一人で通(とお)り過(す)ぎて行くと = passing it alone

こころ悲しも こころかなしも = 心は悲しみに暮(く)れることよ = my heart is filled with sadness!


On the way down (to Dazaifu) I saw this cape with my wife; now, passing it alone, I become overcome with grief.

Tabito's beloved wife died in Dazaifu in 728, soon after they arrived at his new post there.

Poem No. 3-451   A poem composed by Ōtomo Tabito remembering his deceased wife, on reaching his residence at the end of his journey from Dazaifu to the capital in 730

人もなき 空しき家は 草枕 旅にまさりて 苦しかりけり
Hito mo naki munashiki ie wa kusamakura tabi ni masarite kurushikari keri
人もなき ひともなき = 人気(ひとけ)がない = deserted; there being no sign of life

空しき家は むなしきいえは = 空(から)っぽの家は = an empty/desolate house

草枕 くさまくら = 「旅」の枕詞(まくらことば) (草を枕とする) =  makurakotoba for 旅(たび)   (grass for pillow)

旅にまさりて たびにまさりて = 旅にもまして; 旅以上(たびいじょう)に = more than the travel(s)

苦しかりけり くるしかりけり = つらいことだ = (it is indeed) very hard and trying


Being in the desolate house where my beloved wife is no more is indeed so much harder than my travels, grass for pillow.

Tabito was 66 years old when he wrote this poem; he died in the following year. 

Poem No. 3-452   Another poem composed by Ōtomo Tabito remembering his deceased wife, on reaching his residence at the end of his journey from Dazaifu to the capital in 730

妹として 二人作りし わが山斎は 木高く茂く なりにけるかも
Imo to shite futari tsukurishi wa ga shima wa kodakaku shigeku narinikeru kamo
妹として いもとして = 妻(つま)と共(とも) に; 妻といっしょに = together with my wife

二人作りし ふたりつくりし = ふたりで作った = the two of us built

わが山斎は わがしまは = 我が家(わがや)の庭(にわ)は = our garden

木高く茂く こだかくしげく = 木(き)が高(たか)く伸(の)び葉(は)も茂(しげ)って = with trees tall and luxuriant; with tall trees thickly covered with foliage

なりにけるかも = なったことだ = (it) has indeed become


This garden I built with my wife is now richly endowed with tall trees thickly covered with foliage.

山斎・しま = 泉水(せんすい)のある庭園(ていえん) = a garden with a pond and mounds


江守孝三(emori kozo)