温故知新(TOP)(萬葉集 Man'yōshū) (Four-Character) (Yojijukugo) (名言Quotation)

Man'yōshū Best 100   Explanations Page 5

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Two poems (5-892 & 5-893) on poverty composed by Yamanoue Okura

Poem No. 5-892    貧窮問答の歌・びんぐもんどうのうた・ひんきゅうもんどうのうた   (A Poem "Dialogue on Poverty")

(貧者の問い・ひんじゃのとい    Question by The Poor Man)

風交り 雨降る夜の 雨交り 雪降る夜は
Kaze majiri ame furu yo no ame majiri yuki furu yo wa

On the night when rain falls driven by the wind, when snow falls mingled with the rain

すべもなく 寒くしあれば 堅塩を とりつづしろひ
sube mo naku samuku shi areba katashio o toritsuzushiroi

Feeling helplessly cold, I take a lump of hard-baked salt and nibble on it
つづしる = すこしずつ食(た)べる  = nibble
堅塩・かたしお = 精製(せいせい)されていない海塩(かいえん)を土器(どき)に入(い)れて焼(や)き固(かた)めたもの = unrefined sea salt baked into a hard lump in an earthen pot

糟湯酒 うちすすろひて しはぶかひ 鼻びしびしに
     kasuyuzake uchisusuroite shihabukai hana bishibishi ni

While I sip sake lees diluted in hot water, I cough and sniffle with a running nose
糟湯酒・かすゆざけ = 酒粕・酒糟(さけかす)を湯に溶かした飲み物 = a beverage made by diluting sake lees
in hot water.
すすろふ・啜ろふ・すすろう = 続(つづ)けざまにすする = sip repeatedly
しはぶかふ・咳かふ・しはぶかう = 何度(なんど)も咳(せき)をする = cough repeatedly
しかとあらぬ ひげ掻き撫でて 我れをおきて 人はあらじと 誇ろへど
shika to aranu hige kakinadete are o okite hitowa araji to hokoroedo
Stroking my scanty beard, I say in my pride "There's none greater than I!"
しかとあらぬ・確とあらぬ = しっかりとしていない、ちゃんとしていない、はっきりとしていない = scanty, meager, sparse, vague
寒くしあれば 麻衾 引き被り
samuku shi areba asabusuma hikikagafuri
But I am still cold, and so I pull up my hempen bedclothes around my shoulders
布肩衣 ありのことごと 着襲へども 寒き夜すらを
nunokataginu ari no kotogoto kisoedo mo samuki yo sura o
And, though I put on every sleeveness jacket I have, the night is still cold
布肩衣・ぬのかたぎぬ = 麻で作(つく)った袖(そで)のない衣服(いふく) = sleeveless jacket made of hemp
着襲ふ・きそう = 衣服を重ねて着る = wear many layers of clothing
「すら」= ...でさえ = even
我れよりも 貧しき人の 父母は 飢ゑ凍ゆらむ
ware yori mo mazushiki hito no chichi haha wa uekogoyuran
As for the man poorer than I am, his father and mother must be starving and growing numb with cold

妻子どもは 乞ふ乞ふ泣くらむ
meko domo wa koukounakuran

His wife and children must be begging for food and crying

この時は いかにしつつか 汝が世は渡る
kono toki wa ikani shitsutsu ka na ga yo wa wataru

At times like these, how do you manage to get through your life?

(窮者の答え・ぐしゃのこたえ・きゅうしゃのこたえ    Reply by The Destitute Man)

天地は 広しといへど 我がためは 狭くやなりぬる
Ametsuchi wa hiroshi to iedo a ga tame wa sakuya narinuru

Although they say that the heaven and earth are vast, have they become cramped for me?

日月は 明しといへど 我がためは 照りやたまはぬ
Hitsuki wa akashi to iedo a ga tame wa teri ya tamawanu

Although they say that the sun and moon are bright, do they not favor me with their light?

