温故知新(TOP)(萬葉集 Man'yōshū) (Four-Character) (Yojijukugo) (名言Quotation)

Man'yōshū Best 100   Explanations Page 6

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Poem No. 6-1018   A poem of self-lamentation by a Monk of the Gango-ji Temple

白珠は 人に知らえず 知らずともよし 知らずとも われし知れらば 知らずともよし
Shiratama wa hito ni shiraezu shirazu tomo yoshi shirazu tomo ware shi shireraba shirazu tomo yoshi
白珠は = しらたまは = 真珠(しんじゅ)は = (my true worth that is comparable to) a pearl

人に知らえず = ひとにしらえず = (その真価(しんか)を)人に知られない = (its true worth) is not known by others

知らずともよし = しらずともよし = (人が)知らなくてもよい = it doesn't matter if others don't know (its worth)

知らずとも = しらずとも = (人が)知らなくても = even if they don't know

われ知れらば = われししれらば = 私が知っていたなら = if I myself know (its worth)

知らずともよし = しらずともよし = (人が)知らなくてもよい = it doesn't matter if others don't know

(海底(かいてい)にあって人に知られない)真珠のような私の博識(はくしき)は人に知られない。 だが、世(よ)の人が知らなくてもよい。 人が知らなくても、私自身(わたしじしん)が知っていたなら、他人(たにん)なんか知らなくてもかまわない。

(My true worth that is comparable to) a pearl (resting at the bottom of the sea) is not known to others. But, it doesn't matter if others don't know it. Even if they don't, if I myself know my true worth, it doesn't matter if the world doesn't recognize it.

* 「知る」、「よし」の繰(く)り返(かえ)しの響(ひび)きのよさに注意(ちゅうい)。= Note the rhythmical repetition of 「知る」 and 「よし」 . 
* 人に知らえず = 海(うみ)の底(そこ) くに眠(ねむ)る真珠は、人の目(め)につかないため、人に「知られない」。 「知らえず」は「知らず」の受け身(うけみ)の形(かたち)。= The existence of a pearl, resting at the bottom of the sea, is not easily recognized; hence, it is "not known." 「知らえず」 is the passive form of 「知らず」.
* 「」:  強意(きょうい)を表(あらわ)す副助詞(ふくじょし)。  An intensive adverbial particle.
* この歌(うた)の注(ちゅう)に、「元興寺(ごんごうじ)の僧(そう)が、自分(じぶん)では博識であると思(おも)っていたが、世間(せけん)に知られず、人々に侮(あなど)られていた。そこで僧はこの歌(うた)を作(つく)って、世間の無知(むち)を嘆(なげ)いた。」とある。 = The note on this poem states, in part, as follows: The Monk of the Gongo-ji temple considered himself verly learned and talented, but the world knew little of him and treated him with comtempt. So he composed this poem lamenting the public ignorance of his true worth.

Poem No. 6-1042   A poem composed by Prince Ichihara on the occasion of men ascending a hill to drink under a solitary pine tree

一つ松 幾代か経ぬる 吹く風の 声の清きは 年深みかも
Hitotsu matsu ikuyo ka henuru fuku kaze no oto no kiyoki wa toshi fukami kamo
一つ松 = ひとつまつ = (この)一本松(いっぽんまつ)は = this solitary pine

幾代か経ぬる = いくよかへぬる = どれほど年(とし)を経(へ)ているのか =  how many years has it existed?

吹く風の = ふくかぜの = (梢(こずえ)をわたって)吹く風の = of the wind that blows (through its branches)

声の清きは = おとのきよきは = 音(おと)が(これほど)爽(さわ)やかなのは = the sound being so refreshing

年深みかも = としふかみかも = 長(なが)い年月(としつき)を経ているからなのか = because of its great age?


For how long has this solitary pine been standing here? Is it because of its great age that the wind blows so refreshingly through its branches?