人皆か 我のみやしかる
Hito mina ka a nomi ya shikaru

Is it the same with all men, or thus for me alone?
わくらばに 人とはあるを 人並に 我れも作るを
wakuraba ni hito to wa aru o hitonami ni are mo tsukuru o
By rare chance I was born a man, and as any man I toil to make a living on the land
わからばに = 偶然(ぐうぜん)に・たまたま = by chance
綿もなき 布肩衣の 海松のごと わわけさがれる かかふのみ 肩にうち掛け
wata mo naki nunokataginu no miru no goto wawakesagareru kakō nomi kata ni uchikake
Wearing only tattered clothes, an unpadded sleeveless hemp jacket hanging from my shoulders like seaweeds
かかふ・襤褸・かこう = ぼろ布(ぬの) = rag; tattered clothes
伏廬の 曲廬の内に 直土に 藁解き敷きて
fuseio no mageio no uchi ni hitatsuchi ni wara tokishikite
And in this dingy low-roofed hut, this crooked hut with leaning walls, I lie on straw spread on bare ground
伏廬・ふせいお = 屋根(やね)が低(ひく)く、みすぼらしい家 = shabby hut with sunken roofs
曲廬・まげいお = ゆがみ曲(ま)がって傾いた家 =  bent and crooked hut
父母は 枕の方に 妻子どもは 足の方に 囲み居て 憂へさまよひ
chichi haha wa makura no kata ni meko domo wa ato no kata ni kakumiite ureesamayoi
父母は枕の方に、妻(つま)や子(こ)どもは足(あし)の方(ほう)に、自分(じぶん)を囲(かこ)んでいて 嘆(なげ)いたり呻(うめ)いたりしており
With my parents near my pillow, and my wife and children at my feet, huddled together bewailing and moaning
憂ふ・うれう = 嘆(なげ)く = lament, bewail
さまよふ・吟よふ・さまよう = ため息(いき)をついて嘆く、呻(うめ)く = moan, groan
かまどには 火気吹き立てず 甑には 蜘蛛の巣かきて
kamado ni wa hoke fukitatezu koshiki ni wa kumo no su kakite
No smoke rises from the cooking stove, and in the pot a spider spins its web.
火気・ほけ = 火の気(ひのけ)、煙(けむり) = the heat of a fire; smoke
甑・こしき = 米蒸し器 = rice-steaming pot
飯炊く ことも忘れて ぬえ鳥の のどよひ居るに
ii kashiku koto mo wasurete nuedori no nodoyoioru ni
While we moan and groan oblivious even of the very way of cooking rice
ぬえ鳥・ぬえどり =「のどよふ」にかかる枕詞(まくらことば) = a makurakotoba that modifies 「のどよふ」.
のどよふ・呻吟ふ・のどよう = 細々(ほそぼそ)と鳴(な)く、呻き声を出す = moan, groan
いとのきて 短き物を 端切ると いへるがごとく
itonokite mijikaki mono o hashikiru to ieru ga gotoku
"To cut the end off of what is already very short," as the saying goes,
いとのきて = とりわけ・特別(とくべつ)に・極端に = particularly, extremely
しもと取る 里長が声は 寝屋処まで 来立ち呼ばひぬ
shimoto toru satoosa ga koe wa neyado made kitachiyobainu
There comes the voice of the whip-brandishing village headman, shouting for me, standing outside the place where we sleep.
しもと・楚 = 細(ほそ)い木(き)の枝(えだ)でつくった鞭 = a whip made of thin branches of a tree
かくばかり すべなきものか 世間の道
kaku bakari sube naki mono ka yononaka no michi
Is it really this hopeless, the path of a man's life in this world?
すべなき ← すべなく = 方法(ほうほう)がない; どうにもならない = helpless; there is no help for it

Poem No. 5-893   Envoy to Poem No. 5-892 by the same poet

世間を 憂しとやさしと 思へども 飛び立ちかねつ 鳥にしあらねば
Yononaka o ushi to yasashi to omoedo mo tobitachikanetsu tori ni shi araneba

世間を = よのなかを = この人(ひと)の世(よ)を = this world (of human beings)

憂しやさしと = うしとやさしと = つらくて身(み)もやせるような = depressing and unbearable

思へども = おもえども = 思うけれども = although I may think that ...

飛び立ちかねつ = とびたちかねつ = 飛び立(とびた)つこともできない = (I) cannot simply fly away from it

鳥にあらねば = とりにしあらねば = 鳥(とり)ではないのだから = for (clearly) I am not a bird

この世の中を身も細(ほそ)るようにつらく思うけれども、飛び立つこともできない。 鳥ではないのだから。

Though I may think this world is depressing and unbearable, I cannot simply fly away from it for I am not a bird.

* 憂し・うし = 憂鬱(ゆううつ)だ、つらい = hard, painful, miserable, depressing
* やさし = (身(み)がやせ細(ほそ)るように)たえがたい、つらい = hard, bitter, unbearable (as if making one grow thin with worry, hardship, etc.)
* 「」: 強意(きょうい)を表(あらわ)す副助詞(ふくじょし)  An intensive adverbial particle.

Poem No. 6-919   by Yamabe Akahito

若の浦に 潮満ち来れば 潟を無み 葦辺をさして 鶴鳴き渡る
Wakanoura ni shio michikureba kata o nami ashibe o sashite tazu nakiwataru

若の浦に = わかのうらに = in(to) Waka Bay

潮満ち来れば = しおみちくれば = 潮が満ちて来ると = as the tide flows in

潟を無み = かたをなみ = 干潟(ひがた)がなくなるので = the tidal mud flats (gradually) disappear

葦辺をさして = あしべをさして = 葦(あし)の生(は)えている岸辺(きしべ)をめざして = toward the reed-grown shore

鶴鳴き渡る = たずなきわたる = 鶴(つる)が鳴きながら飛(と)んでゆく = cranes fly over, calling


As the tide flows into Waka Bay and the tidal flats vanish, the cranes fly off, calling, toward the reedy shore.

Poem No. 6-924   Two Nature Poems on Yoshino composed by Yamabe Akahito (1)

み吉野の 象山の際の 木末には ここだも騒く 鳥の声かも
Miyoshino no Kisayama no ma no konure ni wa kokoda mo sawaku tori no koe kamo

吉野の = みよしのの = (美(うつく)しい)吉野の = of (fair) Yoshino

象山のの = きさやまのまの = 象山の麓(ふもと)の; 象山の谷間(たにま)の = at the foot of the Kisa Mountain;  in (the valley) between the mountains of Kisa

木末には = こぬれには = (木々(きぎ)の)梢(こずえ)には = in the treetops

ここだ騒く = ここだもさわく = おびただしく(数多(かずおおく)く)鳴(な)き騒(さわ)ぐ = loudly/noisily sining

鳥の声かも = とりのこえかも = 鳥の声がすることよ = the voices of the birds are heard!


In the tops of the trees grown at the foot of the Kisa Mountain in fair Yoshino, the voices of the loudly singing birds are heard.

* 吉野・みよしの = 吉野の美称(びしょう) = the poetic name for Yoshino 
* 際・ま = きわ、辺(あた)り、 麓(ふもと) = a side, an edge, the neighborhood, the vicinity, the foot (of a mountain)
* ここだ = 数(かず)や量(りょう)がとても多(おお)いこと; たくさんに = very large in number or volume
*  = 強意(きょうい)の間投助詞(かんとうじょし) = an interjectional particle denoting emphasis
* かも = 詠嘆(えいたん)・感動(かんどう)の意(い)を表(あらわ)す終助詞(しゅうじょし) = a sentence-final particle denoting emotion

Poem No. 6-925   Two Nature Poems on Yoshino composed by Yamabe Akahito (2)

ぬばたまの 夜のふけゆけば 久木生ふる 清き川原に 千鳥しば鳴く
Nubatama no yo no fukeyukeba hisagi ouru kiyoki kawara ni chidori shibanaku

ぬばたまの = 「夜(よる)」など、黒(くろ)いものにかかる枕詞(まくらことば) = a makurakotoba that modifies 「夜」 and other things that are jet-black.

夜のふけゆけば = よのふけゆけば = 夜が更(ふ)けてゆくと = as the night deepens

久木生ふる = ひさぎおうる = 久木が生(お)い茂(しげ)った = (where) the red-bud oaks grow in dense profusion

清き川原に = きよきかわらに = 清らかな川原に = along the clean pebbled river beach

千鳥しば鳴く = ちどりしばなく = 千鳥がしきりに鳴く = the plovers cry incessantly


As the deep-black night wears on along the pebbled river beach where the red-bud oaks grow thickly, the plovers cry incessantly.