Poem No. 6-1074    A poem on the moon (Anonymous)

春日山 おして照らせる この月は 妹が庭にも 清けかりけり
Kasugayama oshite teraseru kono tsuki wa imo ga niwa ni mo sayakekari keri
春日山 = かすがやま = 春日山を = (on) Kasuga Mountain

おして照らせる = おしててらせる = 一面(いちめん)に照らしている = that is bathing (the whole mountain)

この月は = このつきは = この月は = this moon; this moonlight

妹が庭にも = いもがにわにも = いとしい人の(家(いえ)の)庭にも = on my sweetheart's garden as well

清けかりけり = さやけかりけり = さやかに照(て)っていたことだ = was bright; was shining brightly


The moon that now bathes the whole of Mount Kasuga also shone brightly on my sweet love's garden!

* おして照らせる ← 押(お)して照らす = (月光(げっこう)が)圧(あっ)するように(一面に)照らす = (for the moonlight) to shine as if pressing down on something; to blanket; to bathe (an area)

Poem No. 6-1088    A poem on clouds (from the Hitomaro Collection)

あしひきの 山川の瀬の 響るなへに 弓月が岳に 雲立ち渡る
Ashihiki no yamagawa no se no narunae ni Yutsuki-ga-take ni kumo tachiwataru
あしひきの = あしひきの = 「山」にかかる枕詞(まくらことば) = a makurakotoba that precedes 「山」.

山川の瀬の = やまがわのせの = 山中(やまなか)を流(なが)れる瀬の = the mountain rapids

響るなへに = なるなえに = 音(おと)が鳴(な)り響(ひび)くにつれて; 音の響きが激(はげ)しくなるにつれて = as the sounds (of the mountain rapids) become louder; as the sound (of the mountain rapids) roars and reverberates

弓月が岳に = ゆつきがたけに = 弓月が岳(のうえ)に = over Yutsuki Peak

雲立ち渡る = くもたちわたる = 雲が一面(いちめん)に立(た)ち昇(のぼ)る = clouds rise and hover


As the sound of the mountain rapids roars and reverberates, clouds rise and hover over Yutsuki Peak.

* 弓月が岳・ゆつきがたけ = the highest peak of Mount Makimuku, which rises in the eastern part of Yamato. 
* なへに・なえに = とともに、につれて、と同時(どうじ)に = as ...; with ...; concurrently

Poem No. 7-1129    A poem on a Japanese zither    (Anonymous)

琴取れば 嘆き先立つ けだしくも 琴の下樋に 妻や隠れる
Koto toreba nageki sakidatsu kedashiku mo koto no shitabi ni tsuma ya komoreru
取れば = こととれば = 琴を手にとると = when I take the zither in my hand

嘆き先立つ = なげきさきだつ = 嘆きが先に立つ = grief takes over me before all else

けだしくも = けだしくも = もし、ひょっとしたら = possibly; conceivably; by any chance

琴の下樋に = ことのしたびに = 琴の胴(どう)の中(なか)に = in the body of the zither; in the sound chamber of the zither

妻や隠れる = つまやこもれる = 妻がひそんでいるのではなかろうか = Can it be that my wife is lurking?

琴を手に取ると、まず嘆きが先に立つ。 ひょっとしたら、この琴の胴の中に妻がひそんでいるのではなかろうか。

Grief takes over me as soon as I take the zither in my hand. Can it be that in the body of the zither my wife is lurking?

* ・こと = 和琴(わごん)・大和琴(やまとごと)。 日本固有(にほんこゆう)の六絃琴(ろくげんきん)。膝(ひざ)のうえに載(の)せて弾(ひ)く。= The indigenous Japanese zither with six strings, to be played on one's lap.

Poem No. 8-1418    A poem on the joy of spring composed by Prince Shiki

石ばしる 垂水の上の さ蕨の 萌え出づる春に なりにけるかも
Iwabashiru tarumi no ue no sawarabi no moeizuru haru ni narinikeru kamo
石ばしる = いわばしる = 岩の上をほとばしる = the rushing stream tumbling down the bedrock of

垂水の上の = たるみのうえの = 滝(たき)の(上の方(ほう)の)ほとりの = above the cascade; by the edge of the cascade 

さ蕨の = さわらびの = 早蕨(さわらび)が = bracken sprouts

萌え出づる春に = もえいずるはるに = 芽(め)を出(だ)す春に = spring when (bracken) begins to put forth young sprouts

なりにけるかも = なったことだなあ = (Spring) is here!


By the edge of the stream tumbling down the rocky cascade, the bracken begins to put forth young sprouts. The spring is here at last!

* さわらび・早蕨 = の新芽(しんめ) = fresh bracken sprouts. Bracken is a fern with tough stems that sprouts in early spring.

Poem No. 8-1424    A poem on spring flowers by Yamabe Akahito

春の野に すみれ摘みにと 来しわれぞ 野をなつかしみ 一夜寝にける
Haru no no ni sumire tsumi ni to koshi ware zo no o natsukashimi hitoyo nenikeru
春の野に = はるののに = 春の野に = to the field of spring

すみれ摘みにと = すみれつみにと = すみれを摘もうとして = to pick violets

来しわれぞ = こしわれぞ = 来(き)た私は = I (who) came

野をなつかしみ = のをなつかしみ = その野に心(こころ) をひかれて = being enchanted by the field; becoming enamored of the field

一夜寝にける = ひとよねにける = ひと夜寝てしまったことだ = I ended up sleeping the night (there).


To the field of spring I came to pick violets. Enchanted by the field, I ended up sleeping the night.

Poem No. 8-1450    A love poem of spring by Lady Ōtomo of Sakanoue

心ぐき ものにぞありける 春霞 たなびく時に 恋の繁きは
Kokoroguki mono ni zo arikeru harukasumi tanabiku toki ni koi no shigeki wa
心ぐき = こころぐき = 切(せつ)なくて心苦(こころぐる)しい・心が晴れ晴れ(はればれ)しない = painful and gloomy

ものにぞありける = ものにぞありける = ものである = (a thing) it is

春霞 = はるかすみ = 春霞(はるがずみ) = spring haze

たなびく時に = たなびくときに = when it [the spring haze] hangs over the landscape

恋の繁きは = こいのしげきは = 恋心(こいごころ)がしきりなのは = my feelings of love are incessant


It is a painful and gloomy thing to have these incessant feelings of love, when spring haze hangs over the landscape.

* 心ぐき・こころぐき ← 心ぐし・こころぐし = 心が晴れ晴れしない、せつない、なやましい = gloomy, depressing, be in low spirits, heartbreaking 
* 繁き・しげき ← 繁し・しげし = 度重(たびかさ)なる・しきりである = incessant, frequent, constant

Poem No. 8-1500    A love poem of summer by Lady Ōtomo of Sakanoue

夏の野の 茂みに咲ける 姫百合の 知らえぬ恋は 苦しきものぞ
Natsu no no no shigemi ni sakeru himeyuri no shiraenu koi wa kurushiki mono zo
夏の野の = なつののの = 夏の野の = of the summer field

茂みに咲ける = しげみにさける = (草(くさ) の)茂みに咲いている = blooming in the thick of;  among the tall grasses of

姫百合の = ひめゆりの = 姫百合の(ように) = (like) the star lily

知らえぬ恋は = しらえぬこいは = 人に知られない恋は = my unknown love (for him)

苦しきものぞ = くるしきものぞ = 苦しいものだ = is a bitter thing; is painful


Like the red star lily blooming among the tall grasses of the summer field, my unknown love for him is a bitter thing.

* 姫百合ひめゆり = 小(ちい) さい、赤(あか)い花(はな)の百合(ゆり)  = star lily;  wild scarlet lily [Lilium concolor]

Poem No. 8-1511    A poem on the autumn mating calls of the deer by Emperor Jomei

夕されば 小倉の山に 鳴く鹿は 今夜は鳴かず い寝にけらしも
Yū sareba Ogura no yama ni naku shika wa koyoi wa nakazu inenikerashi mo
夕されば = ゆうされば= 夕方(ゆうがた)になると = When evening falls

小倉の山に = おぐらのやまに = 小倉の山で = on the Ogura Mountain

鳴く鹿は = なくしかは = 鳴く鹿は = the deer that cry

今夜は鳴かず = こよいはなかず = 今夜(こんや)は鳴かない = they do not cry tonight

い寝にけらしも = いねにけらしも = (もう)寝(ね) てしまったらしいな = they must have gone to sleep

夕方になると小倉の山で鳴く鹿は、今夜は鳴かない。 もう寝てしまったらしいな。  

The deer that cry on the Ogura Mountain when evening falls are not crying tonight. They must have gone to sleep.