* 久木・ひさぎ = アカメガシワ = "red-bud oak" (Mallotus japonicus)
* しば = しばしば、たびたび、しきりに = incessantly, continuously, at frequent intervals

Poem No. 6-978   A poem composed by Yamanoue Okura at a time of his grave illness

士やも 空しくあるべき 万代に 語り継ぐべき 名は立てずして
Onoko ya mo munashiku aru beki yorozuyo ni kataritsugu beki na wa tatezu shite

やもやも = をのこやも = 男子(だんし) たるものが = anyone who calls himself a man; anyone who is worthy of being called a man

空しくあるべき = むなしくあるべき = 空しく朽(く) ち果(は)ててよいであろうか = Should idle his time away and die in obscurity?

万代に = よろずよに = 万代(ばんだい)に; いつの世(よ) までも = for all ages

語り継ぐべき = かたりつぐべき = 語り継ぐに足(た)る = that is worth being told and retold; that should live foreover on people's lips

名は立てずして = なはたてずして = 名声(めいせい)も立てずに = without (even) having established his renown

男子たるものが空しく朽ち果ててよいものだろうか。 いつの世までも語り継ぐに足る名声も立てないで。

Should anyone who calls himself a man idle his time away and die in obscurity, without having established a renown that should live on people's lips for all ages?

やも = ...であろうか?(いや、そんなことはない。) = "Should anyone ...? (No, he should not!)"
    (空しくあるべきやも = 空しくあるべきであろうか、いや、そんなことはない。”)
* 空し・むなし = 空しい = empty, fruitless, futile, in vain, wasted
* この歌(うた)の注(ちゅう)に、「山上憶良が重病(じゅうびょう)におちいった時に、見舞客(みまいきゃく)に返礼(へんれい)を述(の)べ終(お)え、しばらくして涙(なみだ)をぬぐい悲嘆(ひたん)して、この歌をくちずさんだ。」とある。 = The note on this poem states, in part, as follows:  When Okura lay gravely ill, a visitor came to inquire after him.  When Okura finished his reply, he paused and, having wiped his tears, sighed with grief and recited this poem.

Poem No. 6-982   A poem on the moon by Lady Ōtomo of Sakanoue:

ぬばたまの 夜霧の立ちて おほほしく 照れる月夜の 見れば悲しさ
Nubatama no yogiri no tachite ohohoshiku tereru tsukuyo no mireba kanashisa
ぬばたまの = 「夜(よる)」など、黒(くろ)いものにかかる枕詞(まくらことば) = a makurakotoba that modifies 「夜」 and other things that are jet-black.

夜霧の立ちて = よぎりのたちて = 夜霧が立ちこめて = a night mist has risen

おほほしく = おおおしく = ぼんやりかすんだ; おぼろな = hazy; misty; dim; vague

照れる月夜の = てれるつくよの = 照(て)っている月(つき) は = the shining moon

見れば悲しさ = みればかなしさ = 見ると、悲しい = when (I) gaze at it, I feel sad


Gazing at the hazy moon through the dark mist of night induces sadness in me.

Poem No. 6-994   A poem on the new moon by Ōtomo Yakamochi

振さけて 若月見れば 一目見し 人の眉引 思ほゆるかも
Furisakete mikazuki mireba hitome mishi hito no mayobiki omōyuru kamo
振さけて~見れば = ふりさけて~みれば = 振り仰(あお) いで見ると; はるか遠(とお)くを仰いで見ると = looking aloft at; gazing afar at 

若月 = みかづき = 三日月 = a cresent moon; the sickle moon

一目見し = ひとめみし = 一目見ただけの = I caught only a glimpse of

人の眉引 = ひとのまよびき = (その)人の引き眉(ひきまゆ)  = the painted eyebrows of a person

思ほゆるかも = おもおゆるかも = (ひとりでに)思われてくることよ = remember; recall; be reminded of


When I gaze aloft at the crescent moon, my thoughts go back to the painted eyebrows of a person whom I once caught only a glimpse of.

* 家持16歳の作。 Yakamochi was 16 years old when he composed this poem.
* 眉引・まよびき:  実際(じっさい) の眉(まゆ)を剃(そ)り落(お)として、眉墨(まゆずみ)で描(えが)いた眉 = Real eyebrows were shaved and new eyebrows were painted in fine black lines with a brush.
* かも = 詠嘆(えいたん)・感動(かんどう)の意を表す終助詞(しゅうじょし) = a sentence-final particle denoting emotion


江守孝三(emori kozo)