* い寝・いね ← いぬ・い寝 = 寝る・横(よこ)になる = go to sleep; lie down to sleep

Poem No. 8-1537    A poem on the flowers of the autumn fields by Yamanoue Okura

秋の野に 咲きたる花を 指折り かき数ふれば 七種の花
Aki no no ni sakitaru hana o oyobi ori kakikazoureba nanakusa no hana
秋の野に = あきののに = 秋の野に = in the autumn fields

咲きたる花を = さきたるはなを = 咲いている花を = that are blooming

指折り = およびおり = 指(ゆび)を折(お)って = on my fingers

かき数ふれば = かきかぞうれば = 数(かぞ)えてみると = when I count

七種の花 = ななくさのはな = 七種類(ななしゅるい)の花がある = there are seven (kinds of) flowers; seven flowers stand out


When I count on my fingers the flowers that bloom in the autumn fields, I find there are seven.

* 七草の花・ななくさのはな = 秋の七草(あきのななくさ) = the seven flowers of autumn

Poem No. 8-1568    An autumn poem by Ōtomo Yakamochi

雨隠り こころいぶせみ 出でみれば 春日の山は 色づきにけり
Amagomori kokoro ibusemi idemireba Kasuga no yama wa irozukinikeri
雨隠り = あまごもり = 雨で家(いえ)にこもっていて; 雨に降(ふ) りこめられて = being kept indoors by rain

こころいぶせみ = こころいぶせみ = 心がうっとうしいので; 気分(きぶん)がふさぐので = feeling gloomy

出でみれば = いでみれば = 外(そと)に出(で)てみると = (when) I go out of doors

春日の山は = かすがのやまは = 春日山(かすがやま)は = Mt. Kasuga

色づきにけり = いろづきにけり = (すっかり)色づいていたことだ; 紅葉(こうよう)していたことだ = has turned color; has put on autumnal coloring


Kept indoors by rain and was feeling gloomy, I went out and saw Mt. Kasuga ablaze with autumnal tints.

Poem No. 8-1639    An poem composed by Ōtomo Tabito viewing the snow on a winter day and remembering the capital at Nara

沫雪の ほどろほどろに 降り敷けば 奈良の都し 思ほゆるかも
Awayuki no hodorohodoro ni furishikeba Nara no miyako shi omōyuru kamo
沫雪の = あわゆきの = 淡雪が = fluffy snow

ほどろほどろに = はらはらと = (snow coming down) in light flakes

降り敷けば = ふりしけば = 降ってあたり一面(いちめん)をおおうと = (as the snow) falls and blankets the landscape

奈良の都 = ならのみやこし = 奈良の都が = the capital at Nara

思ほゆるかも = おもおゆるかも = (なつかしく)思われることだ = I remember (fondly) the capital at Nara


When the fluffy snow falls lightly and blankets the landscape, I remember the capital at Nara.

* 「」 in 「奈良し」 = 強意(きょうい)の副助詞(ふくじょし) = An adverbial particle stressing the word preceding it -- in this case, "Nara."

Poem No. 9-1714      Anonymous

落ち激ち 流るる水の 岩に触れ 淀める淀に 月の影見ゆ
Ochitagichi nagaruru mizu no iwa ni fure yodomeru yodo ni tsuki no kage miyu
落ち激ち = おちたぎち = ほとばしり落ちて = plummeting and seething

流るる水の = ながるるみずの = 流れる水が = the flowing water

岩に触れ = いわにふれ = 岩に触れて; 岩に遮(さえぎ)られて = striking against the rocks;  blocked by the rocks

淀める淀に = よどめるよどに = 淀んでいる水たまりに; 水の流れが止(と)まっている所(ところ)に = in the backwater where the water is stagnant

月の影見ゆ = つきのかげみゆ = 月の影が映(うつ)って見えることだ = the image of the moon is seen


In the backwater formed by the rocks blocking the tumbling torrents, I see the image of the moon.

Poem No. 9-1748    A poem on perishable cherry blossoms by Takahashi Mushimaro

わが行きは 七日は過ぎじ 竜田彦 ゆめ此の花を 風にな散らし
Wa ga yuki wa nanuka wa sugiji Tatsutahiko yume kono hana o kaze ni na chirashi
わが行きは = わがゆきは = 私の旅(たび)は = My journey

七日は過ぎじ = なぬかはすぎじ = 七日は過ぎまい = will probably not last beyond seven days

竜田彦 = たつたひこ = 竜田彦よ; 竜田山(たつたやま)の風神(ふうじん)よ = (therefore) Tatstutahiko, wind god of Mt. Tatsuta

ゆめ此の花を = ゆめこのはなを = けっしてこの花を = never... these (cherry) blossoms

風に散らし = かぜになちらし = 風に散らすな = Do not let the wind scatter these blossoms.


My journey will probably not last beyond seven days. So, Tatsutahiko, wind god of Mt. Tatsuta, never let your wind scatter these cherry blossoms.

* 竜田山・たつたやま = 奈良県北部、生駒山の南 = Mt. Tatsuta, located in northern part of Nara Prefecture, south of Mt. Ikoma.
* 「」 = 動詞の上について、その動作の禁止の意味を表す副詞。 = An adverb that indicates the prohibition of an action denoted by the verb that follows.

Poem No. 9-1791    Anonymous    By the mother of a man leaving the port of Naniwa as a member of the embassy to China in the year 733

旅人の 宿りせむ野に 霜降らば わが子羽ぐくめ 天の鶴群
Tabibito no yadorisemu no ni shimo furaba wa ga ko hagukume ame no tazumura
旅人の = たびびとの = 旅人が; 旅をしている私の息子(むすこ)が = the traveler; my traveling son

宿りせむ野に = やどりせむのに = 旅寝(たびね)をする野に = on the plain where (the traveler) finds shelter; on the field where (the traveler) spends the night

霜降らば = しもふらば = 霜が降(お)りたなら = If frost should fall

わが子羽ぐくめ = わがこはぐくめ = わが子を羽(はね) で包(つつ)んでやっておくれ = cover my darling son with your wings

天の鶴群 = あめのたずむら = 空(そら)を飛(と)ぶ鶴(つる)の群(む)れよ = O flock of cranes flying high in the sky

私の息子が旅寝をする野に霜が降りたなら、わが子を羽でつつんでやっておくれ。 空を飛ぶ鶴の群れよ。

If frost should fall on the plain where my traveling son finds shelter, cover my darling with your wings, O flock of cranes flying high in the sky.

Poem No. 10-1812    A spring poem from the "Hitomaro Collection"

ひさかたの 天の香具山 このゆふべ 霞たなびく 春立つらしも
Hisakata no Ame-no-Kaguyama kono yūbe kasumi tanabiku haru tatsu rashi mo
ひさかたの = ひさかたの・久方の = 「天(あめ・あま)」の枕詞(まくらことば) = makurakotoba for 天(あめ・あま)

天の香具山 = あめのかぐやま = 天の香具山(に) = (on) heavenly Kagu Hill 

このゆふべ = このゆうべ = こよい; この夕方(ゆうがた) = this evening

霞たなびく = かすみたなびく = 霞がたなびいている = a mist is hanging

春立つらしも = はるたつらしも = 春がきたらしいな = spring must be upon us!

天の香具山にこよいは霞がたなびいている。 春がきたらしいな。

A mist is hanging over heavenly Kasuga Hill. Spring must be upon us!


江守孝三(emori kozo)